HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2006-12-4 .;. .~, .... . KP Engineering, P.C. 4222 Corrimerce St., Suite E5 Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 393-0782 kevin@kpengineering.biz " ' . . December 4, 2006 Ehlers Construction 2066\1, Roosevelt Blvd. Eugene, OR 97402 . Re: Water Dama1!e Insnection at 225 Main Street. Sorim!field. OR - Job # ko6139 As you requested, an inspection was performed at 225 Main Street, Springfield, on December I, 2006, to examine water damage from a portion of the roof collapsing into the building. The total structure is 50'x96', with south 50'x36' section of the roofat a higher elevation. The collapsed section of roof was at the lower elevation, near the center of the west exterior wall of the structure. The building is constructed with concrete masonry unit exterior walls, and various wood and metal stud interior walls (insulated furring walls at inside fuce of exterior walls). The flat roof is wood t<uu..J with 2x8's at 1 T' on center, Ix8 shiplap decking, and asphalt roll roofing. The interior has drop down suspended ceilings. The floors are concrete slab on grade with various floor coverings. The following observations were made during the inspection. The damaged flat roof slopes from the north wall of the structure to the south, where the building steps up in height. The only roof drain to collect water for this 50'x60' section was located in the southwest comer of the lower roof. The roof drain is a four-inch diameter pipe that takes water vertically down into the building before tying into the four-inch diameter pipe from the roof drain for the upper roof. These two roof drains do not have overflow outlets, and all of the water from the entire roof goes into the single four-inch diameter metal drainpipe that disappears into the floor. The collapsed section of roof extends approximately 16' to the east of the west exterior wall, and 36' to the north from the southwest comer of the lower roof. The 2x8 roof joists, decking, roofing, and suspended ceiling in the area of collapse is hanging in the air or lying on the floor inside of the building. There was also a mechanical unit on the roof in this area that is now lying on its side on the floor. Portions ofthe triple and quadruple 2xl0 beams supporting the roof suffered damage, as well as a ha1fwall in the room below the collapse. It is hard to determine the amount of water that must have ponded on the roof to cause the collapse. However water, insulation, and other debris could be found in virtually every room within the structure. By the time of the inspection some of the debris and water had been removed, but there was still several inches of water in some of the rooms, especially the one directly below the collapsed roof. A thorough investigation and assessment of damage could not be completed with all of the debris still within the structure. The debris needs to be removed and the remaining sections of roof 1 ... .... ... , . ;i, temporarily shored where required so a more extensive inspection can be performed to determine to total scope of repairs required. The existing 4" diameter storm water drainpipe for the roof should be tested to verifY that it works properly and that the water goes to a reliable outlet. All repairs to the structure will be in compliance with the State of Oregon 2004 Structural Specialty Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. A repair plan for obtaining a building permit to perform the required repairs can be developed upon request. Damage not noted above that is discovered during the cleaning, exposing, and repair of the structure should be brought to the attention ofKP Engineering, P.C. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to call me at (541) 393-0782. Very truly yours, Kevin M. Peterson, P.E. 2 ft ft1 l MAIN STREET 6 8~d,4S'3iZ>~, SiZ>iZ>~ ft 4ft ~====r~=r========~ " " " ,-' , --=~:~ \, '~ , " " AREA Ol= COLLAF5ED FLAT ROOl= UJ I ft~ CD /? DRWN seorss DATE 12-5-e>6 REV CAD FILE e>6136 JDB ND 4'613\\ SHEET 1 ~ OF 1 SHEETS -,--1--1 I , ~ft 6 8~d4S'3iZ>u e SiZ>.iZ> , SOUTH "A" STREET 51TE PLAN ~) ocale: 1/16" II 1'_~u ~f? WATER DAMAGE COMMERCIAL BUILDING 225 MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON j;~ DEMO REPAIR NOTE5: ill '~, 1---------4 ----l- _ ~,---4 ,j"""""""""""", tAJ""""""""" '\:J'" ',' '.' ','."'" AREA OF COLLAF$ED FLAT ROOF REMOve ALL DAMAc:.ED ROOF AND QU$PENDED CEILINCs FRAMING. REMOve DAMAc:.ED MECHANICAL UNIT AND IT$ DUCT UJORK. REMOve ALL OTHER MI5CELLANEOU$ DE6RI$ liNQULATION, DRYWALL. ETC_) @ Q) @) APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF MECHANiCAL UNIT ON ROOF FRIOR TO COLLAFSE. AFTER WATER AND DE6RI$ HA5 6EEN REMOveD,I<.P. ENGINEERING. PC TO REIN$PECT ROOF TO DETEF<MINE EXTENT OF DAMAc:.E AND REGlUIRED REPAIR$ PORTION OF EXI$TING FLAT ROOF AFPEARa TO HAve COLLAFSED FROM UJATER PONDING ON IT AT THE ROOF DRAIN LOCATION. THE ONE ROOF DRAIN COLLECT$ THE $TOF<M WATER FOR THE NORTH Sel' x ~el' SECTION OF THE 6UILDING. THI$ ROOF 1$ AT A 1.0WER EI.EYATION THAN THE ROOF FOR THE eouTH Sel' x 31&' PORTION OF THE 6UII.DING r, I \ --:E= =-'E==-" ===r;:, ===r=3E=='- lk~--t:.dJ ....,\ : "F';"======i , ' , , , , , jf==",,1 II I l,\ :1 ~ r---r-~j] :E]of'~: ~ II \, I ~ :: ~ ~/ '1 r;:.JL___.J II : :: II----~~ ~===~I UJ II II I, I I II II d' '..J I ~ II lL. 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AND FIXTURE TYPE$ AND LocATION$ / / ' //1 //// / / / / /~.T// // // J. // / / / 1/ // , / / " / / // // / / // / / / / / / // // // // / // /' // // // // / // // // // //// // . . // // / /~"/ / / / / / / ~ // /////// / 2// / // / // // // // // // // /' // // . / / / / / / / / . / / ~ ' / / , , / ,/ " // // / / / // / // // // / / // / / I / / / ~ , // / // // // / . // // I / // / / / / / / / ) // // // // // // // // // // // // // // 1.' // /1 ,/ / / / / / /, / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / : t/ /::'1 >;/] . - ' I " : -e-- ; I ' LOCATION OF 4" DRAINLINE fOR THE ROOF DRAIN OF THE UPPER AND I.OUJER ROOF$ . PROVIDE I.A60R MATERIAI.El, EGlUIFMENT AND INCIDENTAL ITEM$ NOT SHOIl.N OR SPECIFIED, UA-lICH ARE REGlUIRED 6Y CODE AND ~D PRACTICE TO PERFOF<M THE RELOCATION AND iN$TAI.LATION OF EXI$TING AND NEW EI.ECTRICAL EGlUIFMENT AND SERVICE. EGlUIFMENT MU$T 6E IN (;,OOD UJORKING ORDER AFTER THE UJORK HA$ 6EEN COMPI.ETED QUeHlT $HOP DRAWING$ , WALL LEGfEND 11~1~~'_~IIl.I'II~ EXI$TING EXTERIOR CMU 6LOCK WALL$ WITH METAL $TUD FRAMED R.lI'<l"!ING WALL$ EXI$TING METAL OR UJOOD FRAMED INTERIOR NON -6EARING AND SEARING WALL$ GfENERAL REQUIREMENTS -e- i. Cod... - Con.truct'oM to compl~ with the followlM!3 cod... ~. ~"'opt..'" b~ l.oc~1 A!3..rc~ 2e>e>4 St~t" or Or "130M Structur~1 Specl~lt~ Cod" 10S5C), 13~.ed on 2e>e>3 16C 2e>e>4 St~t.. or Or"!30M M..ch~M'c~1 Sp..cl~lt~ Co",.. (OSSC), 13~o..d on 2e>e>3 IMC 2e>e>S St~t" or Ore!3oM E'ectrlc~1 Spec'~lt~ Cod" (0$5C), Siloed OM the 2e>e>e> 'NEC, 'NFPA 'e> 2e>e>5 Stat" or OregoM Plumblr!3 Spec'~It~ Co",,, (OSSCI 13~oed 2e>el3 UPC -e- 2 The cOMtrilcto' oh~11 prOYI"''' the neceoo~r~ t""'porilr~ ohorlM!3 I brilclM!3 ~o re'1ulred until dll fTndl connectl0l"16 hays besn completed 11"1 accordal"1ce wfth the drdwll"1gs, II1drntdlf'1 d SdrS UJork envfronmel"'t 3 l.o~"'ln!3 Crlt....l~ SMow l.oild - 25 por UJiMd Lo~'" - eel mph. Expoour" 6 (FAElTEST MILE) oe[sm1c Zor,e Dl . 4 The COMtrilcto' oi'1~11 Yerlf~ ~II ",lm<9r1.IOMO with owner "efor" comm"",clM!3 work. All StdM"'~rdo referred to 1M ti'le pliln. ilnd opeclfTc~tlono oh~ll ~ppl~ to th" I~teot ed,t'oM or Such etandarda ror materld1la, equfpms/'"1t, lne.tailatrof1 or rabrlc.!itlof1 methode. ..Jhlch are: f10t opeclfied 1M th.. pldMO iln'" opec,rlc~tlon8, the m,n,mum otilndilrd 'ndlc~ted 1M th.. "'eo'!3n~ted co",,, oi'1~11 ~ppl~. CD BUILDING: FLOOR PLAN 5cales 1/60". l'-IZ)" PLAN ~(? ----:1-\ T G ~"\ T ----:1----:1 J . -. \ T G .~..~ ._..~ .~.~~\~- ~ , J.C. 'i' EHLERS CONSTRUCTION 2066 1/2 R006EYEL T 8L VD EU6ENE, OR ~1402 (541) 68~-6111 4222 COMMERCE ST., Suite E5, - EUGENE, OR. (541) 393-0782 Fax (541) 393-0783 E-Mail: kevln@kpenglneering.biz 1;>"I~~11 r\ I---~'. JLL \ r=' - II C I -iil- I ~ .. \~~'\!Q{ ~ ,\, ( ,,--.... ~:----Ql ~- j\ I, ----rFi: I _D, W \ f\b /' ;r',--~ ,(~'/' ~ ~ U 8 8 F---- ~! ~=:......~ _. ' 1~~II.I...ill.JII 1[1] I ~ I -e- I ~. -e- I , ~ @ ~[Jf/ 97402 !/ ~ , , Q , ~ " \\ 11