HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-3-2 .. RESIINTIAL': APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SoZ"~nofieZd, Oreoon 9747? ~ ... .. .., BuiZding Division 726-3753 \~~1? I U "f Lt1rl\t \-l0~ 2~q.rL Job {"oc.=:1.Qn: Asaesaor~ .\'ap .~ St4hdi:.n.sicn: SPRINGFIELD L.",., f' Tc::r: Lot ;II () flloLl '1 2:'lIl h '1""hf':l ""'d '7,,:-:-11 fbtreJ, L."tH~ fv1~11~. 1Jrt. . '::.;7181': AcUb>eS3: City: n n M n 'lc-.I Plume: g44-p4-p~ Zip: ct1-lt-i?' ~ , De8CT""~be II'ork.: , Add"; ticn \I It 0 DsA-~=~r1--r-o f\ hu-'. r~ wcoc\; S~ RemoceL .'too"; Z2 .~crr:(] Z'c.:e of Appliaa:icn :.:Ont"l'act"01'8 1-- .M>>. Genera l Plumbing E1.ectrical ,~fQ::har.ic:: l "",If! CO"8t~~c~ian L~nder r <<; VaZue +\000 . RCC27.:i; .4 o 06 {X../..- Addres3 Si~ed: (l LA~L 3-Z-,f3, Data: r.isc.ii E:;r:;il'es Pr.on~ [~ is ~he l'esponoibility of thB permit hoLdBr to see that al! inapections are ~ade at the proper tim~~ tr~t ~h '=ddres8 is l'e~:~ from eJuJ stl'e(Jt~ and that the pcr"r:'ri.t c.;zrd is l....,"'Cated at the fl"Cnt of ths propel'"ty. .3ui!di~.g ~tJi=ion ap;:l'ot:ed Fl.an s;..c.LZ. remain on tJu: Bu.-::Zdi1tfl Sits at aU ~.:.mes. P.70CEDU,~E POR I,'lSP~C1'IO!/ RE'QUE'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) sta-::e your City desigr..:zted job ntu.':bel'~ job at:.C1'CSS, type of i1".3pec=icn raqucstcd a:o-.d ~hen you wiz.z. be :osady [01" inspection, Contractors 01' OI...'?1e:os 1".cme ,;;r.d phone number. Requests received befcr6 7 :00 c:':'! ;.'-aZ be made the same dc.y, requests mc.tie afta- 7:00 ern wiZZ be rrx:z.de th.e rn:::ct :J01"kirL] day. t?eaui1'"d :-/'tS1:',,~t-::r.,...~. O '"-='co r7S?:"~","'" 'J'O oe -'e ..~~_ _. _.... _:.Jl.... "'I....... excavation, ~u: pri01" tc se: foms. o at:~r up of U"'D~.=?s[.':'a ?!.U:.f3I.'lC. 2['2C':':~IC,1[. 1 XEC2'.:",';iC':'[.: ';0 be fi.a.dtJ befortJ work ::s ~o:;c!'ed. o PCOTI:lG ~ POIH1DAT:C.'I: To be .~ af:t3T :rencnes are exc{I'Jated and fams ere 81"ec:aa, but prior eo pourir.g C$nc:-etc:. [] U.VDrRG.?O'J.'.r, ?~UY2I.\'G. S!:.rc:P. ;..'.1T~.9, ORAD.'AG2: 70 be rra.::.8 prior ::0 /i~- Ur.g r:::rer.ches. o UNDERFLOOR !'!JJ.\'9;:IG ~ .'1::CH.4.VICAL: To be maae prier to in3tal~t:on of f!oor insuLa:ion or decking. ?'JST AND 3EAU: To be made prior to ins~aLl...1:icn of floor imH..l.aticr. or deaki"!;_ o o Ro~rG.;.' ?~r.r.!pr]G. E!-2:::':'.f?!'CA!. -: .~fEC,'q- ANICA!..: .~'o ".:01';': -::a :0 be eOl.:area ur.:il ;r.CS9 ~r~~ee:ior.s ~J~ ~eer. ~~e ~~ Z:P?r?~ed. FIP.E?!.AC!: Pr'-':.cr to pz.ccir.g fc.c-:.ng ma::a1"";als ar.a before tramir..g inspec- tior.. o o PR.4.'~I:/r;: ,'.fu3t: ~e !'eq'.4e3t"ed at=er appl'ov..::l of r~gh ;Lur..iriru;, ,zlec=:r-i.- cal .1 mecr.ani.=a!. ,HZ 1"00fir..g bracir4 d chi.T.n~ysJ Jt~. .~~sr::: be . cOfTTDle=cd. .'10 -..vric is :0 be C07t- - cea"Z.iJd ur.:il ;hi3 ir.svec-:icn ras 'be~n made and approved. rOW" City. DelJigr.atcd Job Numbu- 10: o INSULAT!ON/VAPOR 2ARRIE:R D!SFECTIOiJ: To be made after aLZ inS'..Z.::::tion ar.d recr..tired vaIlor barriers are in v l.ace Cut before any lath, gypsum ocai<d or l.XZU covering is cppl.i.ed, :::r.a before any insula-;ion is concealed. ?{3J 10, 'D2:.10L1T10;';' OR .~:OV::; aUILDIiICS ~ Sa:n.i~J Be:Jer :::ap?ed ::t ~O?;;!'t":1' Ur:e ==:J Septi~ tank p~~ed ~~ fiLled ~~th ~~~eZ :J Pinal - [{hen abcve it2.'7:s a:re cc::mZe;;ed ar..d ~hen .::e.'Xz.:..tior: is cor.rp'i..e-:a or st:'"..:~- ture ~oved ar~ pr~;3es :::le=ned up. any DR:!'HALL ItlSPECTrO?}: Tc be r.:aC.a after aLl. ar-dU2!.l is in place, but prior ~o (JIy taping. O l,?-SONRY: S:~el i.or::ation~ bona OeaJ:l3~ grou.~t.ng or verticals in accordance ~;th U.B.C. Section 241&. ~DS~OVE: After installation is L::J CC.7TO Le ted. o o CURB & APP.rCOACH .4?r::ON: At"te:o foms are erected but pP";or to pouring OO11Crete. SIDETHALi<. & DRIYEWAY: Por aU CC7%- crece paving wi~hin st~e~t right- o j"-wcy ~ to be made a;"-:'2r a l ~ eXca~ vatina ccmvZete & toZ"::/ wo!'k & ou.b- base ,;'.a:ter!:aZ in pl.ace. /.Jobile Bcmes :J Blocking and Set-~p :J Plumbing connections s~er ar~ wa~er :J EZect~;cal Ccnr.ec-;~on - Blocking~ set-up and p'i..wnbing conr:ections r.r...st =e app!'Ol..'SC be:ore peque8t~ng e!ec=rical ins?ec=io~ ~ Accee~c..~ 3ui~ir4 :J Final - Aft;;r ;$rci:es, etc. are cc.mple:~d. 3k:.rt-:.ng~ aee7--.:;, o o :~NCS: ;{her.. co:;rpl.,;:te -- Provide gateS or ~able' 38c~ions through P.U.E. o AU projecr; cor:ciitwns~ 3UC.': as ~h2 :'.n8::aLla~io/'t of s;reet =rees~ .:c.~Za~~.Jn of :ize required lan.dscC?ir.g~ etc., must be sar;isfi.cd ot1fore the 3UI!.[)D'C ?D'AL ;;,~n ::e r2r:;".4:lst.zd. O. FINAL Pl.!.i;'.1SI:IG ::=J. FINAl. NE~P.A:IICAr. D. .='I:/AL E!.EC':.UC;'; I'=:J o PINAL BUILDING: The Fi./'tcl Building Ir.syection ,~t b~ requeatea =fter tr.e.Pir~l ?lu~bin; EZeccrical~ and Necr.aJ':.iccl ir.specticna haVQ been :rrade ar.d apprcve:i. o .ALC !1ANHCLES AND CL=ANCUTS ,'lUST BE AC~ESSIE!:.E, A.CJlJS'i':!~:"T TO 3E :.:'10,;' ..!T :'lO ::S';' T'J CI':~ I :I,....e of: I JOB No.83(/)}(Yl , i Zcr.e: I Lot Sq. Feg. I: .jf l.o: CJtJ6rag~ ! i! of Stor:.es ! :."otaZ Height ; I Topogra::hy I I I'!'E.~J IMa.~n 1~~c2 , I ! Car:-~r= SQ.f'!'G I. I .-ic~essor') I I I Is.D.c. TOT.-1L ;'ALl':S 1.5 ::: { UC~Uo;) Eu.ilding ?el"lr."~t State Surcharge Total cr.c......ge3 1r:::M I Fi...-tuI'es I Resid27ltiat (l bath) j Sanit.::zr"-/ Sewer I wct€!' I 1,"0. i I I I I Plumbing Pe~t State Surcr~e T~tat cr.c.rces II!EM I Res. Sa. fta. IN~/EXtBnd Circuits I Tempcrczry Service I ,'iO. Ele::tri.cai Per.:r:"t St:.::.te Surch,arae Total C''Im'ces jI'i'Z.\! I ::e. I ?urr..::zc~ ETU 'S E.:Ju:zus t Hood Vent Pan I . I iloods to:;e Pe~t Issua1tCZ Me::,..c.n.ic::.l. ?em t Statt'J Sur::Ju:roa~ 7'n=.,,:l C'h!:r'1~tf I c:1C'=:CACE,\r:;:,1'!' I". . I~e~d~tu D2~3~t I St;or~a6 1"1a-::71t~~e PCI'mi t Tatal C'f1ar7~S I Cur';C"..4: I Sid""" Z< I.-;Oen.::e j EZ.actl'ical. , 1.\fobiZa Home !.cbel. I :"OTA!; ANOU:rr DUE:" SOLAR.CESS GC=-J.:;a71C"J Cro'.L::J: l.CT TY?E Ir:ter-:.c1' Corne:' Pa.nharuile C"..t I-de-saa x Val.ue -,- '_G CP.AP.G~ ;':;"J;" CHARGE C!/ARC~ I I I I 1",,00 I I I I ,{nO I 15. (00 I ~1t;.wO ,. P::.ae 2 . . L-COG~ REQ.- T;i,'oe/Cor.sr;: 3ei.!>"or.:s: I Let :a.ces 4 I " lfor~h. lE'ast ISouth I"'est I Enerau Sour~es .:'::ear; I I II II II T:rC'e 5etba"ks '::o:,;,se I Cc:.ra.ae I I I I Access. I I I ilat4r':Jp.t1~.::!l" Range Fireoiace Waoe:; to:.Nl -- Pees I. I I I Building Value & Permit This ;Jemit i:; granted on ;he e:preS8 ~ondition that the sdid. constr'"'.4c:;~on shaLi, in aZL respects, conf~r.m ;0 the Ordinance ::.dop~ed by the Cit~ of E:J-r:.r.cf'~eLd, ~rtC~:ui~ng 'f:r.e :Zon~r.a C!"d~r..a'!ce, 1"ea".4lctir.a the ccr.sc:":(.:':~cr. ~~ ~;~ of buiLdings, and ~y a~~Jua?er~ed 01" revoked ~t cr.~ t~~e :,;,;or. ~ic- La:ion of ~y proui3ions of said Crd~r~es. , . , I I I. Pian Check Fee: Date Paid: Rec.ipt #: SiAp:ea: Plumbing Permit No person.chatZ c~.struct, ins~ZZ~ aLter o~ change any r~w cr e=isting pZumbing or drainage syste~ in ~hoZe orin part. unZess such person is the ZegaZ possessor of ::z valid plumber's ,license, ~cept tr.at a pe:'son ma~ do pLumbing ~ork to proper~~ which is owned~ leased Or operated by the appli- cant. I I. Electrica I Permit Where State LCLJ requires tr.at the eZectricaL work be done by an EZet::t'l'ical Contractor, the eLectrical portion of this ?ermit shaLL r~t be vaZid untiL the ZabeL has been signed by the ELectricaL ~ontract:or. . I I. Mechanical Permit Pl.an ~:c:":t.."!el' I.!a:;~ I I , . I I I I I I HAVE CAREFULr.y ~XA.'.fI:lED t.t...e ~on:pZet8d =ppLication f"or permit, end de hereby certify that al~ i~Jo~ation hereon is true ar~ correct. ar~ I fu.r-;J:er certify ;hat any c.r.d an :..:ork Ferr'o~ed shall be do:1e i:1 ::c::or- dance :Jie:h -cite Ordin::r.ces of the City of SpringfieLd~ and =hz La:.;a of tr.3 State of O~ec"n Dsrt.:.ininc :0 ~J:e /JOr." d.escribed herein. end :r.c;= NO OCC!}- ?;!NC? :.ri.zz. ba Il't!de oj O1.y~ st:-uc!:u.ra wit:r.out permission of the EuiZdir.g Di. vision. I further ~eI'tifii thzt O:1.l.y ::cntra"tors c:r.d e::rpL.;yees 1..:;'.0 .:;rs in c~pZiance with oas 701.055 wiLZ be used an this projsct ~~~ ~~JtIn r~