HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1984-5-31 . -. *, JOB ADDRESS: 1 ?4, I nrnp I nnn JOB #: QW!l4n LAST ACTIVITY DATE: M~v ,l~ lQA4 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: .' OTHER: CURP-ENT STATUS OF PERMIT: xx VALID: However, your permit will expire on Nnvpmnpr ~nJ 1QQd If you wish to request an.extension of your permit, please notify this office in writing prior to the above mentioned date. EXPIRED: Your permit expired on .* If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must be applied for. *If the "expired" box, above, is checked and we do not hear from you by (ten (10) days from the date of this letter), we will clear our files of all related information with regard to the permit. .... ..=".-- .J I II II I UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS 4"~' . ,.. ,. . US-MAIL f!) '" , PENAL TV FOR PRIVATE USe. S300 "\, SENDEAINSTAUcnONS Prlnt """ lllmo, .drlm., .Id ZIP CIllIIII tIlI'JlIClIIIIl... - Clmpllllll'lrlll \Za.:; .Id 4 on till rmlll. -_11_" d.p.Clporm!lI, ltIIIrwIsI.lIIIlI blcl" uII<I>. - EndIlnIII1IcII "RItunl RICIipl ~" -.djocontllrwmW. ",' RETURN TO . CITY OJl'la'8[Ofl~QjI-It:.L..U DEI"ARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 225 ~~m ~ IlS'1'REET C:PIlIt\IGFI,FIfl. ()~f~()N 97477 (City, State, and ZI P Code) r '" 0-- ......, .. __._..'h" . ......... ....."..'..~."""""-.....,.' ." ~ . SENDER: Complete lIoms 1, 2, 3, and 4. Q i Add your address in the "RETURN TO" 3. .~ space on reverse. ~ ; (CDNSULT PDSTMASTER FDR FEES) ::; ~ 1. The following servlce Is requested (check one), ~ _ [XI Show to wt\om and dale delivered ............... ~ ~ 0 Show to whom. d3te. andaddres5ofdellvery.. .12. D RESTRICTEDDEllVERY........................... 1n.rrstrta<<JfblJWry r.;s ch81p<<J In 1(JtJ/!Jcn tDlhfrrtumrecdprfH.j . . . : ~ ::--..j ~ ~ 3. ARTlCU ADDRESSED TD: ,Ardeane Gates 1'~124~ Lo~ne Loop I::!~ SQrlngfleld~ OR 97477 .~ 1" TYPE OF SERVICE: ".::l DREGISTERED-' D,NSURED Il rnCERTlFlED DeoD P329 968 198 D EXPRESS MAil . (Always oblaln Ilgnalure ollddresl.._or.ag.nt) , ,'...._lIleart1d._lleCl~ : 'SIGNATURE . DAddressee eAuthor1Zed agent .; ;\ tA.l~~(j i/5. DATE OF jE1VERY / ;;.j _POSTMAn. i< 1 , 1/ t () ~L1; I"",",~'~ I , " h. ADDRESS~'S~RESS'(~.~i ~~;) ~~\ i ~ ' I \ \ "'3.S~ );;} j ~ J ,...., ......_.. _ ,.... ,.....'" , ......_-"-"'_ ........'1" .~ou<.l!_........aa.' " : 7. UNABlE TD DElMR eECAUSE: "-.' '-7a..ElIPlOYEE'S . ~ ~ . I _f~~ .rn~!T1AlS "1- . ;; .l! -t ..... ~. - ~ " -......J 11' GPO: 1982-379-593 TDTAL $ 1.55 ARTICLE NUMBER