HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-2-17 _..:....-<."""l.'"'...~ ,~':......;'-' ,...< ; .~.",~'.'..._,...,,_...''''''C.,'''..'''' ?7c:./~/E .. RESIDITlAL" . APPLICATI !PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 . , Job Locatiori,,2/'20 AS8es80rs M:P # 17f 0 ~.Md#i?...3ZZZ;:b}/u.jjJ./ - [ 3 ~.5: "~Ta:c Lot# 0:.2/00 Subdivision: " - (}.mer: ~ t. ~i'LJ Phon., c2.,Q .,<11 MJ(JP~ '.h!../J/U(} /J11'J/Jf/",.AtU...l;. Address: UhllAhv :/// t III Sp! fd City' [~L~" n Additien n Remodel n .'.fobile Home Date of Application C:ont:ract:ors General. numbing Eleetrieal. Meehar.ic.:J. Z. Construction Lender (116 -tf:26CJ Zip: s7~ rloi&u~' v~zuf 4g; tJ1JIJ Address , fUG-f3~ J , Sigr:~d:~ Date' ~/':>-~? Lisc.1I ~. Phone Exvires ~ ,"~. It is ths responsibility of the permit holder to see that alt irwpections a:re mad~'Q.t the proper timt;~ that each ~ess is readabZ.e from too street, and that the permit caPd is located at the fpant of the property. -Bui!.ding [)o~vicior: approved plan shalt remain on the Building Sita at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City designated job, number, job addrcs's, 'type 'of in3pec~icn requested ar.d when you !JiZZ be ready for inspcation, Contractors or Owners name end phone nwnbcr. Requests reaeived before 7:00 ~ .>in be made the eame day, requeets made after 7,00 am wiZZ be made the next :x>rking dab' ? (1) Your City De8igr.ated Job Nwnber Is, 1 {}f}...t 7. Rp.mli~flA T"Rno~tin~q SITE INSPECTION: To be Trade after exaavation, but prier to set up of forms. UNDERSEAB PLUMBINC. ELECTRICAL & 'MECHANICAL: To be made before any wrk is covered. o o ~ FOOTING & FOUNDATION, To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to . pouring aonaret.<;. ~ UND'SRmmmm PLUMBING, SEWER, W,lTE& DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- .lir.g trenches. [[] UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL, To be made prior to inGtal~tion of j200r insulation or deaking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation 01' decking. ROUCH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No lJOrk is to be covered ,ur.til these inspeations have beer. made and approved. . FIREPLACE: PriOr to placir.g faaing materials and before framing inspec- tion. rvl FRAMING: Must be requested after I.L1J approval of rough plurr.bing, alectri- .cal & mechanical. All roOfing bracing & chimncys~ etc. nr~st be ;'completed. No work is to be aon- ".....cealed until this inspeetion has ',~ bee.n made and approved. [lJ [l] D IVl INSULATIONIVAPOH BARRIER INSPECTION, LL:J To be made after all insulation ~~. "'. required vapor barriers are in place . . but before any lath, gypsum board 01' lXl1..Z. (]Overing is applied, and before any insulation is aoncealed. . f'1l DR'lWALL INSPECTION: To be made ~ after aU drywall is in place~ but prior to any taping. . D' ~SONRY: Stee l location ~ bona beamG~ grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B. C. Section 2415. rY1 WOODSTOVE: After installation is l1:J acmp Zeted. cg] CURB & APPROACH AP,T:{()N: After forms al'e created but prior to pouring. . conarete. D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU aon- crete paving within street right- of-way~ to be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & sub- ~. 'base material in pZaae. O FENCE: When complete -- Provide gates 01' movable seations through P.U,E. ' o ,- ~ ' DEMOLITION OR gOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sanitary s€'.Jer aapped a.t p~op~rt:'::i lir:e ~ Septic tank pumped and fille~ with gra~eZ --, Pinal - {{hen abv"Ve ite;ns are ccrrrpleted ~ and when demolition is aomplete or stru~- ture moved and premises aleaned up. Nobile Hcmes :::J Blocking and S~t-up ~ Plwnbing connections -- sewer and Water :::J Electrical Connection - Bloeking~ set-up and plumbing connections nr~st ce approved beforc requesting eleatricaZ inspec~ion ~' A~CeSG01".:t' Building --, Pinal - Aft<!r porar.es, skirting~ decks, -.J eta. are aompleted. D -.: FI?IAL PLW{BING All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees~ ao~lation of the required lantjsqc.pir.g~ etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL .can be requested. . ',. J'f . ~, . [Xl [l] rn o PINAL MECHANICAL' {E; FINAL BUILDING: . The Pinal Building Inspection must be l'eque3ted after flectriaal~ and Mec~ical Inspeation3 have been made and approved. the Pinal Plumbing FINAL ELECTRICAL \' ~AL-L MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE~ ADJU5TrtENT TO BE,U.1DE AT NO COST TO CITY Page 1 of 2 -'"I,. '"," .;' I JOB No;X10~ 97 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- C/~ 13<r' ~~-//_~? l-COG~ Zane:Lt?R/.vP/?l Oacuvanc. G~-5.r;M-/ Type/Car.at: "AI' Bedrooms: 2 Lot Sq. Ftg.' lit 9' 7 g WT TYPE r Lot Faaes - :;" CCJ '7 ~ 1 I Enerq.u Souraes , Tuve S of Zot Cooerag. /~ Interior I Setbaaks I Heat "~~r: ~.(,60. I - /_ ~ ~l P.L. House' Caraqe Access. I I Water> Hp.atp.p "J/W~ "5.?~ I # of Stories ..L::.- Corner INorth?;~' i I Range ~,~:.:;r. I TotaZ Height -1.,"5' PanhandZe lEast 70' I I Fire~Ulce T h -- ~~,,' -. 'Cu'-de-sa" 'South /<;" '21f2' I I Woocfutoue I ....t'v~~....t' y r'.I-c.~'''''''''---' ' , (.. ... I , " c ,-"" "":; West '35" I I I -- Fees -- I I I I I I I I EZeatricaZ LabeZ nz:: I :2 9' 7 B I ,Mobile Home I I L~H~ Cou(V r+' FE:.F rCJR I 1~)'77<Ai>r~/2.#r/4oY 1 b17. l[)D I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' q'. ;556.38) ITEM ~SQ.FTG X Main -5"'20. !i' lGa:t>aae ~.? I CCI1"Vort AccesBoru TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. (Vatu~) 1.5 ;r Building Permit State Su:f>charge Total Cha......ges NO. ITEM Firtures I ResidentiaZ f1ZbathJ I Sanitary sewer~ '" ~ :0 ' IWat",,~&<~\I//G <~, ~ifN7 Z?,M-/Xm:~ numbing permi t State Supcir.apge Total Charaes ITEM I NO'1 I Res. So. fta./S'2.e'I$ / I NeuJ/Extend Circu.i ts I I I Temporary Ssrviae I / 1 I I I Electrical Permit ". State Surcha:rqe Total Chax>qes I ITSM I Purna:ce ETU' S . E:::hau.st Hood 'I NO. FEE 1/ 12 3.-1 1/ I I I Vent Pan I WOodstove I Pernrit Issuance Mechanical Permit State SUrcha:rae 'T'n1:n.l r:hfrroruUJ -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secu.ri t'l.{ D:;roosi t Storage I Maint~e I Permit I I Curbcu; I sidewaZk . Total Charoes / - '2":2 ' I Fen::e Value qJ?~ -I, I .tY.A. , . I '2 7'1. ..~ 1 /0.961 I ::2S''f 961 . FEE I I I 5"2. 5"6 I '20. #6 I /-r;:_6- 1-20. -, 1/47. 5'0 tf.;:JtP 1//,801. I CHARGE FEE CHARGE "?7. 5"0 /~ 1>0.1 I ~SO\ -;?Jt> I ~$1 ,tGol . I 'I. So I ~. 6<:> /,c:;-. ....e. I I I I 'Z-s:s-o I I 1.02.1 I ~~.5'ZI, I 1 I 1 l. /':3.301 I I . '20 1 1 I I 1 CHARGE t"age G Building Value ,& Permit This permit is granted on the expres.s condition that the sdid const1'Uction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccnst1'Uction and use of buildings, and m~ be suspended 01' revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. /'It''. / / ;2-Q-X'/j R?, 7"jl7~ j? /'~ Plumbing Permit Iplan Check Pee: Date Paid: IReceipt #: I Signed: , No person shall aonstr>uct, instal!, alter or change any new or existing plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, exaept that a pe~son may do plumbing work to property which is cn.med, leased or operated by the appli- aant. Electrical Permit Wlwre State LCD.J requires t;..at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shazz. n.ot be valid until the label has been signed by the Electzoical Contractor. Mechanical Permit /7_:-- /~~ -,tj< ,,;~r- , Z~I/'87 Date l. ,.I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the aompZeted appEaation for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I f'.u>ther certify that any ar.d all work performed shall be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the city of Springfield, and the: La:.;s of the State of Oregan p$1'taining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be I7tlde of any structure lJithout permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contracto'l'S ar~ e~layeeB who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project /f~rt!'; "W~61E' rC "S/c;/Y I/V7P~v~I\o?~;r ,fQ/~ctfoF#>?e~r.:lf' /Y"'7(<:<!" <:>/' #<9~c<!5/WlPYr ifGT/7/.eT,# r;.,., .-tf1"Y,.y#FK4'?Y~# /fl;7P LD~€?7 j e> 4"J-?'c X' #7/..../,7 ,?;'i';'/es-,q 72> ?~/r /:>.)"'?",<:~:- 1119'1. ~ V Wt2:N S ;Y-"T4'/i/?,e ~ ~7