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Permit Electrical 2003-4-4
". ~' ~..'" ~~. ~~. ~ . '"" ,',226 FIETI{.STREET.,;; ~.'1" " " ". ~lf,:;",\ </;"1"" :......t,..>:>".:.. I""''' ......~... ~J 1!-'~i'~(:.;. :,-,t{.~.. ,,: ~';:~," ~~, li:.:rS~&ItlpF,m~R,' "q.w.::9.,9J;:!i?7~kV .~',: t~~. 'vN~;;.PtfJ;~c?l)l!M:9!;J,E~'E:!p26~37.~9.""" /', ~,~',' (:"GEFIG,E:~;n6~, 3\?,~9~::tl ',' g,1~ fj;~ 1', IT,J~~~ $( L~ljijl~Mt,iif~Ii~J:I' ~~ ~ ..~ L ilO. i~/'7IS"" 'lJlJjcr?tfi-Ip~ ? ,.i,<,~ \O~.o 0 " ,:t! JOB D~CRIPTION . ..~~\",<'~JUOO sq.ft. or less f"A-rv&'L Ct-+AA/{,..(.r io,\\"~:c\\'C Eac ditiona1500 >>'" ~'1 ft. $ lE:.? ~\f,,0n / . 0 ortlon Permits are jU>n-transfernble and expire,6\"c~~\ ,""" 1\'/ tI of .fwork IS not:~taned within 180 d1l>~10"~ \/. I}-, acl anufd Home or ,of issuance ~ifwork is susp~'/i~ _ 0 'I- ular Dwelling 180 days. ~ '\'<:'o",<,~~",\. ",<,~ Service or Feeder J;;:i\\i! , l' ~,o ,!-o tEi\l~~ ,.. ",'I ," 2. CONTRA'GTOR INSTALLATION Yr-t"">> B. ~'l:'~~\ ~. I ,". ~"" Electrical @tracto~~~e,~r~ I 1'i1(.... ~".% ~ . A'.- Address ?t!t-"511 HZ'~ ,,~1 n w. ,,~1'Pf,9..... 200 amps or less"", \;~i".'p,~ ~~1~ ~-s;..., ''';.,);.,'$,. 201 amps to 4o'O~m'ps , City6t.1~~ttl\ 1;'*~;{;fhone.1liL~Z,5)mZ!::::~!ff",," 401 amps to ~.OQ:~:1}i3}~T:'.''''' ,,,.i'-~~ i:}!"") , PJ,~;~.;;"''t:1i.;:;'if . .601 amps ttiboo~nlp~\i!;, ", . !~;;~l;ft'l\ '.'~~,'t:>-~ llt/''':O-';H~rf~,,;.t;'';''i;'''' ,nl-.. It~/.!"-R~l.:t ~""t, Supervlsp-r.;~~~~~e ~,~!l!}~~er ,";:f9'..::'CJ_:?;~~..:~:~"'-t+t _ .~qg~rr~lOgp,~a,~~~~€?I~: J~!.;l.;.; ,ii' ...... -',;.:fii...t1:=..,';;;, :i:,JI.,,"'! ,~~;":;:",;;,,,,,,,,_,,,,~";';.l.~ReconnectOnly:"<! ,s..-::. , 1 \'1-'~~,",Hf;!;fl-1';".. ... '<'>~q,;V:;. '!j~', . ,""J,1-::~-,_ __'::'';: "","'''' '-i""..:"'.~, ~ ....,,:*;>,....j~..'j->',"'. I"".., 'i':"" -',' E . . ",\1;0' "',~lx 0 .'rI.' , ,'., ,,,. ..;'\...." ,". ~:.~. -, .;" ':""" . ",,,,,. -.l .~ ~ :;r-....,.. ,- ~;~,'" . ~ '._'l' -. I- xplr<;ltl.ou:. .a~e~,...;'-. ";cv,; <. .~...<>:~",;!. \'i.~~~>l~':'\li~'<'~~:;';" "~>#:.~;. 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City of Springfield Electrical Permit Attachment Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line PERMIT NO.: ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: ELE2003-00099 4/3/2003 4/3/2003 10/3/2003 SITE ADDRESS: 1175 LODGEPOLE CT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1703273309900 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Alteration TYPE OF USE: Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Panel change OWNER! APPLICANT: BURNETT DONALD W & ELOlS I I 175 LODGEPOLE CT SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 .ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, ANTONE ELECTRIC 541-729-6570 4257 BARGER DRIVE #125 EUGENE OR 97402 CCB # 145436 Expiration Date: 04/23/2003 Descriotion ~mount Paid Date Paid Receiot Number + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Penn Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less 6.30 4.41 63.00 04/03/2003 04/03/2003 04/03/2003 1200200000000000938 1200200000000000938 1200200000000000938 To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a,m. will be made the following working day, Reouired Insoections: 1 Electric Service: Approval required prior to utility company energizing service. By Signature, I state and agree, that I have carefull!(<1xamined the completed application and do hereby certify that aU information hereon is true and correct, and I f~.A~tify that any and aU work performed shaU be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield ~,.i\ld*s~~ State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors and eml'~~WIlf.~~h !l9'D'\iliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspec~~~,!W~d,~~per time, that each address is readable from the street, and that the approved set of plans, i~~b1~~l;i.U>'Pee"~~~ at aU times during construction. \O~. GO~rtJ~ ~~ O,'fl rl~'(lJ ~~ ,N..~ ~~ r'()~of..\i#>,['\.~ J~ Owner or Con~\!\~~~' :\~#~ ~0'~#C'\~"p.,. ,o~~~'\~""e\'~~~V ' ~ Ot--~ -.{O~ ecFeO~ JO($r" \~ (l)~' ~~ cJ.~ \'0" ~ ~ e\~'@\ ~~~ Date , 1~~ ~Q~~ tJ.?\~~ \f ~\1 \S ~Q1 \\Q1\C'i.~\J\\1 S~t>.'t~ 1\\\S ?~~~\) ~Q\\ 1\\\':> ~~~\'l.~\) IJ~~ \S t>.'Ot>.~o f>,1J'\J\\J\t.~Ct.O ?~~\O\). CQ oJ '\~\) Of>,'i t>.~, Page I of I 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Line Items: Job/Journal Number ELE2003-00099 ELE2003-00099 ELE2003-00099 Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard Paid By Description Receipt #: 1200200000000000938 Date: 04/03/2003 Penn ServlFdr 200 amps or less + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge SHELBY L ANTONE Received By Check Number Confirm No om 000034 014131 Page I of! 4/3/2003 11 :28:20AM ... City of Springfield Development Services Department Public Works Department Official Receipt . Amount Paid 63.00 6.30 4.41 Line Item Total: $73.71 How Received Amount Paid In Person 73,71 $73.71 -- Payment Total: cReceipt.rpt