HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fire Department Referral 1983-6-30 0" '-'~.. ." ~I"'" " -"'-,"-J ....~:.. .~..".' '. ,. "~"C' <3-z:;;,'~~'/6f?:-:':';'..:;r:'..'."~ ....: ~ ....: .-:::.....-:~: ;,' ~~,. -< ~_. '\-......-,-: -~~-: .;- ~ ."':.'..:'.%~i:~;"-'''''~- _ ..-. -10 ~;"Pjp,: ~:t ::,:":>'.;.:::,.", .,r~_-:._r~.'>::~ .":-::-,. ";;'-'.':'<'. :"~:-':" " ":':'_'~'''S.''':.',,''.;~.-,.' '.f '. ! '" RE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION .~i . () k -r t-' . 'UIO'/.:"C'" -" -..,.....-.., jii =-~";"",. ",', ;,. " .' " ......' ., ';;'.: """'O;~~"')-':''c '. :=O:^~~,?fhr>>;f:t;~~;;;:,:~~.'.~.::~:i~Wi ,:-~;~j :'7"'~ a' '''." c..;'-,', " . REMARKS ,~: .....~,:,..~.-~I '-r. .'~ . .'... . .... " ','.A, ELECTRICAL .,<~ C'. ".. ..-,'. .. ..!.'" "i.-.... .... ',' . 4P'/.:. . " "7.<"::'; t ~ ,<.- .'\.;... ":.J-" '- "..-:., ~. .. .~- L JO"'~~V"J L 1. Discontinue use 'of extension corda in lieu of permanent wiring. ,':1';i.:~1-..:~+."':-,";: :: .,( _ >;:-.~, ~ .,.-. ""7..;=7'~~~ - ,. ! .':il' . ~r-:J!!2. Each outlet box shall hav8 II cover laceplate or fixture canopy. !"..ri:,~.~. ...:~,..'.~..o::._-z...~ "".+' ...f. p.... :-~_~ .;. ~ + ;....L: ~..I-~~ _~~. Maintain 36" clearance In frontofelectrlcal panel. ~.~:_>~;!<;'.;.:..;';.',.._...: -. ...i_~'.:"':'"~:I~:. +.) . : ~ ',}-u:~.MalntalnwlrlngingoodCOndJtlOnandPr.otectfromdamag8.~::,:.~.,~: '-. _.~. _':'~-,;.-""1 A (/ t:./~~ ~4 .. .::;.~:.:l."'~ B. EXITS . ,.,. 'i '.' 12.104(b) 1. Remove unapproved lOCks or latches from exit doors. :~v ./l..AUP,j --r /_I"'.VT::t/~; :-: 12.104(b) = 2. Unlock all exit doors during businesa hours. ~'d . , 12.103(81 3. Remove obslructlons tram exits, aisles. corndors and stairways. . "- . - - "l + + 12.105{f) 4. Remove obstructions from smoke doors and maintain to operate properly. .--,~;""'\. { I . '. ' _'1 1 12.104 = 5. Repair or maintain exit door and hardware to operate property. i h :..j -J 1_ I) ~~'L .-4" J :L4,",-.., C. EXIT LIGHTING . ~, ...-';'" .;1.. ~ ,JI .. 1 1. Maintain lighting for exit signs. - 2. Provide lighting for corridors. stairways and extenor exltways. = 3. Exits shall be Illuminated at all times the building Is occupied. D. FIRE EmNGUI8HERS 1. Provide extingu'-her(s) of a minimum rating. - 2. Mount extinguisher where readily avallaDle, wnn tOp not higher than 5 feet. ~. Post signs indicating location where extinguishers are not readily visible. 4. Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after use. E. FIRE PROTEcnON SYSTEMS 1. Maintain aeceu to and operation of standpipes. fire hose. sprinkler valves and fire hydrant(s). 2. Inspect and test sprinkler system and maintain records. - 3. Identify sprinkler valves and standpipes and secure In open position. - 4. Provide spare sprinklers (6 minimum) and sprinkler wrenCh. ----:- 5. Inspect and service hood and duct extinguishing system over cooking equipment = 6. Replace damaged. corroded or painted sprinkler heads. F. FIRE SEPARAnONS 1. Remove obstructlona from _fire dool'lJ end melntain to operate properly. - 2. Seal unapproved openings with approved material. = 3. Keep sttlc access and scuttle openings closed. ~tt~-..:~.:1'-'" '.i;;~~t:.:.. . J .~, .. -:"..... ..~.:-::~: .'. UFC SECTION '. 11404 11.404 11.404 11.404 12.113(c) 12.113(a) 12.113(a) 10.301(a) 10.301(a) 10.301 (a) 10.301(a) 10.302(al 10.302(al 10.302(a) 10.302(a) 10.313 10.302(a) 10.402 10.401 11.0408 79.103(1) 79.103(21 79.104 79.402(b) 79.111 79.402(a) 79.109(a) 79.110' 11.406(dl 11.406(d) 11.201(b) 10.313 11.201(b) .\",. . '12.103(e) . ,11,203(b) . - 11.203(b) : ;-1':203(b) +. "..110 . 4.101 "~.l02(a) '13.101 10.208 10.207 ~~.107 ..... . _-: \ ......' " '. ....-.-. ~,,"i,::::' .-: ~'.~~~ ~: .~.. -"~ .' --' ~ '. '., '.' ...,:;..-:' S;~::'" '-,~ '. .'VlOLATION .,'J<' I I I , .:) U I , , IL rf._A' ..1,..' '" 7;, . I../,...... I, ' f' r-'1/1 .-L. .D ) " /' L/ ~_~ff.r~ If /_/JJ: t:1--"'.....~ fl...1"~ .r;.-".'~._A 'J I.J ! I ..:;t:r..,~.t"i~" J .f AI.: ..1 .i,/~_"A..L ./M..I//./~ / G. FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS 1. Reduce Class I to 1881 thsn 5 gal. Inside or 10 gal. outside without permit. - 2. Reduce Class II & III to 25 gal. Inside or 60 gal. outside without permit. - 3. Remove liquids not stored in original containers or closed metal containers. - 4. Remove flammable liquids not used for maint. In assembly bldgs., offices. apts. or motels. - 5. Discontinue use of Class I liquids (gasoline. etc.) for cleaning. - e. Store liquids eway from corridors, aisles. stairways and exit areas. - 7. Discontinue dispensing from containers exceeding 5 gal. or provide pump taking suction from top. = 8. Discontinue the discharge of liquidS Into dreins or on the ground. ~ H. HEAnNG APPLIANCES . 1. Remove combustibles end storage from heater area or room. = 2. Provide clearance between heat producing appliance and combustible material. '._ L 'HOUSEKEEPING 1. Remove or store rubbish. waste meterlal. ally rags In closed metal containers. - 2. Clean grease filters and hood duct system over cooking eppllance. = 3. Provide approved waste containers for combustible waste. _:..... ..-.r ~"_ J. 8TORAGE _ ._~_: '. p ...... . ..~- -- 1. Remove storage from exits. aisles. corridors and on or under stalrweys.'. . ~ ..: :42':2. Arrange Itorege In orderfy manner and provide for exiting and fire department access. . >~..... 3. RemO'f'e storage to 18" below level of sprtnkJer (36" for storage piled 0V8f 12 teet high). _ ..... -~:~ ~ , ::Z~. Reduce storage height to at least two feet below ceiling. t t,l":_~t :.;,.....~.:T._~..... ~4;~: ,~"".4:::~ ..;,.,.. . . ':,;':o:~_2,o..;Lr~~~'~~~""'~,,,^~"';'t' .'~:. ,:.....:.~.'~..~~~....~.,..n...' -".J.~~...pj..~.-;..::;-..; ..' It. PERMITS -;~...,~~...I;\.:s-a-_-r',,::'\l~~f'";;t: ,,''''. """. .<""-........--".....'J1.~~'-"_..o -~ . .~.~.-'"'+ .....~~...... ...'~.~-t.."'+_.',..",~~( '.'~ ..0;' - . >-'-~-.:; -~-,'.. ~'...'.-';, ,,,.--...........- ,,' _ I <: 1. Obtain a permit fram the Fire Prevention Bureau, or discontinue. --.._ ';;~~~~.: ":".::: .;': tl;r... -,:" . t'" '.' . :.. d. .- >_;. .~. .....;.". '~.': ~;f;:f-, ~-2.Complywlthpermltreguletlons. ,+ ...P-.....~.:.;.. . ~~-r~-:.~~~.,';~......-r'.."':';....-., ~~ l.:.:~:. -,_ ". I ", -". ,~ . - . . '-~ ...:w.,... ~~ ~r.".. p ~~1."'Jf""';'r'tJ.~'?-'~.(ji.'~ ~~,:;""""'. ;,I.. -.~.~. .- . " ") -:.i-.-I"- "r fA, oJ. ~"t._ ~IL.. 1 ~ L MISCELLANEOUS ""lC'~;~_.-'__:;"~-'..;~~.:ii.:r~~_,,:'''l:"~vi'''i..'''-...~!:.:-,..t:i=;~:-::....'''~ .'(~>.; '". ~ ~-~ "",-'-I!! - ...... .....; ~ '1. Peat and enforce No SmOking signs. '---. . ~,-t'::;, ~ '.~~11f. ..-~' -.: #-.::~~/ - ? ;'. -.... ...,. ,_:.... - ~ ---.I-'~_,,;::- \t~ X2. Prow-ldeeddress In auch 8 position 8110 bevlslble end leglble'rom the st:frontlng property. .,-;-.r,;:,'":<<" ~-:.~ f_ ; ~~r~~-~"'-- .4_"": '_3.Removeobstructlonsandprovldeacceaslnflrelanes:-.".....~!:~~'"':-:.i.::--::-~..'::.';' .~.- ":'.;;::"_1 .-:+ 'p~:':' ....-, ....,:t:... _ ~. Secure all ~~~essed gas cytl~dera In upright posltl?n ,~t~ _name o~ product. _ _ .; . ":".. _;:, _ .. .'. .~. ...... ..-0;...... M. OTHER :. ';-;._:~'~. """;: -1+-, .'- :)+.-,':,~ ..:<... '-~-~':;;7,:.:~-=~~~~'~~'~:f'" ::-.,.-......_7.~~~.:_-~.: ~;;i::.+'..1 .7"_ .~, . :," ~ - '. ::',::,,~.....-::_,;-.i)~ . '. '..:'-_.,. " I " +, '-. ,'- " ~ ~ . '- If'lDfe rH..rl t;; I E/~r.-;;'/ra 17cz;:...1 .;.tOJ.<... ~ -~- ~ ~ I .1 .:1 . '~-" .'"'-~~' -'.:;- """".,'1 " '.._>'.. ,~ -';"'~ "f-->~:I ;...or ',:;:' .~;,'. : ~~ ~~ "',.., ~ .'",,'i- '1{!E "tt ~: . ~.. ,.' ',:, ~,~ . 1" .~....., '- I.." ....,1 '.; .':. ..-"", - .~ ';:~. .- ..' '. , I. :~.~ ~ ":. - . . .' '''''''1 ~.'-' '1':~-. ;. . -d-: ~_. . ,'. "You ARE HEREBY NOTIF . ~...." 'Ji,'" ."'f^'t......,ff.~\ ~~ ..Si~:~~)' .~;~ .-'It.~.->::L:.~..-R~...:.l'~.-.. . ., ~. ~:;~~~~~:ra} ,._.d~,: . ~- .J ..~. .. .~; .::y.....-.:;:....!. ~;.~.':'.' ':..~~~: - -