HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1972-5-8 ..::;;',,1r /, ~!i -- ~,/ '" jr-""'~y,~{~>;>\ ' l~ '1!J ,i"..- ". .... ''ii~~ . L~.,b~41NE COUNT'Y ., P~.A.NNI:NG II 135 - 6th Avenue East Ii .UGIiINII, O...CIIlON 9,.01 PH: HZ-1)11 EXT UI ~"~.- ._:.:~--~... ...,-- I <jf -0 ;l-()S" HEHORANDUM ---------- r, t,., ,:2.~O 0 - TO: , Dick .Kirby t Building and San! ta.~ion ' DATE: 5/aln FROM: ~'like Yeager, Planning RE.: Zone Change 1172-63 'The a.ppl:l.~~t:ts requesting the rezoning in order to develop a sub~:l.vi['io:l "(22 ~cre'$'p, api>roJtimelely ,,761'o~s). We would &ppreciate' your c.onrments, and rec.ommendation.s relativr:.: to ~:11r. ('.i\n......:.~' '.. . ~ \:hc soLla in t1:12 area to accoIDlilOdate aubslSrf"lce sewage disposal systems p ind11Cl:.~("1 ," . pertinent information on drainage,. water table p flooding,: etc. Addi tiO!ial1:v, d~et? t:1". Willamettc '~later District Comp<;1ny have the capacity to adequ~tely serve t'he prO~flrt;r? We Hould appreciate the ahove infOrmation by May 249 1972. .. REPLY FROM: JOHf~ C,"STONt~/-i/ -ij DATE: "1l2h/72 IJIlVE$TJGAT10N Of THISPROPE:R,TYINDICATES SO'(LCONDITIONS ARF; SATISfACToro(Y fel' ~i,""- SUFlFhC::':.S[\1AGEOISPOSAtq'nq;: PROPERTY IS IN ,A Gt:NErtAL rUlOD f?lAINARf:A AND DLI'lIl\'C ,0,0' . , " '\ . , . J96..;. FLOOD A DRAINAGE~~U,U: IN THE NQ~THERN SECTION fLOODED THAT A~EA. ]CO n .1,); SOUTHF.:RN SECTION 1:/AS AL.S~,.i.OODED'IN 196~;. THE ~hLlAMETTE \,;,<\7in DISTRICT Co,,~:",),:V(lI:LI NOT 5ERVF. ntlS At~tA\"''fHQUT ADDITIO~~AL P(VE~OPMiNT to' r.:JE1:JATER SYSTEM,' Plilij f Ii Y ADDiTIONAL ~TORAGE CAPACITY. M14-02 t.:::~ .... .,' '. :.. .:\ .,:-, .,,~f!;?~ ;;' ~.} '-:r~;: ;. "~~- . "':P""- . "~i. , J . . f$),.. ,"...~~' \r- L~El .' COUNT'~ -.: . '. PL.A.NNJ:NG 'I, , . ' 135 -6th Avenue' East' ./ IEUCIIlilNlE, O...caON .,.01 PH: SU-IHl EXT HI HEMORANDUM i TO: ~)ick Kirby, Building and Sanitation DATE: 5/8/72 FROM: lake Yeager, Planning RE: Zone Change fJ72-63 The applicant is reque'sting the rezoning in order to develop a subdivision i>~2 !w,res t~ appro~imately 76. lots). '(ij,:, 'iJould appreciate your conments and rec"'.........ndatlons relative to fl.". , ":,;. U' f:;;;': tlLe' . ,\l. the area to. accommodate subsurface sewage dispoaal ays tems, includin~ a:tlY pf!ttiUEnLt 111f;Jrmation on drainage, .ster table, floodil.1g, etc. Additionally, does the . . W'11klette Hater District Company have the capacity to adeq.uately serve the propertv? We would appreciate the above;uformationby May 24, 1972. ~~ I d,r -eI 6:,0-;- ~ L~/ ~~./"'/.?_~ ~ '. ~ ( "/-{}"""""/ ' I . REPLY, FROM: c:K"/l~'-"r DATE: ,';-//9' /7'2...;. .'" v- .. . , , ~~ ~--I, ~~ AO~pAk -'~~~a-.~ 'rZ/~' /~~;eJ~~Y;~~~~~~~~.:x-k ' ~ . I V I' I, '- (/~", ~..- /' f1J4~/~ /Lp';:~/:~~ ~~/Ul/-.~" 0/7'7.0- .1! ~ t;.~ v~'-, K AL/~ .~. --<<A //A.J2. ~~!~ 11~~~' 3&8 1.~~~~~" aAr. ~~ 1'1~ 'i~ ~ C:V.I:d'~!//~~'lc1o, ~ .~IlA';-0~~~~~ ~zO , . , ' , ~;p,~", ,Jio~~~ ',~',,' - . I ' / tr--.- (j ", 'u ~. {,i: /~. ? ~ LR.r ~,(;:{ iU.e&q~ . : f- t :~.... ;b.~/' .-- ~~...J: ~ .-.... v' " :) G:J!;... . ~, ,. :....,.)I\~;.'ttt.''-.~tn':V'~. '" M14-02 '.. , , . ~ ,'-',"'..-. .~. " T fi:,ffi . .' I ~~ ,. .,~t:::, ',' Jl ,-~g:':.1' .. ~~-'-'--""~'"'~~_'_-""""=-_::'';'''';'''j:':.,':_-'-''__'~''''''':''~'~_'''''_---:--'~~~~~';,~.-' _':'~~ " :"'_~,_....J . ...~'i,.'.'.., . . - . . - ,:i ,,; H1Ai' . ,.., ..,:'111J ' ". "'. ". .,..'. '". ," . ,~.. . Vi. \:1 ~. , ~: Rl' ~ .. . ..;},~. . '.I" . . ---.....: ',' '.-: " .~.::.~::.;.:,.,;.,. . -',. ~ -...." . . .,.J,As....-.:;:,..-::: ,;:<':04D 1._~4:-~~~__~....._ / ! /.p:,/ 'Y~ '/~~C?/. '~/!I I~tl- 1\.... Ie! ;1\ J..'.)--'. I ' \ .' ...,~.,,'.,..:..,., . . d' . , , , '. - .,.~ .. , , . " ,~ -------:-- ---: - , . . . . ,. '. -...:, ,;'. """f', '^ . r '.: .~ I I t bOO " - ,~I -,- ~11 t'1 ...J>.. ') ....;" " '1 , 1; l' 400 ~AL$//I F;::p'T' .,"',.;;' SITE . , 1"1"01 c~..~. '@...~:~ .W~ 'II~." "Fe.' " ,. MAY:' 9 1972 ,,';. LANE CfjULl"Y:;': .i / " .,~~ ~',,:' - " .~< .-,., " ., ./ {,.' , -;-. ,./ , , ----- ,f . , ! TIME: 7:00 P..M. ,DATE!: June 13, ;1972 PLAc:,~: Harris' Hall. (adjacent to the' County Courthouse) , . , ~' j. . .-.;): ~, . Pl'PL I(.;ANT:. ~~. ::;~i~:';~' ,'. . 'f' 'to'CA no N :, .'t.'..' PROPOSAL: " RezonefromAGT ,Agri'cuIture,'Gra?:ing, T:ltnber'~aising Distr{c't to ,.RA'S.uburban ,; '"., ...' . . ResidentiaiI5Istrict. . ." . , , ". ~>., '.. ~ ' " , .:'. .: ~, .,.,.." ,,', ~~'m:."~:"~"""""'""'J'~"''''',",'''''''~'..~""_,,,,_ ;.,....~.. '___ :"~','~'~ ~".,.' ~';""_'.'_'" '.'.u_,".... ...... ~;"_", ,.;~'_,~r.":",.,'" -------- '.,=_-_-_=-.--'T . _.,~_~..~"-~"'":-.._,~~~~~~~';,,."'"~.....,~~~~i~~;..':::.~~~+:_:-.'; _:::..~~~:..,.-"".-.".,..~" Michael.~:J"'. Saf~~ ZC, }2-63 .. ,~_ . Eras,t :srdE\ ,0 t"".C:ieanva.ter;:..L,ane" sou thpf )as,pe:r 'Road?~" . '" "~, . ,~. .. ;:-..,,;' /" ;".' J . I \, ,. '... . Map .'18'-"02-05, ta.,< ~ot2200. THE, PROPOS.4L',Q(JTLINED.ABOVElvlAY AFFECT YOUR, PROPERTY;' .AT A. PUB LIP; HEARING ON THE DATE IND.ICA'Ti:D~ 'Tins MATiER ~/ILL BECONSIDE'RED BY THE 'LANE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION' , ',. . > . ~, " '4e~~:E; hC'OUN1"~if' . 'l;'~fdR .INF'ORtt4t'iI'O~l o~r THE~f,BOVE PPJ):POS'r\L,; corn M.'T, ~ , ,..,',... 1.?irEA~ii:';' 'CO"~.ITY Oi'iN'.j'T"'" 0"-01 "'13'", 5,T v-rH A'lle FAS";' .. ~ "~Ll... .,.... \.in' ,Ltd,! .I~I.J 'C-" ',~ J'...,l^ I Vl:.. _ I, L!::~~~?O.~~';S~~~.J.:::=EG0/','. ~,H~~~l..._:'~'~~," TFiE ipLANNINGDEPART'l,1ENT:STAF'P' RE/POl,?T' ON THiS'i'IAT2T;R NILLBS AY41ILABM7 AT THE PL41VNINC DEPJf..RTME'Ni[ OFFICE .TH!i<DAY P.RtOR THE }.jEA6:ri;Ji~. .-':..... '.