HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1980-2-26 --- POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS 1140 Kintz1ey, Spfd, Oregon LC-380-80 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # TRS, TL 18-02-06.2.4 # 3501 SubdiVISion na This permit for the referenced property IS hereby approved. Setbacks and other condltlQnS of approval must be stnctly observed Violation can result m revocation .of this permit, cltatlQn under provIsions of Lane County's Infraction Ordmance, and/or other remedies allowed by law Applicant/Address Bradley D. Mowreader, same as above**** Owner/Address same CQntractor/ Address same Contractor's OS # 18683 Total Construction Value / Telephone Telephone Telephone 747-9481 same same :QnstructlOn approved by this permit WATER POLLUTION Site Inspection # no recordlnstallatlon speclflcatlQnS 1000 gal mm CONTROL DIVISION 190 Imeal feet of dramfleld required, max depth .of trenches 24-30 inches Special Instructions Properly abandon the old tank " by^pump in'g ~and-fi11ing it in. Install a serial distribution system with lines running EW in the back yard. This repair is sized according to current standards for a four bedro.om home. Water Supply well PLANNING DIVISION . Setbacks I ntenor property I mes Edge of road nght-of-way BUilding foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Repair existing SDS.. Structures now on property: mobile home and garage. # Bedrooms 3-1# Plumbing Fixtures na # EmplQyees na Zonmg na Partltlonmg # na Parcel # Mmlmum required structural setbacks, from centerlme .of road, front side extenor na , mtenor prQperty Imes na ,rear property Ime Special Instructions none na Parcel Size n~centerll ne of road, 123 x 177 na ., ~_\....." ~.. ... ~ ........ ~ ... FQr mfQrmatlQn call 687-4394, Any alteration ()f t11& natural conOltlons In __t"eare~:!pprove':l forth? o:l'::~~ fIeld or replacement area will septj'(p'tW'l~ ~ty, Carol Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Dramfleld 10' 10' 10' 100' FQr Information call 687-3960 between 8 00 - 9 00 am, Kathi M. Wiederhold Type of Construction I nstructlons none GrQup Fire ZQne naJse Classification na na na FQr plans mfQrmatlon call na between 8 00 a m and 9 00 am, na FQr mspectlons (see back .of thiS permit) call 687-4065 between 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m Main to 32nd-32nd south to Jasper Rd., 1st street on right off Jasper Road. Directions to Site Date Issued 02-26-80 C55-13 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By / bne county ~ Kathi M. Wiederho1d/1ky ....!. ..! ..! ~ 2- ~ ..! 10 12 14 16 I.l!u U %0 22 24 / 1& 18 /;>. I J_ 10 f , c lflN[ rfJUrrf'l OF!', 1-,,~l,ll"iC.1 1,'I:-CTlr', ~~ ~\n080 n~nl (l}i9:l0 Ii 1-' f 'L 1 C f1 N T M (J iLJ j-.' [ ti 1) L k I y.n, f1 )! U'_ Y 1"1 D D h i I 40 n N T~:! E Y } S 1-' r fJ .} '} 14 I I T L ~~ j ~WA~06:)4()3~)Ul SllBDJ V Ul r 'HL 1\ i'JUJ jll Di. TYF'E IJ:-'I-_ f,' NO Tl'O!":rlS I')~ NO lif~1 rs 00'1 1',ll) STI1!dF~" NO JJLJJi.,) O{)j cunF AI'!'L NO {~C -f j ON l)l scru ~' f ) ON SQ ! T UN 1 fellS T V {2'1UJi'!r J UN r IX Dn '(. J-lP fll-' f{ 1-' l-ll' I-lI-' Ilf' I ' J Ii J 12 14 1& 18 10 L IF'L 14 t'lLt'11 S'U I,: 1'-10. r i x TI mL:;; NO A Cl)I'-1m nUl,s rlLCllnl'-i J CAL I l: F ;;' 1 ~'1 TF .-:UF<CHAI,I..,L l'lliN Ul[t:~' 1 E [ 1 C -3(l()!~() SlJSI, 1',Ehl [I,: r.-~ [L 1 NI. ~;YS' ',.00 !:r-ICH - " (I "IJ ~ 12 ,-, "t "~, 0;' o ~ ,~') . ('I) "" I) tOJ , " 12 ;;11=0 cpr 14 IIWL N WI' iJ1D -I l ijlPi' PI tll"": 1':1 nl fWD!" FI-' t flf'lf'U II j) JIY LNVH iOIr::1L Il':.!: 1l* o ~ 3 :}~ ,()() Cli ; oJ 1I.J ~ 11 ~ 10 ~ ~ : ~~ 16 18 -_ J !!. " w ~ " ~ 0 <0 4 0 ~ f; !. ! ~ ',~'- r-'-' '... y'C ."'-,... '<..(""J ~ ... t '} ,>" "',", .'.'''(''~' ;'"'{'OL",;"" ',..." ' "'" '''YM -"'''', -nr " DEPARTrIENT OF ENVJRONr~ENTAL t1ANAGEiV\ENT 0 _ PSB, 125 E~ST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 .,. '-"'('-' 1,1 " \. 1-- l ~ r J 110 1~1-1cJ~.y Clty,5/~ Townshlp, Range, SectlOn, Tax Lot ' 1'7\- O~_-CXb ~ 'c;,.4' '~~Ol '-' '-' SubdlVlslon ~"Lot Block App 11 ca t 1 on for lb:Xt o..:'l..L- '-'t ~.=l:U..JL)..(2J}U "'5tt n ~ a. B. 25 . Structures now on the' property Wiol., ( H~ tr~~e.-- U Proposed use of property clf Res1dentlal /-//i\O~gWll () Industnal C/ PubllC Affl)davlt I, Tj((ADky D tJ7~:;2.pa Cf-r~ft:. , hereby certlfy that thlS lnformatlOn 1S true and accurate '(please pnnt) If th1S appllcat10n lS for an agr1cultural bU1ldlng lGW1ll be used for purposes allowed by the State BU1ld1ng Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zon1ng) and for no other'pur?ose I have the followlng legal 1nterest 1n the property )( owner of record, contract purchaser, lessee, holder of an excluslve optlon to purchase, duly authorlzed to act (or the owner, who~s knowle~~eable of th1S appllcat10n ~ J,f/1J Slgnature/Address ~~/?~ //90 ~...~...:Iz:t~1' Av<--7IHfPf(fZ1P) 17'177 Telephon'~' 747 ,.tq4,~" or' 8ate;'(I ready notlfy /~Appllcant' /~/ Owner /~/ Contra~~o~. ~ Qy /-/ mall /~/ phone WI L"...dt~..py<:.. 'f l{ 0 F kAfzJ-e.y Au<. ~("z 1 p) ''-7'177 Phone ,,~' 7 "/7 9' '/ t? I " { if (ZlP) Phone ~'! " .. {; , ARP'llcat~~, S(~ lC,-~-UU: Job Address Ass1gned Numbe~s , f/ t ,,- , , r , " f , ~ & When penTIl t 1 S Owner ~;-O, Contractor ....J Contractor I s OSR# I I~/;T::J Plumblng by ',' ,- ...Ull{ # of stones : of bedrooms ~ SI test holes ready DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE / ~ of employees # of Unl ts 404 SDS /..J'/8mtlng, BP # /~/ Proposed, SI # .' - ~ " If Commerc1al Res1dentlal .... \-Jb V(_Q;r~-rdl.J --- 'i 'II J"'" Fee Code DescnptlOn Sq Ft or # of Sltes Unlt Coot Valuatlon Fee ~ " , ~~ ~.. ~ Q})(jotl n~ ( ) (St. b) o'. $' $ $ $ l, ~- '- , f" Subtota 1 -, $"'. \ each $ each, $ $ $ $ $ $ ~, ~I' r/ Cash - / D//Check # Rece1ved by _(Sl4 L!.riYO . ~)6 II Total Valuat10n $ Plumb1ng flxtures at ~ Sewer/water conn at $ EX1st1ng 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy ';", :~ Water Supply Proposed Year Installed , l TOTAL a~ .QQ t' M1n1mum setbacks Zone tJ I A... It, front Part # Parcel' # Parcel Slze '< It, slde , lnt , rear \2'3)C \ =r 1 "- l " ' i 'PERMIT PROCESSING ~r 'I Comments ~(~....x u ~~..J , C" . ~ (J n '. ~..) By Date - '- <=:,~ IV) -(5U ~ ..'et ,~ J~ , i To be typed on permlt ( WATER POLLUTION CONTROL --.. ......... InstallatlOn ;;peclf1catlOns 1A(<)n gal tank, lq~ ft of dra"lnf,.:teld, max depth of trenches _I . '~j\f.! ^ 1J1.. ?1() I To be typed on perm t ~a;MA cW.t0.!lfi&, ~ ~d'~.Jc. ' ;, ':it" " _ ;~~ ", d,/!1M7/ {}f~ > J- (\(,drilx 0- ~PMrl~ (l' ~:_[!c.:..{~~ir,^~ S,,(;\:'(1Jilit... ~ V ~V\ ') J)MJVlM'AA~ ~U h,'1",- ~ ,/ IJ)i\r1'1 ~(!,!\(lA~ /') 1n'A1} '1f'rCI)J1.J t." :;"f!f,j t<'ti'Ji\'i.1\L':,\; "11'1 {(JuU::' " \ UIl14 7"'vJ~~ /1nv -". ~ I \ K\ - r 'i 'c J 'IJ IJi \V1ml\. ~.~,,,'J,I/\~,\ 1'\(,...\<,,r) ~ v ; ~ \j TelePhon~ In r--J' ;,,<J,~((Jn By }<:1*~4 rfl/h {ll1)Jd6/1J~driDate ?:/i r>l')f"V k'~D1rectlOns to s,lte ,MAI'I\J..J.o 32 _cr-_ 32_'" ~-(11 f.o J};,~.Red: f.<.D - rVZ-S'i 51:. bvU Kt1~ : ;a f).f<7!kn.- sfJ). V I 1 {JV 1/ l ' ~ I-I SIFO Plans to CP&I , - WPC l...,...-'" -'" ;... :1.. , , ' , set( s) set(s) Date Requlred Hold Sl1p to PCC Date Completed Date to -) . PCC \ " :' I~/ CP&I , --TY~C- - , - C/ Plannlng CI Publ1C Works ",.! J. .,,<_...;~...""--f' 'l' f .... "'.~ I -i. t K t ,~ I . " 'I -, . , - '}I'" _ , ~' ;' , 'I ." ., 1 - ". ! 1 ~ ... <.. H.. :; j., ~~ "l ~ .,... \. ^ ",,::" ~ t.,,, (~1 "'4 :}.-/ '- ~ .J. "i ".f" Y " ~....... tj/, ,,-;H ..-;",=.;{"",~.(~.L,,; .L...._.J-1.",,~ ~ ;(_}t~'iiIi{ 1.!.;t<:t"..1fi~~J")I...".\1.J.!~J..~ Ij,E; ~.J~...,..l>!.!' t:!rl{" ...._.. L." ....{....'" 687-HELP --- - -- , " '" ~ ,) ,f ~I;;j, ,'( ,,I \,1-" 1>_< :> ~~ (687 -4357) ,.. '" " I 'f C/ ElevatlOn C/ Address C/ Facll1ty CI n/a '", 1 1\ ! 'I I. 't , ~ \ ~... ( ~- ( I , '- Perm1 t I { " " r " /~I Env1ronmental Health fi , t; f' ., ~ ~ $ ~ r " ,. , I Ii, ~l $.l't- , .' 1(.7 FOR INFORt~TION about progress of your appllcatlon call , Ii I'" .I Perml t Control Clnter l' \_~ - ... DEPARTtlENT OF ENVIRONr~ENTAL r1ANAGEI~ENT PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 , Apph:::at.itll'l # 97'\ LC--~UJ -, At$l~l'led Numbers Job Address I JcJO /<;vv1-!C/{..e-y Clty(i'dd towl'lt~ip~ flange~ $~tl(}n~ Tax l.ot. / 10- ()?~ -rxb.-. ?: ~ I-:f:l:-~OJ $~b4tviSitln ... Lot tH(lek Appllcatlon for -D.pdn..::t1 ) L.t f<.p ~ tt ) .O~1Yhn~ a. D. (5. Structures now on the property ww4, ( ~ /~e.,. (J P~pO$e(l U$~ of P1"OP~t'ty ~ /If R~s 1 dent 1 a 1 {} CtllMle;c ia 1 C/ lnuustrf al C/ P~M it' ?Jflj~D J.e II () JIJ1 i'I7---" (2 -ea-tf -e PE. I (ple~se: pr-tnt) If thlS appllcatlon lS for an agrlcultural bUlldlng It wlll be used for purposes allowed by the State BUlldlng Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zonlng) and for no other purpose I have the followlng legal lnterest ln the property )( owner of record, contract purchaser, lessee, holder of an excluslve optlon to purchase, / duly authorlzed to act for the own.er, who lS knowle~geable of thlS appllca~lOn_ ,} Slgnature/Address r--'~.....&~..~'z'~~ tj$l) IL-v-kt-.e,p ~ <;,//It/(zlP)J7'17 7 - Teleph~ ~ ~81 or' Ioate lIf-~' , When permlt lS ready notlfy ~ Appllcant' I~/ Owner C/ Contract~ ~ Qy C/ mall /~/ phone Owner~, .VJj,cn~_:tt~J..pIVC_ Jjlfo /t-"ftj.<4~ 4.Y sJ~(ZlP) 1'7'177 Phone 7~ 7 e'f </s::-/ Contractor ,I / fl-' (ZlP) Phone Affldav1t I, , hereby cert1fy that th1S lnformat1on lS true and accurate Contractor's OSR# /ri/'y3 Plumb1ng by ~J r If Commerc1al Resldentlal DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE /' I of $wri~$ I # of employees fJ of units H M be-d(O(ltUS ~ -kJ...!... SDS: /.I:YExlstlng, SI test holes ready /~/ Proposed, BP # SI # kbro~ Fee tod~ t)&$cl"iptitm Sq. tt. or ff of Sitts- Unit ~st ValuatlOn Fee C/ ~tI ~ d'cn~~~ * ... Recelved by ~ r Total Valuat10n $ P'l_ing- tbtlolres. at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ each each $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ~~'(fD \.'.JA..+-~ ' c ~ ,f) l'/... l ()t-l n U ~.-P?r Subtota 1 Water Supply Proposed Year Installed EXlst1ng 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL PERMIT PROCESSING M1nlmum setbacks Zone rJ I ~ ct., front Part # Parcel # , ct., slde , 1nt Parcel SlZe \Z 3~ if-{ , rear l Comments ~LL11 .V"\ Y To be typed on perm1t t-) --. ~)~ - By (till e0 - - Date e-lOl -?<I() ,./ CP&I Type Group To be typed on perm1t F1re Zone Use Class1f1cat1on By Date For plans 1nformat1on call (area 1nspector) --t 01 reC~l ns to s 1 te iVl.4flAJ -1-0 ~2 ~I - ~I {)~?~~ !Lt'>. o (/J. .Y I-I S FO Vlans to CP&I set(s) - WPC set(s) (/)2&1 I,V WPC C/ Plann1ng CI Publ1C Works ~I Elevat10n ~/ n/a CI Address I~/ Fac1l1ty Perm1t /~/ Env1ronmental Health Phone )'2...,1)e{ ~ k f}'M?T:I:"~ l<i'I - FI/Z"7--f 5'1-- eN R..14M- {/ , I Date Requ1red Hold Sllp to PCC Date Completed Da te to PCC FOR INFORr~TION about progress of your appl1catlon call C74-171 Permlt Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) - ane COUrlty Water Pollutlon Control Dlvlslon Envlronmental Manaqement Department 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oreqon 97401 LOCATION: Twp Ranqe Sectlon Tax Lot # (Complete the follow~ng~ ~f apolicable) Subdlvlslon Name Lot # Block # ~ I have no lnformatlon that the eXlstlng subsurface sewage dlsposal system located on thlS property has ever falled by dlScharqlng sewage upon the ground surface or lnto publlC waters. by clogglng or backlng up, or In any other manner. I have lnformatlon that the eXlstlng subsurface sewage dlsposal sys- tem located on thlS property has falled In the past by discharglng sewage upon the ground surface or lnto publlC waters, by clogglng or backlng up, or In some other manner, and that ~ The system has not been repalred. The system has been repalred and has operated contlnuously Slnce the repalr wlthout other fallures Date(s) repalred I have had personal knowledge of the performance of the eXlstlng subsurface sewage dlsposal system located on thlS property for :J years and--" months. The eXlstlng sewage dlsposal system conslsts of. a) b) c) d) Septlc tank has a -500 gallon capaclty Number of dralnllnes IJ.NILlVfl)W4J Length of dralnllnes ~ Dlstrlbutlon box? Yes , No~ The eXlstlng septlc system was lnstalled under Lane County BUlldlng Permlt # ThlS system last served a dwelllng havlng ~ bedrooms (lnclude all rooms WhlCh could be used as a bedroom, though actually used for other purposes such as for a den or a sewlng room) OR, lf for commerclal use, thlS system last served an establlshment havlng employees, and gallons/ day sewage flow. ThlS system was last used on (Date). (Date) ~ In case of an addltlon, the new portlon wlll be eXlstlng dralnfleld. APPLICANT. ~~~~ ~ PROPERTY OWNER. /. ~y7[' ~ I -l)fc> v DATE. z/I4/~ I / feet away from the BJVt1}(ey () lr!~te~-e1C. C74-156 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION / 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPART,MENT ' ~...., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 / "f) ~;I.. 1503) '68'Z.;.-;i061 I C> .:% \ d i'~:r . f'~~~ ';~ If ".~ I'J . 1 "~'$. . PLOT <P,L/f1V -~ N ~ ~ ,^bw ~~ tV ~ w-W) - YLWftfJ~s1Cb ~ ~ h5fl~. n-u ~ S (N\ ~ "- , ,~ ~ J23~-- ,f,:\ I n ~ .!~~7o I <~ll::._ I ~ -' \ \ \ vI T ~~~e " -~a & fW-j~ r ~~ \.-.., a -r 0 II " ' '1 1M\e... ~ \ \.b 0J'(t^' ~ - ' ,\ "J ----f. ___ I i\~'l~ f.YI'5!''"'Y " )( 'lcwd~~Wfr- /' -I .(p~tfS. d(i'/'v ,,abClt ~\C- ()\ ~,^WI-?lll.j \~ \\I~ - ~~\~ ....-- ..::> Mtrr 71.<..3 n\ ,/ f:~ Dec~ ,J / r~vJ~ l\fJ\?'- I \ \- I , f I o b C"\ -~~........ ... .{V. () ..... '- - ,\ "- ~ ~ 1 ?IZO:POSCD G-fJRA6E / "'7 "'7___1,-/ "", _ / , /,:- ~/', If' / / r-">"1~ ////,,///,/ 7: >/ // '," /:t~(S+1N~ ~~ ,~~ ifO,';; ~ / / / / :J ~ , / r./' " /,/ '; , // .//~" /' z-:- ~ ,1 - , ", w/ /-/ l ~ F r j ,;- / "/ / '1---1 ./ t:::::l ./_ '/;./ ~', // - . / ~ // ^ " / ~/; . ' " ~10~ ~ \ '''' 'Y,\ ,~~~ \0W ^mN:\ / {\) iW"( ...--f'l " n. 20' '}, ~~ )(l ~ ~{ . \ ". " v - --. - - \---- -~ ~;;:= -1' }<, N \" Z-I.-e. Y frviE :;;