HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1975-5-12 -13, ~"'l \ Y\. ,75", ~)8'7 20nn , Josep h t<, Surname 03 '''"1....; ., 1700 :t..} .. ~ Twp. Range Section Tax Lot Date 1975 ",Owner H,'~y 1, .:!M1€ 1 ')-03 Code Z llPOl.~(}:_._~; Census Tract Receipt No. Owners Consent Yes No REQUEST FOR SITE FEASI81LITV STUDY J\sG Lo--u..vC',- 5t . THIS IS A PRELIMINARV REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANV PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT VOUR OWN RISK~ Name and p. O. Bo~ 298 Address Joseph M. flann 2 $ B9.00 $ $ 50.00 No. Sites springfield, Oregon No. Acres TOTAL TeJ.epbor.l1 e No, l'Tb-t);,! j Pr;Qp.erty" OS i ze ~)2 >: ,~ tl ProposedxWater Supply Publ ic X District Sprinq Proposed, Use ~l..m I I /1 9 Name Special Permit Arfa Ves No ,. Is Property WIthin pneldMile . What City? 5prHl9' Ie Other Specify Urban i z i ngxArea Yes No'X of a City? Yes No Appli~ant5 .Jnterest in ;J\<ilhl'X !uuye r Legal,Access - Road ;"D'Jri' ~t. Property of Property Existing Structures N,;me We! 1 Property Locat ion: (0 i rect ions) Off Li:~lIl'*, !If,!;(t to Elgin Knights property; Just Hpproved ;'rd hon'f'; ~lijJl;1 under construe; if'jrL APPROVED xxx NOT APPROVED One site q,prO'Je0 on ~(JI.'th~'Jfl5t portion r~f l,~hl 41'i'On~ liOl"thern h;\lf ()f tot is not <:'ppr'niled (~t1t tt:l high winter \I'l~.tl:j)' tl~bD{:'. Cantaetthe Lann Co. ~ai"~l~g Cept. req0rdlng: Purti~lcnlng BEFORE CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and make appl ication for a building permit, If the property is a por- tion only of a tax lot, a metes and bounds description of the parcel must be fur- nished. Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system will appear on the building permit. Two sets of building plans and a RIot plaQ will be required. ~"\ I. \ \ \~\ \~J. ~.1,~.~ '" "Au.tho~.Lzed 5 i gnature Ii', ,:~.X.' t oJ , f :~II ~ LANE COUNTV DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 135 EAST SIXTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 C55-32 Date ~' ""' '.., '3/74' '\t> ' , Fo r',<,OffLCrl,/.'\ ' ' "__ ',' ,.,' ...J- ", n' Use On, I y '-: ,'I})V'rUA...>'" , ltece i ved by .EST FOR SITE FEAS)BILITY STUDY "7S:; dJ' j ',$.1'.# .." ocIl~ tJ/Cf~3-:':'2;~L/r50 ~ Yes ~o Code, C.T.' Number Special Permit A'reaUrbanizinq Area ~ THIS, ISA PRELIM I NARYRE,PORTWHI,CH ODES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE Or A FUTURE BUILD ING PERM IT. PLANS, OR E'XPENI:iI'TURESMi:\DE ,I N REUANtE uP'DW TH IS REPORT ARE AT YOUR :OWN RISK. '. .,", ' ..P:,f E AS, E' P ~ I NT' -I If Subd,i vis ion - Name':" Lot # Block # -1J ; Townsh ip '" $ +.... &-",,'7" O"'2,>i~, ':.J.::Z..nL:>'XGNcP.:L -l3o#A/::Yes No Range Secti:on';Tax Lot No... ,Owner'of Property Owner's Consent ;xl J '<:)~'"f" __""-''M ':~'~'~-A Name ,"~ " ',',', . -, 1>:. ,?,' o. ~ 0........."2.... ~€J., ,; , M'ail ing A(jdress ,c-'> ,'.' ~ ~,,<"--, ,_ ~ \.. fiL"-.CJ \0 ,<,..z :' ~~b-~~\~ 'x\-t~ ~~~ Telephone #, " ~~ure of I)pp:~.icant ...~. , 'No. of Sites' L' , Total . ,':-r~- ,~~ ',';'7s ~'heck Date ' , Ow.ne r , Vl // ./ /" - r- d- "', .0/.' ;~" "eller 'll:: :r. ; No. of Acres" ~ Appl)cant1s Interest ' ',Buyer j~ Realtor in Property: Other (Specify): / " ",--" <D -r-:.' R... ' ~.. :/1" Existing Structures on Prope~y .#' , Proposed Water ,Supp.1 y', /' , : ' Publ ie' ..--- ,D:istrict: .J...~ZJ...."''''''''''~<::)'-'.') Spri,ng Well' f Other (Specify): , ,/ , , " Property Locati~n:~:(Di rectj'o~'s).: '~~~ '\- ~ ~,"",<';a.. ,/rV....~~~ ,~<:';, ~\Q.;, '^ , \, /'" ", l"- ' \..) '< '^-- 'q,""'~"" 'Y?aI".'b...."~~~,"-'o.' ~\~~* ,~R ~~~\.."l~V, ~ "'-"1:0 '''-Ko~Q ~ C'\. ~', '~r- ~~ ~,~ C5.. "l \ _ '.. ; "" J', " ,: , , , ,",:.," ,'^- -<::. ~ ,''-....:-~,~~~ " -...... n --...~L /' When Will Te's:t'.I-hles Be,R~aqY'? ,'''a,_--zL.-c,;-. "/ MI'\RK TEST HO~ES,WIJ~ OUR'fLAGS ,(o.tte)/:" , Locati~n of Test Holes on pr:operfY:"'-;~ :<""~-~'{ " Draw diagra~ 9f pr~per~~'~;~'O~'iri~rl'ri~a'ti'~4Iai1dniar~Sand relatI;?nship of test holes to these landmarks: - ' " , I ' ' . " l.;~ - :> -. '"':L'l.. - " rl1c:O ~ ' , <:.J .- " ' 0 <::> , P" .>, -~ i () , ~ \'-i,a Q !.fJ \4~~,'?\_<:~": Rj f/Y':$.:."" ... ~s.. \, - >:..~.. "\,- ~~. -:-- "-- '-I< :r-., . ~ ~ ". ~ .. <'.. ~.;~~~ -';," ,.". J . . rdr_ . ; ~<::~0~.: . ,I ;:\ .,,'~ . bCi.. XlK,'",:,k ,', '\-,.: jp/ ~. ,\'ii ',', ,,' " ,: \ .' , " ,,\~oa Propos"edUse of Pr6perty:R "- " l ~'" ~~ ..;. ~.",) , , . r?''2.)<:''~oa'~,<:>...~_"""a... ~~~ P,roperty She ,Legal Access - Road ,Name ",5 Prbperty-With~n O~~ Mire:Of, C,i~?, Yes, "'--What Clty?,~~~\:.d::J '.' No",', , " " " I ,I . ,----- "I '~c j "';., , ~C:. , \ ' . " .:... \' ... l' " , ' , '.,; .ft;i.. /86:0 lC::' r0 (' G;',:~:L.<T; S,,' ; ".J "t?rKJ? ","'~~,-, I , " ,I'. ' ~ MAKE CH{C ~p~rABL('TO\ ENV" RON, MENTAL MANAGEMENT Phm e :" 687-4065 MA 1,( T,O:',LAN;E. COUNTY DEPARJMENJOF ENV,I RONMENTAL MANAGEM,ENT. 135 E. 6th Ave., Eugene , Ore. . . G,'5S'-55"<' .' \.: . "..:-'. ~" I ;!' 'L :,; :: ~ .{, \. " , "'0 ;; ~'-....... . APPROVED NOt, APPROVED': ," I 6 ni. sd",,; prl,~.cf,' o:'::?'f' r ~P," J-~ ;;;'o-\c t L 170. 0 ~ /'W~~'h~i~ 0-\'10+ (:'$jh6+ippt'O;lel0-f6hl; ~ "~;:~~~' ~'wC;-'c;~'b{e-' ~ " .} ....... ....~ .'i ~.c~ .,', ' ;. ".;.,; -;. ." \~~( ,\\),,A"uHor. ized-S ignature , 'rs!12 ,/7,)---- , Date ii. '" "1 ... ,,' ,- . , ' .' .", ~t.t~ '. .- .c_, . ", ;; .J., .'J, ,>I ~' I. ~,' 0..,' ';_::"~~';"~"':; ,~ +~;,.; " , . )~-" ", .1"';.1_ i". " ~ . " . ~ ~ ....... '> ,\' .""1 .... ...... ':If:, . ': '''.' . ,"oo.r..':' \. '~ " .? . .. s N' .. ...:,....., ,~ ! .' #1 T' EST 'H 0. L E f' ,. . PROFILE . Inch I . ,] #2 TEST HOLE \'l '~'i" ':..,1/1 PROFILE Perched ,Water ' predic,ted)6 in. Observed t:l'-lin. Date ': . Perched Water. " Predicted (l)s8rved D8te 2<{ 14.,~ in. i;Inch t in. 1 ' 12~i C-L.-- 12- S"r CL .j; Saturated Zone Predicted Observed Date in. in. 24-' 1-r!. .;, CSf c.. ' r>.~rated Zone Predicted Obsllrved Dete in. :. in. ' 24- 36-~ J C-".I' ~., c...., 36 . ' i. Restrictive' Laye~in. . Impervious Layer in. l Mottling 2./e., in. , 48-: 'iestrictive Layer2~ Impervious Layer Mottling 7L/ in. : in. in. : 48.: :! 60-~ 60-,' .. ":\';" . SITE DOES /' SITE DOES NOT Heet nl1nimum standards for individual waste disposal. IF SITE DOES ,NOT HEET STANDARDS SPECIFY - Administrative Rules Require'- BASIS OF DENIAL: - Your property found to be Deficient - , .JJt) t '~;'n~s ~ Y"~'~'" 6 "', h~ 1fl : .!!( 1 Ii.; Jo't'-" 'S /:;).5 '/-' 'Y"-tfJ )/-I;~ t:'~, " IF SiTE HEETSSTANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and appro,ximate sewage flow: ~lti-family GPD, r ~ommercial GPD, Singh Fami 1y Industrial Institutional 'Y GPD GPD GPD ,NOTE: Soil absorbtion area in sau..are feet !JLJ 0/ Area necessary for sewa'ge disposal systems ARE ~;rERNA}IVE ,SfTE ,~~ATIONt DESIGN OR MOD~FI,CATION~VAILABLEJ DESCRIBE: Ch e'C/~ plC/1 f:-/ tA ___ '-c"'Y' If'I-e-nL.f::tce'Y>>.i'';''.x Ol,f'e...tA. ~ Pl'o.~t-.-v'7j) -47"{., oJ] A?r'ull)-M'-N ,Cl!Cf'.I"'JJ-Ct,~ ~;~ '.I I v II ,,,J NAME ~~: DATE OF FIELD EVALUATION: 6:' /;2l~ , f Sit" t~~pection 1I~2~'y ~.. l' !1 ..,,;-, / EVALUATION ,FOR DETERHINING SITE SUITABILITY FOR DEVELOPMENT UTILIZING , SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL METHODS ......j . LOCATION I Twp. 1'{ Range 03 Sec. ;2 7, J Tax Lot /I /700 Are public sewers available or nearby? (Dis~~nce)t..e..-f" V~....... ~ -" " Are there zoning lr enViro~tal considerational She of property~ y :3crL>-' ' )( ~ 6~ Amount useable'area (, G X i'J() _ Are other systems in ~area known to be malfunctioning? Y J2...S ' Is there room for future expansion7'~' ':' ~'.- Slopel (1'/100') Flo'(jd plain I, Plants I ' cr'Y--&t,~ ( Rocks I o N;o (Explain) ("X.) Surface Feature considerationsl Low are~1 Draina8~vay I ''r\O~1tbl~t'--~f~ D\? rror~+j' L\ '~" Streams I Cut bank or slopel Water Supply and Utilities I COlIIIWnity Watera No Individual Waterl Exist. LJ Proposed U Water Lines: Exist. LJ Proposed U Gas Linesl Exist. LJ Proposed U ,Wells on adjacent' !xis t. LJ ~roposed U properties I J (Sketch in Plot Plan) I . )1~;;;OING'SITEEVAtUATi;~N" ....:),..;~ .... '. T h.'. ~.'.o3~:'~:2h~i~i~i~;'too (j", B Q I to! NGP ERHll'i.\rp;U:CATION ,~Q ,.7::>i-UW . '. '." · "'ASUp: ,:Bp',',l~,II.~,VC. .A:',I, SN..T;,."O,,{,:,.,:,',',:,..,~,:<:',:,.,:,;,',:.,.,L,..,:O{,',.:=",., 0, '.: ',~( .. ~,'," '..,:~:.,..V\i ;B,[O~~' .;" (J<s lIE); N~PECf ;Q~'~'t;: ""j< ... ..' DATE. ." . Q" "'" '::PLANN1NG'DI'/ISION.,."::." ',:, N' .. . '.. .' " ; . ;,....,.., A;p{ri~b:l ~:~}~o' '::'r~'~ .,'\ ':;'~fc~~:~~' ~X:,'~sj'l!~: '.. ',' ' ,1 Zonin,g Ordina'nq,e Comp-1.i,ance:.. ?0~~' 'RA{::j:,'c~T} V~' ~:.W~~tb,acks fr<?ffittr6f::road:.; . 2'. :'Subd i vi s ion Ord"i,l1al1c'e: ~9mp'1.ran'ce '... ' '," (;~)::-': CJ' ,V'". " ,..,'::~> .Fro.nt '; ." :" ::~..' ' . .' 3 ~ ',~.Requ itedAGc'e'ss':: '" :':;:', ::",~,~, :, '>:"f-f::..'~C)"~"", .',:~0~~}':{~,:> ',S~.;:^;'l;"lul. :>.," ,," ':~; 4 ~ 's.au i lqrng :.~ite{Area>" WJd,th<.f;r,(~.i"lea,9~)' , C"g'~',.,;:.:.C). ,~l ,.H,:S'etbacks ,.f rom'! nterJ()r ;'1 i:,fJe~:? .. :.'5~,;':Qtlier,.(s~e C:on1ine,nts) :';"':,:5'\ .:: '{')"",:,"";;,J:,)>:( Y.:"'::;;" Side:.",.,: ,', -',~: '; " 'CO~HE~lS:,,:;i~~~).;~~,~~:2f'').i~~u}~ .~':. .....' .,~, . ~.;-:; ,: .....:. -;.- . ~. ",,' ~. ... .. . ~ ' ..... :..; ~ ~,-. .. ~ "', . .,'). : ::~PtANN I.NGOI V IS;ION'Attfo'NPENOING:'YEST ")',.,NOC, 'J:"~AppLiI~AT'I(jN#-' , " ., .. .,.'. .,.' -.'- ." '.- . ~. ... ,-, -". ." . . , - , , , .'aUU:.D lNG' I NSPECT:lON 0 IV I S lO~f;:' , dA~P 1 ~~~ii~(~OYes, n... " ,( ), r) () "';'C'-' ,"(~'.f"':~':~~.:,:t :)() ,>:~;:~:"~, "', , ' ',' .:" ':.. 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'. -. -'~--'. .'- . - ,-( '.'. .' - ,,",,- ~', '~O AP~ I cAM~~r~c:~ i if ~~i~2~~~;).:s~~e~t1 on: . ?:;; .. .,;:qf:,';', '. .. .. <(1 {;' 5 0. ~ Cann'p ~. be ilp,pr.Qved'. ;1'1" t h j s" ti rile "~.I, jici i'oil t ed :6~,~1't' e,i( No..', ., <: ,'<'abpve. : ~,~ Q~e~?'t i on's: 'and" f~r.t,h,er: i nformat.i on on.:'.i ,!E:![n's 1._ tJl~ougl'f 6c.ontact .t.heLANE- .. ". ::.COt)NTY PLANN ING\O IYI S.I ON .:.,Q'ues't ion!n,aqd: ,funh~c:lrif0r:m~~ioh' P'1' items 7. ~ ,'," through 'J.2:cOri,tact" thelA'NE COUNTY'BU'IU),ING<ANO~:SANJtAT ION, 0 I V IS ION. ',,~. ( LWj-JJ,b~' I:Hi.ld':J~,:,:th,is:hff,ce unt'i'1. Y9l,1 ,can"i~'sorvit~th~ probl~ms i,ndicat'ed."". :(.), rs"being._r~turned.';, .:: ' :, ..' .;'::.' .".,.::,~ '" ~.<.:f:~: . . '. " ,': (") Your bid f<;tin.g',...e.E:.~m{t~03RElj5::~S~L2!l_.:fe.i J.'s bei,nq' :retur'ned uri~~,.ggarate cover~ " , , . Utl'J\R:rMENT. OF" ENV I RONMENIAl.' MANAGEMENT , ,. " ", ~ ' . 1'35 S i ~th ,Aven~e' Ea~t ' Eugene.",,:: 9j-~,gon " 97401,' '" " 'PHONE::' 687..;4665. , .. .',,' . ~f> ' \: . " ' > ' "CAN'E"'COU'NTY. PLANN'tNG 0 IVISj'ON';PHONE;:\ '687;":4186 ~:-: ' . /'.. ",'-. ,- '.. . . . "'.\.':. .': >~':'~::~-.:;'.-:~'" -"-: ,~>...,.' . -.;"---~ . j55.,.28 . '..1 ~ '0: .".~ 't-: "~.. , ",.;., .- TRS'TL 11-D3-~"1' '/7ir-o , ,', " 'Plat: ,"P'lan' 'I ~, , , r[l ' ..'" ' Vicinity Map J Job Location" (Address) , p'ermit1f7~-~31 ' For, , ,Permit' II' For ",'Permi t, II ' ,For '1-- Y- 'Y St ~. 'c: ~, fiJ Y ~o;P J,43 '/ / . N " I ' :::.G01 '~()~J/).;;;J ~:I-' " Permit II , Permit II' " Permit II 3~O', .' , For, For, For - -'1 '1'0 ...... /