HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1986-10-13 (a , )RAL ADDRESSING _A.j},'~:j-q:-' CHECKED OCT 1 3 . /U, .' . FOR OFFICE USE ONLY. ~e Coun!'AuthO_xJ-,atiOn.:Or: .... ~~~;t~aiiO'?~_n '- \@~ (.)K.J~ (/~U~C#/y RANGE' ./J "'5, . .. SECTION./;!/ /.p TAX L(~Y 47;""'-- ~PROPOS~D .~SE OF ;ROPEORTY , "c/'~ ' . ~r/<-?, P-;;?'~/....> . Residential Industrial (if applicable.) I LOT/PARCEL 'BLOCK" ., ' ~ _ '" ", D. COmm~r,~ial . D. Public /?~?S~~ &E_,' '- c,~~R~ /~~# '~T~m7cERO~~a7"7 ~~~~", ,"': <.'''' ~ ' ~ " ~~. ~6~;>c:J';;"~ Y//;77~'~>T2',?7~\~. ~: ,7~p67G"~. 4~L/7'~ ~~Z ,A;:?cS Zl~PTION'-ClF, PROPOSEDWOmr-BE ~PECIFIC.?.' '.... /'./ .. / . . .", , .' . ... '. .: " ..' :'.' .. D~D S VAL~E ) <~~'/;2' ;";. 'y~r.~',//~~'/~/PJ~/?'~~,.u;/~'7/ = OF BEDROOMS~. .# OF STO~IE~'. # OF }~P7'yr:s. . \-IATER SUPPLY... .J.../. . 0 prop~sed ~- $/~. ..../z///Cl... .~ . :. /~~zr ~isting ,; O;'N/~;;f9 #~?C, . ~ ~~A~ ,;a;#z7~' T~LEP~ONE.~U~:B.~~_= ~f':'eR-'S NAME AND oyK#~ r, . ..,,' v:?h~Y.,YD~ ~BER '~~~l~~7//~~' .:~~c7'.$~ /r/7~7r P~TO~#~LS~'AN~A~~ /?~ . c-/ . _ /.A . .-/?~//: ~ c. TE~~~2 ~/_- . /-, ~,) .P'/~~/h'r-?~LT./j . '/~.(' '?-'.//1 . . J/P/?7c . '/ . ", . .". . .., /', .' ... .. . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION r'OR PERMIT, and do' hcre])y certify that all infol'mation ,hereon is "true and correct, and that I !have the following legal intere5~'-in the .property: O~wner of ,recordiD cO~it;;i~~:t. pu~c~as'e~"+-\"orized 'agent. .' " . I f-..:rther certify that any and .all work performed shall be done in accordai1Sf-:--.~j.;t:~1. the O.-rd~~ Lane COW1ty and the ,Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that,NO QCGUPANCY will b~ m<;1de of a..c/ s.t.ructy.re without the permission of the ,Building Division. I fur- ther certify that registration with the Builder's 'Board is i'n full f.clrce' and: e~~~ct. as re(;:uired ,by _.ORS '701.055, that if 'exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees~who are in compliande with ORS 701.055 will be usedo~ this.project~. I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THO 0UGHLY. . . ,., ' . '. ~ :~:-::q~~ ..L} :t~hO-qf1 TOWNSHIP ~? SJBDIVISION/P~\ITION .'. (=.,.: ~ ~~ SIGNATURE t:I /0 /13 fer t DATE ":1" READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. . YOY~UTHORIZATION ~AS .BEEN BASED ON THE FOLL,OWING CONDITIONSl o PLANNING/ZONING:', ? Zone V / r!J ,partit;ion # parc~.l ~" . parc;el ,~ize ~/# #- Minimwn Setb~/ ; CL';:~~~.'/..-../ 'r./. / .~, ;/-.Side "." /' ;;2..'..'~ inte__r..ior ~ rear COMHENTS:g-t::? ~.AI"///.//~r-n. /~b)h/// "'~~ Y ./ Datce:( . /t7//37L ~:- ',B. P. #2~~?';::' Inst,\llation Re~ I~sue~ &es 0 No . . . Li~~al Feet Maximwn Depth of Drainfield'. of Trenches' ~Xk-~.~.~ ^, Date: /o~r--~;j-P~~ M'SANITATION: S. 1. #. ,'. ~ / \ Ins talla tion . G~lllon Specifications: .', .' Tank ~ co~mENTs:~~~'i:,i.:2S J ~ .'/~ ,rJ -- ':, o PLANS EXAMINATION: . 'Type Group Use cmll'lENTS: Date: D ,,; ~~ ~tJ ~~___.jf ~"- ,." I(!),-/~?r ~T APPROVED ~Y ~ING CIAL/DESIGNEE (per ORS 456.805 (1) ) I DATr- . LANE COUNTY DEPA . ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERS.E FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION. (" 1/. _.?c; 'QQd. REQUIRED I~S~ECTIONS_: ~:~':\.~~. '-:. .~._ . . ' "". ',",,-". ""., , . ."'. _..~. .<...',.... ..'":.., ........ "'1': "Fourl'"da tion ~ Inspec-tT.on :-......... To' be' made- aft~r- t~endhes arel e'xc~va ted _ and' forms ere'cted' and- when\all, mater.i'al"s."'for.- the foundation are delivere? on the job~ t'/here concrete from a central' 'mixing '. . ...~~,a~:-(~~.mrn~~.lY, t:rmed "tra'~~t mi.\,:d '~.r~ is t~,~e~~,t;s.~t~~:t~rl.~ls nee.d,not. be O~<h~' j,O\..,.\;., ,Y2.~ . -'Concre te Slab 'or Under,,:,"? Iocr Inspection: To - be made a'f ter all in-s lab or under-f loor building'" ~"'" :~ervice equipment" coneuit, piping accessori~s_, .and~other,ancillary equipment ,items are.. in. . ...... "..;p,1'age, but:.:1;.efoie 'ar}Y'\.~C!!1crete 'is poure?, o~l-,f;loor tshea th~[1g,._i~stalled, inc:l~din9 ~~he ':tu~f lod~. ~"".("f"t...~:~...c.,c' _"._" '-'. .... ,,_.., ,. . i*.I~., 0....'..,... _...:....,..~._ ~. _. ....... ~_. .'~ -.-.-,', .... .3'. Framinq.& Insulation Inspections: To be.made after the .roof, all "framing-,'". fire blocking, ,~'~d " ~ ........ ..'. brac.i,[ig,,, ~re";,i,n pla'<;:e" arfd' a'l'~ ptpes, fir~pi'a'ces," chiinI1ey?: :,and, ven,ts, ~r.e -complete'" and alt .rough... .~.~_) ".: ~~,;;..: J. .........electrical. aryd pluml:lin_g:~re..:,_~pproyed._ ,:A~~ wall...insuJa_tiofl, <3:ryg.t,y~p.9r~"barri~r aref..Jn .plaqe.._ '\ . i I ~ ';, . , ,. . ,- I . , .- .,- ~. . 4 ~ ("IJa'th and/or Gvpsum. Board Inspection: To be made af ter- 'all ''I; thing' arid gypsum bQa~'d"', ;.nt.~r ior . '!it": ..... l' ~'- aii"(f'"""~xter lpr." lS In place but before any plastering is" applie"c and,before gypsum ""b"oard "joints "i ., .: '<c~.;:.' .;.. I ' ~i :,"'and fasteners ,are taped and flnlshed. '. ."..., ~.' "'. ."'"',., ," '"" - :.,., " ""'.~ .. ~~, Final Inspect"ion: :,0: be in'lde a~t~~ th~(bUi~ing is'comp~<;t~~~~ b~,foie' occupa;cy,'. . ,,', ...~. .. .... .J :...i '_"~: A.PP,!OVAL REQUIRED. 'NC; \.;~rk shall 'bwe' donet' ~n .any. part ~"f the b~i~ding o~' struc~ture beyo~d the pof!1~~ .. r- .-..... c,... . ~: ~,..:, ind1.'cated .ln~ e~ch succ~ssive inspection'''without,first obtaining the approval of the build.ing official; :,,:/ '-"_ '. __, . Such .aopro\Ta'l sha.li' be. 'gi,ven'.only af ter an', inspec~ion 'sh"a'll'..have .'been "made of, eabh -successive step , --'-... .. ~.;...,:>_."..';:._~n!,.,~he1construct'ion ~:s,jindicated by each-'of tiie',inspecl~.ions'r""eq'Uired": .. 4t~;i;~".i~":" ". '~-=':':;")i.:.~:'~S~.' >:'. . ..~~',...'_, ,1-.::; ~'qTE: !'All quflding. .p~r~its"requ'i~ rnspec~ions for_the wS?rk auth~rized~ such a~ bu~ ~~t'.~limi"ted' to:' .....~ ~,~..: "'....... ~..-_ ,'BlOCk l;}all~r~.' T? ' b~ mace ,_?~-ter' 'i~'in~orcir~,9 ~~~:~t~n -:p~ace ,,:...~u't~~E7,~O~~.J)~Y -~grout".Js poure~L~his' ' ...~" > ....... ,.i -, I'~~' lnspecStion is'required for..,eact{ bonA fOeam~'p~our-: ::. Ther'e 'witll"be" no' appiovaluntil.rtne~ plumbing .. . .._and .e:.le.c~:sical, ,iDsp'e~t~on:> hav~ .been,.made and1.ra?p;:ov;e.d. .,: ".;....,. . "II, "'.::1'_' " ,f. -~.. B. ~;}ood Stove: ,Tp be..made. ~fte_r:_~co~pletion of .~asol).r}"""('if applicable) an'd when iristal~ation is". ,,+ complete. Installa tion sha'll b~~ ~n acc'ordance wi th . aT]. . approved, n"a tional1'y recogni zed "~esti,ng' (.:. .:'a.g'en'cy a~,d th: manufact~rer:.'s instaillation'. {~s'~r.~ctions.. 1. "',:" . '. ,"> .J ;...,'.iJ:" :,' . ~'/..l:': ":'j ,. c:l'.'~1oi::)ilelHo'~e:J An inspection 'is .~equired' af,teri't~~ mobile 'home ~is' conne~ted to. an 'appro':'e"q. , j' .,:. . :'.~~', .' .' ~se!,er;or septi'c' sysltem for'~ ~e'tl?ach Fequiremehts,~ Ifb lock ing-',' footing' con nee tion / \ ti'edowris', - "(s'kirt'ing, and plumbing connect'ions. . I ,l ~...r..~ .' ~,.., . .fo~'" ~ ~, . ..~ . ~. 1. Footings and piers to comply with State 'foundat~sn requirements. for mobile hom'es or ~a's re?ommended .by the manufactur~r. I 2. Hob~le ho:ne ,m,ir::~mum. 'fin,ish}}loor ~l~vation ~sha1'l be ~certified' wh:"n'>r-eq~ired'tb;'.a fld09- pla'~n management lett~~ :'.- ~. ~ .' ._".: -. ...- '!;-.' .... -' '~J' ..~ 3., .t19l:>ileJ.ho!fle. tie_do~~,s,. ,!-,heJ.1 r~qyir~d,"~rd. s)<i;:!:itlg' s,ha.l-!, be installed and ready. .for. inspec- t~onwithin ~t., least 30 days after occupancy. .'I~edov:n.s,.~nd skirt~n~.. Sh~ll~be 'In'stalled ,'.. per 'enc16sure ::.' -. '..- '.. . . Swirnn;inc{ p~o\;: 'B~'16~':.g~.ade' wh~;' - \~t'eei is "in ~lai:~ an'd' "bet'or.e . conc'r~te 'is' 'poured. . -AboV'e' .~J;a'de w~en paol-rs-installed. ~.... ~.. ~ ~ 1., ,'I':J ~~ \,j i" ", " , , ...'.h :':'.;;".'" ",C',,~ . .. -;",~~r":q'~'~ :;" .' "_ :.~l ,:.., "::,,1, ,,":.('.;. ~ :tf Lt':..:' -~1,~~~~,~\j """ .:~ " '{ I........ l;t_'f '", : ....\.. "" ~-."... ~L: r .I ! ~ .: ;! ,....... -.... . - ... -'\>0 --,- .. ..c' ..... ;, -l '~- ~., ' \ ',- "'--......~~,<$ . '. "\ . " "........... - ,.~. '- ',' .-':,.. "._~ '-,"-- . . '". , ( ,,~: ... L . , " ';1 " ~lJ_' '.-:f'"..... _-....to: . ,-::\..:.' ..~ "~";.). ~ ~"""-: ,'.:;;.... .. ~ "..." .'41, -~ " .~" kilo" .:- .... .t..~ ':'~':~~TB1\~':S -:N~ O;I"iER CO~DITIO~S"~~F...APPROVAL MUST BE STR~TLY ..OBSERVED. ~~~LATION CA~"RESULT'IN REVO- CA,r"O:.l OF' 'rillS "PERHIT, CITATIW UNDER'. PROVIS'IO:.lS OF LAKESOU:-JTY.'5' IdFRACTION ORDINANCE',.ANDI.OR OTH'ER l RHIEDIES ALLOWED~BY LAW':. ........ .. ,. ... .--. . - .' ,. ..., ,~. . *' ! '.. . t * ;-. I ~ -.:l.- f,' I" 'I.... ,~ WHEN RE.;DY FOR' I:-JSPECTION, CALL 687-4065. A ~lINnlU:'l OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- .-TI0~ REQCES.TS :-iUST BE GIVE~-. Have the' fo~1owing"'-i'nformation" ready;. permi t number ,.,~job ,addres~', typ~ of'j insp"ection, "when it wi 1'1 .be ready', your _name 'and phone n~mber, and any spec.ial directions to ..s'i te.C \~ '. ,.:.,.,'~ .... '.~ """". "-" '. '... , -_'.'.'..,','.~J ".-" ,'>- , "..::.,..' ...;. ~BlJILDING .DIVISION:,', '. .... ',",,":\ ..~~ "'.< <.......:....:..:~:) <.. ."~,_ .. . ,_ ;., .-c...::., .,....,,: ' .~ ~f 'If' ,j--~ II -;'..~ ,t, ......: :1 f ,,", .\, ,.,;;..:... . :,l-. ~ :,: .~: ., .0'. ' , '-:'" ,~:-~. .. .~< \ ,~ .....f ~\ '\.'(~'(-.i";~~ '.\ -, . ,,:.,.., .' . 'Dr.:linTieid - ~~"'~.S :'.'~ .:,-~: From: \Interior ,property l~ncs 'Edge of~roa-d 'right-af-way Building foundation Jo.jclls,.. other<lo;oo'h'a tcr ...So.urces'.- 10' 10' 10 ' 10 Q' ; .10 ' lO'I,1l 5 ' 50.'.. ";"-''''~ ~. 1~ ......,"'.-:, .... I : ..' ..~,... " :.'/' .., - _.";;O,l.'~ , ..\ "..-'. ~"i::: ..'.... "\'" ::'i'l,\ '_:l'_~...__ /l ~ ,:;p~." :;;. __ ~. ...........-... ,,,,!,~ \ ' J. ~ I ''.';.'. ~ :- 1" ":. -I{lj.'. .~~..'~}:*. ~";'i~f.l ". ,/0. ..'~ ::- ". " . p'. '.. ;,'~ /~...':;\ }~:.: ~ .~( :;.;' :-.,~ " "":': ,', \. ',I >~( " .,r...., .~..~~rr1!.\.::.!~'::.~: ,....,: .' ,. .,. r t. ~ -"> 'J \Ji~..,' ~ '1 ~, ~,..;. '. (~ ",i' ,.A..:1:);.3~"~';':~'~.... ;" ; I. \1 _" 'j " :"1:' ;~ '''.J ~d ~.' .... ....:, " '- .~ .t ~, .~ /- '.' . '~ 1:/ "J:_. ~ . ...... -- " .'. " 2,_.,( , ,..-_ ;....t. ... ~ ',-,I:.::. .... ~ , r ;,. 1,,: .... " ,,~,.~. . ,--:. - .,. ~: " ,,- .: ,~ .. ' .... , .;-." '- ,....1 j ;~", ., ~ '.'~ n.;;' .... . . .~ '~'.. -.. . ~.~ .. t -I' ...-') .t"J ....;f 1,([" 1, ":-.. . -' ". , .,' ~ .' ,.,' : \ ~ I .", ..~, \;. " ~ :"~\1~ ., f , i " " ....l~.... . ~~"i:'~' ~:~:l" .. .' '~"~ '. ", .~ ;~' JI. l....., . )! ~ ~J ." 'l ',' 4___ :.~ :' -- '. '''>'~~?::~-' -,.;.. '. ,..:' . :-"'... .~..~:.:,..! . "- /" '.. ,. ',', r' I ~ n '1/' li.J: :::> APPLICANT COLE" JOHN 'fL..~ 1~J02061309205 Sl.JBDIV Nl~W B!_I)(; 'rYi:)I~~ '. lJSE (}WNEf~ MME: [(}t..E, \.J()~iN (:(JD!~ Af::Pt._ No o'AC'Y':[(:}N HP ::.:.;t::1 \I',:", t~~" DF' Y:~F' ~.. ~' F:tL ::::F I X/B(, TH :' i"jECH sttJF~ Ftf:i< L. ~:;~ I r'~ :';:: ~, ~~) ,l,:' }:{ l"r L.. ~...' ... _... ....n_. SDSI\l CtfrG: ,\ t'iF'!=' s:Fn\!: '! . 1 ,\ 1\,:', f-."':I.I'..'..;. ',':':':.1"':)', ...., ,.. I . I ~ .13 'f" .... r:~ ... fOof l:~: i~i ' :~.~ ' 'FP I:;' '~'11~ i...:J. I ... " .... . . ; !...(.~!NE C::!::JUj\l TY E~:NV t'iGT F:ECE IPT DEPT f'1r.)J)t::~ ~. '::)l~~::5 L.(:'~.~F~E:~... {;).\l~:::...} ',' I I ~ ~ ': '\ 1 : \ 'i'l , =G: i~96,86 I)'A'i'E~ 10138 Et.!GEHF, OF:i:::CON, '.L,DT BL.l< . . , :~; I~ L. :0 (~ St. (~) (~:' '[ F: 1..1 CH:-+-! E:: "l it 'l # 'I (.)'(':3 R BDRMS. 0 l.jNl'rS 001. S'r()R:[E~:S ))[~SlC F~ I ~::l'r I C;!'~ i:"iDDr;;' 'j \:)4D l...{lUr;;;:::i... p,\,IE,", j EUGi:::Nf: j' IS' (;~ ,F"r 1..1 l....! T 'f C: Cr,::'; T \l {~l :,., !.J 1:\ T I () t....! ' (j t:~~ E: {~~ (]}'.! E' r: E~ ' n -:,:,...,,,1/, "l,' M I, Ity ~! OJ! ~ .' SIVJl:;.:: ;::'T,", lJ,j'rr~ : MECHtil'-..! rc::(:\L. FE:E S T,::, T E: ,:~:I.J 1~:CHt!r< G E ,F';..,f::;l".i CHE::CK FEE. lift,' ~"[ ."/.: ::? ~:5 -:~~ F' 'f .~ :~';D;S:. S.I.::: P(;K O'TH CC:i'~'iPL.F'r:t Di\l .Dt!TE .P(.~:r.N :, , , ., ~ , c C 1 ~ , . i: . ,~ ~. i, b ~ f:"f /-~ (,) . !:~) () .,... .. ., ,. 'j' r.,", ",:.;..:,-;, ~ g Z " 5 ~ ~ .. o . -~ -4 'J .~ (,0,00 Cl<. ))Er1t)SI.r .jt~t .... 'f\CTlVITY INP'OR,MAT,iON' SblE'E'T ' . .;. ";.' -,,'. "".>' . '. " ',;, . '., . ,f , . -". , ' . COMPLETE THI$:SECT:IO~." INCO~P.LETE fORMS ,WILL BE REJECTEP! . . .. ~ '" ~ -, . '-, Lr,,^J-<'f"-' CPi:~RS;2M~K1NG"'REQUE~T ." N ~.L., ':' .l6+' .MAILING ADDRESS. '.Joh'", LJ Cnk, PROPERTY' OWNER '5'37 ) () '-I fS , .' Lf't:J..rY'~ ~ 'A~ .MAILINGADDRESS. . ,oR. .' STATE OJ l'-{/-/ ZI P CODE .' 'Spr'l "'q-r~\'A' .'OR "". . 47E.j/-2J . '. . C~TY, STATL., . ZIP CODE SDfI d . , CITY . J~'I -( Dl S BUSINESS- TELEPHONE .# '. . HOME TELEPHONE#, BUSINESS TELEPHONE # ,1 HOME TELEPHpNE # . 2' RROPERTYADDRESS ':, 16l.f'i? . LoN r'eJ ~V'f". I 'OF'DIFFERENT FRqfV1 MAILING, ADDHtSS.J . '. .~, " ,(artAJ, ,/ . 3' MAP &. PARCEL NU~~ER. (from tax maps "fn Department of Assessm~n't .and Taxation (REQUIRED INFORr~TION), /1(1 Zfd?~i3ateme~~ ;'~j/ ... lOWNSHIP, RANGE. SE~TION.TAX LOT(S) OR 'PARCEL # ZONING ~ .:. .. TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION lAX LOTtS) OR PARCEL # ZONING . , .. . TOWNSHI P RANGE SECTION TAX LOT( S) OR PARCEL # ZON I NG,' " ~ "" . 4 SUBDIVtSION (if'appl'icab1e) ,,' > . TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY. IN SAME OWNERSHIP: . '. '.. ., ; .' '1 .' LOT ,ACRES BLOC K I . . , 5, REQUEST (state exactly. ~h~t you p"~n to do) ,_~'h''-~lA.h~ .\Y\$O-e.c*\Dn '~'()'(' IO<A.h t . ~. 'y- ~v l.e...-l-J . , . . -/.'. .. 6 01 RE CTI QNS TOS:ITE: ~,o,..,;.. ~'Y\ 0, ~ '" '::, Q u\(~ '"' <;'0, i "i. Y\. ~ , i l.~ 0", 0"c-.s'F .0. r: I ',......,.... ,..._......~,~j I. ,-f-\~\7; '(')h LQiJY::-<:'~:' ~~' , '. , , ,,' ' I , I - ~..._"..,...._-,",.,- '-""-"'-~~"-'- .-.-.~.'"'"''' '.._-,. . " ',. .. ."...~.. "...-.", .....,.....--,. - '--..-...- -'..---..-." ......-.. --".. .....-... .". '**.fOR STAFF DSEONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE:' . . :',::. ~., 14-33.. ~ >, . ' , t. LAN.DMAN~GE,MENT :D(VIS!ON. /.'125 E. 8th AVE" EQGENE, 'OR 97401 / 687-4061