HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1975-11-18 . , ~ '.\ :' ) . ..:, ',-,- " , . . ".1 . '!.." ~ ,---- ( 3073;.;75 LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR: PERMIT NO- , : CONSTRUCTION [x ] MOBILE HOME [ ] PLAN REVIEW [ ] DOwner ROR~RT N. HILL RUILD~R NAME 5AM~' NAME 870 w. CrNT~NNIAL ADDRESS SPRINGFllrLD CITY CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] CJ7477 746-qq16 ZIP-CODE PHONE [ '1 o Contractor ADD RESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE OS Reg. # 81 Tw!", 18 Range 2 ~~~R~~~G~tF~ Section h .I.~x Lot 9-z,tJ ~ Code Census Tract SubdiVISion Lot 18 Block 2 Acreagp Width 80 Access to Pro perty (R oad Na me) LAURtL STREET Depth 100. 65 EXisting Structures on Property NONE Directions to Property - Address 1060 LAUREL STREET SPRtNGF'IELO STRUCTURE (# BEDROOMS) I}WELL I tJG GARAGe SO FT 1107 @ 21.80 506 @ 5~30 VALUATION $24. 1 ~2 .60 2.681. iO $~qO INSTALL SE~ER DISPOSAL SYSTEM -.-----~-~----_._--~---- --- SEWAGE DISPOSAL PR I OR PUBLIC [] SEPTIC TANK [ OTHER [ ] BUILDING ~118.oo PLUMBING . ~lLM 3% SURCHARGE - h-5h MOBILE HOME WASTE DISPOSAL In{'\ nn PLAN REVIEW PLUMBING INSTALLED BY OWNER [] OTHER [] NAMF WATER SUPPLY PROPOSED [ ] EXISTING [] [ ] PUBLIC [ ]( COMMUNITY - NAME [ ] PRIVATE WELL [ ] OTHER - SPECIFY I.J/I_'_J\M~TT~ \>1J\T~n TOTAL ~?i:\h-.~h CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY ~ GALS 900 MIN DRAINFIELD ll=iO L1N FT MAX TRENCH DEPTH ~O INCHES THE DRAINF"IELD MU5T 8E PLACED 10- F'i"!"T FROM PROPFRTV llN!=' ANn HOIJ~!='. R!='<;r;R"f:' AN ARtA FOR RrPlACFM..NT OF' SrWF'R DISPOSAl SV~T.M. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION t:;1\, GROUP R R..I FIRE ZONF STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS USE CLASSIF .' -~~- SETBACKS - FT FROM CTR OF r/W FRONT 50 SIDE EXT FT FROM PROP LINE SIDE INT " REAR ,., ~ .I ZONI= DI\ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES /s/ J 6 E. 80ss IHARBAUGH GRAV /5AN I TA~ I AN ISSUANCE DATE 11/. RhCl /" ^ ,-, BLDG PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IMPORTANT Call 687-4065 to schedule all required construction Inspect'ons Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system Inspect,ons All constructIOn shall comply with the State BUldllng Code, 0 E Q standards for subsurface sewage d'sposal and the State Plumbing Code All bUildings require a certlf,cate of occupancy before being occupied (See Details on Reverse Side) (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) CL /lr; C55 13 LANE COUNTY, DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ,~,../~;)..~.. ;t.;:,.-.. ~ l-.... ':. 1 A -.' - .)... - ..'I'..~'f"...;~~':.::J....'J.'-{/~(;:Jl~... u"',i'.// '.,J.,"", ~ K( ~" ~l:<f;."~,,-~:/,,].::;~i~(-:'r :-: ;,' "';.:, ! \' ,"'\pT?;"I\.~:(t4.c-"" ,/./ J'~"\")"~~ ~ 1 .~~ "'l~':r-<._r:\ ',~ ''{'j' ~_:~~~I:~" '(")'" ~lt. ,:' ~~>- _~~\\........ .- ,-~tt.,,~?,~~:>'l"~f.;';'''''~ ~.."\,,'~ :..' ...., ~,:::--A"... ~{J'l (' I... < fA~:,' ~~~ :':}.1 ~'.'t""~.~' ,~(.. ." >~ ~i''... '~ 1,f<J('t. .t.,:: .' ....... ,\ .. . C .;"fI. \P."".;..... _ "t t" .~~, !' I.. ,(.. " ~/'" . "~'" .1\ .. ;~ ~.W:'~.', :t.""'l"~~ ):J~'~',,: 1 T"",I",~'i.iI.!:;f'''.''fr..,lt. t;":;. f:~": ,i.-;'I\"'((':';!'.,,,,"" t~,;I,~',', d.' 'i' .".,'. '.; Ml:!!'~ co' ,. "~.::\..,,, " .,... \ f ' , 'I' ' ,'!". ~i:.G .' ~f,,:J ','; , 'l~;'.~ :.: 'J 'I " ' ,... .. 'I,.. 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'.; L.;... -4 -~ ~ c:: "- ~"'-.~~~ "-"'r::- "'.:>0 ~ <:::. \ -.;:a-~...........' :::> ~- -....::-- ~- We/fLT ~~ 7<" tT SUBDIVrSION: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. 3~?3-7.s- LOT: BU-! L~ ;NG' SITE EVALUAT ION I .f ( .t)." () SITE I.NSPECTlON PLANNING DIVISION Not App 1 icab 1 e 1. Zoning Ordinance Compliance: Zone ~~ () 2. Subdivision Ordinance Compliance ( ) 3. Required Access ( ) 4. Building Site (Area, Width, Frontage) () 5. Other (see comments) ( ) COMMENTS: S TAX LOT BLOCK :' APPLICANT DATE No Yes () (,} 6. ( ) ( ~ ( ) ( ) ( ) (I) ( ) V) CKID BY~ / / -/Cl. -?.s- Setback~J~6m ell of road: Front _~C/ Side Exterior Setbacks from interior Side Rear 1 i nes : S S-- PLANNING DIVISIONAttlON PENDING: VESt ) NOt ) APPLlCATION# BUtLDING INSPECTION DIVISION Not App 1 icab 1 e ( ) ( I) ( ) ( V 7. Plans Submitted 8. Soil Stability (footings) 9. Flood Plain 10. Other (see comments) COMMENTS: WATER POLUTION CONTROL Not App 1 icab 1 e < ) ( ) 11. Meets Department of Environmental Quality Standards. 12. Other (see comments) COMMENTS: No fie () () ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) CKID BYtf$~a1~./~G> '}J- f DATE ..- No Yes () <pQ ( ) ( ) B~+ /J-It/-1S DATE CKID TO APPLICANT: ~o~ Building I Site Inspection: ,R(.! Can be approved. ~ ( ) Cannot be approved at this time as indicated on item NO. above. Jf~ Questions and further information on items 1 through 6 contact the LANE- \~\I\~~ COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION. Questions an9 further information on items 7 I \ through 12 contact the LANE COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION. ( ) Will be held in this office until you can resolve the problems indicated. ( ) Is being returned. ( ) Your bu i 1 d i n9 perm it app 1 i c~!X.9.!:l..Je~j_ue i ng ret\lrMd unger separ,i!te cover Il DEPARTMENT OF ENV I RONMENTAL MANAGEMEN1' 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon 97401 PHONE: 687-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 687-4186 C55-28 . ," . . . '. . Date " Noll.MR.Q 1 7, 1 9~ 5 Permit No. 3073-75 CURB CUT PERMIT IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY WHEREAS, the attached application has been fully considered by the Board of County Com- missioners of lane County, and it is the opinion and judgment of the Board that the said application should be granted, and that a permit should be issued, now, therefore, it is hereby. ORDERED, that a permit be and is hereby issued to ROBERT N HILL 870 WEST CENTENNIAL SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 or constructing the following facility: BUILDER for placing, building 2ND ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES LOT 18 BLOCK 2 1060 LAUREL ST. SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 upon the right-of-way of County Road No. , Mile Post in strict conformity to the exhibits attached hereto, and subject to all terms, conditions, agreements, stipulations and provisions contained in the appl ication and permit, the Rules and Regulations Gov- erning Facilities to be Permitted upon County Road Rights-of-Way, as set forth by the lane Man- ual 50.190(2) any amendments thereto, and any other applicable regulations, law or ordinance. Special Provisions: 1. Driveway will be constructed in accordance with the attached driveway approach specifica- tions (Drawing M98-50). Permittee will be responsible for the immediate removal of all mud, dirt and debris from the roadway and right of way caused by his 0 peration, leaving the roadway and area in a neat, acceptable condition. 2. 3. SIDEWALKS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED SIDEWALK SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWING M98-49. THE STANDARD CURB TYPE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. This permit is revocable at any time, and will be strictly adhered to and no work other than that specifically mentioned above is hereby authorized. This permit shall be void unless the work herein contemplated shall have been completed be- fore NOVEMBER 17 , 19 76 Expires , 19 Inspected and Approved Approved by Board of County Commissioners By tk~ Director of PubliC Works Date By WHITE - OFFICE FILE GREEN - RESIDENT ENGINEER PINK - PERMITTEE BLUE - ROAD SUPERVISOR ORANGE - BUILDING & SANITATION DEPT YElLOW - REAL ESTATE C98-79 ,.,,~,~. ;'~A.. >'"' "'i:J'i'""'o7.."""""......',}b~,.,~.V,~"..::."'"'' .. , '. :.tt'~ "Jid!f"i0t . " . , . ..' ">>',i;.t;,:'" . ' ',.. .' [ x \~;,\:~:/',;"~,, .'~: .,." \~ )'. ~ ,',. . . . , -, .r"f.,., .. .",CON,STRUCTION [It] MOBILE HOME [,] . PLAN REVIEW ['] ~" ;,' :~~l"~""'.' . _ '.: ~ i . '." -.l;-~'l';}".., ;0 Owner'" .. "~8itA'F fit. Hlu_ ecHlttlfttR 8'10 W..C.I:tN'tI!JImGAi. N:A.ME ADDRESS ~-..~';,_"'T'~_~':: .-:;: ~-Ct1~::;:::':"..._,-,..,.".:rr'1-....-"~.~...., .....;. .,-r'"'-"'f."'i''-:i~ "".-:' . ~.,,-lL., . '-_..,..~ ,.;'::' . ,". ......-., -.., .....-, ,;.....;,.: ". ;r~ LANE COUNTY PERMIT FORi ) '. .." \~ .....-;'1,0$. . ,'_'1:;0,,_\, "" . \'1 ........1.,~ .PE'Riivll,;r~NO',307j"-1~!,. . . '--.r'!-''''l:, ,'.,". I ;:~.r . . , .J,;'f~'!" CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ 1 q7~17 . '1~&.~ 16 Zlp"cbDE'" - P~ONE',. SPR I NGF litL Ii CITY O.S. Reg. # : .T~r i6 !i:~} . . . (Subdivisian S~ .NAME [h' ADDRESS. CITY ZIP COpE PHONE',: Range 2 ,D(\Il~1 11 Section " ~~ .< '.(f- -, ~/f' Tax Lat Cade . ..Census' TraGt Lat" il Blo.ck ' e. . Acreag;' Width 80 : Acce.ss to' Proper-tv (Raad Name)', LA~~IU. $i$!tE'f . Depth. .. 'OOo&> ,ExistingStructures on Praperty: pirectians to Property - Address: Nt1\~t, . . . .#..... f~'~n~St~[~T St:"n~QttgLI\) , .. STRUCTURE ('# BEDHOOMS) ,. . ..' ~iit.\, t~ : . _ P GADMH!it . l'}~ ,:" ~;~~'~_::;:':"~'~ _' ,SQ.FT. UO} , 2l.60 ..41106, @ . fIi,,,~ .~. . ''';; .. VALUATION , $i4s 1~.~6t) '~.4i81~~ 4r'!:~.~~ ,. ., ~_l~~r.~~\L,,~J.tf~!i.J!t$~ts~,..$.YJi"..Il'~__, . . -.- .-. '," .-" SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Pl:ll~. ,.' P:UBLlC [,] SEPTIC TANK [] OTHER [ 1 iUa.~ ~4,..QO -. f~~ 1;E) " .. . .' '. ~UILDING PLUMBING .3% SURCHARGF \,' t, . :.MOBILEHOMF ,',WASTEDISPOSAI' . 'PLAN .REVIEW pLlJIViBiNG INSTALLED BY: OWNER [] OTHER [] NAMF WATER SUPPLY: :PR"OPOSED [ ] ,EX'ISTING [.] ",l 100.00 [ ] PUBLIC [ :]1. COMMUNITY.- NAME: [ ] PRIVATE WE~L : [ ] OTHER-SPECIFY' \41fll AiMll''\M''#.' l.Jti'l'~~ " TOTAL "-latii,:~fi"'" CONSTRUCTION PERMITS.& INSpECTIONS AND WATER PQLLUTIONCONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY:" to, GALS.. . 'gao MIN. DRAINFIELD 1~, L1N. FT. . MAX. TRENCH DEPTH WINCHES 1!"R$ O.~Hll"U~"'Gl MUlJ'f (Mi' PL:Ac''E'olQ'',mllV',''ft9tfj Ii'ROPE,ft'Vy....OO(f. liMfll' KeW\m. llistSlml1lVIZ Atf . AA&AfI'.UB 8t!1PLA~itt4Il:N'l' 0' ~rm :&I&PciillM,9.1"f8"11f4. T,YPE OF CONSTRUCTION 5C'3 GRO.UP t & J FIRE ZONF STA Y100' FROM ALL WELLS USE C LASSI F . '. 'SETBACKS -FT. FROM CTR. OF r/W: FRONT"~' SIDE Ex-f FT, FROM PROP. LINE: SIDE INT.!1lj'" REAR ~ ZONF RA ~ .: i,;' '.' AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES: ;'. Is/ .. J,.E....$$.!Hl\ftmaU_ "., \::. { . QAAVJS~N.'1Att.AN ISSUANCE DATE: '1 tAS!1&i . .€:LA I ;' ;.' ';:-'i"i":""'-'" -r;' . /. "\,n:j1 " . . BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE ..1 OFFICE coPY - WHITE . COUNTY TAX ~ PINK PLUMBING - CANARY . BUilDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD . IMPORTANT: . . . . , Call.687-4065 to schedule all required.construction in's'pections. Call 687-4061. to schedule.all required septic system inspections. All constructionshall comply' with the'State Buidlirig'Code, D.E.O. standards for'subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of." occupancy before being occupied. i C (See Det,!i Is on Rliverse Side). C'SS-.13 (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN SLDG, AT SITE) LANE COiJNTY. DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EP\ST 6th,. EUGENE, OREGON ~?401 1 ',.,'. '-'.1 IL \,.;,..\.,.. /..... ) 1 SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / REMARKS GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROV[-D / / DISAPPROVED / REMARKS ROUGH PLUMBING ApPROVED ~ / DISAPPROVED REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / REMARKS FINAL PLUMBING ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / REMARKS FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY / DATE / DATE / DAT#- ~75 / / DATE / DATE / DATE READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE / / DA TE REMARKS INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPEC~~ (/ INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR . , ~ I'J '''' ~ ,~-' -.... " '--"-'~"~-;;-~."''''t.;:... ~ ~ ,~.--',,",~ -':... ,...J_;;~~ ~,;-, ;...'--"~:?~~~i::)~1.~::.:a~;'~~r-"1,rr;:-~"::.'!~'~-~-;::r-~-< ,,~-,,-, ~' . "" :-.:-~~ ..-'......,.;b,-~ _ r ~ .__"..,,"..\,',. ,.r.. ..' ," - - C' Daty., N.MiIJllUMrru ,r'-" I '. \ r 1 ~ i>1i~; . ~ ;'1.~ . '<;,'I,Y-$:" /--, , \ I ! '~ Permit No. , \ .~ <. '. ~ ...~ ~-;.':"C;:f~ ,ii ' .....;.4<. ;,.',,,,' ~K1~f-t:t'1I- '~; ~~ CURB CUT r". ., .; ~"1\ , PERMIT IN THI; iiOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY V' WHEREAS,-rthe attached application has been fully considered by the Board of County Com- missione~s of lane Cql.mty, and it is the opinion and judgment of the Board that the said application should be grant~d, and that a permit should be issued, now, therefore, it is hereby. . /1 . .....,. ORDEREDj that a permit be and is hereby issued to lhl'lli:F\'f n hu.,t, ~~'iHl~li:h f" .' i.J 10 lAt(~a.'V t~q>I'rl4f'#~ii tAl. or constructing the following ': ~.,4.G ,tlt'.",... i. "i' 'lj, il'k.t.,,~~,::,,; "'.. ':~:". 7'G ...'~~T~;f,'" ,4-lJlUW '4'~"~'4l V411 !~~r.",i ~;Jl; '.f, V facility: ~ ". for placing, building ~ll'a)~fP~flltl~~ 1'0' M,'o!lt(1ow GI~-t3ti€ ~;l!::fArtlSi ,. i!cI,"i' \;}:,~; ;~. ,'a ",", ~,I ~~~ ~ ~~ \w Lfit... ~.lNt <;~ l'r" 1of.~ ~~~\~ t~". !.l'kik$-1l'H,~i{:1 O~t;t,.I):i, ',n-;:t? p. \;. .'.... upon the right-of-:way of County Roa'd No. , Mile P~st , in strict confbrmity'to the exhibits attached hereto, and subject to all terms, conditions, agreements, stipulations and provisions contained in the appl ication and permit, the Rules and Regulations Gov- erning Facilities to be Permitted upon County Road Rights-of-Way, as set forth by the lane Man- ual 50.190(2) any amendm~nts thereto, and any other applicable regulations, law or ordinance. .. . if:: Specia I Pn,:{';is'ions: \.;..? "I ~ , 1 / "',..- jf' . .-:. ,": . ,./ A"L-:....... " .f.t'/.l"';'o~.h J. r '::.~--;..g.~.: ..... .. 1. Driveway will be constructed in accordance ',with', the atta,ched driveway approach specifica- . tions (Drawing M98-50). ';, , . 2. Permittee wi.ll be respo;nsible for the immediate removal of all mud, dirt and debris 'from the roadway and right of way caused by his operation, leaving the roadway and area in a neat,. acceptable condition. "f-"'?,\ <~.v ~~U:u~\tlALf':Hi W'~u. :j~t <;OWEl~::\;j:fl:n~~ !h 'Iii Ii__fl<< li>>,.rt:trU~a' tt:lit$ ~~ U;tAjHN~ ~;o '. . , (}l ~r; ~~t4t~ l(.1iWt' tttt ,i\rV/ltKii:U !SJ. t~.ii!t;1't 11lt n'AlJIllMno W~ 'r\l'"~e: e.fl&ik~.. )i; \,.kjt ~ ~ rr t t: I)... .OJ.' i'-'\ '- '". :.fl l~ Inspected and Approved Approved by Board of County Commissioners By Date ~' / ;. .~ .. . , By Director of Public Works ~,. . . WHITE- OFFICE FILE GREEN - RESIDENT ENGINEER PINK _. PERMITTEE . BLUE - ROAD SUPERVISOR . ORANGE - BUILDING..& SANITATION DEPT.' .. YELLOW - REAL ESTATE C98-79 , \ . .c'- '.........- ...."!; , :'i .; c . ..., o LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR: PERMIT NO. ':;~.l~;<h&j .\ J. CONSTRUCTION [s MOBI LE HOME [] PLAN REVIEW [] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] \, p 9wner 1}~~~~.~r.:C'l' ~;'titl . ~ ~ L~ r~; t.W..U1~~~ " t. ';/~J ~.;" Cr:i.'~'ff:~,;:%JU, ADDRESS ;........ ~i!iiUNC1" h':1.0 CITY ~;; ,',l.r ~;~,1 ZIP CODE 11,~f-?" tl:;\.{;'j PHONE .[ '0 Contractor NAME C;:1'11tt .' .. NAME \ , ADDRESS CIT.Y ZIP CODE PHONE O.S. Reg, # gB .Twr ,( '-"'-. rr Range 2 '""'., ...... . - - :.. ~ :Subdivision . ~i~~~g~f:~ Lot . ,''-. ,"~ Access to Property (R61~)-Name)' t.AtHf~~:;';'t\~{;~\. ~ "' "!o .~ ~ ',' Existing Structurleslo~ope~~l,""- ~lJR.. \ ~'-t~:-_ \~~~t>,,~~:~~~,~)'~~:\\-0'S i\ '-:\, \ .... ... .' \ . - \' ~' ,- ,,\\ ~ - ".~ \ . \ Directions to Property - Addre~s: tOOG ~}HIJWt~ ~iTr~r.T\ G~~,ft'n}t ~t:i.v \ "\ " t \. ~ , .\ \\ \ \, . , . .~, ........ ( . " ,~Y~~'fJ '~~) ~~..~\}~~ .~\\).) i\ \.1) \ "1:(0 ., ....' ~'}~.Q. FT. \ ei'YJ L "'.nAJ :JOb (~, 5.. 3'tJi \ "~ \......, Section ~~, Tax Lot Code Census Tract t,~: Block :'0 Acreagp Width ..j'j ..., "~ Depth tC;:h f:, " ....:.... . \ ~) ~\- ~'S.... \ 'STRUCTURE (# BEDROOMS) CUi":..' ~'\{';> SEWAGE DISPOSAL: fti'H{ffi"i PUBLIC [] SEPTICTANK [ OTHER [ ] f:' ~ ~ \.. i,!,~ '.I\.'~ --\ ,~~y~~,~-L "\--~\:~... ~~~i,~~h PLUMBING\INSTALLED BY: - '\ OWNER [] OTHER [] NAMF VALUATION t'f,i: }~'/ '1 32' . ~l:' .. ._~1' btH~~tl~_ t~k~ll ~.,1 ~\.'~)f\ , I 1 r I , '~~"~:.i ;:~~~? r~::i~l__.~-".L'~ {~~ r-...... > ,~-~t!,......Q.l~ _~!'il~}t~l}.. J,.~~t:Fl.. ;;;.~F:;!~1J;~ ~j!B't~iL.. If.(l~~}O . ,."-,, /;, .' \. \, [ ] PUBLIC [ JJCOMMUNITY - NAME: [ ] PR IVATE WELL [ ] OTHER - SPECIFY' \.\1 tLt. At4t':l1tt,; 1A"tc:~ .. , . J. I I !i t 1 ; , 'J: I BUILDING .PLUMBING 3% SURCHARGF , MOBILE HOMF WASTE DISPOSAl PLAN REVIEW , ", it' ~ 'f..JIOGO 1ll,~t)J WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED [ ] EXISTING [] ~. .J J I I I I I J 1 I TOTAL . ""'7~~~1jG':"-(' !,I.!,-' CONSTRUCTI.o.~ PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFl.CATIOI\JS MIN. SEPTIC:\lIoANK CAPAClf-Y-;. ~ fi.e,' _' "" ,_, GALS ;,ll'~~ MIN. DfrAlNEIELD ~'l~ L'IN. F1.:r.. MAX. TRENCH DEPTH"'3~" i'NCHES , mr: OflA lNV H~"'U ~U$'f)&t:..P.lA<<:tfJ; IL~n:'r~n~~,'GS-\:~~hr U~E, .h~ii~ \IlO.t)~t,,~~!.:or,(!,Htr, ~r 1W~~Ji. ~Ult ft~111i.Atttt{m;. Of' $f.WU'-I $Jif,Ft1$AL t.1'i't\;tM. ;1 t .% , ". + .:- , . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIQ)N. , p )'M GROUP 1, .r. ~ FIRE ZONF STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS USE CLASSI F. ( .~~\ .>, \'. ," .~. -1"1 .... , i ~, :' \0 i"t, r SETBACKS - FT. FROM CTR. OF r!W: ..u FRONT ~l' SIDE EXT. 1 FT. FROM PROP. LINE: SIDE INT. ,';\ REAR :; ZONE= ;,,:f~"\ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES: ,) t. 1'n.M .,.'."" "'f>~~~"':l /s/ ^}4~,.~ tl""", .Ij ,'I~'";!JI"',,,,,,I, ; (,i;.!" " ,f" ".'J. ~ '<,l>....,i'"' (' f\C~ -tn. '1""- .~ t' ....~ ~-~, il~". _t-,:. H' \-l V .-~~ ISSUANCE DATE: Hi t.i~l!';^') . t: ~ i. BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD Call 687\,~065 ;'0 schedule all.}equired construction inspections. Call 687-4061 to s~hedul~ all~reqUired/." IMPORTANT'.. septic sys'iem friS'pections'. All construction'shall comply with the State,Buidllng Code"D.E.O..standards . for subsurface sewage disp6~al and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require' a cer.tificate of: " occupancy~be!ore being occupied, "_~" . \, - ..., ,~.'!!.(~< '\- I \,'.'. ...).. (" .',', ~, 'i- "\ _ \, (See Detai!s on Reverse Side)'j" /.'i;;.> .' -'f - - '" "" 'oJ'. ' " '- \..1 ' , \ \ :~-':'-:j-'/ :-..rJo {of' . ,'- J "' '. ,. :,. (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG, AT SITE) LANE COUNTY, DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 C55.13, , . SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FOUNDATION INSPECTION @) ApPROVED / vI' DISAPP~OVED / ~ DATE/:Z"/~ "'7($.... INSPECTOR' _,( REMARKS t7 /( ~ :dit/t!-;t;t./Jk~, ;;~~r' Y) r;;L J;) ->9r.r!r P ~ J ~ ! V lj - :1' 'F /I, . ) :.) y ~,_, " L1 ,... J) / Ii ~. I! ~t tIJf't-i4-lJ!... .-"UHLiJ..,lt./'If.L/l O~/ 4'( o/f.1''Cf'fL- /~_z"! ~7!/1! !,' FRAMING INSPECTION ;r ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / DATE ~) /7 '1 '1' If / REMARKS V~ 4{ia.r-t:~~.t!t./;..{f_iL' 1- $"--,?r/ ~:t a' ;f INSPECTOR ,f LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPROVED / 'x / DISAPPROVED / / DATE / ~..</~~ " INSPECTOR~~ """"""- REMARKS FINAL INSPECTION . -/ ApPROVED / ~ BJ~A~PROVED / /!" [} /,..) Jf.. / DATE Pf'....(j/ / ~ I t!l IA INSPEC REMARKS ;~,. '. - " . , CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / I NOT READY TO ISSUE I I DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS -/ - /J /. t:) ,,I 1/. AI 11/1/./ //!A71 t/V L/l /' v -Po , ' /1 d'1 ) ;--; 2 tY -~ -:2/, /'/// if' ~ /:1 .) ( / v - 'r':l /l.qr / C ~,:) /f-r.Jt~~~ ~ ~ / PRC INSTALLER: Complete top part ot 'ED SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM RECOr Jrm to signature and submit bott. INSTALLER'S NAME Perreo No. Liring Units Septic Tank: Ft. from well PROPERTY ADDRESS ''"'. . I . , - Jpies with application. PERMIT NO. 3073-75 ~ 'GG Bedrooms 3 1060 Laurel St. Spfd. BaZhs Basement Water S~pply Yes No X Pub 1 i c Other-Li st Steel o Concrete KJ No. Compartments 1 Inside Lenqth OWNER NAME Dimensions: ft. 8 Width 4f Diameter Gal. Capacity 1000 Depth 5 Tile Disposal Field: Distribution Box: Yes X Other Distribution-Type No Robert N. Hill, Bldr. MA IL ING 870 W. Centennial ADDRESS Feet from WEll Lot Li ne Front 100+ Ft. Between Li nes 10 Springfield, OR 97477 Length of Lines-Ft. Trench Total Sq. 1.8'2.703. 4. 5. 6. ,Width2 Ft. 100 Plot Plan (see instructions): Foundat ion 10 · Side 10' Rear 10' IFiller Filler Depth IFiller Below Type ItR Above Tile2 in.lTile 6 in. ( .~ j\ \/: ~~ :- -~~ -'~$~I ~ ~ '. ,0' I I \ /, ''i-I I '1 "10". I /'1" 7 'I ' ~1l.}/71 ~ t , I I . I I ~~~ :.~~ -.J ~ I , J Nt D_ n - I Date 1 f.. ?f.. S i q!'ature ~:t/l \f:.q fV\.~ CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION For Sanitarian Use Only: In accordance with 1973 Oregon Laws Chapter 835, Section 214 this certificate as evidence of satisfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system location. ~ Approved: System Installation conforms to current standards I (Disapproved: Does not conform to current standards Remarks: /,_ o~ 71 Date: "t)' ~ is issued at the above 4~" San i t"ar i an I 5 S i gnat yffi LANE COUNTY V STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY C55-11 NOTE: NO PERMIT ~ BE ISSUED UNTIL THIS APPLICAl PERMiT ~" ~ J,\ <:; HAS BEEN APPROVED ~ . > APPLICATION FOR: CONSTRUCTION ~ MOBILE HOME I I . PLAN REVIEW CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY I l OWNER&;/7/. /1.11/ ~~~L~~,!'it'J y. t,,~0' JAYu~-~.d/ ~ o Name - Address Clty (/ Zlp / / Phone CONTRACTOdd'JJ.1/~ ~7~ .:;,<J clltrrlV124 &t~ 7~~'-97/~ J Name Address City Zlp Phone O.S. R1G. # ~J' ~ 11 TwPdf~ Range::t Sectlon ~0 .n sf(d'lV~!ll~'/~!JuS'+- [d-~ . Lot J,.p ACCESS TO PROPERTY (Road Name) dt2t:t'd_~ ~~,t-i- EXlstlng Structures on Property: <77/l}1,l~ - Property Location - Address/Duect:ons:_ltJ<::o ~~L Tax Lot Code Census Tract Block 62., Property Acreage '0-" . '" Wldth~Depth~ J~zI: r A 1r7rtf' ~ lfelow fo r Off lce Us e Onl yXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - ~~ "'-~~'-'- '\ ~". ~ ........~. , }.- '--- - ~. .b--::~. ~ -€- \\Dr\t. ~) ~\, F~ms ~'j(";L~ ~"\( r'\ ~), ~~,,~C-'\ - 7 / / Existlng Sewage Dlsposal System 1/ ~ Name of Communlty or PubllC System / Valuation 6<c:::> ~\-\ I \~~. :;) <O?l l . 60 -- . - .--..... . S. SEWAGE DISPOSAL:"......) . "\ Slte Inspectlon # ~ ' r~~ ~ ~~ln.P'\K~' or New System Requlred ~ WATER SUPPLY: Well Spnng (Other Communlty I ~-\.."-~'-Q "-~p \. ~D. ~'9.V- FEES: '""PLUMBING: ':2. <;1 \ ( c. oc:::;, Installed by Owner I ..,)~ lfldg. \.. ~ I .~ Waste Disp. ~ ()() .00 \~lumblng S\..\.C)() PubllC PLUMBING FEES: \D pi),\ ~ of Flxtur s '-.-/ . Name Plan Revlew Sewage ~ Connection /- Water ~ Connection ./ PLAN7ED l.\. .~l() I [". I YES I \ NO I l YES I I NO ~l' .~ S,_,"," uf AP"~%_ ~ i't~ I ,,'))- , ) ~ ~'\ Fee Received By: ~:~ .~\\~~ Min. Septic Tank Capacfty C[.fYf) ~JlnfJld Requued - .Jlneal Feet (,"\0 Maxlmum Depth. .~ M :M.i/ d~u~'~~X~ ~ (f#-.A~ ~-~~ ~ ~ .. t ' /' 1/ '1 orr~ / '/ Vr ..AA4A.(J-. a-- /~ ~(JI'f ~tI~~ C:1Ilt ,r~ r . f/ -,- - / 1% Surcharge Mobile Home TOTAL Type of Construction ,/ ,.I) j;V Group / ~ Fue Zone , Use Classlflcatlon B1dg Setbacks - from Center of Road Rlght of Way: Front~;'"? Side Int. ::;;-- Slde Extenor Rear ~ Zone tR;:7l C 55.12 DATE: ~ SANITATION: DATE:. QU!IDINGi} . d"J../J DATE: ' //-/3 -/~ ~).~ 1/,.. 1.:J-7rfJD~t:J(I;J"'l7-7!J LANE COUNTY- D;;ARTMENT ~ ENV;RONMENTAL ~NAGEMENT I .. PI.A~ "