HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2003-9-17
O~/HnOOj 'l'HlI 10: 4~ FAX 541 744 D;)74 SPFLD SCHL MAINT
l4J 0021003
Sep 18 03 09:1Sa G@oStandards Corp_
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GcoSlaodards CorporaUon
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~alll Adclllw,u. M'). PC
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Gary Sandstrom, PG CEO
Mun,y l3oy<.:r, tvl::'. PI:
Wllll~m Burn> M'> UJ r
To: John Saraceno Company: Thurston High School
Fax #: (541) 744-6374 Daten'ime: September 18, 2003
From: Marcy Boyer # of Pages: 2
Subject: LighL Poles
Message: Jo1m,
Here is our addendum letter as we discussed on the phone. Please call if we can provide
additiona1m[ormation or services
Marcy Boyer
Cc: Richard Foley, RL Foley & Associates Fax (949) 581-5212
E-mail: sam@gcostandards.com
125 NUl MunlJY ~IlIt(l 102
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09/18/2003 TIIU 10:12
[.TOB NO, 7304)
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l4J 003/003
Sep ,18 03 08: 15<3 GeoStandards Corp_
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Project No. E01-0280ADDENDUM
S'Im Adcltlwar. M,S, PE
WSlI ren KragH, RG, CEG
M Q rCj Boy"., MS, PE
William Hums, MS, Grr
September 18, 2003
Mr lohn Saracen\,)
Thurston High School
1898 Nonh 42"d Street
Springfield, OR 97478
Re Reporr Addendllm, Proposed Lighl Poles, Thurston HIgh School, Springfield, Oregon
Dear Mr. Saraceno:
This ktter is intended for us>e with the October 17, 2001 Geotechnical Evaluation for the referenced site.
Tllb addendum provides alternate recommendatiom. for lateral support of the light poles
Two types of light poles ale planned for the Slle. One' is a 70-foot high, 3D-inch dlamekr pole embedded
12 feet deep Th<<.: second pole IS d. 90-foot IlIgh, 36-lIlch dialllCller pole embedded 16 tecl deep OUI
geotechnical t"valu.atioll recommended igno! ing the' upper 5 feet of soIl in fOllndation desrgn, We
understand tllclt the structural engineer Ignored only the upper I-foot for the foundation design. Based on
our analysis, lean concrete may be used to replace d portion of the soils tn the upper 5 feet. Fo! tht: 7u-
fooc high pole, we recommend placllIg lean concrete up to a depth of2 feet below the grolmd ~urJace and
4 feet m radJU.:o. dlound thi;: polt'. for the 90-foor high pole, we recommend placing lean concrete at a
depth of 2.5 feet below the ground surface and 5 feet in radm<; aroulld (he pole.
Marcy Boyer, MS, PE
Senior Engineer
Sam Adettlwal, 1'.1S, PE
'Pnnclpal EngineeJ
F \200 [ Rc-port5\EO 1-0230 Do::nnls JOIICS\CO [.0280 Addendum doc
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,'\"ww.geostand~ll ds.com
00/18/2003 THO 10:12
(.TOB NO. 7304]