HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1983-1-19 '!> . . , ~ne count~ , r January 19, 1983 ~ Pat Mason 444 2nd Street Seaside OR 97138 RE: Outer Limits. 18-02-06-2.4/4000 The above referenced facility was recently destroyed by fire on December 29, 1982. I wish to advise you that th<: current ACT zoning of the property does not ailow the replacement of the former facility, and in support of this position, I have provided the following synopsi~ oE Lane Code: 1. The Outer Limits was a buildirig used as a dance hall, 2. The AGT zone, attached, docs not permit d;lnce hal.ls. 3. The property was 'zoned ACT on Nov. ,12. .1.975. 4. The Outer Limits dance hall alJp:lrefltly eX.i.sted OIl the I'ropcrty before Nov. 12, 1975 and has been reglllarly used. 5. Tile Outer Limits dance hall.. beC:lllSe of its ()l"c-cxist:encc to tIle AGT zone and its reglllur tlSe, appears to IJC a noncollforming use. 6. Lnne Code 10.305-20, below, dO(:R ot allow the reconstruction of the Outer LimIts dance hal.l: "Nonconforming Structures. Where a l<1wful. structure exists at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this Chapter that could not be huilt under the terms of thIs Chapter as ndopted or later amended by reason of restr,ictions on ~II'C:I. J.ot covcrn~e, hei.ght, yards, or otller characteristics of the strllctllre of its ],ocation on tile lot, Stich structure may he continued so long .305 'j t refin i.ns otherwise l.:1wful. subject to the following provisions: (1) No such structure may be en.l.argccj or nltered in a way which increases its nonconformity. (2) Shollld ~~U(~ll strtlctllre l1Y 1,lestrlJycd I,y :II1Y mC:lns t(J ~Il extent 10f more thun 50 percent of .its replacement cost <It time of destruction, f it shall not be reconstructed, except in conformIty wi tll the provisions lof thIs Chapter." Lane County has one zone ill wld.ell d;JJJce hal.Is :Ire permitted, the C-] District, LC 10.165-10(9): (9) Places of amusement, suell ;'I!; bil1.i:1rd pi.lr.lors. taverns, bO\vling alleys, drive-in thc:ltors, dance halls and g:lmes of ski.ll :.mu science, if conducted wholly witlJ'i,1l " completely enc.los"d building." 3 2.2 ~ 3o-.~"pCL-V WATEH f-JOLLUIION CONTROL DIVISION 12!) [1\Sl 6TH AVENUE .1 PUBLIC SEf~\/IC[ BUltDIf.JG !'i'NIHONr.1l:1";I,\1. 1'.1.\N:.(jff.ili'J I DEP..:.H 1l.1u,:r EUGn~r. On[GON ~7401 lW31687.4OO1 ~. '..~ T '~"~~~' ",' '",' .fit' / :' . :,,'~~~I, "..l.. '"1 ~..._,..,..........""'.. ~ ,-- "- :F.nC~r';"~' .<:.~.. t,.' :"", :~~ t ",~,~,,, . . , .-e,. '.....'.. ,oJ...._ .. V'.u~ ---:"'.,.,-~_. ~'. , l'i;'" / " Ii/ -i: > \,: " f I If you decide that you wish to rebuild which is appropriately zoned C-). then advise you of some suitabl~ locations, ~ . '",,' .:~~;:::~~" . ,. ,...- " .~:~ ":~ " 'i, . .., , the Outer Llmi.ts In another locatIon you =y contact our offi.ce and we wIll Please contact me if you have any questions. v~ KJ. ~~/( James A. Mann Planning Code Administration Supervisor JAM/jh Enclosure " ,