HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5833 07/01/1996 . . . ~. ORDINANCE NO. 5833 AMENDING SPRINGFIELD CODE CHAPTER V, OFFENSES, ARTICLE 1, NUISANCES IN GENERAL, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Section 5-1-1 of Chapter V, Offenses, Article I, Nuisance in General, is amended as follows: "5-1-1 Definitions. For the purposes of sections 5-1-1 through 5-1-10 the following words and phrases shall mean: (1) "Person in Charge of Property." An agent, occupant, lessee, tenant, contract purchaser, or other person having possession or control of property or the supervision of any construction project. (2) "Person responsible." The person responsible for abating a nuisance shall include: (a) the owner of record at the time abatement proceedings are initiated; (b) the person in charge of property as defined above; (c) the person who caused a nuisance to come into or continue in existence. (3) "Public view". The nuisance is visible from public or private property, including from any upper story. (4) "Enforcing Officer" is the city Manager and/or his/her designee. (5) "Hearings Official" is that person as defined in Article 2, Section 2.020 of the springfield Development Code." Section 2: Section 5-1-2 of Chapter V, Offenses, Article I, Nuisance in General, is amended as follows: "5-1-2 Nuisance. No person shall cause or permit a nuisance on public or private property and the causing or permitting of the same constitutes an offense under this code. The following are hereby declared to be nuisances to be abated and/or cited as a civil infraction as provided in this code: (1) Dead Organic Matter and Debris. The disposition of an animal carcass or part thereof, or any excrement or sewage, or industrial waste, or any putrid, nauseous, decaying, deleterious, offensive or dangerous substance upon any premises or in a stream, well, spring, brook, ditch, pond, river, or other inland waters within the city; any accumulation of decomposed animal or vegetable matter, garbage, rubbish, manure, offal, ashes, discarded Page - 1 - . Attractive Nuisances. No owner or person in property shall permit thereon: (a) Unguarded machinery, equipment, including substandard manufactured dwellings and RV's, automobiles and motorcycles, or other devices which are attractive, dangerous, and accessible to children or trespassers. (b) Lumber, logs, or pilings placed or stored in a manner so as to be attractive, dangerous, and accessible to children. (c) Any open pit, quarry, cistern, open basement, or other excavation without safeguards or barriers to prevent such places from being used by children. (d) Any abandoned, unattended or discarded freezer, refrigerator or other container accessible to children which has an air-tight door, or lock which may not be released for opening from the inside. This definition does not include refrigerators or other containers offered for sale by commercial establishments provided that the same are kept within enclosures from which children are excluded at all times except business hours. (e) An exposed foundation or portion of foundation, debris or other building or structural remains, for more than thirty days after the destruction, demolition or removal of any building or portion of the building. (f) An open, vacant structure which is attractive, dangerous and accessible to children or which is used for habitation by trespassers. This section shall not apply to authorized construction projects with reasonable safeguards to prevent injury or death to inquisitive minors. (3) Fences. No fence shall be allowed to become or remain in a condition of disrepair including, but not limited to noticeable leaning or sagging, missing sections or substantial amounts of missing slats, broken supports, and overgrowth of weeds or vines. Fences which present an unsightly appearance from public property or from adjacent private property are prohibited. Fences made of pallets, cloth, tarps, or sheets of plastic, or materials of an unsightly nature are prohibited. (4) Used Materials. Waste, debris or discarded items, used building supplies, tires, cartons, paper, scrap, junk, used furniture, plumbing or electrical supplies, appliances and barrels, vehicle engine and body parts, lumber, used wood, pallets, or materials which are stockpiled for the purpose of recycling which are visible from public view. containers, waste, paper, cartons, debris, trash, brush, tree limbs, hay, grass, straw, weeds, litter, rags, or other refuse matter or substance, which by itself or in conjunction with other substances is deleterious to public health or comfort, or is unsightly, or creates an offensive odor. (2) charge of . . Page - 2 - . Such stored materials shall be considered visible unless within a legally permitted building that is wholly or entirely enclosed except doors for use for ingress and egress or unless it is in connection with a business enterprise, lawfully licensed by the City, and properly operated in the appropriate business zone, pursuant to the Development Code. Firewood or materials to be used as firewood must be cut and stacked outside of the front yard setback within thirty (30) days of delivery. (5) Conditions Attracting Rodents. Conditions upon a property or any premises which allow, attract or are likely to attract, feed or harbor rats or mice. (6) Odors. Premises which are in such a state or condition as to cause an offensive odor or which are in an unsanitary condition. (7) privies/ etc. A privy, vault, cesspool, septic tank or drain which emits a noxious and offensive smell, or which is prejudicial to public health. (8) Stagnant Water. An accumulation of stagnant or impure water which affords or might afford a breeding place for mosquitos or other insects. (9) Combustible Materials. Any combustible materials as defined and declared hazardous in the fire prevention code. (10) Stored Vehicle. It is unlawful to park, store, leave or permit the parking or storing of any licensed or unlicensed motor vehicle which is in a rusted, wrecked, partially dismantled, inoperative or abandoned condition, whether attended or not, or any destruction derby vehicles or race cars of any kind, upon any public or private property within the City, unless completely enclosed within a legally permitted building that is wholly or entirely enclosed except for doors for use for ingress and egress or unless it is in connection with a business enterprise, lawfully licensed by the City, and properly operated in the appropriate business zone, pursuant to the zoning laws of the City. Nothing herein shall prohibit the storage of one (1) vehicle not in violation of other provisions of this Code, where the same is screened from public view within a legally permitted building or behind a six foot (6') solid fence. Nothing herein shall prohibit the parking or storing of a licensed, operable, legally parked, recreational vehicle. . . Page - 3 - . (11) Prohibited Parking. with the exception of an approved driveway or parking lot, no vehicles (including but not limited to motor homes, busses, recreational vehicles, boats and utility trailers) shall be parked between the street and the primary building. (12) Other. Any other thing, substance, condition or activity prohibited by state law, this code or ordinances or which is determined by the council to be injurious or detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare of the City." section 3: section 5-1-3 of Chapter V, Offenses, Article I, Nuisance in General, is amended as follows: . "5-1-3 Automobile Wrecking/Storage Yards. The springfield Development Code prohibits automobile wrecking or storage yards in all zones excepting the heavy industrial zoning district and where a Discretionary Use approval has been granted. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation not being duly licensed by the state of Oregon, to engage in the business of wrecking, dismantling, permanently disassembling or substantially altering the form of any motor vehicle within the City of springfield. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to dismantle or wreck, in whole or in part, any motor vehicle with the intention of allowing such dismantled motor vehicle body, or portions thereof, to remain upon any public or private property, and leaving of such dismantled motor vehicle body upon any public or private property within the City. This section shall not apply to: licensed motor vehicle wreckers who are not otherwise in violation of this ordinance or the Development Code; or motor vehicle bodies which are stored or kept in a garage so that such bodies cannot collect water, cannot be accessible to children and cannot otherwise become a public nuisance." section 4: Section 5-1-4 of Chapter V, Offenses, Article I, Nuisance in General, is amended as follows: "5-1-4 Abatement Procedures--Notice. (1) When the City Manager or the City Manager's designee is satisfied that a nuisance exists, (s)he shall cause a notice to be posted on the premises or at the site of the nuisance directing a person responsible to abate the nuisance. A person responsible is that person or persons as defined in 5-1-8(2). (2) At the time of the posting, the enforcing officer shall cause a copy of the notice to be personally served on the owner and on any person responsible or to be forwarded . Page - 4 - . by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to any person responsible at the person's last known address. (3) The notice to abate shall contain: (a) A description of the real property, by street address or otherwise, on which the nuisance exists; (b) A direction to abate the nuisance within ten (10) days from the date of the notice; (c) A description of the nuisance; (d) A statement that unless the nuisance is removed, the city may abate the nuisance and the cost of abatement shall be charged to the person responsible and assessed against the property; (e) A statement that failure to abate a nuisance may result in a civil court suit to enforce City codes and ordinances; (f) A statement that the person responsible may appeal the order to abate by giving notice to the enforcing officer within ten (10) days from the date of the notice and the form for appeal. (4) Upon completion of the posting and serving or mailing, the enforcing officer shall execute and file certificates stating the date and place of the posting and serving or mailing respectively. (5) An error in the name or address of the person responsible shall not make the notice void and in such case, the notice shall be sufficient." . section 5: section 5-1-5 of Chapter V, Offenses, Article I, Nuisance in General, is amended as follows: "5-1-5 Abatement Procedures--By a Person Responsible. (1) within ten (10) days after the posting and serving or mailing of the notice required by section 5-1-3, a person responsible shall remove the nuisance or show that no nuisance exists. (2) A person responsible, protesting that no nuisance exists, shall file with the enforcing officer a written statement specifying the basis for protesting. (3) Proof of vehicle insurance and current vehicle registration is evidence that a vehicle is not a nuisance as defined by section 5-1-2(10). (4) The statement shall be referred to the hearings official. The appellant shall be given at least seven (7) days prior written notice of the time set to consider the abatement. The hearings official shall take oral or written testimony at the time and place specified in the notice of the hearing. The hearings official shall prepare written findings of fact and conclusions of law when determining whether a nuisance exists. The hearings official's . Page - 5 - . . . determination shall be final. (5) If the hearings official determines that a nuisance exists, a person responsible shall, within ten (10) days after the hearings official's determination, or within a time set by the hearings official, abate the nuisance." section 6: section 5-1-6 of Chapter V, Offenses, Article I, Nuisance in General, is amended as follows: "5-1-6 Abatement Procedures--By the City. (1) If within the time allowed by section 5-1-5, the nuisance has not been abated by a person responsible, the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, may cause the nuisance to be abated. (2) The officer charged with abatement or the nuisance, or contractors acting under the direction of the officer, shall have the right at reasonable times to enter into or upon property in accordance with law to investigate or cause the removal of a nuisance. (3) The finance officer shall keep an accurate record of the expense incurred by the city in physically abating the nuisance and shall include therein a reasonable charge equal to ten percent (10%) of the total cost of physically abating the nuisance for administrative overhead." section 7: Section 5-1-7 of Chapter V, Offenses, Article I, Nuisance in General, is amended as follows: "5-1-7 Abatement Procedures--Joint Responsibility. If more than one person is responsible, they shall be jointly and severally liable for abating the nuisance or for the costs incurred by the City in abating the nuisance." section 8: Section 5-1-8 of Chapter V, Offenses, Article I, Nuisance in General, is amended as follows: "5-1-8 Abatement Procedures--Assessment of Costs. (1) The finance officer, by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, shall forward to the owner a notice stating: (a) The total cost of abatement, including the administrative overhead; (b) That the cost as indicated will be assessed to and become a lien against the property unless paid within thirty (30) days from the date of the notice; (c) That if the person responsible objects to the cost of the abatement as indicated, he or she may file a Page - 6 - . . . written notice of objection with the finance officer not more than ten (10) days from the date of the notice. (2) The person responsible's objection to the costs of abatement shall be heard by a hearings official. The objector shall be given at least seven (7) days prior written notice of the time set to consider his or her objections. At any hearing held regarding an objection to the costs of the abatement, the hearing official shall not consider protests that no nuisance exists as set forth in section 5-1-5(2). The hearings official shall take oral or written testimony at the time and place specified in the notice. The hearings official shall determine the abatement costs to be assessed and shall communicate the decision in writing to the objector, which writing shall also state that if the costs of abatement are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date of the decision, the costs shall be entered in the docket of City liens, and upon such entry shall constitute a lien upon the property from which the nuisance was removed or abated. (3) If no objection is filed or if the costs of the abatement are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date of the notice, an assessment of the costs as stated shall be made by the finance officer and shall thereupon be entered in the docket of City liens, and recorded in the Lane County Deeds and Records files; and, upon such entry being made and recordation being made, shall constitute a lien upon the property from which the nuisance was removed or abated. (4) An error in the name of a person responsible shall not void the assessment, nor will a failure to receive the notice of the proposed assessment render the assessment void, but it shall remain a valid lien against the property." Section 9: Section 5-1-9 of Chapter V, Offenses, Article I, Nuisance in General, is amended as follows: "5-1-9 Abatement Procedures--Separate from Penalty. The requirement to abate a nuisance is not a penalty for violating this code, but is an additional remedy. Abatement proceedings and citation of a nuisance as a civil infraction may occur simultaneously. Abatement by a person responsible of a nuisance within ten (10) days of the date of notice to abate is cause to dismiss any civil infraction citation that may be pending." Page - 7 - . . . section 10: section 5-1-10 of Chapter V, Offenses, Article' I, Nuisance in General, is amended as follows: "5-1-10 Abatement Procedures--Summary Abatement. (1) The procedure provided by the above sections is not exclusive but is in addition to procedures provided by other laws. The City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, may proceed to summarily abate a nuisance which unmistakably exists and which imminently endangers human life, health or property. The cost of such abatement may be assessed as provided above in section 5-1-8. (2) The abatement of a nuisance under this section and the assessing of the costs therefore are not a penalty for violating this code but are additional remedies." section 11: It is hereby found and determined by the Common Council that matters pertaining to the control and elimination of nuisances are matters affecting the public health, safety, and welfare, and that an emergency therefore exists, and that this ordinance shall therefore take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted. by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, Oregon, this 1st day of July , 1996, by a vote of 5 for and 0 against. Approved by the Mayor of the City of Springfield, Oregon this 1st day of Jul y , 1996. $;//~ MAYOR AT~ City Recorder ~;i~\jiSf"CO &'t APPROVi:;iJ AS \0 FORM \ '- 0t>>~~'~ --.) ~~ ~~/:~E~ ~'2$ ~~ \~~~ OFF!CE OF CITY ATTORNEY ctTY ~.<- ~:P;::lNG:::Ir:;,LD Page - 8 -