HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5869 12/15/1997 j1 .. ~o. . . ... .".--1... ",.... 9830380 ORDINANCE NO. 5869 (EMERGENCY) AN ORDINANCE VACATING TWO 10-FOOT WIDE SANITARY/STORM EASEMENTS, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council has declared its intention to vacate two 10-foot wide sanitary/storm easements in the City of Springfield; and WHEREAS, the application for vacation was submitted in conformance with the provisions of ORS 271.080 et. seq., and with the provisions of Article 9 VACATIONS of the Springfield Development Code; and WHEREAS, the findings and testimony submitted by the applicant and those in support of these easement vacations satisfy the criteria of approval for vacations found in Section 9.030 of the Springfield Development Code; and WHEREAS, such vacation is in the best interest of the City in carrying out its plans and programs for the general development of the City; and WHEREAS, lawful notice of the proposed vacation was published and posted; and WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council met in Council Chambers, at 225 Fifth Street, on Monday, the 15th day of December, 1997, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., to hear any objections to the proposed vacation and ~ persons appeared to object; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Council finds that the legal notice of the hearing was lawfully published and posted; that ~ objections were made at the vacation hearing held; that the public interest will not be impaired by the vacation of these easements, and that vacation of said easements will be in the best interest of the public and increase the benefit of the property involved. Section 2: The public easements in the City of Springfield, as described in Exhibit A of this Ordinance, is declared to be vacated. Section 3: The findings adopted by the City Council in support of this vacation, are hereby made part of this ordinance by reference. , Section 4: The City Recorder is directed to file certified copies of this ordinance with the Lane County Clerk, Lane County Assessor, and Lane County Surveyor. ~!1~APR.24~98#08REC 20.00 . ORDINANCE 5869 Page 1 'QETORt./ -r;;: C IT"\( OF 6pRIN&FIfSLD - PUBLIC WCJ~..c~ DEPT.- 225 FI FTt-I Sr. - '5 PJ<//\/GFIE:LD I ORE ~ 6,,, :.i . . . .. ~ .... j 9830380 Section 5: It is hereby found and determined that the matters relating to the vacation of these rights-of-way are matters affecting the public health, safety and welfare and that an emergency therefore exists, and this Ordinance shall therefore take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 15th day of December, 1997 by a vote of -L for and ~ against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 15th day of December, 1997. 8K/~ ATTEST: RI:\/l~v..)(~\) (-\..,JO \':\\"\")(~Q,vco 11 ~ ~ Fo;.'"{ ;-A.' ~ O"")':-..('V-\ ..j L ,o-A \.\ i O\-'\-s:.t:. e o"'\:'- C \ \'-f AT\. C)('~ \"'-o)~, \2-l'2\~"l ORDINANCE 5869 Page 2 \~i . ~) 9830380 / LANDS OF PACDYN, L.L.C. MAIN STREET AT 65TH STREET VACATION OF PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER/STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS BY THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITUATED in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon in the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: PARCEL 1 BEING all of that certain 10.00-foot wide Public Sanitary Sewer/Storm Drainage Easement conveyed to THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation in Lane County as said easement was recorded April 27, 1979 in Reel 990R at Reception Number 7924394 in Lane County Oregon Deed Records; the perimeter of said easement being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point being South 54.02 Feet and North 89044' West 159.66 Feet from' the Northwest corner of the T . J. Maynard Donation Land Claim No. 44, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 89044' West 10.00 feet; thence North 69.79 Feet; thence North 14027' West 175.99 Feet; thence South 89044' East 10.34 feet; thence South 14027' East 174.64 Feet; thence South 71.10 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 2 BEING all of that certain 10. OO-foot wide Public Sanitary Sewer/Storm Drainage Easement conveyed to THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corpo:cation in Lane County as said easement was recorded April 27, 1979 in Reel 990R at Reception Number 7924406 in Lane County Oregon Deed Records; the perimeter of said easement being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point being North 205.98 Feet and North 89044' West 203.67 Feet from the Northwest corner of the T.J. Maynard Donation Land Claim No. 44, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 89044' West 11.04 feet; thence North 25019' East 137.72 Feet; thence North 45.19 Feet; thence North 89054'20" East 10.00 feet; thence South 47.45 Feet; thence South 25019' West 135.28 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. SAID EASEMENTS being shown graphically on Page 2 of this Exhibit as attached hereto and made a part hereof. o fJ) ~ o ,.C'" .~ .~ LINE DATA TABLE ,UE SEARING DISTANCE LINE SEARING DISTANCE U N 89'44'00" II' 10.00 L7 N 89'44'00. II' 11.04 L2 NORTH 69.79 L8 N 25'19'00' E 137.72 U N 14"2Too. II' 175.99 L9 NORTH 45J9 L4 S 89.44'00. E 10.34 UO N 89'54'40. E 10.00 L5 S 14"2TOO. E 174.64 UI SOUTH 47.45 L6 SOUTH 7/JO U2 S 25., 9'00. II' 135.28 EXISTING BASE1lENTS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION: El 20 FOOT PWUC 8AMrAllY SEWER EASEMENT. REa NG. 19/0 RECEP'OON NG. 64297 LC.o.R. MARCH 29. 1962- E2 /0 FOOT SLOPE EASEMENT. REEL ~ 33BR. RECEPTION No. 77210 Lc.o.R. MARCH 6. 1967. E3 10 FOOT X /5 FOOT PRNATf: UT1JTY EA8nrENT. REa No. 989R. RECEPTION NG. 7923886 LC.o.R. APRL 25. 1979., (4 10 FOOT PlJBUC SANrrARY SEWERlSTORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT. REEL NG. 99OR. RECEPTION NG. 7924395 LC.o.R., APRL 27. 1979. E3 7 FOOT PUBUC SANTAllY SEWER/STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT. REEL NG. 9ooR. RECEPTION No. 7924396 LC.o.R. 'APRL 27. /979. (6 7 FOOT PlJBUC SAMrARY SEWER/STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT. REa NG. 99OR. RECEPTION No. 7924397 LC.o.R. APRL 27. /979. E:7 5 FOOT PUBUC IJTUT1fi:S EASEMENT. REEL No. 99OR. RECEPTION NG. 7924402 L.C.O.R. APRL 27. 1979. . REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR -:w. -~. . uo ~ ~ LANDS ~loF ~" PARCEL qoo REEL 990R L R, EC. EPT/ON No. J7924406 APRIL 27. /979 .-l P.O.B. PARCEL 2 ' L7 EI~-- L4 ~ I~' -I-- I ~ PARCEL 1 REEL 990R I RECEPTION No. 7924394 APRil. 27. 1979 iE5 ~'~ P)-\CDYN J I I I I I I I~l_ l@l Branch Engineering ~ 510 F1tth street Spnnv:xold, OreroD 87.77 (M1)743-0G57 1.AX (M1)743-05e8 ~e EXHIBIT MAP LANDS OF PACDYN L.L.C. MAIN STREET AT 65TH STREET V ACA TION OF PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER/STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS BY THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE PROJeCT No. 9S-Q14C owe. No. E'\96\96-o/4C\9614EX2.DWG ICH5-97 KC ~~ SANITARY SEWER/STORM C\I DRAINAGE EASEMENTS PROPOSED FOR ABANDONMENT. . ..., C CD E SCALE. I-.SO' OCTOBER 15. 1997 .c E6 ~ () I- ea i l- I- ClI ..., ClI co ~_N ,<( mGII ~ ~ it t;- SCHOOL , 8 ;S 8T :g lJ~ ~ A ~ ~~ :R ~ ~ f6 :g:g MAIN ST HWY)