HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/24/2008 CIty of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 726-3753 Fax (541) 726-3689 SPRINGFIELD " Metro Plan Amendment Application, Type IV ~/-..,.... . - ""'~.... e'""\"'''~1 yea, Type of Plan Amendment (Check One) o Type I. is a non-site specIfic amendment of the Plan. APR 2 ~ 2008 Origmal Submittal ~ Type IT: changes the Plan diagram; or is a sIte-specIfic Plan text amendment -;: <, h ','x , ~ c,; " '" /, ,,~, ~ "' , " Property Subject to 'the Amendme'ut (if applicable) Tax Assessor Map /7- 0 J - "2. '7 - 3' y Tax Lot(s) 5 ~e:- /~I7- .4 Cif/c LJ (.J"5/ <:f- m.# Street Address Metro Plan DesignatIon c:.:..v'K... Acres (), // /Vft1 Refinement Plan Designation Description of Proposed Amendment (Attach additional sheets if needed) , ~ C70"i2'~7V;r ntF77Z6 fi-f';/v 7/4~ t/?5/6/1./4n"5 :?~eXr/67 /It/ ~ 5~i5,ic:C:;/ ~ /17 LYZ t-V&t.E /~ a?:f;?/~ Zr:::;v/,VC;; 7' /'f/tuC#' 0,,,,;' /7k" ;;:&-U-20?r--n&!.fi a-<=- /~ ~ /-:7 ?Z/~~/LY J4?i);(~ 77q ?U7V/url4' ~rz..,(.,,T /7 ~ ~,,:f' t7r /77Y' ~p>;'/7,a,u c:r'" ~ /~ .n?~ ?Mv ]?P'f'Z~ 'P~ :l..Co<f) wl/7Qf/ 7?&6/v/1'77;'~ ~c ;00.a7Z77,,:,~ 47tZ El/C?V /~6Y ~ ?:l?c~"4f #c,77cPV3 B',Y ;'7~'- 4- /y ~~,vC/L ~~rA-f5w..";I??7> #-12/7- :,,-r-j 7?~A-,;P?~~,?.li:/A/-e 17r-3/6,,!-,,~T7n,.V 0/'" 7'7,//"'5 ,--?i?',<r,,4, Applicant/Owner Information C -v Pnnted Name of ApplIcant /1 t" 0/::: ~t/4'V/Z? 14:-e-3'~) __ c...~jV,Acr 5?Z/I1../(//c?'-V , 9.....7-5,;4\/ Phone En; 3 /03 (.7//1-- ~NC/~ /11./1' n/f'rc-Y ?4'7t../ ;J/46~ Appltcant Signature /th.1<f?v1)~ 0...1 V '2-//0'2" Date MaIlmg Address ~t/u7 Property Owner Signature )t/'p- MaIlmg Address Date P R.S 2007- ODOO q Case No For Office Use Only: U.P20of3~oCJO{)8' RecelvedBy ~ ~ 4 - Z- 4 - 2..C)Q~ Date Accepted as Complete THE APPLICATION PACKET A COMPLETE APPLICATION CONSISTS OF: 1. A complete application pal1:e (all of the sectIons on the OpposIte sIde oftills page must be filled out), , 2, A statement containin!! Findin!!s of Fact addressin!! the Criteria of Approval found in Sprinweld Development Code (SDC) 7,070(3) In order for the Planning CommIssion and the CIty CouncIl to consider an amendment of a plan text and/or dIagram, there must be Findings of Fact submitted by the applIcant. The Fmdmgs of Fact must show reason for the request consIstent WIth the Cnteria of Approval (shown below), If msufficlent or unclear informatlOn IS subIDltted by the applIcant, the request may be demed or delayed The application must include requirements for addressing specific statewzde goals that the Oregon legislature has said must be part of the amendment analysis, In particular, Statewide Planning Goal 9 Economy and Goal 10 Housing must be addressedfor impact on buildable lands inventories, and a Goal 12 Transportation analysis must address criteria contained in OAR 660-012-060(1) and (2) of the Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) , Goals 9,10 and 12 are three of several "Applicable State-Wide Planning Goals" that mIlst be specifically addressed in criteria (a) of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 7,070(3). These specific items must be included in the application submittal to be considered a complete application. In reaching a deCIsion on these actions, the Plannmg COIDDllsslOn and the CIty CounCIl shall adopt fmdings which demonstrate conformance to the followmg Cntena of Approval (SDC 7,070(3)) a) The amendment must be consistent wIth the relevant stateWIde planning goals adopted by the Land ConservatlOn and Development ComrmsslOn, and b) AdoptlOn of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan mtemally mconslstent. 3 A map to scale depicting the existin2: and proposed dia2:ram chan!!e (If applIcable) 4. The application fee, Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropnate fee, A copy of the Fee Schedule IS avallable at the Development ServIces Department Revised 1/03 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax Descnption CTY Metro Plan Amend Type II s \ Tldemark\forms\casefees I,rpt Trans Code 1263 Fees Associa!~ ~ith Case #: LRP2UWU0008 1250 RAINBOW DR CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Revenue Account Number 100-00000-425002 Page I of I Date Calculated Original Calculated By Amount 4/24/2008 KAL 0,00 Total Due: Date Received: APR 2 4 2008 Original Submittal 4/24/2008 7:37,08AM Amount Due 0,00 $0,00 SUBJECT PROPERTIES: Journal # LRP2008-00008 MAP 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 , 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 17032734 TAX LOT 1700 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1900 2000 2100 2300 2400 2401 2402 2602 TOTAL ACRES: ACRES ,54 ,02 .02 .02 ,02 .02 ,02 ,02 ,02 ,02 .02 .42 ,02 ,02 ,02 ,02 ,02 ,02 ,02 ,02 ,02 ,02 ,02 ,02 ,02 ,02 ,54 ,19 ,22 ,25 ,25 ,26 .20 ,33 5.11 8.79 Date Received: APR 2 4 2008 ) Original Submittal C -_--.J Springfield I. _,- r-, Zoning Map LJ -___ L -L ~--L~ a. 1 -- -~b-Uil "---- ---- --- I I _~' '- -~~-l [-------- - - M ---L_ f l I \ L \ ii:~ There are no warranties that a___'''y~''J this product, Users assume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising from any error, omission or positional inaccuracy of this product ~~-;-~& I Legend D Tax Lots I _ High Density Residential Medium Density Residential Low Density Residential Mixed Use Residential _ Community Commercial Neighborhood Commercial _Public Land & Open Space -Subject Area N A o 100 200 300 Feet CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP LRP2008-00008 CentenniaVRainbow/W "M" Street ~I SITE lj Map 17-03-27-34 . I, Tax Lot 1700, 1801 - 2100, 2300,2400,2401, 2402,2602 North . Date Received: APR 2 4 2008 Original Submittal