HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1983-8-17 .. ,'- i'; :i . .' "', ZONE CHAN'GE FOR LANE OFFICE USE ONLY . APPLICATION COUNTY pzc. 33 -oc::jer F 1 N II~ r. ~,.-. 6e;\ 1 i e o.,-'=l-t::_ n...)- '" ,,' , Date By Comments Pre-A~D Conference Fee of $ SZo Rec'd. r-/7-l'l"; ,'3;;;-J-1 Ins pectea Adm Written ~lnaings )(ppea I KecelVea HU, v Pl;, lJfl;l; tlearlng 1D-i1-fYJ Wrltten ~lnalngs- 110 De a I KecelVea tlfl;C ffeahng WrlttEm ~l na'l ngs Uraer ot Intent Final Urder e,&jj: '7 ,.., 7!;:'~ J~ )~ (Complete by typing or printing; add additional pages if necessary.) I. APPLICANT AND OWNERSHIP IDENTIFICATION (1 ) Name of Applicant T.Arn l(pp.fe Phone n6-5509-home Mail ing Addres s 2255 Laura Street 746-11l0-0ffice City Springfield Zip Code 97477 (2) Legal Interest of Applicant (check one): titleholder x ; contract purchaser ; 1 essee ; other (specify) (3) Name of Titleholder Leon R. & Corrine/Keefe Phone 746-l11~office Mailing Address 2255 Laura Street City SDringfield. Oregon Zip Code 97477 (4) Name of Contract Purchaser (if any) None Phone Mailing Address City Zip Code , (5) Will a representative or agent assist the applicant? If yes; Name Il!>v 11anler Phone _746-l674-Dffice Address 11:,0 Mohawk Blvd. ~ City SDrinafield. Oreaon Zip Code 97477 WP 25399-70 1 .. . . , - . -... .. .. , Fil e No. I II. PROPERTY LOCATION , (1) Assessor Map No. (Township, Range, Section) and Tax'Lot (s) 17 03 27 1 1300 Tax Code No. lO-f'\':l (2) (3) Attach Legal Description. Property Address' 2255 Laura Street City Springfield. Ore~on 97477 (4) Describe how to find the property: Take Harlow Road to Sprin~field take a right at Laura Street . li (5) Do you own any other property abutti,ng or on the opposite side of a public road which is not included as a part of this application? Yes No X If yes, identify the property as follows: Assessor Map No. (Township, Range, Section) and Tax Lot(s) I II. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION' (1) Size of subject property in acres or square feet 2.26 Acres Size of the total ownership in acres or square feet'? ?{, 6,..,.""" , (2) Access (Name of Road) Laura Street, Road Status: Public XX ; Private ; Easement ,,' (3) Structures on the property: House and garage (4) Present use of property: Rp~i rh:mr,o Ann n!.ti f':P. (5) P~ysical features of property: \ FlAt PArcel of nroDertv WP 25399-70 2 .. - , . . e \) . ~ f 'J Fil e No. (6) Is the property subject to natural hazards (flooding, unstable soils, etc.)? If so, explain: l,In~ ~+ohl" g"n1m~ " , I i .VJ Facilities and Services Available (Check and Specify): ,.x 'Fire Di strict: ,',. SDrinllfield x School Di strict: #19 x Water System or District: , Rainbow Water District Sewer System or District: Within 200 ft. of city sewer .. x Electric: Sprinllfield utility board x Telephone: Pacific N.W. bell x NW Natural Gas N. .W. Nat'l a:as Other: (8) General Description of Properties in the Vicinity. (Describe , ownershi p sizes, improvements and uses.) M"~";m ~"~~Hl' o~o""m-anL . , comnlexes.. doctor offi.,~~~ r.nmvleKr OWllAl'" ~lnri non-owne:"'" ""'CJ.Ul.ip.rl residences and 'mobile hOIDlLJljll"k. f,; Il'ht industrial businpqqpq nIL- south end of Laura Street. Ownership sizes range from lot (60'x100') " for residences to ~ acres anartment comnle,. , IV. PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE Current Zoni ng of Property: RA (1) (2) (3) Proposed Zoni ng: RP Proposed use of property if zone change is granted (describe in detail and attach additional pages if necessary): Professional , \ office center. WP 25399-70 3 LJ .. - '. "," ,., ., . .;;' ..... ,. Fil e No. , I (4) Attach Site plan/map identifying location of the following: existing and proposed structures and other improvements, existing and proposed access and roads. location of facilities (water supply, sewerage), dominant natural features (creeks, steep slopes, .timber growth, marshes, pasture, 'gullies, etc.) and other pertinent items. ' V. CbMPREHENSIVE PLAN (1) What is the name of the area Comprehensive Plan for your property? , . Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan (2) (3) The plan map designates your property for: Does your proposal conform to the land use designation of the plan map? V"" Commercial (4) Referring to your answer for number 3, what are the reasons sup- porting conformity or conflict of the proposal with the designation of the plan map? (Use the goal and policies or textual portions of the plan to support your answer.) See Exhibit A attached VI. STATEWIDE PLANNING GOALS (1) Is the property within a proposed or existing urban facility or urban growth 'boundary? ves If yes, name which city the property is near. . Snring:field. (2) Identify the soils, their capability classes and woodland suit- ability groups as identified ,by the Soil Conservation Service. (Attach copy of soils map with property outlined.) Urban ,. .nl"onertv within 200 feet of citv limits. o WP 25399-70 4 .. . . . . " ....;" ~l I -;' . Fil e No. I (3) Are the soils on the property predominantly capability classes I through IV? lIl'h'ln nl'nn",..j-,v (4) If the soils are predominantly (more than 50%) capability classes I through IV, would your proposal promote agriculture as the primary use? If yes, explain how. Urban property (5) If the soils of the property have a woodland suitability I, 2 or 3, would your proposal promote forest uses? explain how. TT_"'._ :'-~J group of If yes, (6) If the property is subject to natural hazard such as flooding, unstable soils, erosion or others, what precautions in developing the property do you propose? ~tAble iround. WP 25399-70 5 '! .. ~ r' ~.. . . I' . ..,. . Fil e No. VI I. SIGNATURES I (we) have compfeted a 11 appl i cat i on requi renents and cert i fy that a 11 statenents are true and accurate to the best of my (our) knowl edge and belief. I (we) am also authorized to submit this appl ication as evidenced by the signature of the 0 er below. Owner's ) rv tlLl.....r~ Date - '3/;? ~ 3- _~fDate ~s. if the ~ge~tt c es an aut~ri~tion property owner.) Agent's Signature~, I (Owner's for th,is I~P 25399-70 6 ~ ~ u) .... .d~..\ ~ JL-' t~ ~J ;, " i/ 17- o'J -.2 7- {-/3tOo ,. ,; , ~ Beginning at a point 586.7 feet Sou~h of the West No~thwest <;orner of the Jacob, ilalstead Jiorialtion Land- Claim No. 47, Township 17 South, Range 3 \~e$t of the ,iHllamette Heridian; thence SOlith 890 5'0' Eaf't 325.25 feet"tc\ a point 51. 55 feet from,the HestLine of the Oregon and California Railroad right- of-way; thence South 14" 00' East 282.0 fee~; thence North 89" 50' West 393.45 feet to the Wef't Line of f'nid claim; thence North 273.60 feet to the rlacl~ of llegi,nning j,n Section 27. said Township and Range in Lane County, Oregon. ExckrTING THEREFROM Easement for County Road No. 3 (Laura St.) an i' " " "."', .\,' <\i'~'" ,. ~ t<~:.,r ....:. : . .. )". :'(:~"~:'.;~~..:;:'- . ~ J. . ~ " I', ',:.: . .~. : (.. .' _' '., ; -\)i"l,,!;~...>t':'-~'-~,~ff~t~~:};;~;i~t~);';~:~1;;~" . ~ :. " ",' ." ."'. ~. ...... . ".. ;.; ~' " . '-';::,' .-~: ,', :' ...../ .';~~ : .~ . '..' ~,." , "1'" i" /Y .. ", ,.~'..l 1, .'. '),:':_ ~ !' :,"!. " ,"', ":;1, .. ", .:- ,.'.., ..... .:, ,;J "';; "'iif:~~ '~~ ~ ' -, :'; ',<,' ',,,,,, ;. \<rl ' ".,:, :, :'/:::':~;~~~~';;( ~,::;,,'~~L~~~~;.: .;~, ~~;~ ;.;;t.~~~.~" . , ..'.J.;~~i1:;:,,:i~::ov~;. ;., , " ~. n . J o1i~ ~n~ fV.TURE ~ f>ORr5. COMPL.EX \ ... LI~D~LE. ApT;. e..o M PLEX Soull-! 09 1lfl5 " I ^CA1i0t-.L \' I J..J,J , , I tRAILER :f>AR K . \(oRE 'RADIOJ~lP.t\Ot.i , I PJDUS:tiRI AL I ' WARE HOI.l.5E..S ,~ J. SMACL,Bu.si~E.sSES I liARlOLJ 'Ro , tl N t;I <t Q( ~ tt:' --J. . LEOAJ KUFE .5) LAURA L1 ~PFJJ.' ~ ~E.DICAt.. OfF ICE-S ,~ o C{ \ A \ OLOlr raR~ostD '~, ~ ZDNNINtr ~'ou;tHOP -rH\~ lOCATION \! HYLFnJD-eONSrRuc.tloN Mop ERN CAR. P EfS Sl. CON~T-R\A.CT\ON S fRIN{).f,I'E.lD Nf w.s ~H:.IlDE. (lHhF-r,wt-'tDER WAllE HC)tJ~~E( t. OM,A-LLl13V", I'~JE ~E..s .. . . Exhibit A The Metropolitan Area General Plan designates this parcel as commercial potential with medium density residential across the street. There is a doctor office complex 300 feet north of this parcel. A 200 unit apartment complex is located directly across the street. The property is located within convenient walking and bicycling distance of an adequate support population. There are several apartment complexes within the immediate area. This parcel contains 2.26 Acres to adequately accomodate off 'street parking. Landscaping would be incorporated particularly between the office center and adjacent properties as well as along frontages next to parking areas. This parcel has sufficient frontage along Laura Street to assure safe and efficient automobile, pedestrian and bicycle access without conflict.