HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Field Test & Inspection Report 2008-4-11 , , ;. 525 NW Second Street, Corvallis, Oregon 97330 If 800 383 8855 ph 541 758 1302 Ix 541 753 2264 www claircompany com Apnl II, 2008 CIty of Spnngfleld 225 FIfth Street Spnngfleld OR, 97477 Attention: DavId Puent, BuIldIng OffIcIal Subject: International AccredItatIOn SerVices, Inc (IAS) AccredItatIOn Documents and Special Inspector Roster Project: PeaceHealth at RlverBend - Sacred Heart MedIcal Center Project (SHMC) As prevIously discussed and approved by the City, CLAIR has been proVIdIng all reqUIred specIal InSpectIOn and matenals testIng serVIces for the SHMC Project In stnct complIance WIth our IAS accredItatIOn I have enclosed current copies of our IAS accreditatIOn certIfIcates along With a roster of the speCIal Inspectors, IncludIng theIr indiVidual certIfications, utilIzed dunng the course of the SHMC Project There have been questIOns raIsed regarding CLAIR's registratIOn WIth the OBOA voluntary speCial inspection program CLAIR has maintaIned regIstratIOn With OBOA during the course of the project However, CLAIR has not maIntained stnct adherence to the utIlIzatIOn of OBOA registered speCIal Inspectors due to project dynamiCs CLAIR has confirmed WIth the project Owner, PeaceHealth and the Engineer of Record, KPFF, that CLAIR's IAS accredItatIOn IS all that IS reqUIred to meet the project reqUIrements as the Owner's SpeCial InspectIOn and Matenals Testmg Agency WIth the approval of the BuIldIng OffiCIal, Owner, and EngIneer of Record, regarding project reqUIrements, whIch accept IAS accredItatIOn, the project reqUIrement for adherence to the prOVISIOns of the OBOA voluntary speCIal inspectIOn program has been removed If you have any questIOns or concerns, please do not heSItate to contact me at (541) 758-1302 or by emaIl at aclaIr@c1aIrcomoanv com Respectfully SubmItted, ;//Lfl' Allan ClaIr, C B 0 Project Manager Cc DaVId Arndt, KPFF Bob CollIer, PeaceHealth Carole Knapel, City of SpnngfIeld I Employee Special Inspection Staff for SHMC Antley, Mike Bakel, Gil (Northwest Geotech, Inc ) Bauer, Andy (Northwest Geotech, Inc.) Cleary, John C (Sr) Cleary, John D (1r) Day, Denms DeFever, Tom IOBOA Structural Steel (Boitlng & Welding) Structural Steel (Boitlng & Welding) Reinforced Concrete Structural Masonry Reinforced Concrete Reinforced Concrete Structural Steel (Bolting & Welding) StlUctural Wood RelnfOl ced Concrete Structural Masonry I ICC Structural Steel & Welding Structural Steel & Welding Reinforced Concrete Structural Masonry Structural Steel/Welding Wood Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Structural Masonry Spray Applied F!reproofing Reinforced Concrete Spray Applied Fireproofing Structural Masonry Structural Steel & Welding Reinforced Concrete Structural Masonry I Other ACI Concrete Field-Testing Tech I A WS Welding Inspector Carlson Testing' UT Testing Insp, Level II COP Structural Steel Hellier Magnetic Particle Testing NDE ANST Level III, UT TechniCian A WS Welding Inspector COP Wood DIaphragms & Sheer Walls, Propnetary Anchor, St Steel & Welding, Structural Masonry ACI Concrete Field Testing Tech I ACI Concrete Lab Tech I ASNT ACCP Level II Visual Testing A WS' Welding Inspector Nuclear Density Gauge Inspector ACI Concrete Field Testing Tech I CPN RadiatIOn Safety/Nuclear Gauges American Society ACCP Level II A WS. Welding Inspector CPN RadiatIOn Safety/Nuclear Gauges Troxlel. HazMat CertificatIOn W ABa Structm al Steel ACI Concrete Field Testing Tech I COP. Propnetary Anchors, Rem. Concrete, Structural Masonry Special Inspection Staff for SHMC I Employee IOBOA Frazer, John N/A Holman, Dan J Remforced Concrete StructUlal Masonry Structural Steel (Boltmg & Weldmg) Johannesen, Jason N/A Lee, Robert M Remforced Concrete Mackessy, Mike Remforced Concrete StructUlal Masonry Structural Steel (Bolting) MacMillan, James T Remforced Concrete , StructUlal Masonry McCmty, Bill N/A Sanetra, Paul (Northwest Geotech, Inc) Reinforced Concrete StructUlal Masonry I ICC Structural Steel Structural Masonry Remforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Spray Applied Flreproofing Remforced Concrete StructUlal Masonry Structural Steel & Weldmg Prestressed Concrete Spray Applied Flreproofing Prestressed Concrete Remforced Concrete Spray Applied Flreproofing Structural Masonry Remforced Concrete Presti essed Concrete Structural Masonry Structural Steel & Weldmg Remforced Concrete Structural Masonry Structural Steel & Weldmg Remforced Concrete Structural Masonry Prestressed Concrete Structural Steel & Weldmg Presti essed Concrete Remforced Concrete Spray Applied Flreproofing Structural Masonry Remforced Concrete Structural Masonry .' I Other ACI Concrete Fleld Testing Tech I UT Level II Magnetlc Particle Level II A WS CWI CPN Nuclear Gauge Safety A WS. Weldmg Inspector Clty of Corvallis' 11 dlfferent certs CPN RadlatlOn Safety/Nuclear Gauges Troxler: HazMat Cert & RadlatlOn Safety/Nuclear Gauges ACI Concrete Field Testmg Tech I ACI Concrete Fleld Testmg Tech I CIty of Corvallis Hlgh Bolt, Rem Concrete, Structural Masonry & Structural Steel & Weldmg COP Remforced Concrete & Structural Masonry Troxler HazMat Cert & RadlatlOn Safety/Nuclear Gauges ACI Concrete Field Testmg Tech I I Employee Special Inspection Staff for SHMC IOBOA Salver, Craig J Thomason, Chns Tilton, David Zastawmk, Carl (Northwest Geotech, Inc) N/A Fireproofing Structural Steel (Boltmg & Weldmg) Fireproofing Presti essed Concrete Remforced Concrete Structural Masonry Structural Steel (Boltmg & Weldmg) Structural Steel (Boltmg & Weldmg) I ICC Remforced Concrete Spray ApplIed FIreproofing Structural Masonry Structural Steel & Weldmg Spray Applied Fireproofing Structural Steel & Weldmg Structural Masonry Spray Applied FIreproofing Prestressed Concrete Remforced Concrete Structural Masonry Structural Steel & Weldmg ICBO Structural Steel & Weldmg .: I Other ACI Concrete Field Testmg Tech I Troxler HazMat Cert & Radiation Safety/Nuclear Gauges ACI' Concrete Field Testmg Tech I A WS Weldmg Inspector NDE Magnetic PartIcle IlL NDT, Magnetic Particle Testmg Level I/Il Quality Control Techmclan ACI Concrete Field Testmg Tech I A WS. Weldmg Inspector COP: Prestressed Concrete, Remforced Concrete, Structural Masonry, Structural Steel, & Structural Wood Troxler HazMat Cert & RadIatIOn Safety/Nuclear Gauges ACI Concrete Field Testmg Tech I COP Structural Steel A WS Weldmg Inspector Special Inspection Staff for SHMC , Employee IOBOA I ICC I Other SUBCONTRACTED FIRMS: LEVELTON ENGINEERING (APS Fabrication Shop, Langley B.C.) Employee Masoud FarJadl OBOA ICC Other Canadian Standards AssociatIOn. Concrete & SamolInl:; Canadian Standards Association Conclete & SamolIng " Canadian Standards AssociatIOn. Concrete & Samolmg Canadian Standards AssociatIOn Concrete & Sampling Canadian Standards AssociatIOn Concrete & Samplmg Canadian Weldmg Bureau Level 3 Weldmg Inspector Canadian Weldmg Bureau Levell Weldmg Insoector Suresh Khurana EI nesto Decena Rhonnel Tlpay Stanley Dehann John DaVidson Glenn Stark FLOOD TESTING (American Stair, Romeoville, IL) I Employee I Michael Chiappetta I Ron St Gelmam Robert Hay III OBOA ICC Other A WS Certified Weldmg InspectOl A WS Certified Weldmg InsoectOl IllmOls Department of TransportatIOn concrete tech I ASNT NDT Level III (MT, PT, UT) A WS. Certified Weldmg InspectOl Presti essed Concrete Remforced Concrete Spray Applied Fireproofing Structural Masonry St Steel & Weldmg PROFESSIONAL INDUSTRIES, INC. (Heleport Structural Steel Fabrication: Lansing, MI) I Employee I Greg Crooks OBOA ICC Other A WS Certified Weldmg InsoectOl International Accreditation Service, Inc. CERI'IFICATE OF ACCREDITATION This is to Slgnify that CLAIR COMPANY, INC. 525 NORTHWEST 2nd STREET, #3 CORVALLIS, OREGON 97330 Testing Laboratory TL-229 (Revised February 12, 2008) has demonstrated compliance with ANSIISO/IEC Standard 17025:2005, General criterza for the competence of testing and calibratzon laboratorzes, and has been accredited, commencing October 5,2007, for the test methods listed in the approved scope of accreditation. ~~ Vice President e~~ -- C. P. Ramani, P .E. . 'V President (see attached scope of accreditation for fields of testing and accredited test methods) lbis accreditation certIficate supersedes any IAS accreditatJ.on certJ.ficate bearing an earlier date, The certificate becomes invahd upon suspenSIon, cancellatJ.on, or revocatJ.on of accremtatJ.on See the !AS AccredztatlOn Lzstings on the web at www Iasonlme.org for current accreditatIon mformation, or contact IAS dIrectly at (562) 699-0541. Pnnt Date: 02/21/2008 Page 1 of2 International Accreditation Service, Inc. ScoPE OF ACCREDITATION Clair Company, Inc. TL-229 (Revised February 12, 2008) Clair Company, Inc. 525 NW 2nd Street #3 Corvallis, OR 97330 Marty Warner Technical Director (541) 758-1302 Masonry ACCREDITED TEST METHODS ASTM Standards e 31, e 39, e 42, e 136, e 138, e 143, e 172, e 173, e 231, e 511 and e 1064 ASTM Standards e 140, e 270, e 1019 and e 1314; 1997 UBe Standard 21-16 ASTM Standards e 117, 0421,0422,0698,02217,02419, 02922, D 4318 and D 1557 ASTM Standards 0 2041, D 2726 and 0 2950 ASTM Standards A 388, A 435, A 577, E 165, E 709 and E 797; ASME Standard B 31.3; AWS Standards 01.1 and SNT- Te-1A ASTM Standards E 605 and E 736; 1997 UBe Standard 7-6 2006 (Be Section 1713.3,2 FIELDS OF TESTING Concrete Testing and inspection under ASTM E 329 Soils and rock I Bituminous Steel Spray applied fire proofing Fasteners October 5. 2007 CV,LLUUencement Date .CJ/~~ C. P. Ramam, P E. PresIdent This accreditation certificate supersedes any IAS accreditatIon certificate bearing an earlIer date. The certIficate becomes mvalId upon suspension, cancellatIon, or revocatIon of accredItation. See the IAS Accreditatzon Listings on the web at www.lasonlme.org for current accreditation mformation, or contact IAS directly at (562) 699-0541. Print Date' 02/21/2008 Page 2 of2 International Accreditation Service, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ACCREDITATION __ This is to-signify that CLAIR COMPANY, INC. 3333 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 Testing Laboratory TL-283 (Revised February 12,2008) has demonstrated compliance with ANS/ISO/IEC Standard 17025:2005, General criteria for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, and has been accredited, commencing October 5,2007, for the test methods listed in the approved scope of accreditation. IU ~ ~4// I!/$~//!!db(~ . Patrick V. McCullen Vice President u/~~/1 C P R P E <e.~ " . . amani, . . President (see attached scope of accreditation for fields of testing and accredited test methods) This accreditatJ.on certificate supersedes any IAS accreditation certificate beanng an earlier date. The certificate becomes invalid upon suspensIOn, cancellatJ.on, or revocatIon of accredItatJ.on. See the IAS Accreditation Lzstlngs on the web at wwwjasonline org for current accredItation mformatJ.on, or contact IAS drrectly at (562) 699-0541. Print Date: 02/21/2008 Page 1 of2 International Accreditation Service, Inc. SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Clair Company, Inc. TL-283 (Revised February 12, 2008) Clair Company, Inc. 3333 Game Farm Road Springfield, OR 97477 Marty Warner Technical Director (541) 758-1302 Masonry ACCREDITED TEST METHODS ASTM Standards C 31, C 39, C 42, C 138, C 143, C 172, C 173, C 231, C 511 and C 1064 ASTM Standards C 140, C 270 and C 1019; 1997 UBC Standard 21-16 ASTM Standard D 2922 ASTM Standards D 2041 and D 2950 ASTM Standards A 388, A 435, A 577, E 165, E709 and E 797; ASME Standard B 31.3; AWS Standards D1.1 and SNT-TC-1A ASTM Standards E 605 and E 736; 1997 UBC Standard 7-6 2006 IBC Section 1713.3.2 FIELDS OF TESTING Concrete Testing and inspection under ASTM E 329 Soils and rock Bituminous Steel Spray applied fire proofing Fasteners O//J;<<~~ October 5. 2007 ----:::;- Commencement Date C P Ramam, P.E. . PresIdent TIns accreditation certificate supersedes any lAS accreditation certificate bearing an earlier date. The certIficate becomes invalId upon suspensiOn, cancellation, or revocatIon of accreditatIon. See the lAS Accreditatzon Listings on the web at www.iasonlme.org for current accreditation mformation, or contact lAS directly at (562) 699-0541. Pnnt Date: 02/21/2008 Page 2 of 2 '. . . . ConsultIng Engineers April 8, 2008 Mr. Allan Clair Clair Company 525 Northwest Second Street Corvallis, OR 97330 Subject: Sacred Heart Medical Center- Accreditation for Speciallnspection/Matenals Testing Dear Allan: It is our understanding that the City of Springfield deems Clair Company's International Accreditation Service, Inc. (IAS) accreditation to be acceptable for the project accreditation requirements. KPFF takes no exception to this position. Sincerely, ,()~ ~ DaVid Arndt, SE Associate RWP:mlq:jef 102344.30 ~..- ~ I 1601 Fifth Avenue SUite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101 (206) 622-5822 Fax (206) 622-8130 Seattle Everett Tacoma Lacey Portland Eugene Sacramenlo San FrancIsco Walnul Creek Los Angeles Long Beach Pesadena Irvine San DIego PhoeniX Denver SI Louis New York & Amman, Jordan .. ..~: ;; . , \ ()2'i NW Second Street, CarVell IS. Oregon 97330 If 800 383 88S5 ph Sell 13B 1302 Ix 541 753 2264 www clalrcompany com Apnl 11,2008 Amencan Institute of Steel Construction, Inc (AISC) One West Wacker Dnve, SUIte 700 ChIcago, IL 6060 I Attention: Roger Ferch, PreSIdent Subject: AISC Letter to the City of SpnngfIeld, Oregon, dated March 17, 2008 Project: PeaceHealth at RIverBend - Sacred Heart MedIcal Center Project (Project) Hospltal/OHVI BUIldmg We have receIved a copy of your letter "Clair Company - PlagIansm Concerns", dated March 17, 2008, whIch was sent to Mr Dave Puent, City of SpnngfIeld, BuIldmg OffICIal ClaIr Company, Inc (CLAIR) understands and appreciates your pOSItion and concerns, There has not been and there WIll not be any further use of the referenced checklIst In any form Also, I have dIscussed thIS Issue m detaIl WIth Mr Puent For clanflcatIOn, CLAIR was not performmg fabncator qualIfIcatIOn or approval serVIces. In order to Waive full time shop InSpectIOns, project speCIfIcatIOns reqUIre pen OdIC shop InspectIons and reVIew of testIng performed by the fabncator by the owners testIng agency (see attached relevant speCifIcatIOn section) At the time of the mspectIon It seemed appropnate to use a format for the revIew that would be famIlIar to the fabncator smce the' WaI ver was also based on the fabricator maIntammg AISC certifIcatIOn The mtent of the checklIst was to proVIde a general gUIdelme for the revIew only I attempted to contact by phone Bnan Raff, the AISC representatIve who dIscussed thIS Issue WIth Mr Puent I left a VOice message for Mr Raff statmg that we understood AISC's concern and that we would not use the subject form m the future I requested a call back from Mr. Raff, but to thIS date have not receIved a return call If you have any questIOns or contmued concerns, please do not heSItate to contact me at (541) 758-1302 or by emaIl at ac]alr@clatrcomoanv com Respectfully SubmItted, 1fP1t!- Allan J ClaIr PreSIdent Cc Dave Puent, CIty of Spnngfleld Patnck V McCullen, IAS . . .,,0), " Peacehealth Sacred Heart Medtcal Center At Rlverbend Spnngfield, Oregon June 8, 2005 SIte, HOspItal and OHVI BUlldmg BId Packages 1,3, 3a Issued for BId B. Shop InspectIon' When approved by the Buildmg OffiCIal, the Owner, and Engmeer/ArchItect, full-time specIal inspectIon In the fabncatlon shop by the Owner's Testing Agency may be waIved, subject to the following 1. The FabrIcator partICIpates m the AISC Quality CertIficatIon Program and is deSIgnated an AISC-CertIfied Plant 2. All shop mspection 15 provided by the Contractor, per the requirements herem, and IS documented. Reports and test results are to be available for the Owrer's Inspector to ~~ I 3. A specific qualIty control plan for thIS project shall be developed and submItted to the Structural Engineer for approval prior to the prefabncatIOn/preerectIon meetmg. 4. Penodtc mspectIon by the Owner's InspectIOn Agency IS allowed by the Fabncator 5. Cemfied Plants: ContInuous plant mspectIon IS not reqUlred at plants producmg prefabncated steel products whIch are certIfied by the BuiIdmg Official. -, , C. Contractor ResponsIbilItIes Related to Shop and FIeld Inspecnons 1. Maintain complete records of all quahty control and testIng performed by the Contractor. 2. Furmsh all electncal power, turnmg or movmg of members, hOIsting, stagtng, and other faCIlitIes required for Inspection. 3. ProVIde testing agency WIth access to -places where structural steel work is bemg fabncated or erected so reqUlred mspectIon and testIng can be accomphshed. 4, Correct defiCIenCIes In, or remove and replace structural steel that inspectIons and test reports mdIcate do not comply WIth speCIfied reqUIrements. 5. AddItIonal testmg, at Contractor's expense, WIll be performed to detemune complIance of corrected work WIth speCIfied requrrements. 6. Grant Inspectors full authonty to mspect all material and work that fails to conform m every respect to these specifications. 7 When required by Engtneer/Arcmtect or Owner's Independent Testing Agency or Contractor's engaged mspectiOn orgamzatIOn, make adequate platforms available to the Inspector for the purpose of checking hIgh-strength bolts and welds. Scaffoldmg shall be prOVIded to ensure safe performance of tms operatIOn. D. Shop and FIeld Tests and InspectIOns 1. Bolted connections will be tested and mspected according to RCSCs "Load and ReSIstance Factor Design SpeCIfication for Structural Jomts Usmg ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts .. 2. Welded Connections In addItIon to visual inspecnon, welded connections will be mspected and tested accordmg to A WS D 1.1 and the inspection -procedures lIsted below, at testmg agency's optIOn, or as requITed by contract documents. a. Procedures 1) LIqUId Penetrant InspectIon' ASTM E 165. 2) Magnetic PartIcle InspectIOn: ASTM E 709, performed on root pass and on finIshed weld Cracks or zones of Incomplete fUSIon or penetration will not be accepted. 3) RadIOgraphIC InspectIOn: ASTM E 94 and ASTM E 142; mInImUm quahty level "2-2T." 4) Ultrasomc Inspection. ASTM E 164. Anshen + Allen STRUCTURAL STEEL 05120-Page 19 . ~. 525 NW Second Street Corvallis Oregon 97330 If 800 383 <1855 ph 541 758 1302 fl( 541 753 2264 www clalrcompallV COlli Apnl 11,2008 InternatIonal AccredItatIOn SerVIce, Inc. 5360 Workman MIll Road WhIttIer, CA 90601 Attention: Patnck V. McCullen, VIce PresIdent Subject: Project: IAS Certified Letter dated March 25, 2008 PeaceHealth at RIverBend - Sacred Heart MedIcal Center Project (ProJect) Hospltal/OHVI BUildIng ThIS letter IS In response to your letter dated March 25, 2008 Please fInd attached the requested copy of our response to the letter from S&M Steel Fabncators (S&M), (undated), whIch was addressed to the City of SpnngfIeld BUIldIng OffIcIal, Dave Puent We beheve our letter and supportIng documentatIon WIll proVIde the requested pOInt by pOInt response to the statements made by S&M. In reference to lAS' concerns that Clair Company, Inc (CLAIR) IS representIng Itself as beIng accredIted to conduct InspectIons to fulfIll "approved fabrIcator" status, we offer the followmg clarIfIcatIons The fabncator, S&M, already partIcIpates In a program WIth AISC to estabhsh CertIfIed Plant status In addItIOn to partIcIpatIOn In the AISC program, In order to waIve full time shop InspectIon, Project speCIfIcatIOns also reqUire the follOWIng (see attached copy of SpeCIficatIOn SectIOn). 1. Contractorlfabrlcator to prOVide shop mspectlOn and testmg. Report and test results are to be avmlable for the Owner's Inspector to review. 2. PeriodiC mspectlOll by the Owner's InspectIOn Agency IS allowed by the fabricator. CLAIR scheduled a VISIt at the fabrIcator to proVIde a general reVIew of shop procedures and to revIew In-house InspectIOn and testIng procedures and reportmg pertamIng to the Project. CLAIR was not representIng Itself as any kind of an accredItmg or audItIng agency, IAS accredIted or otherWIse If you have any questIOns, or need clarIfIcation regardmg the InfOrmatIOn we have proVIded, please do not hesitate to contact me at (541) 758-1302 or by ematl at aclatr@clalrcomoanv com. Respectfully SubmItted, tfJq/ Allan J Clair PreSIdent Cc Dave Puent, City of SprIngfIeld - i , .' , . .' Peacehealth Sacred Heart Medical Center AtRIverbend Springfield, Oregon June 8, 2005 Site, HOspItal and OHVI BuildIng BId Packages 1,3, 3a Issued for BId B. Shop Inspection: When approved by the Builchng OffiCIal, the Owner, and Engineer/Architect, full-time special inspection In the fabricanon shop by the Owner's Testing Agency may be waived, subject to the following' 1. The Fabricator partIcipates In the AISC Quality Certification Program and IS deSIgnated an AISC-Certified Plant. 2. All shop inspection IS provided by the Contractor, per the requirements herein, and is documented. Reports and test results are to be available for the OwP-er's Inspector to review. I 3. A specIfic qualIty' control plan for this project shall be developed and submItted to the Structural Engineer for approval prior to the prefabricatIOn/preerection meeting. 4. Penodic mspectIOn by the Owner's Inspecnon Agency IS allowed by the Fabricator. 5. CertIfied Plants: ContInuous plant mspecnon is not required at plants producing prefabricated steel products which are certified by the BuildIng Official. C. Contractor ResponsibIlitIes Related to Shop and FIeld Inspections Maintain complete records of all qUalIty control and testing perfonned by the Contractor. Furnish all electncal power, turning or movIng of members, hOIsting, stagmg, and other facilitIes required for mspecnon, . ProVIde testIng agency WIth access to places where structural steel work is being fabncated or erected so requIred inspection and testing can be accomplished. Correct deficienCIes In, or remove and replace structural steel that inspectIons and test reports indicate do not comply with specified requirements. AddItional testIng, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to detennme compliance ,of corrected work WIth specified requrrements. Grant Inspectors full authonty to Inspect all material and work that fails to conform in every respect to these specifications. When required by Engineer/Architect or Owner's Independent Testing Agency or Contractor's engaged inspection organizatIOn, makeadequate platforms available to the Inspector for the purpose of checking hIgh-strength bolts and welds. Scaffoldmg shall be prOVIded to ensure safeperfonnaD.ce of this operation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ,. ""; 7. D. Shop and FIeld Tests and Inspections _ 1. Bolted connectIOns will b~ tested and mspected accordmg to RCSCs "Load and ReSIstance Factor Design Specificanon for Structural Jomts Usmg ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts." 2. Welded ConnectIOns: In additIon to visual inspection, welded connections will be mspected and tested accordIng to A WS D 1.1 and the mspection procedures lIsted below, at testing agency's option, or as requrred by CuuL...a.ct documents. a. Procedures 1) Liquid Penetrant Inspection: ASTM E 165. 2) MagnetIc PartIcle InspectIOn: ASTM E 709; perfonned on root pass and on fimshed weld. Cracks or zones of incomplete fusion or penetration will not be accepted. 3) RadIOgraphic InspectIOn: ASTM E 94 and ASTM E 142; minimum qualrty level "2-2T." 4) UltraSOnIC InspectIon: ASTM E 164. Anshen + Allen STRUCTURAL S 1.t.J:~,L 05120-Page 19