HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Temporary 1991-10-10 e 1~1I'5!JP~. 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT October 10, 1991 CERTIFIED LETTER Lochaven Partners 1199 N. Terry Street Eugene, OR 97402 RE: Temporary Occupancy * Dear Marna: ( On October 7, 1991 a Temporary Occupancy was granted to you to occupy the manufactured home located at 612 Lochaven Avenue, Springfield, Oregon. As a condition of the Temporary Occupancy, you are required to complete the following items no later than November 6, 1991. 1. Stann drains need to be installed and inspected. 2. The required storage structure as noted on your plot plan needs to be installed. 3. The street trees as noted on your plot plan need to be planted. 4. The required skirting and vents need to be installed. . 5. Pennanent steps with handrails need to be constructed at both doors to the home. An inspection will be conducted on November 7, 1991 to ensure compliance. are not completed hy that date, the Temporary Occupancy will expire. . ',. '.' .:.,t:- .' . . . '. ~_ ,H you have any questions, please phone. our offic.e at 726-3759. .' :': : ..,:;.~~~~~~;;:L(:.:;:~:.>;', : :-~:/,>~i{:-~i"c":,:~_ ~~~~V~:':~~:::r.(~.~-:-: '::;+-~' If the items ., j- '8... . . :~_.' -' ',.;: ::~.~ .. . _ ."'1" .t_. Deanna Buckem . Building Secretary ... .-.. '. ..ii' -..".,',; ,'" "il. tI fl' " 6.-,_ .~. '. .'..-..: I. p, 760,404 516 ~Certified Mail Receipt No Insurance Coverage Provided ,.. 00 not use for International Mall =-~'~ (See Reverse) ~. (\, . . .d:~~ t1Yt~f,) Sir, jl& No . . -r ,,_\qq !\J - \--WVLJ ~L - 1'ei~'~~;:.e.. nP q9~o-;:). ~_ -.... 0 $ .~q 9 I Certilied Fee 0 :~ ' } .0 iii Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee o Return Receipt Showing 0> to Whom & Date Delivered S. . Return Receipt Showing 10 Whom, ~ Date, & Address 01 Delivery . I. 0 0 ~ :"-:'~""lag~ $ ~;)..q ~ ""tm....~;~ \="~~.~~ &' ~ * O'J ,!:!!} g>, 0\2- .I:!>} STICK PIISTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST ClASS PIISTAGE, CERTIFIED MAIL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTEO OPTIONAL SERVICES (se. hono. 1. If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address of the article, date, detach and retaln the receipt. and mail the article. 3. If you want a return receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card. form 3811, and attach ilia the front o11he article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise, affix to the back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the nUffilJer. 4. If you want-delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee. endorse RESTRICTED DEUVERY on the lront of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the. ~:11""'!" ~~!I'~eipt. If return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in ~eJYl 1 ~ foci;n 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make iUR4:i.'i1..... ttu,S,Q.P.O.lggo.27D-153 w l o en ~ " c: " .., Q Cl CI) ... E If III Do ~ u' . I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee): 1.'5irA.ddressee's Address ~<Vvvv--."'- SENDER: . Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. . Complete items 3. and 48 & b. . Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card to you. . Attach this form to the front of the,Rlailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. __ ThU . . Write "Return Receipt Requested7~n the mail piece next to the article number. 3. Article Addressed to: ' Lo~ PCVV~ \ \QC1 ^". ~..t'Wd- S,-\- . ~ . oC>... qj'-tO":). "5. ~ature lAdd~)"', . .1/l~ //7tN1~.~ 6. Signature (Agent) 'PS Form 3811. October ',990 nY.S. GPO: 1990-273-861 <.': 2. 0 Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. 140. is:; l.::'Or 40Y S I L., 4b. Service Type o Register,ed 0 Insured ~Certifie~ 0 COO o Expres~ ~Mail 0 Return Receipt for ~ MerchandIse 17. Date/Oe'~eh _ q l IS. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) .. I ~C I'H. .a--:s DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT United States Postal Service Official Business ,. . - - - -- - ~ " '-!,W - -- PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE. $300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here . . b ..@i\J>@""!;''.;.;~(j~jJ1)~ --~:t. ~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES . 225 FIFTH STREeT ~pnl ,. -I"'~ ,. 1 I' . ,. 'r-'\ " l'i 7. '_ ,.,,1',11,:1' I