HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Temporary 1992-2-11 '. . .....: . ,_, .I.I-..{~l .L..'. ';~;~~'r~~"':W~"'r---'~.,,~' :;;-"d~" -~t.,;..... 'f"l Y ,.""/. ,., '.".. ,_. ,r ...."4. ~.. ,:.- ". .' ~>;~,' n rA J., f.) -~"1; .....,.... ~l I ( "/-1 ;'-J 1-" - ';.f ,I -.I '..., " I ~ ";" " ,- OO:1ii-!f.l'. J.{ ~1. .. {l.~"",, ",J J...?f ~ /ll:."- _ F:JJ 1.4 u'J"t':.A .....-1. ti~~": t .I J\ 1~','2.:~:~'j...~--;' ~2'Jt} '-~-)~~1'~t";~;9~\"'~'\"':"~'.:': .:(~.1/'i':"~,,~,::}, '.:..::...:.~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ~ '::~9Ji~ ,~t?S~~ 2251'11'111 S IIIErr PUBLIC WORKS .' ., . -. ~ SI'H1NGFIELD, 01; 97./77 METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT (503) 72G.Jr53 February 11, 1992 CERTIFIED LETTER RE: Temporary, Occupancy Dear"Cindy: Lochaven Partners 1199 N. Terry Street Eugene, Oregon 97402 On February 2, 1992, a Temporary Occupancy "as granted to you to occupy the manufactured home located at 595 Lochaven Avenue, Springfield, Oregon. As a condition of the Temporary Occupancy, you are required to complete the follo"ing items no later than March 2, 1992. 1. Permanent steps "ith handrails need to be constructed at all entrances to the home. 2. Skirting "ith required ventilation needs to be installed. 3. Storm drains need to be installed and inspected prior to cover. 4. The storage structure as noted on your plot plan needs to be constructed. 5. The requi~~d street trees as noted on your plot plan need to be planted. An i:nspection "ill be conducted on March 3, 1992 to ensure compliance. If the items are not completed by that date, the Temporary Occupancy "ill expire. If you have any questions, please phone me at 726-3790. Sincerely, \iJeL) Lisa Hopper ' Building Services Representative '. SENDER: . Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. . Complete items 3, and 48 & b. . Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card to you. . Attach this form to the front of the maHpiece. or on the back if space does not permit. . Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the m8llpiece below the article number . Jhe Return Receipt Fee will provide you the signature of the person deliverec to and the date of delivery. 3. Article Addressed to: Lochaven Partners 1199 N. Terry Street Eugene, Oregon 97402 RE: 595 Lochaven Avenue 5'l!:at~:~_ 6. Signature (Agent) I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra feel: 1, fXb<..6;:ddressee's Addre~s , 2. D Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. 148. Art cle Number P447890753 4b. Service Type o Registered'':; ~ D Insured X3l Certified 0 COD D Express Mail D Return Receipt for .-, Merchandise 7. Date of Delivery :2 .J 1.. q 3 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) I s. u..n... ~ I:i 3 PS Form 38',~,:N,ove:~~rtt/)(J",~- DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Official Business " - - - PENAL TV FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 . Print your name, address and ZIP Code here -..c;;..;.._ . y '..... J:{:r~r.rr~LI'-~&:':fn~ ~~ DEVELOPM ENT SERVICES 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGF:ELD, OR 97477