HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Temporary 1991-9-23
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September 23, 1991
Lochaven Partners
1199 N. Terry Street
Eugene, Oregon 97402
RE: Temporary Occupancy
Dear Marna:
(503) 726-3753
On September 13, 1991, a Temporary Occupancy vas granted to you to occupy the
manufactured home located at~502 Lochaven Avenue, Springfield, Oregon. As a
condition of the Temporary Occupancy, you are, required to complete the folloving
items no later than October 13, 1991.
1. Storm drains need to,be installed and inspected.
2. The required storage structure as noted on your plot plan needs to be
ins tal1ed.
3. The street trees as noted on your plot plan need to be planted.
4. The required skirting and vents need to be installed.
An inspection viII be conducted on October 14, 1991 to ensure compliance. If
the items are not completed by that date, the Temporary Occupancy viII expire,
If you have any questions, please phone me at 726-3790.
Lisa Hopper
Building Services Representative
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.:~ .. The Return Receipt Fee will provtde you the signature of tho person deliverec
I . to end the date of delivery. Consult DOstmaster for fee.
- 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number
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