HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1983-9-29 " ... " . .- LANE COUNTY HEARINGS OFFICIAL STAFF REPORT Hearin!=l Date: 9/29/83 File No. HZC 83-049 -- I. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION A. Applicant: Leon Keefe 2255 Laura Street Springfield, OR 97477 B, PROPOSAL: , Rezone from Suburban Residential/Interim District to Residential Professional professional office center. Urbanizing Combining (RA/U) (RP) District to allow a II. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Location and Site Description: Map 17-03-27.1, Tax Lot 1300, The property is located at 2255 Laura Street, Springfield, opposite Lindale Drive, The parcel is developed with a single-family dwelling and contains 2.26 acres. B. Surroundin!:l Area and Zonin!:l ~ ~ Properties to the north and south are zoned RA/U District. Pr9perties on the opposite side of Laura Street are within the City of Springfield and are zoned RH District, a high density apartment zone. Second and Third Street Couplet is to the east, The subject property is within an area surrounded by Springfield on three sides. C, SERVICES '..,,:'~""'~'. ...,,' :1' , ~: ' Fire: City of Springfield Police: County Sheriff & State Police Water: Rainbow Water District Sewa!:le Disposal: On-site subsurface Electricity: Springfield Utility Board Park: Willamalane Park District Access: Laura Street - County Road . ~., .,." <, D. Referal Responses 1, Springfield Planning Department i Opposes this request as it is an intensification of urban uses adjacent; to the City limits, Annexation of the pioperty to Springfield and concurrent rezoning to RL/RP is possible, and'Wl>u-ld ;._,,; 7 provide equivalent alternative to this proposal, :....,..... ..-:....- '...-'-" ....;i:-.:..::..-~~... .. -" ....' :..:.....~-.: . . HO STAFF REPORT 9/29/83 (KEEFE HZC 83-049) - ITEM #2 Page 1 - .. . ~, . . 2. Transportation Statement by Transportation Planning is attached, but in summary it is recommended that: 1) additional dedication to 35 feet from centerline be made; 2) a facility permit for driveway improvements will be required and 3) items to be considered for subsequent site review are listed, 3, Building and Sanitation Uses allowed in the RP District vary as far as sewage loading is concerned, If the proposed use is equivalent to what the existing sewage disposal system is sized (450 gallons per day) an authorization notice would be required. If the proposed use exceeds the current sizing we would not be able to approve on-site service if Springfield is capable of providing service, OAR 340-71-160 prohibits issuance of a permit if a sewerage system is legally and physically available. The City of Springfield would be notified for sewer availability. Building permits would be required prior to any development, 4. Boundary Corromssion The property is Park District. Springfield, within the Rainbow Water District and Willamalane Sewer service is available from the City of III. APPROVAL CRITERIA AND ANALYSES A, Comprehensive Plan This request is subject to the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan. The applicant maintains that the Metro Plan Diagram designates the subject property commercial and states that the reasons supporting the designation are existing apartments, professional offices, and other commercial and industrial uses in the general vicinity, No other statements addressing compliance with the Comprehensive Plan were presented. One of the general precepts of the Metro Plan is that urban development will take place within incorporated cities (assumption 8, page I-B). This precept is then expressed as in policy form; namely, policy 7, page II-B-4, Growth Management and the Urban Service Area Section.' The policy states that land within the projected urban service area may be converted from urbanizable to urban only through znnexation to a city when a minimum level of key urban facilites can be provided. Based on inf~rmation received from other agencies it is apparent that: 1) the subject property is annexable to Springfield and 2) sewer service is available from the City, A further illustration of the County' s "care-taker" role within the urban growth area is the fact that the properties outside the city limit are zoned Interim Urbanizing Combining (lU) District, This district is HO STAFF REPORT 9/29/83 (KEEFE HZC 83-049) - ITEM #2 Page 2 - .. . ,. . . applied to lands within an urban growth boundary and lands suitable for conversion from urbanizable to urban uses at some future date. The appropriate time for conversion relies on meeting other directives,of the Plan, ie: availability of key urban services, Key urban services are not available as long as the property is outside the jurisdiction of Spr ingfield, Recognizing that the Metro Plan Diagram is a generalized graphic depiction of broad goals and policies, it is not always possible to transfer Plan designations to site-specific properties, In this case, the subject property appears to fall in an area where three Plan designations converge; commercial, low density residential, and medium density residential, Considering the allocation criteria for major land uses contained in the Technical Supplement to the Metro Plan, a case can be made that the property is within the commercial area indicated at the southwest corner of Harlow Road and Second Street, Since the Plan calls for urban development to occur within cities, the acceptance of a commercial desination for the property 'should be,left to Springfield. IV. FINAL COMMENTS A. Summary Approval of the rezoning request would conflict with the basic premise and policy 7, page II -B-4 of the Metro Plan that requires urban development to occur within incorporated areas where the minimum level of urban services are available, Annexation to Springfield where required servcies are available, is possible, Annexation of this property and others in the vicinity should occur in order to coordinate provisions for city services can proceed, B. Recommendation Denial of request based on non-compliance with Metro Plan Policy as noted in staff report, C. Materials to be Part of the Record 1. Staff report and attachments, 2, File HZC 83-049, D. Attachment 1 , Area map 2, Transportation Planning Memo. HO STAFF REPORT 9/29/83 (KEEFE HZC 83-049) - ITEM #2 Page 3 " . AREA MAP HZC 83~049 HARLOW, HA'JDEN BRID&E I 15000 ~ ' 4903 ''1:;10': ,I ~ ;", I -.!:/~OA,L.,:: DR, 4001 4100 4199 f~ ,r ,- ,~ J> 41000 - -.l lei) .~::::::> CIT'j 5pr~I~K~FIE:LO 1__- a<<-~~/ RD. /() 1100 I 1lj~ ~ .. 1100 I 500 I I I I-I /0 (PO( 10, 50 I 1400 /0 /0 ~ UJ /500 IJ 150~ /0\ /0 ~ .\ L'MITS' , \\~, ,__, /0 .. . , I H~'Il:LO't.L _ _, ~""'oc.!\1 8RtOl:rf I '\~ ~D, "1""'''''''''';;';:;;;';;= c_~. '" " ,Y" ". \/I SITE \: N -1 c Ul.- X. ~ ~~ulf, ~, .;. \-~ 1: ~ 7' \\ Q ST. 'o~" \\/ VICINITY MAP NO ~CALE f:J I I I' . . ME~RANDUM , . lane county Joe Hudzikiewicz TO Ph nnp" Lloyd Holtcamp FROM Transoortati on Pl anner PZC 83-49 RA/Y~RP SUBJECT _Annl; ".nt I pnn' -Kppfp 2255 Laura Street, Springfield, OR 97477 DATE September 2, 1983 Comments on the requested zone change: 1) Laura Street ;s designated a major collector in the Master Road Plan with a planned right-of-way width of 70 feet, If dedication to this width has not taken place, the applicant will need to dedicate right- of-way to 35 feet from the centerline of the original right-of-way. 2) Applicant will need to apply for a facility permit for his driveway access. The permit application can be obtained at this office. 3) As this zone change is adjacent to residentially zoned property, the applicant must submit a copy of the proposed site plan to this office for site review. Items that will be reviewed by this office will include the following: a) Compliance with parking space requirements as outlined by code. b) Ingress/egress patterns. c) Driveway widths and construction. d) Parking area construction (including screening/fencing if appl icable), e) Set back distances from the proposed right-of-way. f) Drainage requirements for the site. g) The need for urban street improvements. If you have any questions, please call me at 687-4492, LH:goc dd'~?U'4~