HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1997-6-25 ;,/""',V(._ ,/",/""! ~. ",/ , 'I~ /' f) i ,,:.' j . ";'t\ , ::'~ "~ ". 'j < t, '~ - :~~~~l :~~~M~ , , " ,~~:i~ , .~~l ~~ ,,;itg ~;;i .~ :~~;1 -:.;~~ 4:1>.", ~~;1 ~)f"-:: 11 :~:t'\l' .'W ...""'\ '~J ~.~> J~J ":~~k} , ..~t t " , " ~ , " i... " " . : :,~~=~l~'~.~~~ -- i " \'1 .;:;:<1:;,:" DECLARA nbN OF JOINT USE ACCESS EASEMENT ~9~ ~~ERsONS BY THESE ~SENTs, . tballiaydcn Enterprises, Inc" a Washington Corporation, ~ .Called DECLARANT, hereby declares the following: I, ~ ,~'~_):r;\!{;~-!~~J~~,Z',.. 'j 1 .'1 W~;Q~ ia the owtierofthose caWn parcds of real. .", -.J situated in Springfield, Lane (:ount)', ~ri' and ~ria more particularly described II Lota 168, 169, 170 and 171 (If HAYD~ . ..~ARDENs1liJRD ADDttJON II platted and recorded in File 75 ,Slides 608 . 611 Lane COiiMy 0reg'6ii Plat ltecords; - .-- , ;, RECITALS . .~...;:,<.c ~.~"~...._...~,>'l"," ""f' ~: ~.~J{"'- ,.,./..~~~'",.....-;:.. 1..r<i':"i':''''".!4 WHEREAS.'~I68:'I69: 170'allln71 are adjac:eiltiD'e8C1i';;thJ'~'~uifl68'i;~iid1i~I~~rI69 'and - Lot 169 ia adjacent to Lot 170 and Lot 170 is adjacent 10 Lot 171; WHEREAS, pursuant to the Springfield Development Code II adopled by the City of Springfield, and the conditions incident to the development ofLota 168, 169, 170 and 171, the DECLARANT desires to creale a .:., . .1 . ...., regarding ingress and egress 10 and from the lots. WlTNESSETIi NOW, THEREFORE, declUant declares the fonowing: ~.17'98tlOSREC 15.00 ~.17'98llOSPFlN> 10.00 ~.17'98lIOSA&T fIH) 20.00 I. R.ecital.: The recitals set forth hereinabove are made a pan of this declaration II though fully set forth herein. 2.J<..Jl......:.._nfIn.......ondEV"'"F............ DecIaram.utheownerofLots 168,169,170and 171 hereby cIecIare. mutual, reciprocaI.lIOn-excIusive easement C.., .... loIS 163, 169, 170 and 171 over and ICI'OSI the following described portions of said Jots: BEG1NN1NO ATniE SOU1llWEST CORNER OF LOT In HA. YDEN GARDENS THIRD ADDmON AS PUTTED ANDRECORDEDINf1\..\! 75 SUDES 60A ~_/;tO AND 611 UNECOUNTYOREGON PUT RECORDS, LANEcoumv, OREGON AND TIlENCE RUNNING ALONG niE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT AND AN EASTERLY PROJECTlONTHEREOF SOUTH 80025'26" EAST A DISTANCE OF 163.47 FEET TO A POINT ON niEWESTERLY BOUNDARY OF LOT 170 OF SAID PUT; THENCE RUNNING ALONG SAID v,,:., , CAL Y BQUNDARYNOR.TH 09034'34" EAST A DISTANCE OF IS.OO FEET; THENCE LEA VlNG SAID BOUNDARy AND RUNNING SOUTH 10025'26" EAST A DISTANCE OF 23.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 09034'34" WEST A DISTANCE OF 56.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 80025'26" WEST A DISTANCE OF 23.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF LOT 169 OF SAID PLAT; THENCE RUNNING ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY NORTH 09034'34" EAST A DISTANCE OF IS.OO FEET; THENCE LEA VlNG SAID BOUNDARY AND RUNNING NORTH 80.25'26~,WESTALONG,THENORTHERLYBOUNDARY Of1.oT 167 OF SAID PLAT AND AN EASTERLY PROJECTION THEREOF A DISTANCE OF '16U7FEET 10 THE NORlHWEST Cw.....,... OF SAID LOT 167, SAID CORNER BEING ON THE EASTERLY RlGHT-DF-WA Y OF KIKI'ZlBY AVENUE; THENCE LEAVlNO SAID BOUNDARY AND RUNNING ALONG SAID EASTERLY RlGHT. OF.WA Y NORTH 09.34'34. EAST A DISTANCE OF 26.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON. . After . "" ,;18.. retorD to: Bnach EaglaeeriDa. .110 5tb Street, Spriagfield, OR 97477 Paael on __._._. .-"-'.-'--'-" '.' "'i',-:"'~' i:~:4:. :t:; .b;; 'I: v'~'. ','"'i. " ~.;;;::" ~ . ~,! . ~ j." I . I ~ ", . . 3. Driveway; The owners of Lots 168, 169, 170 and 171 shall jointly construct a driveway meeting 01' =-lina City of Springfield standards u specified by the SI" ingfield Development Code. The cost or such inalaIIIIion sbaIl be paid by all ownen. 4. l1z; The easement shall be used for pedestrian and vehicle ingress and egress to serve Lots 168. 169, 170 and 171. The owner. shaIJ at all tirn..'S and without restriction have the right to use the easement ,.. ., "', and ~y for purposes not inconsistent with other lot owners' full enjoyment of the rights herein gramed. S. ParlcinV; No vehicle parking or storage of vehicles is allowed b) "'y party within the herein described euement area, including the agents, employees, tenants and invitecs o. ..Air! owners. '. r~. "J.f :A."..~~."., .'. ,.". .... ....._.~...:...~Mi~~E?.".; ,.The we and.~ ~_C:O.~d~~n.~.~thiS~~.,,~~~.~~. is.~.~~.~.~~..' ";~~~.t,,c;';:-:~:] " . .,,<"""~". . - ',.....,' '--." ,..,....'~ .c.-r..-.....-,'.,- .-. .,,' ..... ~.,~o. . .-c...,.....,_1. ~_. ""'_',' ,'. _.;...... .~._,..,. -fo. _.r--:..'_~ - ...;' '..-"'_."".;.i....\:;.::,.Y'i'~ . .- -..,-!",~ k.,,~:O:'.;~~.~. (~"-:,,:,, ,..;.:::~:,,:;::i:;M;i~;. ilia ~eed ~'-ihi p~ieSiJiii'i1ie ~Pedi~ o';;ei'~fe'8clt ;;a:~ed lot affected by ; lIII)' easement or covenant granle<l herein shall be responsible ror all maintenance and shall keep that portion of the lot all'ec:ted by easements in a good, clean usable condition, PROVIDED HOWEVER, that any damage caused by my benefited owner, or by.the employee, tenant, or invitee of I benefiled owner shaIJ be the , .,. . .. ,'biIity or oaid benefited owner. : .,.J.'. ,;-t'; . \~/.~~ .~. 1 '.,,!," :;i~ ".{).{ . ,%1 \:~f\.~ .: ~;;:j ~'': ".''': i - ::i!fJ . "-fA J~+' .,.;.,'. :. ( ..~~~. ~~~~i;\ "r.' '~~f c ....<\"-'1 .,. "(COt /r j ~' 1 ~' <<,i .....,;.! lei l 1(;/' '~"f; :. ," ~y, , .)tt 'r,,' "f.: .....~ :.! .'f ";'''; ,... ..:~~ 1.,'; ,,' 8. I/ld~~ifiC8tion. Liability Insurance: Each owner hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the other .,., IwmIess &om any and a111iabmty arising out of any act or omission resulting in injury to person or daJnaaes to property, caused by said Owner, or the employees, tenants or invitees of said Owner, within the _", _ .. "" daaibed hereinabove. Each owner further lI8"lles to proc:ure at his own expense a policy of liability insurIIICll ,.. .... .:,.gall afl'ec:ted ,., ..., fiom lIII)' claims or liabilities arising within!he easements. Said policy shall provide COYer88e of not less than $300,000 Jingle limits. 9. Appurtman"e: The easements and covenants set forth herein are not personal or in gross but are appurteaant to each and every parcel of the property more panic:ularly described and set forth hereinabove. 10. Su........,,'" and A."<1p" The easements and c:ovenanu granted hen:in shall run with the pro~ies herein described and shall be binding on and sbaIl inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs, Ill....... " . aad assignL II. City of Sprinllfield: The easements and covenants set forth herein are made for the purpose of complying with the Springfield Development Code regarding the division. or partition of land (City of Springfield Journal No. 96-07-IS3)or any other development ofland. N such, the City of Springfield shall also have the right and standing to set:IIre judicial recognition and enforcement of the rights granted by this Igreement, and the terms set forth herein shall be affected or negated by title or the merger of title of the dominant and semenl, ".,: CI in a common owner. I:Z. B....d1 and Remedies: A failure by lIII)' party, their heirs, sUCceSSOBiiiid 'Usigiu. to per1brm any of the conditions or obli8"tions specified herein, shall constitute I breach of this agreement. In the,FVent of I ~ the non-breadUng party shall have the right to punue any and all remedies available, both at law or in equity, specifically including but not limited to, injunctive relief. it being aclcnowledged that there may not exist an adequate remedy at law. 13. w.amr. All the rights of the parties hemmder are c:umulative. and no waiver of any breach of this . b' . _.. . ,J sbaIl affect any subsequent breach. No _ ... ;~. or partial exercise of any r~edy shall be construed to pndude the eltercise of lIII}' ~ther remedy or of the. remainder of any such panially exercised remedy at a Plct:Z oU i~ : I ". ., . , .':r'.l 'J/~'.~ "..,.4'~..:.~ , >{;i ,< :,. ,I . ':i' .,~ lnw time, or of the ~n!emtJY at a later time. . 14. Eff'ect of A<rreemenl: ThiJ a.", ..... _,: containJ tile ful~ 6na1 and .:xcluaive i1atcment of the contract of the partitI'bemmder. No warranty, express or implied by either party arises apart from this wri\ina. 1C III)' part of thiI c:onUICt II adjudged invalid, the remainder of thiI contral:t shall not thereby be UW.IUf.....,. I , i i , I I l IS. Litipti"n "'IP""""': In the event thia contract is placed in the hands of an attorney for ene. ..' .: of the provisions contained herein, the prwailing party shall be cntitled to reimbursement from the other party llUm cqua1 to alIlegaI colli, including but not limited to, C( "ts of trial, any appeal therefrom and c:ostsoCCIlIll:lItion oflll)'judgernent, induding reuonable attorney's fees in.,'.rred by..ud prevailing party U 1 rault of the breadL . of' _,I. ,;'-~':'_' - ',' '_ '" ~,-.:,} -, ;' __. _ . _ _:. ' - ,"';::~r7~~-'7':'-"0~1~':.~.;,1 f':""""~ {l,";,oL6'"lN ~:nm,REOf.~~c;!Q!CUl~ithii~,~[!~lI!t..use,~'EI." ".:;.,~~.~ - day'-~ -.: I :1,.'......'.0 ",,'_..~'-"..,.' 'I,,,," c'" : ,", .... """';,,',, "',',i:': ",,- . - '. ,,' ,'.,A.=-' ",', ." '",';, '-~'",~{, -'"...J-- 0(" .::J(;;)N;.E;--",.. -".--"'M---.~1997"~~~ ,} " -'''~fr.;-'~~''--,~\,~;.,.,...,._.,~;'I;:'.n,:::.l,~.j' '" .' .'...,..;,~":;;~ ,'-.... ~:"d' ~" _:;;;;;~y,;.;,,-.-. - -- ,., - . ,- -". ...:'.....~,. . ! .! . . ~ ,"'~I:.l . \:ht.... ~.t,;.{'t .~....1;~~ ~~'f;.. :;r5'21 '1:':;<~U ';.,\t.~~ . "~f!, ':'~..6:;; .), ~~:1~ . .,.;'!.:i ';.(:ft; '.J~~P ':3illi >:;j.,\i~ ~'IA \~ ;:. . ;:t~;~~.!~. .,\...... .;~~:. ...; '.I.,. "t.. '-~.. ~~ ,,:;,~~ \.;t~l ~~~~ ., .\~ '.~'t .<-1 . 'I .: '.J~ '., 'J "~'i' "j ;:. .-:-y.... '. .-:-~ .: ~:t 'j ~ 'X , Watson, President EnIcrprises, Inc. ,. : ArKNnwt I%1'V:M"FNT , . '~,." SfATBOPOREOON County of lAne ) )u r ."," ,." ny,.. .".J before me the above named Hayden H. Watson, who being duly sworn that he is the P1esldeat of Hayden E,,,.:.ses, Inc., a Washington Corpol1llion, and that the above Instrumcnt was signed in bebalf of said .." ",,:... by the above named officer with authority from the board of dinlctors, . IIId he" ." , ". ",..1 aid inslrwncnt to be his volunlllry act and deed. Before me: .'\} -- C\>., '\L~- Notary P\lblic of Oregon ---..J . o;.ricl,"l.~;:'''i~'''''''''''\.1 DAVID L 8i,:I', I:; ;'j " NOTARV PU811C . Cfl'::1.p..l COMMlSSv.>N "-0.05:':..:")'} IfY~UPIPt1:~;;!:I,:'''.;::;,' ~._ ... - ~ ? - ~ - - s..:.-;:,.~~,..-~~I ... .~- '.~ ~ 11- "c;, " H" A.~ '1~] : z 'Jin !3~H 1 i-8 . 'li il'~ ' H!!' '" ~ M - , ~ a:l ~~ ~h 1~' ~UQ j B ~ . ." .... ... 0> ~ Pace J on 'f' '-.'-"- '.t',. : 't:::::. ~! ;If' ' ):..1 !' . I I . . @ ADDENDUM TO REAL ESTATE SALE AGREEMENT me_ _I E........_.. ~_,,,,,,,,,, ooa1jlll&_ wl\l\'" ......',_...........In OIlU...... n",," """ II c......... .,11111>0_, . 'This Is an Addandum to:~ Rael Estete SSleAgrelment 0 Seller's C'i':n~r Oller 0 Buyer's Cou'ller O"er Ae: Real Estate Sale Agreement No. "30'-17., .Dated ~1)5~ Addendum No. - ~ Buyer' S. . . Seller: The relll prllllerty described a&:_V~ ~~ ~.'. '.. , , SELLER AND BUVER HEREBY A(~REE THE FOUOWING SHALL BE A PART OF THE REAL ESTATE SALE . AGREEMENT RE~R!NCED ABOVI,. ~,~~~;-tf~~ ~".:~~~ ~~~~ I .to ,.......-r .LUI ~~ ~ ~Mi~ ~ t.;r " . - " " " " . " ~'UL ~ A:f.....8Mr~ wiu ~ -d,.. ,........(Ii. ~MI~~~- .' .. . " . tit;t 'A1:..~~ u~ ~ " " " ~~~,,~~ ~~~~. ~~~c 11..... ::':+'~ ~II.C:' ~ ~ AJJjJIL..... (~dID ~ -Ia .~tJe-rr.-:. ,IJ.... .I.,u .. .. .. . .. .s; .. fu 1'Ira(.J~ " 1J"'~p:-""-~ i1f~.,MJ- f8~M~ " ~ oor...? ~I 4 ffltt d-'fA~ " .. " " .. _ /J ,/-. /' ) """'17 // Buyer Slg~ure r;JP.'./ L- . / Buyer SI~reC.-Jk',. ((; P ~ ~.tJ' V11 -,. - --- SellerSlgnatul"'~. "~ _c.- ./ 0 Ie AM P - F;I' 'i e . . - ,M. .. SellerSignatu ~ DeteS-/--:-Qf "', ,A.M. ---,.tPM. .. Wsling Ueens '/.' ;~;_,; - Selling Ucense'e'" .' /,1I~ i/I-:_ 'J'r-ih.. . " .{ " Listing Firm Bro ale ~ "rn 11'"".[- , Selling Firm Broker In1tlelslQjila I ., C, 1997. No ponkm rT\IY N ."....,. vriaout tuCpfllllS p.rmJuion of Qr!lgon Reel EaWI For"", lLC, I whoUy..oNf'8d lut.aldlary Of Ch. eug.n.. Por1Iand MttfOs>oUl;n and Ot~, A". ",.,. 0( R!Al.l'ORS3I o-.EF OOZ 101'87 " . Date Date <7 - 1/' <19' AM. 5"Z~!y u .-, tr~ A.M. .~P.MJo .')./1- 99 Addendum Palla 01 Pages .. ADODIDUN TO RUl ESTATti UL& A&RftMENT ..__.__._ ___u '. I -~"l I I , if fs~ I ' I I I t , ,', , I I I , I I , , " f I , .- , j I I R e.,x: D & -Q.+- G..- -- - -. I ; e : I , ~ ''',t."!!l I : ,fJ ~ ~-....." - ~ ~ - :.: - - ... - - . ;: lij ..... a :u - ,Ut,. I I ./ , ---, I t J , l___J .. _IW.__ __ .."-<mil - .., ,., .-....-.-- "-1., I"" .-' .-. __..., ",.,." ..-r.._ --.,j _.r__ .-11'-- "I.' " - ( ~. 1 d -.r II.Jf.I'LMI . Ulf '" *RIDI ..,,-.. -. ..... -... ~-... ...... - ...... ~ ...- -- ~'@~~~. . ~#o".&_ 1=. 1M'=- _ ~ . ;!~S s.y.... ~-\- . ',<>-, / "\("),,,, Y~Io\:,-w~...""'~ - " '1. R.2W., W:~. Ii OREG@N il T.18S., COUNTY, J997 } ( 1 .' t P.U.E. AN[) PRIVATE JOINT ACCESS' 8/ MAINTENANCE I EASEMENTI BENEFITING LOTS ( /67-/72' , ._'___'~~€~~DJ~;cy~~:1II!!'t8 .' , 'J . RECEp.f/~.N No. ,/80 '19/7 l'-J" ", 33.45 88002526"E/"L.G.0.R.~' . I, '\\:' I O '. ,) ~6" 0 0.0'0 ((' FOUND 5/3"- ~i3!.45 Ci T., I 80'4~- , 409.92 REBAR(6Ji / :ETA1L< "" ~ . g @ ~ 83.'(:)0 - j GI-/T) (u'~1 C\j ~ 7~2F77 8. r g . ,'0, '. ~ 83.001 ----- . , J...!... T. P.u 0 cti i V !0 0 ) ~ gr .J...88q~25'2 J.f!] I'-: "7,537 SF ; ~ Q, << "" oj '\ 80 6 t< 8 ""~." '. 0)' V~: 0 0 !!? I 'i, .47 n ~9~25'26''E: 0 CO ,8616 SF Ii q ~ :- \ " /',.-, Q63.47 "'3'.l . . U Oi .. "=-t 6000\~:---_!!' ~,.r-/--?- c: Cot . -. ~ ~- R/W /-, .~!!.~ ' '11 c: I W' 80.47 -.1.; ,:;:----- . . S 002 ' g I ~ ci S8oo25'26''E: 1<i~~ S80 025 '26 ''E: - Coj246~42;''E:. I ai ;;- /J Q . ~'l /63.47 : JJJ 23 C\J'j ~l4 I ~ J 62;? El 8, ~~ ~ @ ,; - - -.:.?!! 42.00 U'~ _ S.F, f!i U 7537 SF OJ ~ 86/6 S.F, q; o - _ 68.47 _< ~ '. 0 Oi 0) q I 70---_ ,J. 1\-83 < 2 l(j I 9.71 -"'_" .00-_. ~J "" -' "/ y:- - -,..., - .. -830 !,'-; -I, V - _ . 0 ~ I,) 0 ..-- t: - -- ___276~47 Iri S09034'34"W- -- ~"- "" 3500 il -. . t"'=60' i I 'I ,- 2 t. t ,.". ",... ~;\. ~.::- ~'1 '.~ J) 0) /" / >2'" -PIPE({f) !}AL:~'" '- - '-. '~,., , \ , rr q;f " . ". OF~~~ONvrn~\ DEp,U1Y ~~ I , , \ i~ ---- ~ - Or......, o . , ((j .. , C\J l( 80.4;7 6.50 ..-- /' /' /' / I / I I " I I \ , \ \ \ " , " " - .6.50 6.50 6.50 ~/63.47 117 t ~n 163.'17 80.47 DETAIL "BU': , NOT TO SCALE. /'/ ...... /' --- / -----lJ LEGEND 7 o FOUND MONUMENT' AS NC @ SET 5/8" x 30" ~f.8AR \ CAP MARKED "BRI'.NCH EI . 1/4" X 2 1/2" P.K.,'NAIL \ WASHER MARKED:'LS 261 THE TIME OF POS{-MDNU o 5/8" X 30" REBAR WITH CAP MARKED "BR~NCH Ef BE SET AT TIME OF POS (RJ DENOTES RADIAL mINE TO PINYON STREET. ~ P.U.E. DENOTES PUBLIC.' UTlLlT ( J DENOTES DATA OF REC L.C.O.R. DENOTES LANE COUN' '" _n' .___ _. ._.....~ ._ 7? 71 II II II ':aD ~ 'R \'1,\11111 1EJW!i.. _ WITI 2609 >NUME 'H YE ENG. 'OST-! TO C, JTY I ~ECOf' UNTY to - I \~vE \ ~~ I 0/ I :~ I 04 ro' S89.57'02"< /22.94 MA TCH LINE 3/.3923.9 49.00 50.00 sEE SJ1EfTT 878 "'... G ~ e..... ~ L4Nf}$ OF !JAL'Y P.U.E. AND PRIVATE JOfNT:7 ~ y, _ i ACCESS << MAWTENANCE !"l to ,. f': 174 ~ l" (0) EASEMENT BENEFITING LOTS 4997 ... II? 5/4S ~ uj' '5 ';:l I S7-1 72 . SF. ~ ~ s.F. (\j lZ) 4627 \,II FOUND 112" RECORDED.~J."""f!"I JJ. 1'1'tf.8 ~ 13.32!i1 SF. '" IRON PIPE"/! REEL .2.781"-R -55 C23 ..._C24-- RECEPTION NO..,Aa",.,.'" ss .00- - ~ C22 -- SSooZ5' LC.OR. _O-Z!!36"E 187. C2' C'O~ /33.4$ c6''1: I PlNYo - ~ e,n? ___ ---.!!BO.Z5'ZS"E 15 000 FOUND 5/8"'. 'If S'17IJiiiio -E~- - ~33.45 c; f I 80. 409.9Z REBARIS) ._C26', SE:.E DETAil.. - '" 15 0 G '" 83.00 C21 "9 !FIJGHT) '" 0 V If, '" 83.00 -) 1422 0 -_@7S.Z4__<>'i;;i!!SZnSF....gG... o 0 ' 61 ~ F'T, Pu. ~ t:l:i V n C, Q N q J 73 ) :;;: 15 -I-~SOOZ5-2S:~~ '" 7537 SF. a;:;;' ~ !l! i5 5359 8.F. g "'" Iii I. 80.47 SSO.Z5'ZS 111'" ,86/S IS 15 @"'7FT.P'Oj_'S3._'4_7."E: "'~, s'F. oj _i:J 165 ~ .u'e. "l' 60 , -.:)~.... ~ SSooZ5'ZS'E: i lw",'r- S047 S . , ~7 & 9537ZS9@)'.24 ~ ~ '3SS0.Z5'ZS"E:'" SS?-'Z5'Z6''E: ifJZ4~~:;'E: 50. '" SF. J88 ~ .., uj (@ ... S3.47 '" <J'J .. 00- __' , ~ (() J6 t?8 @) If, e r ____ 77.Z4__" I 0 I "'qj J88 ;"0 J89 ... ___ ~ t 62058. ." Ir')lt) 0 ~ __ ~_ '.F. E 7537 8.F. ~~ 86168.F. C? ~ ~ _ _ 138.47-.s:' . g il; '" Il'i ' 7093, --__ -83.00-_ & ""J ' - __ -83.00_ ~ _ _ Z7~47_ S09:;434:" - - - 35.00 HAYDEN GARDENS THIRD ADDITION REPLAT OF A PORTION OF LOT A, DOUGLAS GARDENS N.Wo 1/4, SEC. 6, T.18S., R.2W., W.M. SPRINGFIEW, LANE COUNTY, OREGON MAY 7, 1997 SCALE 1 "=60' LCENTERLINE OF RIGHT-OF -WA Y AS REl0C4 TED 8Y REF. (8) CENTERLINE OF OLD SO FT. RIGHT-QF-WAY(9) - - FILE ..-J { I I I \ , wr CUBVB DATA wr CUBVB DATA - CURVE MONUMENT DESTROYED 8Y RECONSTRUCTION DElTA RADVS ARC CHORD f3EAR.WG No. DElTA RADRJS ARC CHORD SEARING OF JASPER ROAD. NEW MOMJMENT TO BE OZ05210" IZ5.00 6.ZS N BJ05l'3J" W 3?0~1'36" I 7?di... ..P ~3-08'46" F_ SET A T TRUE "-,,INTERSECTION DURING S.ZS CZZ '30.00 74.~6 POST -MONUMENT A TION. 8003819" /30.00 182.96 /68.23 N 40-06'6" W CZ3 ~~0;2'4~"1 /30.00 9.5S 9.55 N SS04919'~ 1S.4'3Z" 130.00 34.58 34.48 N 72-4810" W CZ4 28-38'53" 130.00 S5-00 64.33 N 850/5'OS" E 19-49'5~" 130.00 45-00 44.78 N 55-'5'54" W C25 32-51'36" /30.00 74.5S 73.54 N 83-08'4~ L DAVD t. BROWN. DO HEREBY CERTlFY THAT THJS N 3Z.07'3S" W I /9 AN EXACT Copy OF THE FrJAl PlA T AS SHOWN. 26-26'39" '30.00 60.00 59.47 CZS 32-51'36" 70.00 4015 39.S0 N 83-08'46" E n~:--, L. '9"07'09" '30.00 43.38 43J8 N 09020'4Z" W C27 30-44'33" 70.00 37.5S 37JI S 841Z17" W 'T-2:,.-<..,..-....- OA V1D L BROWN. P .L.s. J , Qfl-'iR'J9" 70.00 98.5Z 90.59 N 40"OSIS" W CZ8 02-07'03" 70.00 2.59 2.59 S 67-46'29" w ~. ~.:' a 7A-n';';'i:6" W . . ~ f/:.........:...;",. - be, ..," ~..;"..."_ -~.. v \.) Ocy', lldopted Ioc* __ plan or TnnIPIan. (s) Pand __in die wt.a InlllitiOIU"uhall be in .... ..I. ~.mh S 1I11on 29 070 ofthia Code. . 16.040 LOT COVERAGE STANDARDS (I) ~'IOept.., I, . .i::ad in 51l..,..:. (2)oftbis SeIltion. tile .,'.. :..1111.. '., ""~ of tile lot by.n .. , .,.. J IIIUC:CUrelI in .n raidendal diSlrictllhaD not ..... . J 4S ., ... ..' . (2) On hllloldOl ~ 670 feet dcvation andfor IS r _ ._l .!ope, tho inaximum :,.. ~ ... . DUI surface 9f. lot lndusiw of IU\ICtUreI, patios and drivcwaya, IhaD not .~o-t 35. . ..J, exceptu specified in AJtido26. 1m HiI1aideDevel",... ., Oveday DiIlrict. " . . 16.050 SETBACK STANDARDS. 11\ aD pal"-tia' cliIUica, oac:h lot sbaII have. . ,'. .../.1 of not less than tho fbIIowins sizes unless .'. .. ' '.,. provided tor in tbis CocIo: (1) Fnmt yai'd, Itneslideyard IIId nrar yard. induding penh8ndlo IotI-I0 foeL 1110 60nt and nlU' yard olpanhandle loti sbaIl be bued 011 tbe orf-.ritm of tile 8oI1t IIIld ... oldie house ~ tile lot. Ganaes tlH:ins tho panhaDdlo L' . ,.,' sbaIJ be , .. ., ,. . 18 feet &om tho p&\ .', . ....., edge or fbtunr edge where sravel drivewaylI exist. (2) Elalept fOr '" ,,; ,.1 c" /';",11, I.. .:.. _yard setbaclcJ. -.odI.., JlIIIhudle iota- S ~ Tho lido JUda olpanhandlo locuhall be buod OIl tbe . ',., I:: l1li oftbo &otic and nlU' oldie bauIoOCCll ,.jT"lt, the lot. NOTB: D...". ..',,,, ,: .,. olaD yard "..i"".\., tordl :r...... Oft___1GtasbaIJ bc~ Oft tho hat yard ofeac:b unIt .. establlshed by the ..... used tbr add.- p" . ',.. (3) r:....,:.. j:Apnaeor~sbIIlbc ...."..atlcialUl..1illUOIIavonp) ~ ~ ~ tho ~~ ~ abutdnI the lIlreot to ~tbepnl8O or, . ,. ,," Ml'en.. .:.~ UllllIII tIom an !,.niY.!be ,~~oorUhall...,. ",,,- IMOt the.-;;d &e"'\..u iIIItO-..I.ICIJIC,mU cri\lle IiiiiiiiII " ,....,.. - ~) Bxee:pt tor .."pulld",,, ... .... .:.) IIJUCl\IlWsbIIl not be ~ted bootwoe; allY front or __1icIe yard UId . . ....". .:, II build"1II8 UId sbIIl be act back at Ieast feet from interior sldo and rellI' lot lines. . 16-7 '- '. " MENT -ION SE/4 W.M. THIS MAP REPLACES LINEN 18 02 06 24 I DATE RE'VlSJON t9=Iz:oo"""'EANl;. IL nUl iNTO :1:. 3<tIH t"LACE 1"-17-01 Nl:......,.w. UN CAD STSlbt 04-17-01 ~ DEljI\rL Hw No. i INTO PARENT /'lAP I I I I I I . I , , , ..~L_ :~ SJo 1;la4S' .7' - - !il 1.'- _30' ~ 06100 ~'.o'~~' -- c; 14 . ...."'6'[ 8. . ^ 6b)-SQ.-1G:..~ C 6000 ::. ,~ LI 172 T'1f r> ,0.17 AC t! ~ 052900 3"'" L2 I g 537'.1'Q r' ';" . 0 AC >/:;)11 80'''7' I", 171 T.: f 8616 SQ, 1'1: r lJf{. . 163''''7' 170 air) '8 .glj 5 ;:1!~ LJ \11 ---... , ,.. 0t');C Off.;i. 500 J..:;,. 80:.7' -------'-- . . ;; / y 012 8!" L-4 . 5' I 163.7' 2"'6.7' . ------- . '" '~537, AC '" 5 g; [I 600:" 5 · 86..5.... '.o:ee'f:~... :q ~ASPE:R-------_____ '_ > .1;~ '\.. !~Il; Ii .~;~o'j.C.,;~ 0.1~00 ~ 5800' 2: 1 ---:---- pg...,... ROAD ,-----___ I ~30' 16 T. t,r> 7537.,AC. t!;; 0.20 AC . : ~ ~t ~J' tole.' -----_...,_1/ 'Pi" 7, g 168 "1, ,..", 8616 SQ, rr.' . ~027'.O' '"' 7~ f--:'" 6a.,7_ g 169 : $80'22: ~7.8S' f 3 .;" 1--------- 83.00- '" ......_____ E: ~ 192.65_.- I (00-----------__ ---- .<I . RD 4 -- ~...,' 9) ------________ b - ~ n Q . --_____ -.... -.... ~. - ____ (') .,..3+7a.~a POT--- f -~ '. "___ ~ U.6~ . , ,,~ 2300 ~ -- ~ m i<: ~\A ,\~:'&,-~ n 2 m '" 2200 Iii 0.32 AC ~_.6S' . ~ 3 ,... '-----J.!....:..6J:::-- ~ ~ 5 ~ "ill 2400 ---- '~~ eo~ ~ a "d I' m ()M~~ i Y;\3l2.'t-18 "Nao'Cof.J rt.4-:>p lOZ' - U"'.6S' NB9"S7V ..0....11_"0. 220 1 -...~ 0.14 AC :.: ,~ - NW/4 SECTION 6 T.18S. LANE COUNTY R.2W. SCALE 1" = 100' ~ ~17.~9 PC . SEE MAP 1802 06 21 APPROXIMATE V16TH a>>ER . , , t , , & II! . . . E>lPLOYEE Ll,:AT4B4 I LeAH1" LeAHl4 18 02 06 24 SPRINGFIELD C.A.D. SYS~ CANCELLED ----- APPROXD1A TE 1/16 TH CORNER -- " ~o o icr9=OCJ ~. ~: " '.0'"" ~ 2100 ...1 300 - J40' Vl &J S . --- ,Q) g SBooc4.t . - ~ 2: - '''.65' ,. 4 "<< ~'\\ 3 ~ 022~02c . ~ ..,;,";.." <i ( ~ )\;:'~"I.... 6 0!l~2000 ~~ il 400 ~.~~ 2700 ~3' ~ N8C'e4~; .f :1 :t 4000 " 1.03 AC :~ ilL I ~j.J ~ " ~ in." '" ~ ';: M ~~ r:l , I %' ~ ~ !i1 25' 25' 3900 6.03 AC l! 3800 0.86 AC ;;; N % ~ g z " ~I w~~ SJ€I --L.J " C_ m " J ~ - < ~80'22' 39.15' -.:::::: \{ - 19.2.65_ Na(J'ZZ'V -.J -'SJ.5< _ 2500 0.25 AC , . g, --, \ 133.9::1' EAST ~ 3 20' I 25' ~ 3700 0.44 AC ,"'. % ~ is ~ - ,. ", !h , ~I ~: ," ,!:; iil ,:1 ,N :' % j (=)~g= 24 N M . ~S80'22'r -J53.5- SBO"Z""F: -153.5' !.l -rt:i'> ,j! , , , , 3701 0.86 AC % ~ i:! , ~ : 7 R, 1900 ,'-'--~1I..,.6S' :g :z: ' Nea.,.,." .... .. -140- ___: 2i . , . ~ 2800 '~ W 0.27 AC '800 .' ---j-, ~, 1 7.S,.-t S.S.E. COR. ISAAC BRIGGS , D.L.C. 83 f-'- ( "'1- n r\) m J :, N m N , % ~ ~ c ~ 1t2 ~ il 8 100 101.44' Na9.S7".... 200 0> 101.44' ----------------- .. . LINE TABLE L' ..so' N 09'"34'34' E L' 6.50' 'N 09.34'34' E L3 6.~0' N 09.34'34' E L' 6.~0' N 09.34'34' E L' 16.97' S ~4.34'34' 'r/ L. 18.39' S 35.25'26' E L7 14.22' S 90.25'26' E La 14.00' s 80.25'26' E L' 10.42" S 80.25'26' E M' " III :i " 2 , ~,~ "- m, j n CURVE TABLE C1 LC-323.48' S 40.06'43' E U) R-250.oO' lJ. 80.37'26' 0 C' LC=37.U' S 84.12'17. 'r/ N R=70.o0' lJ. 30'44'3:3' 0 C3 LC-2,~9' S 67'46'29" v R:70.oo' b 02"07'03" lXJ C' LC..SL36' N 78'06'3(," [ R=I30.oo' lJ. 22"47'17' D- CS LC"22,82" S 85.27'35' [ <( R;I30.00' lJ. 10'04'19' ::;: C. LC-34.49' S 72'48'10' [ W R-I30.00' lJ. 15"14'32' W C7 LC-S4.91' S 73"05'15' [ Vl R-215.00' lJ. 14.40'22' C. LC'"76,10' S ~:5"33'2~" E .R=21~.00' b 20"23'17' C' LC=44,78' S ~~'1~'~4" E g",l~""'" " ...."0'..0. 500 5 101.44' NB9.57'V ~' -~