HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2003-9-22 .;J. 7 Q(Y- G'~~/ sv- '3 1: 44PM C.N CON~TRUCTION COMPA 5.585'2086.. ': 1 0 7G3b8290~ 8 WAY",;:: TOKKESDAL /,- ;//0 ~ K J~ /AKGei S'-raKe \.... . <) PE(/t:;.- .~ DIRECT BURIAL ,I . :~; L-rJ ~ p.4 PAGE 03 HH P.O~l/oOI f-.'1 f- tOr t:/ bj-}~ INSTALLATiON '\ ':~~~~t~t:~:t?7I~'~~~~~~~~~~~!!~1' ~...." :v''/:{'$'~''r;~.:d .:,"lI:1>t.'il~{j;;"~ 't;:ll'!;i,'~~I"; ,~,~t...r~'\, [ . ';;'~"""'''\,..~~ /. ";;.i.~)~":),"''''/!~-';F....tl)'~,'",,":l-2;:t''-t~,... . ..~',1',;:-:/ .~i "'L~;;~~ r~ t:~.~;\.':~t{rr.""i}~~.~~\"",y~~}< .,.j: ~'~~"~:~(IJ';r' ~,.~;" ,';. ::S..t ..~' ;t:~.~~;\ ,'::",;0:-: 'f:l~:"'~~J";:~.. ""'J' ',..w- .-:.,.\h--\ ,'it'lfi'~'''<C~""":",,, . . ,",- ;:" , 14"':;: '" '"::' ~"'- ';l.~ --'!:fi... ';:y~..lt} "I ~ .. '~!'i~'L ; - . .:;2t'::\' ~~'1~->:ir ':%1"""'~~:'~~' --" ." ;....... \J-M'ii!.'r . "" ::~,. 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"I~ 'f:,,::~:,"::,~.~ '<., i' ..:..~:"..-~.'..,l.~;'~;~,;,.~"_ ~:':~l 1i,~ij , ~l ~, '3 CeON CONSTRUCTION COMPA _-585-2086 W~Yi'E TCKKESDAL PAGE 1:44PM ':le 7S3S82ge48 F (tor HII P,lIZlOol I-W In-Ground Cost S~vlng5 Using The Ameron/Centrlacon Se"'G~ Direct Embedded Concrete Pole.,' , Soil capacity or site restrictions considered, direct burial installalion can reduce in-ground costs as much as 45% by eliminating expensive cast in place concrete footing. The Ameron, Cenlrecon Series pole-tapered and hollow core is manufactured of high strength concrete; direct embedding does not create a "corrosion zone" as is formed with materials such as aluminum, steel and wood. The elimination 01 corrosion insures an average maintenance-free pole life of 50 years, COI\IJPA~T1VE POLIE WEIGHTS (all PO'.. rouncf & 1.p.ereC) COMPARATIVE POLG COSTS fill DclU round & I;a,Pilf9(11 "''' WMQf.1 ,l\'IoW:l~' """"'" ~',12''''' ' ~Il:ll\of rQtM~Jo.'1 a..c. "'cwtd '<' '~l ..-= SIll "'1'Il~ Pd, C~I "JUllth..' TJI.ll Cot! C,)~l .'-'0_.._.. "'um'nvm :SO' Anc:"IOI Ba59 51..130' ""n.ct'l.Of e,u.. AhJmln llm 30' Ar:oOI(.\1 S746 e'~o 2""00" 2~"O'" Anchor Ba::loe SIIIr. li6'J Sl SO Z..OO- 2ea2. SlHI30 c..lven'c+o 5526 ~1.:l0 "'ntt"ocr S,a1oG Pn.". 600- ''''.-0_ P"I:Tf.d . 00</ :S.l!O "~Cell"rtr-=-on lh.......d ....... "" .........,. ..... $.<I ... "0 Bm_ B...d 011 (981 N.llonwJ~ Ealltr.JJ/es 140" sa96 s~ 'iil1 ~676 2'621' AItlN'On/~~'" &cr'e.3C Iln'b<edGwd ..0. 3~:'J . 03(/ .- INl$TALLATIOH-CAliil\lil HOU~S PI2R POUt Call pol~& 30' ,ol,md a taperedl AC!:HCI6!!S ""e;SENTL Y UTIUZIHO DIMeT EMBr:!DIDED CONC~lIlTE P>CX.II!$ ~,^octiQl'l I",. ,.... ....., e.c:."..tion POVl Cone 1'4'1(- 8M. "~".mt~ & s.t 1"010 . .,...... MUNtCIPAUTI(S c"...:~nty~...r"..tI\'1 ~.IlIl!C''''''Pariu.[WAJ c,.''''''''''~,~ lO":;'O""Il/A.:.!ln. :01-1; Clt)l u' !I'IItI",ck.I"'Ol C'!7 cI ~l~"-'-. '.....1.. c:r}l 01 Rki'lO'I\C1'.O I"'''' J.l'I.._...CII..lNY, COk"tRACTOf':$ !J.M"I...,..IO'.....nC.".~,.(J..-. r,(:..ic~I...-ni!c....., hW4'~ "0+0 I $.0,... 1""11 FIa..ndll\ E1.-clrC;C.A1 "ame I. ""iJJotI (TJ(I L.......l.r l:lac1nc lLA) A.l<:.1"oO. EI.cU"r: INYl ~ min. lITJUTJES ~n O~4 CLlI & (I_:",t jeAl Vllul"", El<<fril;; I ~I CO. tv...., P.IO.II'C ell." EltC'lr!c le).1 PU9'G'S'O"''''',.~16LioQ,.ll'N~ reo.... 1i1oGC",<S.,...ic:e (1'.11 "";......lpIoIio E'UII,r: IPAI ~O....OIW." e.v,\tl' ~.u.o. f\ltrA, c.owJ1U""f:NT ACEkCILS U,Z1. Co,.. oI'I;:O'\;i.-... V.S O"PlIr1_..lol,,...h...y u.S. O.DO'''''C", t1I I". AU ~Dlc.o v.I. Olll)lilr1"1l'n' OC Itl40 At "'1'1 V.s. 00"",,,,,,"_,,,,, '" ;''',.pO,,_Uo'' Nortor'l.' O~"lt;'" ....l'"'9."'n...< A.O"'lnI1ot..,..O."1 "'6 ",l". 1, mi^. I~. ~mjn. :JO nd". ),t......... rat~dt: A.,....re,;a. dW'JnO'IJ of 30 mtnute,) ~,~ l:HI:Hd on'~ narlo"";d,, .nJ,".tru p.S ea SEP 22 2U03 1:44PM CO~N BS/22/2Ba3 12:10 7&3&829648 01-ll-l00l 10:11 Flaw- CONSTRUCTION COMPA 5.8'5-2086 WAVI-E iDKKESDAL p.6 PAGE 65 l-U1 r,QOl/OOl Hl1 r,'-1 " 1'-_/ ... Steps Required for 1m, Proper Installation of a Direct Embedded Concrete Pole. '\ ..~ -~~,^..,......-J- .~...,-, J..'.-..,"'-.......,..~ '~~' " '\':i11""'~' ""...'~ "', '~ ;".,.,~\..":.1 ,'.' I:. ;..,~~"",~.. ..., '~\!' '," """ . < ':"~i'\ I.T~';" ,', ,.... r. ~.).\\i~!'.~:; 0'- I....... .. ,i' . Prowi'4 pQl" In.I,1I n.Ci'i.S4t)' .rln', Ivminllfo'S Dn" Wlta. ll.lrnil"l4lir. tH'Id I han~"'lol~. '\i.l '-C.' ~,;~.~-{i:~ C":1nC"C1 hook. lc- lJ~ otr>e of a .ri"o 11"\.9" 10 D~. 'Ut\dl"'OI.. 11. .1'"9 In bloW'Q e'tN. hltl:n... .II . polnl trQm pell. top QQ~1 10 C....... In""o o,"..rell PO'.f Icruj;lth, Atlar:/'l Olif'~ tQ CFCH'IO' l"IO~. '@ ---o~~) . '----r>--- AL.(I.t t'lclel 0" Off4UC:' in dllmelerlhln polo bu~1 .nC 6" d..,Pi'( 11'\11n 0"" t:coo.d ~II'I. ~ ...@ 'Q" '\. Ad" ."0 \limp bllcktlll i... ~IO'WI 6" 10 ;nlu(. eOtnc1 poto t..It;"4J chpltl 8~d CIIl.INg.. .. II , '" utt DDhJ.Otlu"."dmbOl'\lhlrQro~ ~l.<< pol, ."d pC)4I~O" 0"1111" no... LoYlI~r VI1W bt.IlI .nd Is nUlinq ., lh. ::orH.r 07 no~ bOl.l0m, '@'; JvJd required Ol1cl(flll. Tll"'P" ~" 1l"\I.rvlla lip to tlello", of clbM .11- l('fl.~. .1"lC3 Ilgru In-Ilo' hom .....NOl-AJ dlr'W'CliO":a...,;\fl . plumb boD. Ralf"oCN1' slnQ am: Imltell \JfldrlgrOlJlld ctlblot. ""'1l)04.. '1+C1r1~~1 cOt'l".r;licln'l 11100 dQl,tr h."dhClID C'Q'lfCT. FinLlI\ lillil'9 ond tlI'1IP/<"'IQl 10 2~ atlo.... liNtI 910Ilndl;n.. REeOMI!IlE!MDEIC BACKFILL REQUIREBSIE\lr'r3 COQO GOIL CQmQIIcl ..,....11 gr""'" Mila IInCl Q"'rtl, 1"15f'!:S CUIY 0' .......0 graO'.a fIn_ And CI;l.'1~". aantl !"II ~ralr'l-.d'o If...t .....T., _ill 1'01 .t....dl l.H.I. a..'.. :Ot tTaCltllll MEDIUM SOIL. Comptct ,int und, mcoil.l~ .nd e\ly, CJ)~t:t "'1""001 loa",. loon <:~ru ulld :line:' gr3vel ~II dr.:....d.o ,...., ~ler ,....l\I r.ot "and) A.q...it_ _1.Cl o.a.ekflll ~ e1.a.... """...".<11 "!"ICl 01 '11- I'fli"''''1 ..ell Iili'.d_d Ul'llvol PO<)fIl SO, L Scf1 etay. cl.... 101:11. ;:OCr1')' eomp.Clljld ....f1" or t;1It'(1l contllnlng IO(QoC' ,mol/i'll" oj lilt {W..loer ~)' ,lgl'ld 0""';"9 .....et .0-'0"1 \J:IIoI co-.....t:.c"".1H.rl" l)a.C~li~. f'I'lj.(:)I"IolI poIrt orr COI'n."t po-.<l_r to fitl..P1 parIs ~!c.ln. ~ .."d nq/~l/n~ 'fnN 11:jJ rTVRX :>i0 .ISH I '" "- ~, ' OJ .'--.--.+ w' co <1, (L' (f) CD o (\J I 1Il CD . (f) 1Il -' <I '" a: III lL \:! I: y. o ~ u w z: z > 0 <I ~ 3 >-- U ::J '" >-- (f) z: 0 u .~ o Q U '" '" <D ill '" ill r-. I: a.. " " '" ~ ~ '" o o OJ (\J (\J ~, ~ a.. w (f) '" Q-- . OJ '" '" , N '" '" '" c-- --L .-.f'{ti ..,... {1'I.I..:\--I/U"" SP1.JII. PRr.S"1Rf~t) r.ow-.R(r( 1"0( [ ~ ,. ;! 51 ...........3. ..'rll~"'[ ,- .,It:AS1NJItiI.I1\.-.l I..NO nlAA C'O'V::R OU REV, o"fT' n~CRY1lON 1l>R~. APPll. ".--.- ------- , .t:" ~. il..... ~ V"""IOl~'''1oC>< I I c.:..~1"'1-.t ..Y..1'JYJ~If. ,- LeT' ~/.(') ,,.' .1-1/" L~ k I\A.Tlfm~I'S~.>. l - ..~. OD. (.tS1 ALlN lCP CII.VR !' I \ "'t,) J% , , .,,.. 5. L' :; I' rff,.(\t'r.".;: '3fr i)f. . . 3-1/2~1lI~ .:, t :~~'t')J%"U' ,; .,+ : ~ttOH 01'0" IT. 10P MOUN], IJfTM, .- ~1J{-t.KDMI [\lBfOO(L'-1fOllto.Il &i IEJ~~ ~~, :,m .~::+ ~1 ~1:1-1I -~-~;-r;:'I;'-~: u..1n:' ..::,;;' .l.fW'JO I -'-'--!- ,_--'-'--'-' ... __. __.L____,__ _,..,.,-,.-- ...o- J ) ~, Rro~_"'/~Y)) s....i).t..~ ,~~=-~_. NOlel fl.) ~ 11~. t;tO.\T_ """n"",4L ~ fl'tll'St4 n~ }Iltt:)1J(c.n;m,l r.lDS":'" co~:IW".. !2.) A<;T\I C-150 N1lf. hi m~y D..WUtI. t.\.) rl; . 111 ~-:-:'1'?0 tr.'IHC S;>lM c'lUUR i-1,J 6 'r."'-6. p. L9" I.'\N C.-.ll . (~ ;r.......M D 0 A$M C-l(.01-':' a.:c 'I ,- " 1/"': Uf.JA ,--""""(T'r".) ~": :}I:' _~IS1"".,.,r, . ~ !;lm~ - ~ - Jo...,"", " -431 . 1-~Jr.AU (flY) . "'>", (':A "'TIUI C !i1\:lJ. w::( ~l' J" nf".::J1 r "II:..... 10-141 L'--'frri:~~ J1( )~ ~RODUCO;:~ ^,,",.) WV? ~...":t\WJ'I=-o~t;~STe:MS ::: 1/ . TARGET SPRINGfiElD, OR. ~ .!:P~I~)i~~_lIO.N= MERX-13.9(113A) POLE WlTH TENON :!J "^'" '0.>, l=- , rR.I\IIIl'- ..-. . -~ - II rJ.... 1l .- I'; UAR( CD'f'[' --i: CRO.}IDGaf. -- ~. _.c.._/ :.. ~..._(SM)Ut.I)1J:O.: ^' ,%, '", ~ ~ ---B, --........ (1) 1-1/< . CAO..1. [Hn(NtrT:; (1) It to".... _.') D nv u ,QT rlln- [;0.. -===:=...~-.-::. .. -:=*-...:.:':' -=- " I-~ I IJYrG. NO. R ..... 51\07060.) ~ ORAWll, G.C. I 7/03 J rT11.J 1 '"-^'F ootI[ n....u: ~ c , "' ,- '" '" . . . . . . c . . :?. >-: '" .... ~ -,. -,. ~ ~ "~ r ~ ~, ~ '" '" .... N '" '" '" '" . , r " u ~ ,. C , ,~ , ~ ,. " oJ ~ ~ ~ oJ " " a " SEP 22 2003 1:45PM CO~N 69/22/2663 12: 16 7b3582ge48 CONSTRUCTION COMPA WAYNE TOKKESDOL 5.8'5'2086 PAGE p.ll Ie YOUR lA.qGf C ASSlM ONTRA/ClINE LUMJN~I At 'f AND PLASTIC OlFFUS~R fin I?t: MAS BEEN SHlpptD TO . ~n 4~.. .. 'L::JBAllAsT HOUSING ;SS(Ma:~lJ IN TWo PARTS: Ul~WM1lIAfRt(. . lKJ~CFlfCTOQ ASSEMBl" T, COvEQ A) SofttCT PROPfR B.A.UA51 PRIMARY VOtiAGf TO .sun YOlJiI: PAQTlCUL . S} Pt..AC! PlAsTIC ~FLfSE:R (2) ONTO a AR..I08 Rl.:QUIREMfNT, AUAS1,ASSO.<1BL Y. C) lO\.YrR RfFlECTOl? ASSEMBLY OJ IN/a NOTCHfS ON l'l^llAST ASS(M&l v CA.Sll:-A.5HC OIFFUSlI; (:<}, CU/Dt TriE ll1~rE R r . IrGHltN T}HUE HEx BOlTS ANa WA.SHERS ~;JLf~I~~G SOCK! T WQtNCl1 SUPPl.lE; w~~~~l~R SUt>oORT 8RACKPS IN10 . ~.. O~IENTA,nON BELOW. ER,INS'A.llANO SrCURELY OJ JNST"l,l1 LAMP. (J JH:SIAll TOP COVER A5StM&. Y (4) TO REFLECTOR ASsfl\. 10l Y /1). sf CUR( THRC[ SCREWS (5) F) PlACE COMPlEJf lUMINAJRE: ASSEMBL Y ON POL' "CUR' ' . 6..,. ~AN.s OF' rou/? HEX SCReW's (9), AND T'NO SET SCREWS IiI J:e..Wl: ' 1} LOOSEN THE lHRH SCREWS (6) ON TOP OF Ti-tr LUMINAJRr. R REMOVE SCREWS. O1A,H AND LlF' OFF' JH[ SMALL lOP COVf~ (~} 00 NOT 0') REPlACE LAW. AND RfINsrAll10\:l COVER {~). LQ Hrt'lCL lllf. iaUAJL; J} lOO.$€N SCflEWS :)."1 BALLAST COVER PANt.~ (51 uNTlUC~EWS SJOPTUR."JING. (SCREWS ARE CAPTJVE to BALlAST COMPARfMENI). REMOVE' COV(R ~"'NEl AND lE, HANe 2) LOCATE AND DI5CONNECTIWO rUCTRlCAl OJSCONNEcrs A110_P OF BAHA5T ASSEMBLY, JllODStN TH[ BALLAST CARRIAG~ MOuNl1~G SCRWS. TWO AT TOP AND ONE AT ~onOMANCllln OUT 1t-lE COMPLETE . BAllAST ASSEMBY FOR SERVICINC. 4)10 RE~srMBlE. REV(RS,E PROCEDURE51N AaOvE STEPS. lQ ~ llii el.A.mC MlrFUYR. lllOOSEN li-t~(E' SCREWS (6J AND REMOV[ Cov~R ASSEMBl 'l' (~J. Z) lOOSEN THREE 5CR(WS (71. THEN uFT our RlH~crOR A5.SEMBLY OJ. )) un PLASTIC DifFUSER, (2) oFF OF 3AllAST .AS5tMBL If fOR SERVICING. t) 10 REASS,:,'vlBl:. REVER!>G PFlOCEOURES IN THE A60Vr Sr[Ps. kQll: r.~nIJNnH'l.G ill lIIMINAJRFS' RE 10 PROVIDE FOR P~OPER GROUNDING OF LUMINAIR( WH(N lllMJNAIRE ~AS aEEN 30LJPPLlED 'HlTH A GREEN WI . NON.M~TAlIC POLE IS LJs.ED. ,.. <)n.~ ",,..,,,~r>' ,r,,'" I 1 DATE REV. 1 A\06\1ll ~ nJ' 1 I SCALE: NON€ SUE: INSTALLAllON INSTRUCTION FOR SINGLE lITE MOlp~~~~~~I}. ~~l pH} u..~1) 'H..^~I$lAnIlD..u.J.llIl"'O^ . .. ~, DSlZ"'CO .... ,........ ,ot :..;::;-; __""... ,:::;-;:.:::.:.::::;.~:: D.... ,: '" A')''l' NO. , ""..0._..... "';1l" ..".....'......C'''"; ......._...... _ I....... O,lVoWN: SEVElllANO JIKfU'l;[ =.."';~':';:~';::';::';;;:::=":'''..~~~=:; ,"-'_", 1 .....'u. -...:._....."'....,~,"....""'...i'- ..~ ..._..c:,..._..O<fW,_'Do<,.c.",' C(!.CRIPllo..,; n~/??/01 MON 11 :44 ITX/RX ,,0 SSior co w '- ... '" '- 00 w g] ... ,~ ~ w >-J ~ '- ~ ..% '" '" w CO 1;It1\7.! ]<'.r 9-'iJIO- ....n- ~#iI' '.VW .,.,., uo ,<7 .., L. . ~ ~'.3' "'\311'- ('.11' ",.r .R.no 1.191 11. U U ~u 2T,II" .. ".It" )2',tr:r 2'" I.I~ tU t,6 H t.lt:M W..- IJ-1J4" ~'.)" u.~ 27.~ 1.1<lO IGO 10 ~,q Lll:Rlf 10 J2'.tjy 1J-)lI' S..'- ,*,,6' )O~ 1,a!O 12. ~j) U W,m.1l 3I'~' 11.IY'" a'~ u..,. (1.700 1,HlO Uf ta.o U ~Il W~" 11.7tW 6'.r 44'.\1' q:rro 2.lllI) Ut 90 u IIll1D(.l} D.'.:r "jL In' W-1" <t.lW l~ tH 1IO ~ (~~In ~'T I)-Ill' t'.II' 112'~ 5J'.rl,!V ,,:IQ) \1,' T\ 'U'1<-.s ... fOllI q....,.,.,.. C<rPM "..." .e~"~ - -, "" - 82-~.._...':'~,""", ~.",.",... -"-":'.0 ~~"t.._~. No&lM ' u , UfCflCAl1l.m3 LIla C "' ".~, tll""'l1!. ..tOo'" L~~ 8.. f~ o,llOM S4di0ntor Jl'lOf.~. "11" cot.OM i ~ s.. Colot 5~~ CAAdo, ~ft1111 t2JY A'i ~~~for~.......~ ---- ____...~Io,.,.....~......~~,..~.....__...~.. .- 101.0..........-, rww .ameronpoles. COm! caUllo g1print2. cfm ?id=2 "" 3/13/2003 / co c, '. 0' '- '" g '" ~' :11 V' D If' "' '" cr, ", .. ,. T- o<; ? P " 7. 7, " 'J' ~ f.- r. . ., I , " , Details .... r I print I ee. ,;. oo.vfl Sarm @ MER - Medium Embedded Round Pole JIII.."......U.. fo..."... Tl)l100 ap. rO .. 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C1f.AUIll ~~"""IoI~~ -------------------...-- http://www.lUT1cronpol<:.9.comlcaU1loglprint2.cfin 7id=2 03119/03 WED 12: 43 PA(';E 13.; Page 1 of 1 ,- 3/13/2003 I TX/RX ,,0 9530 i \j,3/1 :U:,2H03 7&30"2. 15:5n I~UMMll Bov.....1Ild l..o U1rlldo,CA IlO6)6 Phone 71 U62.a.&34 F... 71~._,= Yf't#NI.~.OlXTl W4YNE TOKKES!\'.le PIlGE 02 Classic ContraClioe- large TYpe PROJECT HOlN TO ORDER 2 3 .. 5 G IMll' Hllll>lSlO ~ IIAl.U3T COl.OIl ~ LT ~- !11l f11 1, Fotn::lt; ee.l rL, t"~_" l'f--..r: lkM./U~. D"oO; .!.trr'1.~ .,: U -- ~i:=, LY....,,-; 1Ul"".J7k4. rn: 1.""",121t' ~: 4J ~~~1Hm~~~m~~i.~~~*~~tlMl t:(A. COI!TT1Cllll'. Ivgt ~ ~st top moultt. JJl.pc ovw 2' 3/!1!' D.d. ."'lonO tJ;non -'*~~~~iWl~~.Th~Pl LT (...1'000 eyfI,~, ~~m~'~.~'.~~,\flli':H'lt'!'r;'H-,M'lM~.wW.WUlj;l'~WW.J.tJINm~illl 1'T2 Twh 11m moLlm whh hllill:l cotnp'rlmtnb .lIpi O'fllt 23:1'0,0'. ...'lOno luon 1~~~A.:~~~~~"!.if~~~I~1rj(j CO ~ """1 ~II" 12G'/Otn-tO/171 'OII. _v, ""' E-31 "lllllti ,,"IJI Mil.. tav:0!J2'"'l17 1'9'1, _vl_ 8T.511 toO.., HIDh tHutUt.'I'olIIIl.... '?I\f,:J~JiI"n ",ogu! o..M E-II L llC11 H/'!l HI~h P<tUvlt .odlUm 11~oeI~WZ17~oovl NM!-2~ ) ~'I\~'i!.l",~.wl~~ m.x 9l:1ek. TGIC pelWdM tO~ fin/I" ns.z Olri.. aroll~. TGIC POW'C1W t:Il{ Unitt! M'C1' \ilr'tlll',nJIGSllJ'lII'dIltmllnlloh ow. Iha, ~II",I^,,,,. TGrt ""","or ,OoIt I~I," RAt CalM IN CtI,lllm Ctt{tlrt I,., Jvrfllb", ()Il "'4l1nl. -~~~~~~".l~~~i'J!'~ fSl Sifl91t fU'"'1'lQ (12n17.111J..ol1Y), .,..clty volta.Q. F1.1 OOUbI. f"1n1120!l1~"0Vl. Ill"'Jlv ""'>el' .ASf A1ymmrtrl(.61!t1lhUo/\o-lIl1,11l1urtto HSS Ho.".I.. 'h1tl6-n~. Inmllrd JON 311V ..11.., (12~nt,.1V) <1111 4!<1Vb.II.'t PSI Pub.. l!:Irt !I.lIltt I~t 4DO~H I.tm;l onty 03/19/03 WED 12:43 [TX/RX NO 9530J Ii.;/ J _~f iI~tJj i'bjbl:i.b 1::: :,t;l - 1'<.<SQ"""""_ LA Jo4lnda. CA 00Il3ll 1'l>ono71'.=,~ F.. 71.,~.= WWw.~,l;Cl'M Specifications Khsl"'. Tll:I~. II 'h.bbbd Q'f CW. ~ ruiD1t. no~~ ....,..... _. ~I...... ThoIw!O'",.-~.......~. """"__")."'IlI"~_"""aI"'_ _.Tho""",,,,, ~~J II CM~t(llpreedrh, ~oi~ rrn.tt::lr tD~. t ~~~". ,.,._~~ll'\It'M'OtlildilVllllllolltJtt"14 Wn~~~ b.,~ Uu;aI~J C,lhwt., A -.. "'-" lndai m J:OJfWd ",. '"" ...mInum plitt. Tho ~"""""...........~_.,..:. _,"'d~"''''''p\IOlby''' "'At"tI,"d ~ f1W;i.ll~tJCti:l....~tot1'lte..Jl~hwt. irlgiU'vrDt. ThI ~ B moonmd Cl'I ill _1Iv i'tIlT'lQ'\"Id Vtl~izI<I trry, """>lAId I,""""" ~ Tro>"Cr.... Itlloldlll1011l. ~JIdJ a:Mr.. 71'1. a ~-to(' tIMnItw ~ OIlIl\vtrlIn\,lm ~~r Utorr,- ~. 2IV1"O.O.... kJng ~n. FQ\.{'{<C) ~~*:Jn*"iCn"If'JW '""17)~"" """10\."... lOOn .... t/~, "" """""~ Ii> ... ... -, . 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LARGE ™ CC-L FIXTURE 1 LV HOUSING 2 / ,CC-L-L V / DATE. / TYPE / MOUNTING 3 LAMP BALLAST 4 COLOR 5 PAGE 1 Of 2 OPTIONS 6 POLES 7 SEE POLE SECTION 1 CC-L ContraCline, small with post top mount. silos over a 2 3/8" x 4" lona lenon 2 HOUSING L Y lum'jnous cylinder r"'- ...... ' , r WI"lllllllf~ "~miilllllll' ,II: L"I, jll'!. -1--~&lI,'r.71IMlCd II [j 3 MOUNTING OPTIONS o PT2 Post mount with 2 arms, slips over a 2 3/8" a.d. x 4" long tenon lY-wr: 78LBS./35KG. EFA: 2.8n11.26M' IP: 53 4 LAMP/BALLAST o 400 MH metal halide 120/208/240/277 VOlt. medium base ED.37 o 1000 MH metal halide 120/208/240/277 volt. m09ul base BT.55 o 400 HPS high pressure sodium 120/208/240/277mogul base E,'B o 1000 HPS high pressure SOdium 120/20B/240/277mogul base E.25 5 COLOR ''''' 0 WHT While 0 VGR Verde Green ,---~-, 0 BLK Black 0 CTR Corten i11t!1!li!ll!i:' I lill:illililH 0 MAL Matte Aluminum 0 LGY Light Grey ;'11 i';' lil~ !i!.i'l ! i~'> '1,,1, "',' I JI",II,;, I 1'1111 . 'oo'i~li!!ilil!I,II' 0 ATG Antique Green 0 RAL # !!!l~ I ...-i:--.....l......., -;-- 0 DBZ Dark Bronze 0 CUSTOM I 1~c:==J! L--U H ,.J 0 DGN Dark Green 0 OTHEP , I l_! 6 OPTIONS 0 FSl Fuse Holder only lY-wr: 174LBS./79KG. [PA: J.SHJ/.12MI IP:53 0 FS2 Fuse Holder only 0 347V 347V ballast (120/277/347V) 0 480V 480V ballast 0 ASY Asymmetric reflector-field installed 0 HSS House side shield. field installed 0 PSB Pulse slart ballast for 400MH only (1201208/2401277 volt) lamps JOB NAME SOLD TO PO# Approvals MOLD CAST 14249 Artesia Blvd / La Mirada, CA 90638 714562,8434 / fax 714 994,0522 / www.moldcasLcom Ref;CC_L_LY.p<l1 copyright 2002, de~ign pl!llcntel.1 CLASSIC CONTRACU\.ARGE™ CC-L-L Y ,PAGE 2 OF 3 Housing The enclosure is fabricated of clear. impact resistant. non- yellowing acrylic into either a cylinder form, The inner sur- face of the lens is smooth and the exterior surface contains vertically oriented rows of sinusoidal waves, The precision optical lens is designed to spread the image of the reflector to provide a luminous appearance without affecting the ver. tical distribution of the sharp cutoff refiector system. Large Luminous Cylinder A socket support bracket is secured to a cast aluminum plate. The iuminaire enclosure is positioned and secured to this plate by the insects and pollutants. The support plate is welded to the ballast housing/slipfitter. The ballast is mounted on an easily removed unitized tray. contained inside the ballast , housing and shielded with a gaskeled side cover plate. The 6 3/4" diameter cylinder cast aluminum slipfitter accom- modates a 2 3/8" 0.0, x 4" long tenon, Four (4) concealed hex screws and two (2) alien head set screws secure and align the assembly to the pole tenon, Electrical Ballasts are high power factor suitable for .20' F starting tem- peratures. The lamp socket shall be pulse rated. porceiain. Fixture' shall be U,L. listed and CSA approved for use in out- door wet locations, Note: All ballasts are shipped from the factory prewired per customer's request. ' MOLDCAST 14249 Artesia Blvd / La Mirada. CA 90638 714 S62,8434 / fax 714 994,0522 / www,moldcasl.com Rcl:CC_L_L Y.pdr copyright 2002. Oesi\ln patentCO . Reflector System The ContraCline reflector system consists of a multitiered compound reflective action assembly composed of seven (7) reflective elements to completely surround and obscure the lamp. and provide precise controi of cutoff and light dis- tribution. Each reflective element is spun aluminum and specular Alzak' finished. The individual spinnings are posi- tioned and secured within the reflector system with a fabri- cated coated steel internai riser assembly. The ContraCline system is available in symmetric and asymmetric distribu- tions, Finish Each lumina ire is finished with a premium. abrasion and fade resistant. electrostatically applied. oven cured polyester powder coating, Warranty The fixture shall be warranted for three years. The ballast shall carry the ballast manufacturers limited warranty,