HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-5-18 .. RESIra-..JTlAL" APPLICA~N;PERNIT 225 North. 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ' '. Jc>b waation: ~~ I ) G\ ~ ~ ( 1\)) ~ nv A.Ge~.~r~~Nl~"rt()I~ II ~J, T~\<>tNCY-\-U)\ Subd<V<.<J~.J:;1('f.(1(Y}~ _ {f'-J-J !j.Nh tr-L~lt .ll tn (1(\\ jel ~ J\ \'o.d" L -, ~/ :::~'x~~~ ~~)~:e:~~~2uD =.~M \LO~'Ll~). ~ \D \M \\\tJ~'l ~ n tiDmn J Signed: .'Iobile Homo ",t< _.. .\tDq(". - f'\ 0 J,~ \ {J'\,'q'8t1 Date: 'Date of Application ...:. J ~ . ,} Value l/( l\ CA) contraetorm '\ Address -Lise. II' General ( _ _ 1 Q I( ). Plumbi~~_ ~l 01rJ_ Heehanieal V ",.. '\ I EJ,ectr:i.ca,l Q. 0 L-J SilPeli'<~,",1gElectricia-n . Q.mer: n n n n Rcce:pt .'1 . I I,. \' , .~ . ~ Bldrs Board Rec. O INSULATIONIV)[l:'UR BARRIER INSPF:C'l'TO_~: To be made after all insuZati::m CC".d .' . - 1'aquired vapor barriers a:t'e in place . ., but before any lath, gypsum boazod or wU covering is applied, and before '.~Y insulation i8 concealed. O DHYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU dryzJalZ is in place, but prior to any taping. . O MASONRY: Steel. "Location~ bo7ui beam3~ grouting or verticats in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After instatlation is c:cmpleted. O CURB & APPROACH APRON: AfteI' forms are ereated but prior to pouring co~re te. . D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-liJCY~ to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & sub- base ma.ter-ial in pla~e. O PENCE: When complete -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P.U.E. ~ ~ '/iUu EXD:!,.'ces Phr\np "__!._~ .ll, q _It is the responsibility of the permit holder to Bee that all i7Wpections are made~~t It1ie\ proper time~ that each ::ddr6S8 is l"ea::ahZe from the street. and that the permit oaM. is located at the front of the property. ~Bui!ding Divicicr: approved plan 's_haLZ remain on the SuiWi11fT sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City designated job nw;;ber~ job adC:re8s~ type of in3pec-:icn roequested ar.d when you win be ready for inspection. Contractol"S or OI.mers ncme and phone number. Requests received befere 7:00 ar.l r..>iLZ be made the same day~ requests made after 7:00 am will be made the next ~rking day. ',' , Your City Deeigr.ated Job I/wnber ID: q (J')fo4() - DEMOLITION OR gOVED BUILDItlGS ~ Sani:ary Se:J61' capped at v:..op.::rty tir.e ~ Septic tank rrz:ped and [i t Ze~ lJi th gra~e l --, Final. - r\'hen alA.."'Ve ite.'1ls are completed ---1 and when demolition is complete or 8tru~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. Nobi le Bemes ~OCking and Set-up ~bing connections -- s&Wer and water ~trical Connection - Blocking~ set-up ~ and plwnbing connections rrr..:st 1;e appraved before request~ng electrical inspection :=J Ac.::essol"",i Building ~l - Aft<:l" p::Jrche8~ -.J etc. al"e cor.rpletcd. skirting, decks~ Reaui~ed Tn8DRction8 10' SITE INSPECTION: To be m::zde after 6%cavation, but pPiar to Set up of . ,forms. ' O : UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & i , MECHANICAL: To be made before any , '. "w,rk i8 aovered:, . ~. ,", - r-l kING & FOUNDATION: Tc> be mad. lli ~ft;~ trenches are 6%cavated and forms are er8cted~ but prior to pouring ccncretJ. n. UpIiifRGROU.'!D PLUMBING, SEIlER, W.1TE,~, l...l.:::r DRAINAGE: To be made prior to [il- }ir.g trenches. , '~ 0.. UNDERFWOR PWMBING & MECHANICAL: . '\To be made prior to in3tal.Zation of !tOOl' insulation 01" decking. o POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instal.Zatian of floor instoZation or . deaki1liJ. ROUGH PLtnmI!lC. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be c01;ered ,until these inspections have beer. made and approved. . FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. O FRANING: Must be requeated aftel" approval of rough plUffhing~ electri- .cat & mechaniaal. An roofing bracing & chimncY8~ eta. nt'.l.st be ;',completed. !lo tJOrk is to be con- ........cealed untit this inspection has ~be~n made and approved. o D ~Uo.SJ A. ~ All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees~ ca~lction of the l"equired landsccpir..g~ etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be request:zd. o FIliAL PWMBIIIG o FIliAL ME~HANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be l'equeoted alter the Final Plwnbing Electrical~ and Mechar.ical Inspectiorw hava been made and approvad. I \. ,lv. "AiL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS NUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTUEtIT TO BE !-~1V.E ~T NO C;:.ST TO CITY I Pa.!?e 1 of 2 ~a.gc i:; I JOB NO. ~cct~LAR ACCE~S REQ,- Zona: tA[l C OaauDana" G~t :"'J Lot Sq. Ftg, WT TYPE ] Lot Faaes - I s ~f Lot C.merag~ Interior I P. L. fI of Stones Corner North Total Height Panhandle East South Topography Cul-de-sac IWest I I ITEM SQ. FTG X I_mf{ I Gczoaae . Icaroort ,1:a;;fuiGJU J ~ \ . r \ TOTAL VALUE I '-" (val-US) S.D.C. 1..:c BuiZding Permit State SuJ'aharge T"tal CIla.-gea I ITEM NO. FEE I, -.- .. 'SJ.-wm I Reaidential 11 bath) I Sani tar-y Sewer I Vat"" I N\ 1-+ Plumbing Pern:it State Suzocr.arge Total Charaes .1 ITEM L:... ::.. NO. --.-,NlH I NeLl/extend Circuits I Temporary Seroice /Vll+ tr~(j~1 Ele~trical Permit State Sur~harqe TotaL Charc;es ITEM I Furnace ETU' S I E:::haust Hood I Vent Fan JlOodstove 1110. I I I I I Permit Issuance Me~hanic::zl Permit 'State Surcharae Tnt"l ChnroaP-t1 -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Sec-oUity DZTX)sit Storage , MainterfClruM I parntt:t . 1 ~ I Total Charaes Iew-bauo I Sid_lk I ~r;oe~e I Et-...._lh ipsI IllBz/VJr^"""", r.t . I MobiLe Home ffi:J-l:I ~.J'Lc::.,<::.. SOIl) . . , I TO~AL AI.fOUNT DUE: 4 Q~rLD[)! I ~ t'1 ),uP I !k-I "2.1. LlO I . I Ie., cd .ISI lS,jSI' I ~(".Q-' I I I ~OJ{:)C I IS,o() Ils.cO 1.700~1 I ~g) I "J3.Cii . CHARGE FEE CHARGE I c, (')(') FEE I IC;.cy\ I :2.,() (') Q. I C:/') ~J<::;O" CI/ARCE I I q~ ~q.;).~ IS./e:., ~ ;r.. (p 7~ .IS , Type/Cor.st: . L-COG-ll.' ..:> Setbacks House.' Caraqe Access. Bedrooms: I En21'QU SOi.l.raeV C I iieat rL--- 1 'e Hater Yeatr>.r I I V jj;.rzge I I Firepl.a.ce I I WoOd" tov~ II ,/ T.me Fees Building Value & Permit This pel'mU is granted on the express condition that the sa"id construction shall, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpPingfiel.d, including the Zoning Crd.:.nance, reguLating the constp'.J.ction and use of buiLdings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. IpLan Check Fee: Date Paid: IRea.ipt #: lSig>:ed: Plumbing Permit No pereon DhaLZ construct, install, alter or change any r.ew or e::isting pLumbing or drainage system in whoLe 01' in part, unless such person is the LegaL possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do pl.wr:bing work to property which is owned, Leased or operated by the appli- oont. / Electrical Permit .rlhe.re State LahJ requires tr.at the eLectrical work be done by an Elec:tricaL Contractol', the etectr>icaL portion of this permit shaU not be vaLid until the label. has been signed by the ElectricaL ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit . .~B P1.an t:rann.ner ShllClr1 vat:e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAlt-fINED the compLeted application fol' pe1'l1Tit, and do hereby certify that aU i:-:fo:>mation hereon is true and corrcct, and I r.J.rther .certify that any ar.d all work perfor:ned shall be do:1e in aec:or- dance :Jt.th ~he . Ordinances of the City of Springficl.d, and the: Lcr,,;s of tho 4 State ,of Oreg~n p~l'taining to the work cescl'ibcd her'Bin, end that NO OCCU- PJ.NCY wilL be made of~any structure without p~rmis3ion of the EuiLding Di- vision. I further' certify that onLy. contractors ar~ ~~Loye€s who are in compliance with ORS 701.05S wiLL be used on this project Sign~d Date