HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Review Fire 2008-4-21 :I . , · BERGSUND · DELANEY . ArchItecture & Planmng, P. C. 1}6<) Ohvc Street Ellgclle Oret:;I)11 \>7.101 Apn121,2008 Al Gerard, Fire Marshal City of Springfield Springfield, OR 97477 RE Aster Apartments - Modifications to the COM2007-00960 Dear Mr. Gerard, Based on our telephone conversation on April 4, 2008 regarding standpipes in the Aster Apartments, we are deleting the note on sheet G002 of the approved plan set that indicates we are providmg Class I standpipes m each staIrwell at the landings and the roof. The height of the floor level for the highest story of the Aster Apartments IS 20' -2" above the lowest level ofthe fire department vehicle access. Per the attached 2003 International Fire Code Section 90S, it is clear that we do not meet the 30 foot threshold where standpipes would be required Thank you for clarifying the code requirements with me. Respectfully submitte ~ Attachments: Section 90S excerpt of 2003 International FIre Code FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS ( qurred rate of arr movement, and classIfied grease filters shall be 10 place when equIpment under a latchen grease hood IS used. 904.11.6.2 Grease extractors. Where grease extractors are installed, they shall be operated when the commer- cial-type coolang eqUIpment is used. 904.I1.6.3 Cleaning. Hoods, grease-removal devices, fans, ducts and other appurtenances shall be cleaned at mtervals necessary to prevent the accumulatlon of grease Cleanings shall be recorded, and records shall state the extent, orne and date of cleamng Such records shall be mamtamed on the premises. 904.I1.6.4 Extinguishing system service. Automatic fire-extIngUIShIng systems shall be sefYIced at least ev- ery 6 months and after actIvatJ.on of the system Inspec- tIon shall be by qual1fied IndIVIduals, and a certificate of Inspection shall be forwarded to the fire code offiCIal upon compleoon. 904.11.6.5 Fusible link and sprinkler head replace- ment. FUSIble lmks and automatIc spnnkler heads shall be replaced at least annually, and other protectIOn de- VIces shall be servIced or replaced In accordance WI th the manufacturer's instructIons. Exception: FrangIble bulbs are not required to be re- placed annually (' \ '- SECTION 905 STANDPIPE SYSTEMS 905.1 General. StandpIpe systems shall be proVIded III new build10gs and structures III accordance WIth thIs secoon. FIre hose threads used In connectIOn with standpipe systems shall I be approved and shall be compatible with fire department hose threads The locaoon of fire department hose connectIons shall be approved. In bUIldIngs used for hIgh-pIled combustible stor- age, fire protectIon shall be In accordance with Chapter 23 905.2 Installation standards. StandpIpe systems shall be in- stalled III accordance WIth thIs sectIon and NFPA 14. . 905.3 Required installations. StandpIpe systems shall be m- stalled whererequIIed by Sectlons 9053 1 through 905.3.6 and In the locatIOns IndIcated In Sections 905.4, 905.5 and 905 6 StandpIpe systems are pemutted to be combIned WIth auto- matic sprinkler systems Exception: StandpIpe systems are not reqUlred in Group R-3 occupancIes. 905.3.1 Building height. Class III standPIQe systems shall be Installed thro~ghout bUIldIngs where the floor level ot tl1e mghest story IS located more than 30 feet (9144 nun) ahove 'me lowest level of the' tire deDartm~ vehIcle access, or where the floor level of the lowest sto!V is located more tha!! 30 teet (9144!run) beloW the highest level of fire department vehIcle access - ( Exceptions: 1. Class I standpIpes are allowed In buildIngs eqUIpped throughout with an automatIc spnnkler 72 .;\j l ~~f;~4"1:~,,1i ~ r fl' , /llJ't ,,', ~ /1,.;1' ~11f0t5 f? \ /~~J - fA, rl ~~ ""w fV'~ (Y' J ~ system In accordance WIth Section 903 3 1.I or 90331.2. -- 2 Class I manual standpIpes are allowed m open parking garages where the hIghest floor is located not more than 150 feet (45720 rom) above.,thc:.low- est level of fire department vehicle access. 3. Class I manual dry standpipes are allowed In open parkmg garages that are subject to freezmg tem- peratures, prOVIded that the hose connectIOns are located as reqUIred for Class IT standpIpes In accor- dance WIth SectIon 905 5 4 Class I standpipes are allowed m basements equipped throughout WIth an automatIc spnnkler s~stem. .. 905.3.2 Group A. Class I automatic wet standpIpes shall be prOVIded in nonspnnklered Group A bUIldmgs having an occupant load exceeding 1,000 persons Exceptions: I Open-air-seating spaces WIthOUt enclosed spaces 2. Class I automatic dry and semIautomatIC dry standpipes or manual wet standpIpes are allowed in buIldIngs where the highest floor surface used for human OCcupancy is 75 feet (22 860 nun) or less above the lowest level of fire department vehi- cle access 905.3.3 Covered mall bUildings. A covered mall bUIldIng shall be eqUIpped throughout WIth a standpIpe s.ystem where reqUIred by SectIOn 905.3. Covered mall buildmgs not re- qurred to be eqUIpped with a standpIpe system by SectIOn 905.3 shall be equipped WIth Class I hose connectIons con- nected to a system SIzed to delIver 250 gallons per m10ute (946.4 Llmm) at the most hydraUlICally remote outlet Hose connecoons shall be prOVIded at each of the followmg loca- tIons .----. 1. Within the mall at the entrance to each eXIt passage- way or comdor. 2 At each floor-Ievellandmg WIthIn enclosed staIrways Opemng directly on the mall 3 At extenor public entrances to the mall 905.3.4 Stages. Stages greater than 1,000 square feet In area (93 m2) shall be eqUIpped WIth a Class ill wet standpipe sys- tem with IS-Inch and 2.5-inch (38 rom and 64 nun) hose connections on each side of the stage. Exception: Where the buIlding or area IS equipped throughout WIth an automatic spnnkIer system, the hose connectIons are allowed to be supplied from the auto- matIC spnnkIer system and shall have a flow rate of not less than that reqUIred by NFPA 14 for Class III standpipes. 905.3.4.1 Hose and cabinet. The 1.5-mch (38 nun) hose connecoons shaH be eqUIpped WIth suffiCIent lengths of IS-inch (38 mm) hose to proVIde fire protectIOn for the stage area Hose connections shall be eqUIpped with an approved adjustable fog nozzle and be mounted m a cabI- net or on alack. ..--.... 2003 INTERNATIONAL FIR!; CODE@ /' .4 ('~ 905.3.5 Underground buildings. Underground bUIldmgs shall be equipped throughout with a Class I automatIc wet or manual wet standpipe system - 905.3.6 Helistops and heliports Buildings WIth a helistop or helIport that are eqUIpped WIth a standpIpe shall extend the standpIpe to the roof level on wluch the helistop or helI- port IS located m accordance WIth SectIOn 1107.5. 905.4 Location of Class I standpipe hose connections. Class I standpipe hose connectIOns shall be provIded in all of the fol- lowing locatIons. 1. In every reqUIred staIrway, a hose connectIOn shall be provided for each floor level above or below grade Hose connectIOns shall be located at an intermedIate floor level landmg between floors. unless otherwIse approved by the fire code offiCIal 2. On each side of the wall adjacent to the eXIt openIng of a honzontal eXIt 3 In every eXIt passageway at the entrance from the exit passageway to other areas of a buildmg 4. In covered mall bUIldmgs, adjacent to each ex tenor pub- lIc entrance to the mall and adjacent to each entrance from an eXIt passageway or eXIt comdor to the mall. 5 Where the roof has a slope less than four UnIts vemcal m 12 units horizontal (33 3-percent slope), each standpIpe shall be prOVIded WIth a hose connectIOn located eIther on the roof or at the lughest landing of stairways with stair access to the roof An addItional hose connectJOn shall be prOVIded at the top of the most hydraulically re- mote standpipe for testmg purposes 6. Where the most remote porlJ.on of a nonspnnklered floor or story IS more than 150 feet (45 720 mm) from a hose conneclJ.on or the most remote portIOn of a sprinklered floor or story IS more than 200 feet (60 960 mm) from a hose connectIon, the fire code official is authorized to re- qUIre that addIlJ.onal hose connectIons be provided m ap- proved 10calJ.ons. 905.4.1 Protection. Risers and laterals of Class I standpIpe systems not located WIthin an enclosed stairway or pressur- Ized enclosure shall be protected by a degree of fire resIs- tance equal to that reqUIred for vertical enclosures In the bUIlding In whIch they are located Exception: In bUIldings eqUIpped throughout WIth an approved automatic sprinkler system, laterals that are not located wIthm an enclosed stairway or pressurized enclo- sure are not reqUIred to be enclosed WIthin [lIe-resis- tance-rated construction 905.4.2 Interconnection. In bUIldmgs where more than one standpIpe IS provided, the standpIpes shall be mtercon- nected in accordance With NFPA 14 905.5 Location of Class II standpipe hose connections. Class n standpIpe hose conneclJ.ons shall be acceSSIble and shall be -~ ( ....--........\ ( 2003 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE@ FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS located so that all pomons of the bUIldmg are WIthin 30 feet (9144 mm) of a nozzle attached to 100 feet (30 480 rom) of hose. 905.5.1 Groups A-I and A-2. In Group A-I and A-2 occu- panCIes WIth occupant loads of more than 1,000. hose con- nectlOns shall be located on each SIde of any stage, on each side of the rear of the auditorium, on each SIde of the bal- cony, and on each tIer of dressing rooms 905.5.2 Protection. FIre-reSIstance-rated protectIon of ns- ers and laterals of Class n standpIpe systems is not required. 905.5.3 Class II system I-inch hose. A mmimum I-Inch (25 mm) hose shall be allowed to be used for hose stations in lIght-hazard occupanCIes where inveslJ.gated and lIsted for tIus servIce and where approved by the fire code OffiCIal 905.6 Location of Class III standpipe hose connections. Class ill standpIpe systems shall hav~ hose connectIOns lo- cated as required for Class I standpIpes m Section 905 4 and shall have Class II hose connectIons as requlIed In Section 9055 905.6.1 Protection. Risers and laterals of Class III standpIpe systems shall be protected as reqUIred for Class I systems In accordance with SectIon 905.4 1 905.6.2 Interconnection. In buildmgs where more than.one Class ill standpIpe IS prOVIded, the standpIpes shall be mter- connected at the bottom 905.7 Cabinets. Cabmets contaimng fire-fightmg equipment, such as standpIpes, fire hose, fire extmgUIshers or fire depart- ment valves, shall not be blocked from use or obscured from VIew 905.7.1 Cabinet equipment identification. Cabinets shall be idenlJ.fied in an approved manner by a permanently at- tached sign with letters not less than 2 inches (51 mm) htgh in a color that contrasts WIth the background color, indIcat- ing the equipment contamed therem Exceptions: Doors not large enough to accommodate a wntten sign shall be marked WIth a permanently attached plctogram of the eqUIpment contamed therem 2. Doors that have eIther an approved VISUal identifi- catIon clear glass panel or a complete glass door panel are not requued to be marked 905.7.2 Locking cabinet doors. Cabinets shall be un- locked Exceptions: 1. VIsual identIficatIon panels of glass or other ap- proved transparent frangIble matenal that is eaSIly broken and allows access. 2. Approved lockmg arrangements 3 Group 1-3 occupanCIes 73