HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Planning Commission Interviews .' 'f' Meeting Date: Meeting TyJe: I Department: I Staff Contact: I Staff Phone No: I Estimated T~me: April 28, 2008 Work Session Development Services GregMott~_ ~Ul ) 726-3664U-Y~ 30 Minutes AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: PLANNING COMMISSION INTERVIEWS ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: I Conduct interviews of the Planning Commission candidates: Mr. Frank B, Cross and Mr. 'Steve Moe ' I I I Incumbent William Carpenter will have completed twb, 4-year terms on May 4, 2008. Planning Commissioners are unable to serve three consecutive 4-year terms. I Incumbent Frank Cross will have completed his first ~-year term on May 4, 2008, and is seeking re-appointment to the Planning Commission for another 4-year term. I i I ) I I I I There are two candidates for two positions: 1. Interview Agenda 2. Interview Questions 3. Applications 4. Planning Commission Roster DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: I The City received two applications for two vacancies ~uring a one-month recruitment process. 'I Mr. Frank B. Cross resides at 2580 D Street in Springfield and is employed by Marathon Coach located in Coburg, Oregon. I Mr. Steve Moe resides at 3698 Franklin Blvd. in Glen~ood and is employed by Intercity Engineering located in Glenwood. Mr. Moe has previously served on the Planning Commission but not since June 5, 2007. The Springfield Planning Commission is a seven-member, volunteer Commission appointed by the City Council. The members serve 4~year terms. Of the seven members, two appointments may live outside the Cityllimits and two appointments may be involved in the Real Estate profession. Positicms are "at large" and do not represent specific geographic areas. Currently none of the Planning Commissioners live outside the City limits or work in Real Estate., I ' Council's decision on appointments is scheduled for the Regular Meeting on May 5, 2008. t . . Agenda - City Council Interview of Planning Commission Candidate ~ 5:30 - 5:35 Council review and adjust interview questions 5:35 - 5:45 Interview of Frank Cross 5:45 - 5:55 Interview of Steve Moe 5:55 - 6:00 Council discussion/deliberation Attachment 1-1 I' Planning Commission Interview Questions 1. The Planning Commission generally meets two evenings each month and additional evening meetings are sometimes necessary. There are also materials to be reviewed in advance of these meetings that may take a couple of hours to read. Given your work and/or family demands, can you fully participate as a Commission member? 2. How familiar are you with planning laws and policies and the purpose they serve in Springfield's land use decision making process? If your experience with these laws is limited, what actions would you take to become familiar s~ that you can function fully as a Planning Commissioner? 3. Many of the land use laws applied by the Planning Commission are state or federally mandated. During a Planning Commission hearing how would you reconcile your own personal opinions with the applicant's interests when those interests do not comply with the land use laws? 4. What is your general understanding of the relationship between the Planning Commission and City Staff, the Planning Commission and the City Council? 5. What roll do you think the Planning Commission should have with the revitalization of downtown? 6. How would you recommend balancing the community's need for attractive commercial and industrial development with the rights of property owners? 7. The State of Oregon is performing the first comprehensive review of the Oregon land use system since adoption of Senate Bill 100. in the 1980's. It's being called "The Big Look." If you had 2 minutes to testify before the statewide task force charged with performing "The Big Look" what would you advise them? Attachment 2-1 r City Managers Office 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3700 APPLICA TION fora City of Springfield. Citizen Advisory, Soard / Commission /Committee Please print or type: Board I Commission I Committee applying for: !PIa nY\\ ' ,~l S~ (C:rv'\ (A separate applicatio ust be completed for each board I commission I committee) Name: r .....C\AA k. First ~ &b-SS Middle initial last , ~ ~akl Ci;(j 974'Y7 Zip Home address: z5eD 1) St\\-4L-T Street Day phone: ~ - ~Zl- 2C(C!7 Evening phone: Do you live within the Springfield city limits? ~y es ~ If yes, how long? 121z.. y rs o No tQ 'If no, do you live inside Springfield's urban growth boundary? ' DYes D No' Ward number (city residents only): ~es Are you a Springfield property owner? D No DYes !Z'No Are you a Springfield business owner? Are you a registered voter? ~es DNa Occup'ation: 7~~ ~Place of employment ~ca~ Ca:=<J,., I~' Business address: q13~7 G~ ~v~:rk:c..l ~ l f.;:r\>u~ cP... Education: ~ _ 0, A A TT ACHMEN:!-,-~,,:3 - 1 ?' ~~. APPLICA TION for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board I Commission / Committee Page 2 '-, ~. . Please print or-type: 1. What experience I training I qualifications do you have for this particular board I commission I committee? :r: wi \\~'P lL{" ...;.~ fir~ t~!"\ a..~ "'- 1M ----\:../ ~ ~:<. lJh-....,~ Ce>M""'\~\"""'" it' ~-\h~!o ~__. 2. What specific contribution do you hope to. make? ,_ --=:J:J.ny><- tv k.. a.. ~\f11k..\':-'~\~u- ~ ~ '1~-4h t Ndl-be"i(j ~ Sp<~'1~~ i.. "-'~ C<.<.~<.,\~i" ~.I...A ,.,t~. 3. (Lack of previous involvement 4. What community topics concern you that relate to this board I commission I committee? Why do you want to become a member? ' , :::t:..--1<2 \ ILvf... <z".u~ ~ar", ( -ko tX'rJ -b- r.,....;... .lL... LlMm. "^' "." !>I~ ~ hw.z. ;-\-s '. I IhAM ~ ~ sr,.t'.\'"- h_" t. -\l.:. ~":-~\.\..rr. W~v.. ~ \1<:1... ~~ . k~ ~"'^ tL... _c.r,k,~ ~ kch ~~~~ ~ i:J~' k. , 5. Most boards I commissions I committees meet monthly. Subcommittees may meet' more frequently. Meetings generally last one and.one-half hours. It is highly recom~ended you attend.a meeting before submitting the application. Check the times when you could attend meetings. - D Early morning (6:30-8:30 am) D Noontime (noon-1 :30 pm) ~ Late afternoon (4-6 pm) 18" E~enings 6. How did you hear about this vacancy? D Newspaper ad 0 Newspaper article D RadiolTV O' Mail notice D Word of mouth ~ Board I commission I committee member 0 Other 4j/~ , I Date, q ReturA this application to the CitY Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, O.R 97477 For mqre information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 Printed on recycled PQfler \) ATTACHMEM~~3 - 2 . . Questions for Planning Commission Applicants (Frank Cross, April 2008) 1. What is your personal interest in applying for the position? This position provides me an opportunity to use my knowledge and experience in supporting of our community. 2. What do you see in Springfield's future and how can you, as a Planning Commissioner, help to realize that future? I see an exciting opportunity for continued growth, even with the economic struggles faced. As a planning commissioner, I hope to be a positive influence while providing the support necessary in helping the city staff, officials, and citizen direct this growth to benefit all of Springfield for years to come. 3.. Describe your experience in working as a member of a group that makes decisions? I have been on the commission for the past four years, this last year as the chairman. During that time I have also served on the Citizens Advisory Committees for Community Development and the Justice Center. 4. Describe how you would balance the need for economic development with neighborhood preservation or environmental values? Unfortunately, it is not possible to please everyone all of the time. Such is often the case surrounding economic development. Yet, it is a critical part of a community's growth, which is an important aspect of a sustainable community. However, equally important are the neighborhoods that form our community and the environment that surrounds its. A perfect balance is nearly impossible. Thus, it is important to consider all the facts provided and to carefully form a decision based on their fit to the appropriate criteria. While being as fair and object as possible. 5. When a proposed development conflicts with an adopted plan or the Development Code, how would you, as a Planning Commissioner, resolve the conflicts? By working with the other commissioners and staff in applying the facts provided to the criteria specific to the issue at hand. Although I may draw on past experiences when forming a decision, I try to approach each new case or issue unbiased. 6. Do you have any specific ideas for changes that should be made in any of our adopted planning or development review documents or in how we review development proposals in Springfield? No, I believe the city staff as well as the present and former commission and councils have done a good job in creating and maintaining our current system. 7. Can you commit the time necessary to be an effective Planning Commissioner? This means about two meetings monthly with several hours of preparation time for each meeting, plus occasional joint meetings. Yes A TT ACHMEN-l=3 - 3 r City Manager's Office ,'. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3700 APPLICA TION' fora City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board / CommIssion / Committee Please print or type: Name: Home address: Day phone: 7J 6'76 is j?Q f?o~ x47 Street Middle initial :Y:/.JrtJ Evening phone: iS4o/7S- 4 Last ;?!77 . Zip Do you live within the Springfield city limits? DYes Q If yes, how long? ~NO Q If no, qo you live inside Springfield's urban growth boundary? -d IfJYes D No' Ward number (city residents only): Are you a Springfield property owner? ~Yes DNa Are you a Springfield business owner? rt Yes D No .Are you a registered voter? Occupation: ;:;;, /,.1; e r Business address: 56 9F. Education: -n;r;J ~Yes DNa Place of employment: J;;(ererl1, I ~ 7 ;vc . , H,P;Jbc:.. /]/11 J O(?&;rN t2~<- I ATTACHMENI~3 - 4 II " ~~. APPLICA TlON for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board / Commissi~n / Committee ~~2 - Please print or,type: 1. board I commission I commi-ttee? 3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. (Lack of previous involvement will not n ssariljPisqualify you from consideration.) 2 e. 4. What community topics concern you th~~ relate to this board I commission I committee? Why do you want to become a member? - - ' - /J -9id 7t70j/~d:!;Nfl;~r2; /--4 fAe ~~i ~t4er~ t1frc;f . 5. Most boards I commissions I committees meet 'monthly. Subcommittees may meet more frequently. Meetings generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting befQre submitting the applicatiolJ. Check the, times when you could attend meetings. . '~ Early morning (6:30-8:30 am)' ~NOOntime (noon-1:30 pm) ri'Late afternoon (+6 pm) tz1 Evenings 6. How did you hear about this vacancy? DO' N wspaper ad D Newspaper article D Radionv d I commission I committee member Ilj' Other IJrr~ Applicant's signature 4. ?~ 01'- bate ~ Returm this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, QR 97477 ,r~~~~t~Q.iln'O,[~ information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 Printed on recycled paper \; A TT ACHMEN:I~-3 - 5 j~ Questions for Planning Commission Applicants 1. W~,iS YO,)uri p~rsonal interest in a'pp~yi~~ for th~ position? / j! I 0 c~,J"':: (TI1;/> r~c I~TI OjoJ /... th-c' '7<Jvl?n"j"'1.~r -0 7 . fJN} he ~ 2. What do you see in Springfield's future and how can you, as a Planning commiss"i i(il ne~, help !o realize that luture~" / .' , /;Ie,. Ir7; (' rovJ If.. ,<>svd Me cfN........ f-t: ue / I AI CM71 f 3. Des.c~be you~ ex, pe~en~e in working as a member of a grou,p t~at w~kes deCISions.. J. J,",.>f ,~:r.vt g v1~ ,; /, ~ Yh.e {Jr'.} 1I~/' j.o )#..>~ j~ 7 cW', m I r.fl oi.J -4/ --L k/t'1/'t. PIt p",f-pc }~~ON ",,-,;<> J I /0," 1;,)-'<;. f<> iA.e ofhuJ". . , 4. Describe how you would balance the need for economic development with neighb?rhOOd;J>reservatio"LIil or environmental values. '/ ",/ . , -. .tpf/YJ,hild /plIfT 1J.",1r.J 'f.'c;g,uOl'mc:.4 Or," ~,I; ;;< p f''?'e...e- i/A jtJ~J/J/-ef ~Vi /1 j;YJoJe. ~tIl/lfirf -r/oh, ~ I ~ c fo r .I,{J /ue ';rt/J/;ovjJ()J' ds ,vfJ-v' / / eur./JI.pj'YJp~,.I/ Yeqd?~:>'~..... 5. When a proposed developmertt conflicts with an adopted plan or the Develop~e~ Code'"ho"wo~d you, as a, Planning Commissioner, resolve I the CO/~fhcts. . jj;f ~ {,~_" W#j .,s L h P>I<J'f: the. rtve I~ ~f ~o j},"r-e d ~o C.:J,J{lcf .'. r 6. Do you have any specific ideas for changes that should be made in any of our adopted planning or development review documents or in h9w we ,I review dev~lopmentproposa!s in Springfield? t/V~ Aleed f, eaJl/AJv'C /0 t#, 0 r,1 vJ } I ~ '/h" ~IA/<I/U 1'"1, , Lf?cf'J S .fb Ih -e "e II .r 10""" II · e A./ ds 1~ WJYh /J rS,f,tit ~Jtr~/&Jc.-(, 7. Can you commit the time necessary to be an effective Planning Commissioner? This means about two meetings monthly with several hours of preparation time for each meeting, plus occasional joint meetings. V . (el - NO (tob!vm. A TT ACHMEN-l=3 - 6 , ',.;.f'" PUBLIC City of Springfield Planning Commission MAILING ADDRESS PHONE APPOINTMENT RE- EXPIRATION DATE APPOINTMENT DATE DATE Frank Cross Chair Home: 5/4/2004 5/4/2008 2580 D Street 521-2909 Springfield, Oregon 97477 westcross@comcast.net Johnny Kirschenmann Vice-Chair Home: 2/5/2007 2/5/2011 1159 S. 68th Street 726-0798 Springfield, Oregon' 97478 iohnnvk@rexius.com Bill Carpenter Home: 4/20/1998 5/4/2004 5/4/2008 680 T Street 726-6286 Springfield, Oregon 97477 wcaroenter@iac.ora Lee Beyer Home: 04/16/2001 10/2/2006 1 0/2/201 0 951 "S" Street 746-5889 Springfield,. Oregon 97477 leelbever@comcast.net Terri Leezer Home: 6/18/2007 7/31/2011 659 "A" Street 741-7711 Springfield, Oregon 97477 terri@adoronw.com Eric Smith Home: 6/18/2007' 7/31/2010 1351 Lawnridge Avenue 744-9521 Springfield, Oregon 97477 eric@aauilaandoriscillas.com Sheri Moore Home: 6/18/2007 7/31/2009 . 1955 16th Street 654-0184 Springfield, Oregon 97477 sheri. moore@comcast.net Note: Springfield Planning Commissioners serve four-year terms. Two members may reside outside the Springfield City limits and two members may be employed in real estate. Representatives to the City Council are on a rotating basis CONTACTS: SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Bill Grile, Development Services Director 726-3671 Greg Mott, Planning Manager, Planning Commission Liaison 726-3774 Brenda Jones, Planning Secretary 726-3610 Edited 1/2/2008 BJones ATTACHMENT 4-1