HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-4-26 .r;~ ',' E'piratiOl Date ","" ' ,,",,,' " 200 3li,pS or less -, ' ",,' $50;00 '>';';';''':'' ~\I'TENTION:Or€':Mr:1\\\~Ft'5Cl/o6~Li to./ "~$69,OO ,:<"~ignat ,~e(~f Supervising lectridan fo!l?w ~ules adoPBvWlj6~rtA'Oo.~iIs'tiIit~':: " " ;' $106,00---.:..: ,,' " '.. Notification Centerci\QfJMo""In'psQ,]€j(l06t"ol~' ,''''''''';' ': ',~ ...'.,',,\. .,'.:.,~,~.:.;~).,~, ,:;:",':~ :';.~"':,~~,""~,':,,<,-.t':,';~~'),,,',"",,, ~""" in OAR 952-001-0(y~ Ulro1ld;h OAR 952:001-~ sC~~.~(~'~'iA:":. J::~:Xj.. ':.: ~... , ',( :- " ~t.';,' ,.,A."" '-,:- -'~'H"'Y. "... 0090. You may obtain co"iesofthe rules by ";':~:f"/."::\:}Yj:~,,:,, ","'~ . ......'t;.. - . -, - , J,I"" ~, '"' ~ r, ~ r~".,"l'..!., "rM". '~. ."...~~, ~ II'.... II .1~'.'. ....l.'...\~...,.',.~~...._'., ,,' ',' ",;{*"Ik,,\;, V"...,.:..:/:h",,;:, Hio~':'\.>;_ . . ca Ing t.I),CBlIAnch}l ,l:\IIt.~e telephone ~ : ";; ,",:;,,;,:, ,~, ," ,\ :~:i',,;t,~O\~lic~sNa~'e\'<Q~ f:tXff\fl', . number for the ON.cJroAiieffili9'hQ.rt~tmon per'pariei:;;l' "'f~:':!i;,;',,: ',,'~ :,',:':' ;;;'\5'3'..: ,,~::.;r.:.'J2l('.(~'~\'o;' "':'-X:':~~"-\';'ptx"'~:<' ",\ "I., Center is 1-800~i3i:2344)~} ":: ;11<~::' ", "::;';~':~'S' " ..~. "')' , " " , fI"" -D ' " '. "I , . , , ", :., ',;:, <, Address" , "/' ' ., ;;: , . , ~ One Circuit::, i ,,::' , ..;, ',"$43,00 " ' ~ ,r ;J"':"'\:;,!~'~'i:;{l:"~~'\'-"~.(":(':'-'~'~:,"';'~'^':',:;:;'~-"\l"'_';',,- ,. . ". " ,\;,_:_:,~..~,,", k,:" ":.";,;;,~~,T;:> ,:"1{'\1..,-., ..:t.;-., ,C,' :'::};;'Cji~f " ' ',:':' ;~\:~'~p~i~~14.1..ekA\ Eacl;;;'~diti9~~1 Ci_~cuit or with S~~~e;>,"? {,,~ " ,,',' '., '\,"...,".'.,.....- "..",' ,; or Feeder Pernl,'t I,,, $300" > ,;.. 'J '.' '!.~";, ..~:~ -'-.. ./"'-, /f:' ,.,~."-,"..,.~. '!' ": ..,' . ~ ~,~,~ "<>OWNER'INSTALlIATION", - "''-' . ",.1 '" .~" . 0' .'" \ . "~ .._'~,.ir., _ . ,- . ,.' , ....., ,'. . ,-. . : , 'The installation is be!nggl!lge,on ',' E, Miscellaneous (Servi,ceJfeeder not inclnded) ':-',', projieriy'I.ow!, which'i;; notTiinended -Each instailatio,i:" (t.: .,". for sale,. "'lea!sc 'oCTcht' .,~" ,:;~'~:: ;,~. 'Punip or" iirigati91~\) . . "".~:,:': : ". ~ "'.:::' -', '\<~:",' '~:","~;;~:'~;",. '.' Sigi1/0utlinc'~ighting G:r~e:'s_~~atu,(2)7 ' ~;:::::~~ ~~~~:;;~~~1ll11 :sJ .': ' '_:1;~"i~\ (~~~~~(f;~~i~K;~i~i!~t~i';,(:^, . f~~' .. '. ....}',l :;,f.!:,.:ri ..,@, t~:'~.\~P ,. ..-:'AI-, ~ ~:~'~~:~,', I .\...,. '. .;~::~t~;~": .'::', ~, t:S',~:; ~,~ '.',- :;. ::'~~.,. . ;,'P25 FIfJt',S~ET i:, :" :~: , "'-~SPRlNQFIEl!.D, OR,EGOJ:!'9747,7 i' :' INSPEtTIbNREQUEST:,~n6-3769 II'; ~.., .~, \. ,..., '" " ,:;. ,....' '.: " , , :",,<OFFICE", 726-3759'" ' '.. .', I..). . . ,,",.,.., " .~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT'APPLICATION,: , : , ' ,',:;;,,,;< ,~,,_:,." ,.',.TRANsil:Ol.ddo9138 City Joh N.ii":hC~' CSt- :~~t :~~y. 2g, 200~ c,' ",' "",,' ,; " ''', AMT l\'Ed).... :I; 1,,1.99 3, COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW; :,,' . ", ,.,'~ ';' " CHANGE: " ' "",,: ":,,,,. --':~' ,..i~'d :\SHIER:005 A, Ncw"Rcsidentiai:Si~gieor ' ' Multi-Family per dwelling unit. Service Included: ~~.c:fL, A'1}O ,~ ; J"'~<?>;.ffJO~~F IN.'S:-k;.LlL~ATI, ON ~'IN'n !)t\\}J.. J]D3a~\rar~"1(l)) Items ) ~B DE CRIP, QT!~,N "'^..~' IUA,.t 1000 sq,ft, or less -'-13 A III fiJLl Each additional 500 sq, ft or portion Permits are non-trans~ Ie and expire thereof,., $ 19,00 ~(""'" irwork is nbt"started within 180 days Each Manufd Home or ,?;~,':;, '" of issuance Ar,if work is suspended for Modular Dwelling ,; \:~:~fi<~ :; ,,:;",' ]30 days. ft;~; ServIce or Feeder ..'~~'~:::~:7~~';,k..~\.. $ 50.00 ,,~~t,..., , c~N~2ToR lNs-tM!n~' NLYALL E.B.I.senyj;'VS~lts ";f'~~:)f;~j~~;-;.:", '::~,,;:,,' ...,' ", THISPE 15HI J<.t'tH:lr .. """""""'l'l,' ';/o~', .",' ;.:..,;,~,~ b~f::i ER '~lJmtrAltcrations,olj~7i.~~<{">,'<:-'" '7-)";\ );~';J:::l EI tricaIS~~:ir!,ctop:~"WT\.l ED UNDER THIS P I ~li'tlOn: :~~0f'~fi~":.J~~:~ ~;i;(,i.~;' )0;';:;~;J &}J2" CO ENCED OR,IS ABANDONED FOR I{-fi-i>;:(b:r::,\<";'''''''l''' .. t:~~~i;;-', ~.:-:,;:.~ Add )";-;i-<1',,,"f .').~t..." ""'-'''',.''' 200 I ~'~"'f~':.L:f\ t~.''1,.';,~",.....,.~ ';'~!V"-$63 00 '.....;l.~. r s f:f.~..t.;.H -,~.i,~ OD"'l amps or css<,r--r-::f.':'-1'~,;,~1.:~'.',i.I'\,~:~, .'. "_. ,;~: ,.;. I '. ~",,, h'" ;;.- ,'. ..,'.'f ;' A ~,' .--V,? '-~".." . ,~~;;,'1\':.; ':".,I,.x ''>'''4\'''$'' . .,~. ,~.. ,",..: """, ";;,::',i ..';t/.{ ,..:<.;Y,/k;\','i!; f"~..,~~~ 201 amps to 400.amps'~I' ,~,*!~k"~"f\;~i,,;'~>';;j~<75.00,~ ", . , if,,:\f4,'l. :1.}'_'1~' ,":\~,,""',:~'-;-;;t':'c~r:: '..' ." I,I;:;_!,,',',., ),~- ..\ti,II'~'{.':~' " ;.'~. ett" . '\'~:Gi,...t:~;";:.t.j J.lOne ,f{'!;>';;~i.;';q.:,'f'\:\"~";.~':'". . 401 amps, to..?OO.\~rn..ps? ..~. ,:.~\"":'i'~:,;'!"!~f';:'7..<.$lf~;9.0'~'.. "1' ~. f-,'," ~.:\ ft..,..~..;~~~.'..,!t.. '.\,...... r. . <: .... ,.h.~............\I....t ,1.,>",'.-r~."" ~", .:,' " ',:..:.. ;ol~., ~);,/ "f?~ ..(:'./,';r'--\,-.. '':.~~';',~'~'~'':,-''':, . .' 601 amps to.l000 amps .;.', ~;;-il. '\.;~ ...\"'-:-:,$163.00 .' . ~,; ''''1'1-), ,. r,. t."..~ ',1 ;,.;; ;;"i' f""'-+'~:''''~ 's...... ~'.'\. ';.' '~,. "',,, !Pi~ , ", ,"".' '. ':'l:j' I. ....."...~ T,' .~ SlIpcrviso{ 'cense- fiber' ..~I,'(~.', .~"..~~" '~'-~~...q',~. :~J."~, ;,:'.Qver lOOO'~'n~ps!vplts"~l'il';'j t'sr{;1}f:,~".',.-:\;,,('~' $3..75.0.0 ~. ".;';':' ..'....-,C1 '~.l'>~ ..'.'.'...... <f<'f'........_....,-,;;..> ~,.'~".:,.,.:..-<l.. ."t-"-l.'; .'.,t,r1,.I;,.;'......,..'I.;",.,"'.\ '.\""~' ';,' .... " '~..' ';-. "~'" '';:~.J ~{..!'..~i4(-4.',..r,'.'<', "" ,,1,..'",,:.:::,.,.,: . 'ReconnectOnly...'" ....;...v.,.,.~..... '.~. $,5000 ., E:\pirriti6n'i)i~'t'>~~~-:-.~:.i~' ....::: :~"-;;. "'T'\'::'. :\.. >>:~":'~<',i~,'t>;.,~~,~~,~"-:~~'-.f'.-".:, ;:.':";"!~;-,-".:- '.,". ~ :?2. ,--";', ~':~..'.-: ~~:J;i- .,..~,;,t.",.:: ~ '.' 1,r~ ,;;..1." c.. ,Tcriilj~~~;~:y,s'cr;icc~ (ir.'~ccdc..s'.'~ ..' ".:.~. n. ". '. Corlsitc~n'ti lJlll"!";rt-,: '-,1\' / !: Instaliation;A.ltcratio~:~rRelo~ation ':./,~. .:.;~:;' , .. $ 106,00 ',c.'. '.,", :'" i.~?:;,':!'.: $50,00 $50,00 $25,00 $45,00 " ,".' . "".I:. " " ~. . " '~:.' ;, I\'linimum Electric Permit Inspection Fec is $45.00 + Sur'charges " 1(6 4, SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7";', State Surcharge 8% Administrative Fee, ~"'<:. :;>bfr 15Z~ ,..... . :~\;..~;!:, ....' TOTAL