HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-11-30 . .. RESIDENTIAL-- AFPLI::A'I:ION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street S?rir~fieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Jab !.cc~:ia": \ Qh '1 ~ Q I oR ~ p!\(\ fl g ~ Asamm ,~"" N \ ~ C) 7-1 ;:\,\ \ L\ ' Ta: Lot N 0 5n(")~ O~"ar: \lru nX ~ (I J d. f;)aAl:o J1n ~.m: LoW1 ,~\ {J,L'~(\ fW..... C.~: (\~~rl , '. iOe~ sw,di:.r..atCI1: n n ""'_1 Pr.or:e: Zip: ~ f\4f\rJ Describe "ork: ~ , J<w ,tcei tiC" ~.wodsZ. r---l !~b~tB ~~3 llat.J of AppZica:icn \\-\\-M Add.-es3 c.n.ral L-1\Jl ,--.rr.j '~t Plumbina . ~ !!act,..;:el>.. bl'ltn d~.t::;., r9, ~~! n \ I' "".=har.ic~ 1. CortS:r-..Ie~"" tende,. !t ill ~h. responoibiZ::.::y of thB peT'"Ti: hold.uo to see that aH i1UipectioJ'tS are r:'Iadg at :he ;;roper tim&, that ~h ~e88 is re......:n~:.'" ;rcm tJuJ 8trest, and thGt tho perrrri.t card ill '/...x:zted at the front of the property. .Eui!di~..g :>i.vi:io!": <ZpFrot:ed plan sr.:.:.Zz. rer.t'l'~n on. tM auiZding Sf,t~ at aLZ times. P!~OC~DUP.S iOn iN$PEC':'IOll RE'~UEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorda) state your City .:iesifl"'Llted. ,job n"..o;:be:ro, Job adC:!-css, type of in:;PQa~icn "~e:Jr;cd ar.d. :,;.::en you :Jill be ready for ir.spcction, Can.tractcrs or Ot..'n.e:"S ~e and phor:e nu"lbCl". Requ.€s,;s recei-cad cefcrg 7:00 c:': :."iZZ be. trrrae the sams dt:dI reques::s made eft.,. 7:00 am witt be made the n.cxt :.Jerkin; &::/'. :;<In:r:::c:ors ~pm":M~,.I r..~..~..'r':':r.n.'t O SI'l'~ [;'15?EC::j:/: To be ncde af:er e::cav.:::t:::,:"" .;ut prier =c 8e: u? of ]Orms. O. U!7D'ERS:'A3 ?~'-'''~I.''G. E[Zc:'.'~IC,~!. ~ ,'(EC.~'.J.."1I:::,U,: '1'0 be made oeforl1 en:! Wrx; i.s .:ovc!'ed. --- L:::::1"""FC'O'!'!.';G ~ !'OU:!DATrC.'l: To as !:'Cce at:.:!r ::renclt23 erg e=cc=t1ated ar.d fCl':ff3 ere el'ec:2d, but prwr :0 pourir.g C:;7Jcret.o:. o T!!):::RC:~Ocr..'D ?:,r;M3I."'C. S~=.f:!.. ;;'l~!.=? DRA.:.-."JAG2: To be ~e pr-:.or ::;0 /ii.- l",..g :rer:cr.cs. o UrJt:ER:':CC.f? ?!.il.'.~r::G ~ :EC'EA,'o'[t;A!': To be n:aCe prUl' ~ il'tn'.:LZatO:;on of [taOI' ir.su~ticn or eUci<ir:g. ?'JST .J.,va 3E:.:,,: To be r.'aCc pr-;:'r to tna::al.':":::i.cn of {!001' i",.st.:La:ior. Ol' ekekin:;. o 1::l~(J~"JH ?~~~f3r.'.'c. =r:~~~!~..:!' 1 .'E:C'3-. ~ AN;~)~: Yo ~~~ ia :0 ~c co~e~ec ur.::;iL ehcs~ ~r~~ec::icr.s ~~v~ ~eer. mac'lI =r.d =??r?:,,'e.:. F7.~E'?r.~CZ: .D:---;or:o ?~r-1 /c:{.r.g m.::U1"i.ald ar.d before lr=::rir.g inspec- t ior.. : ./1~P.A.~!,"r.: l-!u3: be l'eq".lJ3::itd at:2l' ~~ C??rcv~~ af rou~h p~~~ir4, J~itc::~~ cat. & r.:ec;..an~:Il. At.~ :"Oojir.q br~cir.g & Chimn~Y3, Jt.:. .~~St ~e cofl'fOLJ:cd. ;','0 -..:.?r< -:.S :0 be :OC7!- . cec."!.zd unti L :r.i.:; inscec:-:":cn ;..as . bliBYl rna,.:i~ and. a;;proved. o ~ -:1/ ~ FI,','A:' P!.:J.'.!S!::C ,-;:;:;r';[:/';L :f!~!!A:/[CAL ,/" 7j -r'l" -"_0[_" ., :....u.. .:.:..:......... ....40 Ve!.a a.ffi)~ rour City. Cesigr.at2d Job Numba' Is: O INSULATIONIVJ:P08 BARR~~R r.'!S~::CT1UI~: To be trade alter aLZ u:suk:twn lX".a . l'equ-:.red vapor l;an-:,ers are in p Zace Cut before any Z.ath~ gypsum beard or uzlZ. covering is J?pu'ed, and before any i7JS'..llatwn ~s ccmcea~ed. o D.9Y""/ALL INsP::CT!D~I: Tc be made after alZ. Crd'..JaLZ is in place, but prior to eny taping. . Rcce:~: >i f.tJ;){)L.) K O MASONRY: Steel. beams, grouting accordance wi ~h 2415. O l/OODSTO'lO.: After ccmpl..a::&d. .., 7-ocaticn~ bo7:d. or vertic.:: l.s in U.B.C. Section instaLlation is .~ ~' I I ~ o CURB ~ APPROACH AP.o/.)N: Afte:e forms are 2reoi;ed hut priOl' to pO'Ur"'~n.g ..:!Oncrete. SIDgWALK d 'Hr.-T"',!!.:: For aU con- crete paving lJithin stroect righ:- of-wcy, :0 be made aft2r all e::::ca- vatir.g ccmpl.etJJ & fom work & ~uh- base material in place. , Sicmed: Date: (I)J~ \ k~(\ -X .:S o r::l.....fB7,CE: When compl~te -- Provida lLi gates or movable sections tr.rougi: p.u.e, o L{.sc..# 0X~<;;" E=Dircs Pho'ftiZ ;~ uy -'::/xJf!J I )?"K If5IJ I . 83Zh~: DE:gOLI'l'IO."! OR .~:Ov;:; 3UILDliiCS =.J S~i=a;ro;/ Se:.J6r :'a?ped =t ~op~rt":f'. Zir:e ~ Septi= tank p".il?~d ar.d fit.7.ed r..rith ;rT~e;' :J FinaL - rthen ~-ve ite:ns are cC-m:Jlett:d " .J .~.. . ar.a wnen ~~Z.~~~n L8 campLst. or s~.:~ ture mov<e.d an:: pl';:mises clean2a up. - Nobi 1.e Hc.-r.es . =:J BLocki.ng and S2t-:l.? =:J PZ.wnbi~ oonnections S;;::.)2r and lJa=~r ---, El.ectriccl Ccnnection - Blocking, set-u? ---1 and pLumbing connections ",~3t ~e <1?pr~"".c before reques:ir.g 6z.ec:~~caL i1'.s?lic::io:-: =:J Acaesso~' Buili:.ng :J Fi,...:zl. -~1ft:;r f'~rc:r.es, s1Cl't:.l".g, decY.s~ etc. a1"e ccmp;'e:~d. o ALL pl'oject cor.di:ians, Juch as the ~l'ts~aLZct~cn of street :r2~S, ~~~!a:~~n of the required Zandscc:pir..;, ~tc... must be sat~sfiad 2H:jore ~i:8 3!.'Ir.=I:,"C :-I....AL :oan be l'3C(J.ese.zd. /"' . /7\. .':'!:JAL 3!JIr.~I:1C: The E'~nal E:l.ildinq .!ns;lec:ion .-.:mt be ~eque:Hed -='.~'~2r :h2 Final F!lJr.bin; 'C.-/ ~l2cr;ri.:cl, and .'1echa~ic::.l. ;ns?ec:;{.~na ;u::va been mcde and c:.ppro01Ud. ,:=] #A'::': ".!":':IP.t;!.2S AND CLEANOUTS ,'WET 3~ .4C:ESS:3LE, .4"D.l;}Sr.'~2:.'':' :0 3S ...~1C!' :!:' :.'0 :::sr ':'1 ~I:'! I ?-;,~it ! of 2 . SOLAR ACCESS 'REQ- \.\~. ....('~J."7('7':C"... ';:O":".J.:): ~~~ I rot f~C~3 - I I ? r. 1;'/0:-:" I~~:~it IWest ,'1 JOB~o8~~~CO ! '-." 'L \.... ~"" ..... ~ 1- · 0 -. ~ ...q. r-;. I: ~f !.::t C.7VlJraq. ~ of $c"'l";es I. . , , . ". ..o..a.. _J'"..fjt:.- I~ . ....._.....__."l"J . .. . .. I I::!::.I I"~n , 5;.r:c ~~~ot .:'.=r:-Cl'"':: 1.~C:ZC3.J~:""J I I ~!'..g VA!!,'!' Is.o,c. 1:,:c-r:.icT 1,5 = Bttildi.r-3 Pem: St.::a Sl.a'~iurge Totc.L C1-.a:'g~3 II:rI.~ I!'i...-:--..J"GS I Re3~tial (J bath) I Sar.it.::ro,J Sr.Jer I ;,;,..,. I 1rW-." "....,....,,""^ \'" n::t~b.... P!umIn:ng Pard. I~' I I !i.cO Etate Surcr.:u-<;e r"tat C1tc.~e8 /'.."./ I :'U, 1 ... .I?es. Sa. (>1:.0, I U2LJ/E=t;md CirC""its 1\ \If\CO Ir...... _ d S"""':ca I 7P'j\\\I"P C'V\~~I\o.(;j) Et.s~tMcaZ. Pemt st.:t. Su:t'dttrcB Tot3l O.t:::t"::eB I IZ'~.~f I i".a-"::CI! ?!,'l'S' IT'" -.- ...... ."' I -- I I i I I ;/;oasum 'I krn\~'\",,^I~\o Perr.:i.t I3$u::J'lC3 . !::nc.,se Hood . Vent F=n. ."Iedomric.:l PI1rr.r:. t Sta~e Surc~e "'o~::l Ocr~"!I -- i:ic.:::AC.~':.!r.'::' -- ISe~~~;~J D~=03it I Stor-.:ae 1'~71ter.:::r..z~ I P,,-.....t I Tc~r.:t cr.c'rJcs I Cur=C''''': IS" ., I t..::e:.,.,H< , ,."~. '?-aJ \.. ~ l.:zeC'~l'".:c.::! ~';4l!t , ~ :.wbi!J H~6 I :'1'AZ; :..'~~.'I'!" CUE:' I I I I' I I IR.~~ I l. I L..\~. CO I \. q~ I '-\<:1,o.?. I. I I I I , I 1 I , . j , I rc-: :?F! !r::eri.cl' COnte:" ?;m;..c.n.dz. CUL-de-sac x ~'aLu~ i'~ j C.-.:..AR:;S I \(). CO I I I lID ex:::> I \Q.C:O I .4D I \0,40 :.:.::J..:.cz \~_c:lO \C),c::t) '2 ':l. 00. \,00 I 'Uo.OO C!!~~~Z \() ,00 \('"V:lD I .~O 1\.0.40 .-;'=::a 2 . L-COC'" ?~'~eIC~'f'.s:: : 3ol:::~or.:S: ----- ~~:::-:C~3 ~'!".ar'rj SC".J.r')t1S T:J:"3 :;;'ea; I HO'.:.s~ I I I Ace-ess. I I I :::::.rc.::e I I II II II "C.~2't'"",~';:;Iro 3anq2 :-:'l""eo'..c'c.z ;;oo~ ;;ot.'e f.:,!:! Building Value & Permit This po.rnri. t i3 gr'C7f.ted on the e.rpr988 condi. tion :ha:: the said. construction s;..aZZ, in '.IlL ZOe8?Ccts, con.form to the Orodinar.ce ::dopes': by the :~:~ oj" SDl"i1".gf'~ez..:t :.nc!ud:.na :he :Oni.na Crd:.nar..ce, re'ouk::.r:a :r.6 CCr.S:'!""..l.:':i.C71 cr~ UCe of ;ui.~ings,War~ m=y bcYsu~pended or r~vok2d at cr.y :~~e ~;or. uie- la:ion of any pr~vi3ior.s of said Crdi~~es. Iplan Check Fa.: 24 00 Ica<. Pai.:l: \\-\i.-R"\ II/ac.ip. #: lo?.()I'>c:.., I S~ed: ~ ;"',N\O a / I U Plumbing Permit No person ahalL conatruct, -::nat.::Z!, a~ter or chant]e cny r.sw cr e--i8:ir.g plumbing or ~inag8 systen in ~hole or in part, unLess such Ferson is tr~ "gaL poSS8SS0r of a vaLid pLumber's Lic671ss, e.:::cspt: tr.c:t a pB:"Son rr.tJ.";/ do pl.ur.:bing work. to pro?ert":I which is or.med, Wa.a~ or ope1'Q.tad !Jy ths appU- cant. .. ," Electrical Permit Where Stats LaLJ requires tr.at the elect~cal work. be dens by an E1.s!:maal Contractor, ths eLectrical. portion of thia permit shall. roOt be valiC until ths Z.abel. has been s-igruvi by ths Etectr;cal. Contractor. . I I I I I I I I I I Mechanical Permit " ~1\L)0.~"Fm P l.a71 E:cm.ner \'\-?2-~~ uc.:a J RAVE' CAREFULLY ELl'o!Zo'lED th.e compZ~t;ed appticat.io1t for pfl:<mi:, end do 1u!re:,y certify that atl i.....fo~.ation hereon ia true and cczorcct, and I I t.aotJ:sr certify tr..at any c:r.d aH J..'ork. ;erjoMed 3haZZ be doiUl in ac!;or- I dance :.Ji:h :;ita Ord~eB of' :r..e City of Springfidd, and ;hz l.c'..:s of ti:~ .. Stata of Oregon pzr-:.:in:.nq to the wor,i( desC'l"";bcd herein, Cl'.d :r.a: so CCC:J- FJ~'ICl ~U be: trade of cny 3tr".lCt-..Ll"il I.Jithou.t p3rrrr:.s.1io~ :Jl the' 3uading Oi- I vision.! f'ur":.her ~erti.f:; er-::: o;"tly ~on:ra:-;oI'S w.d ~l..;Y6e.3 wr.o c:T1I ir: ~Liancs :Jic.h CRS ?Ol.05t wilt Oll used on this '?l'ojzct I I l j I I j. "&rA-?-o/ W~~4 .~tN. "2.,() .Q Cat. ( I I \"i'-\' ,\ g, 00 I I I I \ \L\ ."lZ-