HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-2-8 r~<' r'225FIFTII!'JRE.ET:~ ~ r.,! ~~"l ~ ,c,.',\ EtE_C:~P~RNII!~P(jC:ATION" >. ), <~~j'r~~~~gi0*D~6~fi ~t~rh~~.".' -- ....~ ! [I 'C~':Job Nurt,lier fj'J, 6Ll1 tf 1-,0 t" "" " .' f 'I',! ".,J I i I" I' t',.'; , '-." . \ OFFICE: 726-3759 ".1,' "i'~ ..) \ ' " l~,',) 'l'lr-' f.,,, 1..lli,"",,\IL,,) j ',' 'Ci'3.\.CO\vn>LkTEFEE'SCHEDuLEBELOW \' ". I ' 1 \' "', ,I, 11" I I ',,;,1,;1. LQCA-T]9N:9f'IN?TAJ.;'tOT!'pN J \11.-::1'"./ I" i' ;>}:::'.'." "-..", """ (;,.g? Leffel ELi nt" hlffollo'^'iiWIO)'b&esidential-Single or' LUlling. and doas no~:I...WlIJ!~Rdl9~t'fYelorhWllling unit. applov., $1f6ltlt speCI't'fi "'~ ''1l'' LEGAL DESCRIPTION A '2 34 .r....~. Cen'lce IUC ac~ use ,.'< . I?UJ' , J't, v::,OO 6on,"g_ D r1..... Items C:ost Sum.". Date '2..----<( - 0 '2- BoJ - ~ T.' JOB DESCRIPTION . "uthollzeo S 1000 51pI. v. L: _ $106.00 ,:,':": f?6~;:;tZ)7:t~;r~ ,gnaIUl;;Oi;:;;~~i~~ - :'::,~': Permits are ~on-transferable and expire __~ thereof _ ; $ 19.00 i:~,/ i if\~ork is Il?t~~larted wilhiIlI80i~mrICE: Each Manufd Home or /'''':\'. of ,ssuauce,or If work 's suspendea1p,fPERMIT SHALL EXPIRM!1ll~llg ,.:", . .',\:,'.,)-:; 180 days. ,':) THI~ SeMcc1'\5fl.,c&f ',' i . " '. . $ 50.00 -". ' f'>' .~ AUTHORIZEDUNDERTHISPCMIVII /:.:".;." . 'I"~ '," '. 2. CONT~CTORI.NSTALLACl5l~DOR1B.A,~,!WR~lFf&l~rs /: ",'\ ;~;":'i )'.,',\ ". Chris teh~bri Elktlri~ JiruY.1 00 BJW.PERIOD, Iuslalla~ion, Alteratio.us.or " "\,' 1,: ~;',1 ElectncaJ-Contractor Phl116s~lectrlc RelocatIon: /.<' < - i'- "" ~,.,'.),'.:2:.:,~,;:.i. ~i:~I~l( Address li~tiptl~l\ Drivp /.~ 200 amps or lei;:~ i:~ .'" '. ; ~i~~!;~'v';~':'; ;.;, "} ), \ f,;" \,-<" ,,':'i?':--. 201 amps 10 100 ""-,ps:. ',,' " (7500:' '. " j I" ,',:) City ~gen~'JfOR. PllOne ~4n:688'-6121' ....;...,401 mnps 1'}600 amps " ,'~$125.o.o. -=--:..: ,.:1 . '. .1.", \ ',( /2'7198 '6~,lampsloI000aml?s ':':'-:~$16i.OO~j . "; SupefVIsor LIcense Nnmber _ . ' Over. 1000 amps/volts .. . "$37).00. ',' , ., !. .".V" . V . Reco;;ne~t Only, ~I'$ 50.00!)OP~ k',.;\ Expiration Date';.. 10/01/01 . <" .'-1 1 i/,,' " . .An:...... .:' "d'C. Temporar,v Services or Feeders . : i l. I L,,.., }i' ;..'\il.VI'l,yt~~""" ""'" .-:\.....:<.:-..... ". ' ,.I 'I'; Constr. COl}tr. Nnl!'be~ 2ii-14,r:.:::.... ::..1::;:; :.dopted bl\Hti'/!;1tl~'O. f'\..!.t.W;:~lOn or RelocatlOu .... ,{ . ',':--" . .~- _ ',. 'fication Center:TIlOSe' rules are lie! (,' , " ", ',' ': ~..:,: ':lE~'ratlOn Date 10/01' ',: ,:,Oo:follirOUgrf~~~1J'.52rJ2s,s' '. -----;: $50.00. -'c--:-J I .' ," ,.... "". Qo90 You ma Obtain c.gples2vrti\'lJ%!e-4119famps A' , _ $69,.0.0'-;.,-1 f;;~'~''',,: :Sign~~~ui'e ~(S~)misiug ElcCfrlfAlIIhg tile center. (NOtS:1tRlgl~B1i&ql\j,O~ l}mps, ':" ,: ---'- $10.0.00. ~ "-:' '. '" number for tile Oregon Utili@:i%\19,2.llfl1J'.~.or 1000 volts see . , ~ . ':~ B"above ~ . .' :,,:,\', '"i " ':".N~,',t.,han,p.hil,iD,S CenteriS1-800-332-,,:.w-.y\ .:', ....." .) ,"'" ':. '. ":D~ . 'i> D, Branch Circ~its '.1"','1 r:':,<>' ';O.WI1~],s'Nam~,'~ )y:-ia n :"T\eK r1 NC\/..:itedtiou or/Extensiou PerPJu~1 >' "; Id '. ."" ..,... "\ If! \ J I.e'" - ,.,', '.,', ~ f":'," ,~~dre~s t,R?~',Levelq, ne:. O~J;~i~~~it \ ,~ I t". .:,',; <$~:309i' ... ::~:1 i, F" I j' . , /'1" "j I \ . " '.' " , ~~:. '-:': '9ti.:~N,'V1 ',~/Ol'Phore? q/-!;;SP , 7,MAdditj,O'!f{Cir.C~it,Or with s~~~ce .::: " :; /. ;~ :i: f ' '. " "7 . , ~. '. '(" oI:Feeder,Permlt ,._ '. v',' ,$3.00 _ '^~ fC,,",; ''. ',: OWNER ir.rS,TAI;FAT'O,~:, f"')" Nr~, /1' ,/".';j\ ,\( )'~~i""~i i' t . "i The inslallationislieing li,ade orl.: ,. E, Misc'ellaueous'(ServicC/feeder not included)" i. :i. ,'" ;:,> ,: ,.:, , p;opertv I o~~'riwl;icli is noti~le~ded ' I: I.Eac!i.installati6h ,', j ,I, \' :;~. y'., ';":' il_::, "'-':'_:!';.'~"fo'r-~ale>'''i~~~e\~'rie'ilr:..f:~-;,:~?,. "n", "\, H rump '~~~irpkaiibh <"~'{; \ ~~$50.00-:~' :'i' : , .' .~':~"~:;: ..,'. '. Ii Sig11l9ii~lineJ..ighling:" _'$50.00~': (, ,.<t: <.~:O'\'nci~s:Sign.a~.~re'{~ .l'.~'<' \~: ~<~'.- t\ r Ll~!le9';Energy{Rfs' };:f!.r $'25.00 ' ;'Y;.~' ~. . ,:' . , , :. I.. ~;r.,~'1'itedJ;:nergy/C~mw.' .~1 _ $45.00~' Gm:g3iijsB5:,' . ,.,.',. . ."\ Minim::'i:A;;:;~pe~~J;~frJctiOU Fee is 545,0.0 ;ii~;;~~ri;t~s :39NtlH8--'{ "'< ' ':::>'\ ;'~1 /' ..r'>,' \t~'1 ii ':~8"~' 201;0' ~t;'~o$ ~'3:a.:l:J..333' 'l~laW~~"~,: '~',' ',.",c:~':'">,',,"'\';'.".'.\,,\,, 4, SUB'TO,T,.,Aj,):lF ABOy~ii 50, l),,\~~ G ~. \J:o ',' v.',,," '. , ". 7% StatcStircbarge ~~'i 3 ,.5p. 8L61:~OP-;'tQ:lIStNH.r:'. ,.0. .,;.\ 8% Adtiij~igtra~~~~0;~ 't.ou .. " . ....' ....' " ',i' "::J ,I'" ",.50 ~:.~".__.__~;._.~_.___~;..__2"-"'___"__' ._~.~_.~:1.. '"",'~,,~ TOTAL --;/. ... " ,~ , i, --~_, '.,,~ L~',<::: '",.,',.. f' ." :, , , ,. "..., , , , :>, 'r.:"