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Permit Electrical 2002-8-26
I. LOCATION OF INSTALL!\TlOI\" 154 q Lino~L. h- Av~ A. New Re';dc"ti"l-Sin~le nr I ~ t~JuWiFwojf)' per dwelling unit L!:GAL DESCRIPTION ~r". .eel as submilleo h~;c ~wi".'lnclu~cd: _j]O?2 '-14'3. _ Q8;.~-",g P;:'f\O\ require S~CI hems zoning, anu U fL JOB DESC~IPTl():-; n.. approva\.~ (.. '000 'q.fl. or less 5/2- L. \l::.-t:"L..()N;IIc-q - 15 / " auioru~ 500 ft ftion-" thcreJ[ Ea.;h t\.-1.lll11fd Home or Modlll~r Dwelling Service or Feeder Oct-IS-Ol OI:43P -. 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726.)7~9 Oa\e --=-- Permi{~ ,Ire 110IHraJ1sf~mble fwd e~pirc d Signature if work is lIot stilncd within t8&\tI~,z.e ofisslIilncc or if work is suspended f(ll I SO d~ys. ...rf?- P.OI ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Cit.duh Numher 02 -010 07-0/ 3. COJl,lPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW Cost StUll $J06.00 $ 19.00 $ 50.11U 2, CONl'RACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B. So.....ice' or Feellers In~taJllltion, Alterations nr Eleclrieal"Conlractor. Alert .electric, Inc. Relocatio,,' . .. , . . . . .. ., .200 amps or less .. .',$50.00 ~ . ..' 201 amps 1.0 400 amps , u.~~9.00 ~ .... Over M.ta 600 amps '&t.\t~~~Q1OO00 .:..- \\01\~i~~;~~~\~:;~~~Q~".. ., .- D:\~\l~~~~~~~ \~ ~~~ . . ... ...... ~\}'~~t1l~Q~'on Per Panel ... . C~~~~~'t"Y . .S~3.00. .... E h dd.. 1 C -" \0 IS' ac A lt1on~ \ !I~\Ul\or~Ht 1 crvJCC ,'.,~' ,\~\'\\J Of Feede[d1*"nit 0(1 v \o~~ _ S 3 UO O(l\~'i'l B01Bg flSB~ 0\' E_ (}li~cllan.OTh. (Sel:>'i~tlfeeder(},(Jt.intlu ded) ~i\O\'" o09\0:E8~t,rn~Wt;.lion\'> "'~\}\BS v J ~€ \}\eS a: ~e'P-;)~p',~r,ii~I&~~e '/(IO(le _ $50 00_ \o\\o-.N I. 0(1 Ge(l .C~;g,tfO.lt1i~e:I:ig!.llt'N{~? e~\\o(l _ $50.00 _ .\'\e~\\ "".00\ LmuRJ'EneID'!P:es. , 0\\\\ 525.00 "'\0\'\\ 9"J"" (,v~ ,....,:J\,- ....:\.1 \'\ -- \" Ol>-~ 1I'~'l Lillul<U'Energi'l(lommll.~' $4500 \(1 '':l.'lO\},~eee(l';;~ef,\O~;~'2-,Z~H - - 0\,)'':1 ~~\'()\tinimuf1PE:lcctriClPermjt Impcc(lon Fcc b: S4~.OO -:- SUI'chargc.~ ell' ~el \0' '~el \S \ - . , I'\}ll' 4. Sufi'TOTAL OF ABOVE 50 7% Slate Surcharge .sSO ~o/o Adminbt.oati1'c F~e L(OU Add.ess 1970 N. .28th Street.. (,i~Springfie1dpllcne 747-2213. Supervisor License Number 2.43:"S E~piration Daic . . : 10-1,.:04 COnstf Con\r. Number 12772 Expiration Dale . . '. 5-22:';03 . - -,' ~:.Sig ut~"C of Sllpel'\'i.~iT1~ Electrician ., ...... j~. O\VlIenNa;"e AlANL( Rtfr,,AiJ ..Address . I 920 ~~(~)~ ,Qd Citv f::lA-(,--{;7I/~ Phone .b'l7-7fJ/;,6 OWNER INSTALLATION .. The installation is being made on. property I.o,,'n which is !lol intended for s;lle, lease or rent. . '. . Owncn Si~nature: T90:~mHS~8 : 39N~H8 O~'L~ $ G:a83~ lW~ 600G 9G 9n~:31~a 90~OTOO-TO:#SN~~1 0\0 OJ.: \ 2lX) .1 mps 0 r Jess' 2~ I a mJ1s to dOO amps ~1l1 amps In 6iJO amps GO J amps to 1000 amps O\'er ] UUO amps/volts Reconnect Only . $ 63.00 $ 75.00 $ 125.00 $163.00 5375.00 ---L. S 50.00 "" CJ C. .Teniporary Scniccs'or Ft:ellers . Im:tallati~DI Alt<lrution or Reloclltion TOTAL S7~