HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-4-13 ~er: \'lc\ \\'\\Q ~(). " ID\\ {\ S,C)"{, Address: ~({J _~'{)a ~(\ ma.- ,,-f\ City:~l\ U\r\A\ Q Q r\) De) . \ l\\ ') I ~ Describe Work: -\otQQ.. 43 OCO.ou ~C3it)~ LU\6JL t\\. 'i . ~d 3\2J:JQ,O() -C~ ~qu ~\'(\\-\ \~.~~ . -Lise. 1/ Bldrs B.oard Rdt. Expires phnnp B\~L\ 11\().J n .1J:q ,~\o+q6--,W~q6T??Jr'Lt'F &:)8,<:\ nv~ \'n' ~~Jfi()l ~'19!\i\L \JI qO t') b- ()f It is ths responaibility of ths permit holder to BBB that aU inDpections are made at the p2'oper tim." tr.at sach ~eBs is readabZe from ths str>eet. and that the permit card is lccated at the front of the property. *Buit..dir:.g Divi::ior: approved plan ehaU remain on tha BuiZding Sit$ at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTIO~ RE:OUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City designated job number~ job address, type of in:;pec-;.icn. I'aquestcd ar.d. when you lJiU be ready for inspection, Contractors or OI.me:,s ncme and Fhane number. Requests received befere 7:00 CQ:7 :..~ZZ bB made thE: same day.. requests made after 7:00 am will be made the next :XJrkirL] day. . ':, -.. . . .. ;.:;:" Y~City DeDi{J7'.atcd .rob Numba' ID: C?/)N J ~ Reauired Ins~~~~~r.~~.' ~ 0" SITE INSPECTION: To be rrr::de after "0 INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: excavation, but pM-or to set up of To be nt2de after al1. insulation ar.d " forms. . .' : '. ~ required vapor barriers are in place O :' UNDERSLAS PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & ... ',:" ~ but before any lath, gypsum board 01' "MECHANICAL: To be made before any , uzU covering is applied, and before work is covcred. ,". "~y insulation is concealed. :.'~" ,':. i [! ~~ .. RESIO.T1AL" APPLICAT.ION!PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 . I.. .rob Location: 5C\L\: "6 C"1)( \ (\;t. (i(LntL--- ASDessore Map N \ <is' () 8 03 ~r2:> Ta.:r LotH Ol..<i Q[';() Subdivision:rfO-l 80 ~\()~\< 4- (I(jl(lrrt\jrra~ I Phone: I)~\O -rGlfJ I zip: (VI 4'1 ~ Q~PI,j n Addition n Remodel n Nobile Homa ., 4 "Date of Application Contracto~ Add,ess . Genera.l C\.\~(\\,\J... ',)1l..I)tUj/\ i Plumbing b '(' S (\-1 \ l'\o 00 vf1 I Hechanical - I E],ec.crical ISuDe~~~ng Eleetr~eian r;;;'J' POOTIN6 & FOUNDATION: . Tc be muls ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to , 0 pouring concrete." .,,"' " 0" rt A>>,'D8RGROUND PLlfMBING. SEWER. OW-iTER. ljd' DRAII1)GE: To be rrr::de prior to fi l,- .1-ir.g trenches. O UIIDERFWOR PW/fBING & MECHANICAL: .. ;' To be made prior to instal,lation of "fIoor insulation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made p1"ior to installation of f200r inB~tation 01' decking. D ROUGH PLUHBIlIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered ~ur.til thcSQ inspections have beer. made and approved. - O FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tio,-:. .0 DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywall is in place, " but prior to any taping. . 0" MASONRY: Steel location, lx>>ui beam3, grou ting or vertica ls in accordance with U. B. C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE..: After i718tallation is acrrrpleted. rJ...cURB & APPROACH APRON: After> forms ~ are created but prior to pouring " OOlCrete. . r:j,-sIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU con- L-:J crete paving within street right- 9f-liJCY, to be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & sub- o base rrr::.terial in place. O PENCE: Whe,-: c:ompl~te -- Prov' . gates or movable sections thrqugh [J'P'~~ o FRAJaNC: Must be requeDted after approvaL of rough plwrbing, electri- .cal & mechanical. Azz. roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. nr~st be ;' completed. !lo work is to be con- ... cealed until this inspection has ~ bE:e:n made and. approved. 1(0 LJJ f I~ , 4! ~. f)17;0_~ Date: . 4- I ~C- ) "DE/.!OLITIO!! OR gOVE!) BUILDINGS ~ Sani-;ary seuer capped at prop~rt"d l.ir.e j -. ! ~ Septio tank p-.c:rped and filted LJith gra~"ez. : ] Final - r-/hen above i.te:n~ are .~cmpZeted I ar~ when demolition is complete or 8tru~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. Nobile Hcmes ~ocking and Set-up ~lumbing connections -- sauer and IJater ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~nd plumbing connections rrr~st be approved " before requesting electrical inspection :J AccesGor'''' Building --, ~rL:zl - Aft<:Jr porcr.es, skirting, decks, ...5&rnat3t11J(l11111'Q., Rq& o All project conditions, Guch as the instal~tion of street trees, c~~letion of the required la:ndscc:pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can bo requested. o FIliAL PLUI.IBIIIG o FlIlAL IfE~HAIIICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must bo requeated after the Final Plwnbing Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspection.8 havo been made and approved. AAiL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS J!UST B~ ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fEflT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 I 1 JOB r:::.ge " NO. Q(1)4J'=) SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- I 1 ,~ Ocoupanow G"'(..:::"l WT TYPE Zona: Lot Sq. Ft>. ~ of lot C~epag~ # of Sto1"ies Total Height Topography 1 I ITEM SQ. FTG I~ IJ'\~ \:\ I Ca::I'ace . I Ca.rnort l'I'lt.:"-.:t:880I'1! ~tA:1 / '\1 V TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. {VC/..UC) 1.5 :r ~ilding Permit State Surcharge TotaL Cha:-ges I ITEM NO. jF',,-.. \'\\ \-\ IResidentiaL (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewel' Water . ~lJUl' \ PlWTlbing Perr.:i t State Surcr,apge Tota t Charaes IITF:I-I I NO'1 I I I I I I Res. Sa. fta. NetJ/Extend Circuits I Temporary SeT1Jice I Ele~tl'ical Permit State Sur::ha.rQ6 Total Charces ITEM NO'1 I I I I FUrn.::zce ETU' S E:::haust Hood Vent Fan I . j Woodsto;Je I Perrrrit Issuance Mechanical Permit State Surcharae T()tn 1 Cha:rORlJ I -- E/lCROACHMF:NT -- I Sec-.J.f?'itu DaPOsit I Storage I Maintenanae I Permi t Total Charocs I CUrb",,: ! SidewZk I Pen:Je I Electrical. Label PObi eJ"':. \ , MrAO_ -~]::)J) ~ 0)( ) toD / t 'fOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" In.tericl' Cornel' Panhandle Cut-de-sac x Value . _I. ?f\ I ~(1).l1 I I ~.s[f)~ I A~ OO')W I Ilo4S?VI. I 44.~)1 6) .;:)~ 4to .'73 . FEE I CHARGE I \~CXJ I f\J1) C() \ S, (XJ k~(\ aU I I i'\l'LOo I I 0.'SD I()~~) . FEE CHARGE FEE C!lARGE .-J ._ I. ~ \ "' (( '-fI. L-COG~ I Lot Faces - I I P.L. North Type/Cor:st: . I I Enera" SO:<1'ces ~ I I Heat ~ Access. : I II II II ./ Bedrooms: ~ Tuoe Setbacks House CaPaqe 'Y. East South West Water H~atm' Range Fireplace WOod3tove Fees Building Value & Permit This permit io ({rented on the express condition that the sa"id construction shalZ~ in aZl re8pccts~ conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and UG8 of buildings, and may be suspended 01' revoked at c:r:y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: IReceipt N: ISig>:ed: Plumbing Permit No percon DhaZ! construct, instaU.. atter or change any nezJ or e:eisting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part.. unless such person is the Zegal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a person may do plumbing work to property which is ow~ed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State La1J requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Ele~trical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not bo valid until ~1~800~~r. ~CJ . Mechanical Permit r ~ffi/ ~Of ) 4-19..Q() uate - I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAN.INED the compLeted appLication for permit, and do hereby certify that all info~tion hereon is true and correct, and I f.4rthel' certify that any ar.d all work perto~ed shall be do:1e in ac~or'- dance with the Ol'din~nCe8 of the city of SpringfieLd, and th~ Ur~s of tho State of Oreg~n pZr'taining to the wor'k described her'ein, and that NO OCCU- PI:NCY will be nrzde of any structure without parmission of the Bu.ilding Di- vision. I further' certify that o:1ly ~ontractor's ar~ e~l~yees who are in c~pliance with CRS 701.05~ will be u.sed on this project V\ (~~ D I'\~.CO Ilq CD I I I I 1~,RSi 1 ~~ ~" P - f ~ ~/"/5~/1) YO~ 4~1. 19\9~ - - Date r