HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-3-2 .. RESIO.TlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon' 9?477 Building Division 726-3753 . SPRINGFIELD ~ , Job Location: ,:),,'\J 00 (1.(/ ()(i) 00 j7fl../ N / ~ () 6J ()"?x9. (\ . Tc:c Lot N !2~rY) lamer: (lhn {lJL IUo PQlfl) I Address: A I if f) .I Jr11!lI!ft} ! City: 7l~~HPV II Describe ~:ition @QtJUffiil nn" RemodezqClJ\D.O.,U. . .. .. . !lobile Homo '-.J . ~ - ~I' qO . .Date of Application ... (jji ..\.:S..: , . ... . Contractors General :Plumbing I Hechanical Ie.... ~ . I EJ,ectr:l.!oa~ (j\ P 11,(1/0 J!U LU.:../ .11 Silpe....Cfi:!.ng Electrician . ij .11,/" II ASGBSBOr& Map Subdivision: p;..one: Zip: C1!J4()!l , . Rooe:pt .~ ( 0/7:5 r.,'ork: Value tU))iD . ~\ "~ 4! Signed. Date: ::.z .C<J, 0/) Expires Phonp Address '.Lise. /I Bldrs Board Req. ~/ ~.dA J:=.-..., It is ths reBponsibi1.~ty of ths permit hol.de to 868 that all inDpections CD"e made at ths proper tim~~ t1-.at li!aCh ~e88 is l'eadabZe from ths street, and that the permit otZl"d is ZocatBd at the front of the prqperty. i1Bui!din.g Divi:::ior.. approved plan B_haZl. remain on tha Buildinf; Sit:; at all. times. PROCSDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST;CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your city designated job ma::ber, job adaocS8, type of in3pec:icn requested ar~ when you wiLL be ready for inspcction~ Contractors or Owne~s name and phone number. Requests rec~"ed before 7:00 ~ r..'ill. ~e m::zde the same day~ requests made a~~eJ' 7~OO am wiU be made the nc:ct :.JOrking day. I f7 ~ ,.' , Your City Desirr.ated .rob lIwnber Io: -/[j'f)u ~~.t'~""~~ T'1f-:'~"'-:~';""<t D. SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation~ but prior to set up of forms. O : UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & , MECHANICAL: To be made before any . wrk is covered. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are eI'ected~ but prioI' to pouring ccncreto. o UNDERGROUND PLllMSING. SEWER. W.4TE!1 DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fiL- .Ur.g trenches. o UNDERFWOR PW/.$IIlG & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inata Uation of floor insulation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaLlation of floor insulation or . decking. . rI IkOUGY PLUMBING. ET..ECTRTCAL & MECB- ~ AN ICAL: No :.JOrk. is to be covered ,untiL these inspections have beer. made and approve'::. . D FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materiaLs and before framing inspec- tion. O FRAgING: Must be requeoted after approval of rough plwr.bing~ electn- cal & mechanical. AU roofing bracing & chimn;;Y8~ etc. nr..lst be ;' completed. No work is to be C07l- ,..~.cealed untiL this inspection has ~ b6~n made and approved. O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insuL::.ti.:m a:"'.d . :.. .' required vapor barriers are in place - ,::": but before any lath~ gypsum board or , wll covering is applied, and before . ~ inaulation is concealed. . "'~' . 0 DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all d:PyJ.Jall is in place~ . but prior to any taping. O. MASONRY: Stee l location ~ bo1ui beam3~ grouting or verticals in accordance L1ith U.B. C. Section 2415. o WOODSTOVE ~ After ins ta l Zation is compLeted. . DEMOLITION OR gOVED BUILDIilGS ~ Sanitary se:Jer oapped at ~op{;rt-~ lir:e =:=J Septic tank pumped and fitZe~ .with gra~eZ . .'. I --, Pinal - rflum above ite:ns are ccmpleted ; ~ ar~ when demolition is complete or stru~- I ture moved and premises cleaned up. I I Mobi'Le Hemes :::J BZooking and Set-up :::J Plumbing connections sewer and water :::J Electrical Connection - Blocking ~ set-up I and plumbing connections rTT'..lst 1;e approved . before requesting eLec~rical inspection :J Accesso1"';:i Bui lding " ~', o o CURB & APPROACH AP.f?()N: Afte,:, fonns are erected but prior to pouring .:xmarete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- pf-way~ to be made after aU exca- vating cC7Trplete & foPm work & sub- , base m::zteria l in place.' ,. 'I Final - Aftar p:Jrcr.es, skirting~ decks~ -.J etc. are completed. o All project conditionB~ such as the installation of street trees~ ca~letion of the required landscc:pir:g~ etc. ~ 1m4st be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be r2quest2d. o FI/lA~ PWMlJIIIG o FII/A~ 11E~HANICAL ~INA~ ELECTRICAL o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection muat be requeoted after the Final PlwnbiTlJ Electrical~ and Mechar:ical Inspection.JJ haVQ been made and approved. O PENCE: When compl~te -- Provide. - gates or movable sections thrqugh P.U.E. . o o "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/rENT TO BE MADE I1T NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 \. SOLAR A~SS OCCU1)anCl/ G~ WT TYPE Interior Corner JOB NO. Zone: Lot Sq. Ft(;. s ~f lot Coverage. # of Stories TotaZ Height Topography IITEf./ I Main I GaraaEl SQ.FTG Carnort ACCe8S01"'U Is.D.c. TOTAL VALUE eval.uc) 1.5 :r: Building Permit State Surcharge Total Cha...."'ges Panhandle Cut-de-sac x Value IITEf./ Fi:I:tures I ResidentiaZ (l bath) I Sanitary Sewer> I Water I NO. FEE I I I I I I I I I I I J-)h) . C\CJ 1- I~>-no I;~(). c:::.() f .f. CX'S< 13q.3~ , PLumbing Pe=i t State Surc:r.arge Total. Chal'aes ITEM NO. Res. So. f'ta. Haw/Extend Circuits {j-- t Tempol"ary Service State Sur~ha.rQe Total c:hmoC8S IITEf./ Furnace !!TV'S I E:::haust Hood I Vent Fan I WOodstove I NO. Pel'TTr'it Issuanca Mechanic:z.l Permi t State Surchazoae I I SeC""",ritT./ I Storage Total CharaeD -- ENCROACHf./ENT -- D2vosit Maintenaru!R. Permi t Total Charoqcs I Curbou: Sidewalk Pcn.:::e I Electrical Label !"MObi l6 Home I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: Jt CHARGE FEE CHARGE ./ FEE CHARGE 3A.Cf(. ' r::.ge .. REQ.- L-COG~ T:.jl'Je/Cor:st: . I I Ent!r'al/ Soar~es I I .<leat Access. f I Wat2f. Hi?atl?r> I I Range ",. II. I Fireril.ace Wood::; tOL'S II Bedrooms: I Lot Faces - I I P.L. INol'th lEast ISouth IWest T-<Joe S3tbacks House CCll"age -- Fees Building Value & Permit This pe~~t is granted on the exp~esB condition that the sdid construction ShaUl in aU respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by th9 City of SpPingfie'Ld, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and UGe of buildings, and m:;.y be sUGpended or revoked at a:y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. . , , Iplan Check Fee: Date Paid: IReoeipt N: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereon Dhall construct, instalZ, alter or change any new or existing plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person rrny do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. ,. I, Electrical Permi t Where State l..a:J.J requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Eleatrical Contractor, the eleatnaaL portion of this permit shall roOt be vaLid until the label has been signed by the Elecmcal Contractor. , Mechanical Permit 1 I I I I ' PLan E~ner uace I, I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA."1INED the compZeted appliaation for permit, and do hereby ce~tify that aZl i~fo~tion hereon is true and correct, and I f.aother certify that any ar.d aU wo~k perfor:ned shall b6 00:16 in acaor- dance :d.th the Orodin:mces of the city of Springfield, and th& Ltr..;s of tho State of Oreg::>n p2rt.:zining to the work described her6in, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will. be nr:zde of any structure LJithout p3rmission of the Building Oi- vision. I furthe~ certify that ~ly contraato~s ar~ ~loyee8 who are in compliance with ORS 701.0SS will be used on this project Signad Date