HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-1-12 .. RESIDf.NTlAL" . APPLICAT./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building. Division 726-3753' n . .rob Location: 0 <--\ 19l) (""'j; I ,_ n..r .J rill 11 0 l ~ A80e8GOrO Map N _ \ n C') ~ D3d d . Ta.:r Lot N (137f-C(J d isio~: (~1N. Q ,(\ . "-\:~Lr l: ~ ti ~ . {TtJolS t~4 ~e~:. (\ h II t:L \\0-.-~~ Addr\JfrJ/~\~J \ YitL'\b-J City: y_~:;r~, i ~. d. \~~CD.. ..8' OleA.cO I .. n .'Iabile Homo ,. r\ ' . . . . Date of APPuoation~/ -q:cq(j Value 83, me) ~:::::~ttlQ.~ I:' \ 'S-- C ~~'\I ~d~ress ~ 'LiDse.!I Bldr.s Board Re2. ~ires i Plumbing (~" ~ 1\ 1 I ffi~'~\(llVlo\,lSI ~ n'C()"Xt'()YS - '(<t.u':lQ V I t'lechanical r: - \ j / . .. IE~eetric{ ,~~\, ' ISupe~i~ing ~leetr~eian QN~J n Additicn n Remodel. " Phone: 2A ~- 4.~ \ \ Zip: C\ ~ ()~ Describe f,'ork: Receipt # , ,,3~ . )Gl13 4!. . '. . Si""ed: Date: /IAJJiv,;0 J ,/ C}--0D . 'Dhnn~ , . It is the r88ponDibil~ty of ths permit hoUG!' to 868 that aU inopections are r.ladG at thB proPer ti.ms~ that QaCh .::.ddrtl88 is readahZe from th6 street, and that the permit oard is located at the front of ths property. ~BuiUiing Diui=ion appro~ed pLan shall remain on the Building sits at all times. PROCEOURE FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rooorder) state your City de8ignated job number, job cuidro88, type of inapecticn l'aqucstcd ar.d when you lJil.Z. be ready for inspection, Contractors or OWners name and phone nwnbcr. Requests received beler-e 7 :00 ~ a.'ill be made th€ same day, requests ma.d~ a:.ter 7~OO ,am will be nr:zde the next :iJOzoki1V dah~~_~ . Your City Desigr.ated Job Nwnber 10: '-\l ~ AJ C ) Reauil"ed InsvecticnR D. SITE INSPECTION: To be "",de after excavation, bu.t 'prior to set up of forms. O UNOERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & : MECHANICA~: _To bB made before any . work is ~ovcr8d. , n FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made W after trenches are excavated and . forma are cl'ected, but prior to pouring ccncl'et.z. D SEWER. W.1TER, prior to Ii L- UNDERGROUND PLUMBING, DRAINAGE: To be fT'Klde Ur.g trenches. D. UNDERFLOOR PLUMBIN(; & MP.CHANICAL~ , To be made prior to inata'LZation of 11001' insutation or decking. o POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of f'Loor insti.lation or decking. rL,:l'" ROUGH PLlf!1BING. ET,ECTRICAL & MECH- L.:J ANICAL: No work is to be covered , . ,untiL these inspections have been made and approved. ..'. , O FIREPLACE: Prior to pl.acir.g facing materiaLs and bsfore framing inspec- tier:. rt]/~RAMING: Must be requeoted after L.:J approtlaL of rough plwr.bing, alectri- cat. & m6chanicat.. AU roOfing bracing ~ chimneys, 6tC. must b6 : completed. No lJJOrk is to be con- '.' cealed until thio inspection has ~ b6~n made and approved. o FIliAL PLUMBING o FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o Gi .0 INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aU insul.::ltion a."'A ", required vapor barriers are in place ',:: ' ',: but before any lath, gypSW7l board or , ,'wll covering is applied, and before n fUly inaulatwn is conceaLed. o DRYWALL INSpeCTION: To be made after all drywall is in place, but prior to any tapi7l!?' DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILOIlIGS ~ Sani'tary S61Jel' capped at rn:.opcrt'~ lir.e =:l Septic tank pumped and fil.l..z~ lVith 3ra~eL ] Final - When above items are completed ar~ when demolitior: is complete or struc- ture moved and premises cleaned up. , MobiLe Hemes ~lOCking and Sst-~p ~~~ng co~~ection8 .-- sewer and water ~ ~ctrical Connection - BLocking, set-up ..Y"';;d' pLumbing connections nr,..lst be approved .' before requesting electrical inspection ~ Accesfol'":i, 'Building '. = ~ - Aft~~; p:7rches, ~~' are completed. skirting, decks, . . 0, MASONRY.. Steel Location, bo7uI beama, grouting or verticals in accordance lVith U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is, ccmpleted. ,', ~UR8 ~ APPROACH APRON: After forms LJ ~e erected but prior to pouring ..~. .' ,."rete. . . SIOEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For an oon- . crete paving within street right- .of-way, to be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & sub- , ba8e material in pl.twe. O E'ENCE: When compl~te -- Provide ,. gates or movable sectiono through P.U.E. .. ~ ~h-e:eA~' ~U'Q..Q. s o _ . -l~ ~ All project conditiono, ouch as the instaLlatio~ of street trees, c~~lation of the required landscc.pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDING: Tho FinaZ Building Inspection must be requBoted after the Final PZumbir13 ELectricaL, and Mechanical Inspectiona lUJ.tle been made and approtled. 'ALL MANHOLES ANO CLEANOUTS IfUST BE ACCESSIBLe, ADJUSTIIENT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 Page 2 I JOB No.Q/,()()f3/1 SOlA.R AC<:ES~ REQ.- I Zone: U,) k _' 00""""""" Grou~-"" Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE I Lot Faoes I ~ of lot Cavel'age Interior I P.L. II of Stories Corner INorth Total Height Panhandle ,East T h d ISouth opogmp Y Cul- e-sac IWest I lITEM l,ltrtrr \'l\ \\ IS.D.c. Value I 3 ~ [)('{) I ~ INcA I 1 1 \44~ 'I 4"S.SD'6 1.5 x (VOh.~ ~l)9. ~Iloffi .lo'L ' , Building PermitD; flO?,OG 'i\D ,C;J:') I State Suroharge I 4 .03 I B~.~~I' CHARGE I I~.CO I SQ.FTG x I Geraae I Carport IAcces80rtl I~rl~ TOTAL VALUE TotaL !:hapge8 lITEM ISixtllJ'8. \Il.1---l 1 ResidentiaL (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer NO. FEE WO . OJ jJ\)OCJ WO.OO 110,OU I l'=3. SO v/a.5.U I :X:ffiwn Plwnbing Pam t State. Surcr,apge Total CharGes lITEM I,., I NmJ/Ertend Circuits l Temporary Se~ice I I NO., I I I I I I CHARGE FEE ~~. Electrical Permit I I I I I State Su:t'~ha1'qe Total Charges Permit Issuance I, I , 1 I I I 1 I I, I I I I I I, 18:1)01 /o,.Onl I q .f\S_ 1 1ACt. .Il ') I I \ 'S .r")~ I I ~.t-:)~I C\ 4fI.0S I IITSM Fu1"nace ETU' S I E:rhaus t Hood I Vent Fan I WOodstove I NO. FSE I I I I I CIIARGE Mechanical Permit State Surcharoe Total Charaeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secu:ritll Deoosit i Storage Maintenance I Pormi. t I I Curb",,; I SidewaLk I Fen~o I J;'7~...tpA.f?al Total. ChaPQcs \ <1<' l ,,() / N'\ '. \ '.r\ . '_J..",7 "\.\...1\ r. \...:.... I Mobi te Home I hM\.i.Q '-- ~ I SOl;) I 'fOTAL AMOUNT DUF.: ~ l-COG~ Tyve/Cor.st: . Bedpoom~:' n I I Ene1"q.u Soul'ces f'f' --"" TlJDB I Heat I I ~_ Watel' Hf?atp.l' I I w. flange I I Firevlace I I WOod3tove II Setbacks Hou.se Carage I Acces8. Fees Building Value & Permit This permit ill gronted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, confonm to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinanco, regulatillg the construction and UDe of buildings, and m~y be BUDpended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. . , . \.....A'(\ t \(\ .J IPlan Cheok Fes: <::\. I) c::.. IDate Paid: ,- \ Q -q7 ) IReedpt N: .... I Signed: ~ \rY':\ ) Plumbing Permit . .. No person DhalZ constpuct, install, alter or 'chango' any new or> e::isting plumbing 01" drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license~ except that a person may do plwnbing work to property which is OLJned~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. , . Electrical Permit Where State LaJJ requires that the c~ectl"ical work be done by an Ele~trical Cont~ctor~ the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. ~ ~.O\o~ tlw ~~~a~ Mechanical Permit ~r ~~~-) :l;..KlB() I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the oompLeted applioation foJ' permit, and do hereby certify that aU information heroeon is true and corrocct~ and I further cerotify that any ar.d aU IJOrk performed shatt be don.e in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the city of sproingficld~ and the La'.JS of tha State of Oregon psrtaining to the work describod herein~ and that NO OCCU- PANCY witt be tmde of any structUl'a without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further cerotify that on.ly contractors and e:npl"yees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project 11/~~ IJ {/~ Stfin2d / - /d)-.Ljt} Date