HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-2-17 ,. ~;=-- -~ .,' . .. RESIDENTlAL-- AFPLI:A'l'ION/PERIAJT 225 North 5th Street S ' ~. l' 0 97'77 pr--r4J~e_a, regon ~ Building Diviaion 726-3753 .rob !.oc3:ion: .s '90 / d I J ~ ~ ~.oesaOr3 ""P . I ~ O? () ~ Sl4bdi.:ri.3icn: (], Il t.( T<=!.ot NIIl LIe::; C'~"'": (/)" A-Ml~.QJ ~_Q_- ~"3: ) 0 '2,10 'S. 51oJ-<- sf. Pl-m:o: ~ ,or D C~'::':J: M.,...., J a.A..c' ~ '72c'- 7S" ? g' CJ7nt " Zip: Descr";be r.'ork: tI, ",oce,'" (5 t, 'Z<(r z- ~ 9 ~ V rY <;,q/ r)\Q >> * n n n Ac'di:icn ~ ~.~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~. tlY'- ~ ,'!oo";Zs .'::!~:J f ., Z-/o-li-r..{ Dnt~ 0 Appl~oa~tc" R~.:sZ .......... Siqr.ed: 1v fJ -1'7-j(L\ J$'-j J., tnJ-O JIZZ s.sc;...... s:tao'~c;f//()/ Your City" Desigr.a.ted Job Numbe..... I3: O INSULA'1'IO,VIV/ipO.Q BM?RITR IHSP=CTTON: To be r.nde after aU ir.sul..;;ti.:m w.d , l'aqu.-:..red vapor c~~e:rs are in place but: cefore any lath, gypS".Q'lf board or wtz. covering is appli.ed, and before any ir..G"..tLaticn ~8 conceaLed. -- r::::::rcRY'.....ALL nlSP!:CTIO~l: To be made LJ <:ftel" all. az..;jwl.Z is in place, but prior to c:ny :aping. .0 1!ASONP.Y: S:~eZ oea:r.3, arou....t.na acco~-ance wi:-h 241~. D iJOODS'!'O'lE: After instaLlation is ccmpl.eted. ..., l.oca.tion.~ bc7-.d or verticc!s in V.B.C. Section rJ...ez:'RE ~ AFPRCACF! A?~lI: Afte:o forms L..:::J are e'l'eor;ed .out prior to pauring . .::o~l'ets. --- r.:;:r:s'IDE'WALX & :JRP/EtI'I.?: Foro an con- L.:..J creta paving within stl'eet r-igh:- ol-wc'":J~. to be ma:1e att.?l' aU exca- vatir.g ccrrrp!et:a .$ fo~ wl'k & ZuD- base materia! in pl.aoe. o :~r:z: When co:npl.te -- ?rovua gates 01" movable secticns tr.rougf: P.fJ.Z. :,:Cn:r~c:01'8 GeneraL (?L.'..AJ-~ ~ ~ Plumbing Electrical ,'./ilchar.ic~l COJUttr-JC~3I1. !.cruip.r Value f, Addr.es3 hJu).{fl. Date: E~ir::8 Phone 72 lA, ~7i' 1- S"-<.{S" !: ill ~h. I"flt'FOnoibiZi.:y of eM perl"!f'i.: hold.uo eo see that aZ! in.apflctions crzoe r.-.ad4 at the proper :im~~ that ~h =ddreslJ is reada.:::e iron, tha atree:, end thee the pcrmi: card ~s Lxa.ted at eJ:e front of the property. .Eu~z.ai~4 :r:tJi.:w!': cp;:rot:ed Fl.c:n sr.cz'Z renain on th.3 Bu-:.Zd~ 5-:.to at aLL tim~s. ??OCEDUP'g Fan I....SP~C'!'IOlJ RE'CUEST:CALL 726-3769 (records]>) state your City .iesigr.ated job no...oo:bel', job ad6<css~ type of i~psc-;icn l'2qUBned w4 :J.=-:en ~ou OJin be rear:iy JOT" ir""pccti071J Contractcl's OT" C\..'ne:"s nc::lS .:nd phone nu:nhcr. Requ.r:sn received befel's 7:00 c:: :..iLZ. be rrc:.ds the same Cc:b reques::s ."ffcae cft;::r 7:00 am :.riLL be made t."te net :.x>rkin; da:i. r:J~n"'~."''',.l .,...._~""~...~~ o o SI'i'~ !;"lS?!C':"J.,:I: To be fT'C.CB e:cav.:e::.:m, ,;,ue proicr tc 8e: f;;rms. a;~el" U? of rr.lD:;~Sr.A3 P:'l.':!9I."lC_ ELEC:.~IC.E. -j ,-.a:Ch''':IT.';.U,: ';'0 De mads befortJ eny ~r.ic :'6 .:otJcred. 1A~!:jG ~ FOU:!DATIC.'I: To 06 fT'C.ce t.::.J after :rencnas CI"e a=cO)at~d ar.d f~3 are erecr~d, but prw'l' to pourir.g ecncre:.o:. [J !r..'D::::;CROU.'!CJ ?:.t..'M:J:::~. DRA..:.-."},;/;e: fo .cs r:c..;.8 Ur.g :rer.c;...8s. Su:R_ ;;.I':'!:~J pr-:.Ol' ;0 /i. i..- o UI'/CERP:'CCR !'!.tJ.'.~r;.'G ~ ,'.f'?;C:!AHlt;,:.!,: To be ~ pl'i..;l' ;0 i.n3r.:l.lae::o" of" f1,cor ~r.8Ui:.c::iGn or cUckir:g. O ~~A~9~~ ~be~cp~~'1'~ ; i1L8:al.:.:!:-::.cn of j7.001' ::7t3~Za:ior. or tUok';,,>. ~. . IJ/~O'-'t;;; ?~!i'~~I:!C_ ?'!~_O,~ ~ :E:C.'1- Ll::::J ANT"::).!.: :10 'JO"!";":~s :0 be COt:e:oec ur.:~l :~es~ ir~~ectiar.3 ~~V4 ~eer. r:r:tis =nd. ~?r"'.Je~. O F:?::?!.A';!: ~or ~ ?l.c..:-::,.~ f'c:ir.g mc:reriaiti' ar.d !:u:j"ora lr=:nng inspec- tier.. ~/tP.A.'~I:/t;: ,'.!J.J.3t be re~.lol:;ted aJ-.";er ~ c:pprc!J':!. of raugit p!w:-iJir.g, a!ec:'l"i.- cat & r.;eci-4'1~:J!. AL! rool~r.:; br~e-:.r4 ~ chirnn~Y~J Bt~. ~.lSC ~e comoL~:ed. :.'0 ~1''( {.S :0 04 ccn- . cec.i~ tome:: L :J:i.!J inst'ec:-:':cn. ;..as . b€B1I ma.:f.~ a.J'I.d c.i'?~t:ed. ~ ~F~" , "''''.~'''G :::..J F..l" ... ._v........ . - :o.r"~'~~' '.rr:'''"I.I'', r....' . ...."........;J1..l...ri/"o .-R.r"" .'--or"" ~:."""/"o':'~",...",,,,,, D S<(a/ofJ I [}"2t.:OLI':IO.'! OR .'.:ay;:; 3UILDIilCS ~ Sani tar:;/ seJel' :a;;?ed ::t ~op~r'i li:o:e . ~ Septi:: tcn.k. p-"'"9.;d a:".d f-:.ll~ uith ;rT~a;' --, FinaL - r/hen c::,cve ite:~s are cc.~leted ~ arret when d~L-:.:ior: is compLete or 8~::- ture mctJed arC preri3es ::Zeaned up. J J I Nobi?a i{c.7:es ~cking and S~t-:.tp ~-;. ..:::::J ;'t.wr.bi~ connec:-:.cns sa.Jer and IJa~Jr ~ctrica? Ccnr.ecc-::cn - BLockir".gJ set-I.l? .=::J and pLwnbing connections nr....st =6 ~pr~t,'~c before requ2s~~"'.g s?ec:~caL ::"'~pec~io~ ~:SSSOl""i 3u-i!.i~ng ~/l 'f . 'trr..:z -" to;r ;~r"':!r.IiSJ etc. are c~~e:.;d. sel't-:'r".gJ dec.i.-..sJ o ALL pro;ec: cor.di:iansJ JUC~ Cd :h~ ~ns:al!a:icn of s:raet :l'ees, ~c.",??a~i~" of tns required LanC.:;ccpir..gJ .::C. J must ::e satiBfia::i before r::r.ll 3Ulr.::I::C ?!:.'.J.L zan .;S r:Z'1u.9st.:d. r-/ pr:IAL BUIr-DI....C: 11:8 fi"aZ S1.l.i'Zd{rr.q !r:s?ecr::u,n .~.LSt be !'eque3ted. -=-.:':ar :1-.2 :~n.:z.Z n~binq ~) E!accri.:alJ ani ~6cr~~c~L ;r.sF€c:iQn~ :~a eee" ~~de a,..~ cpprotJzi. .=:] .A":Z: :.!;':lP.C~=E I..,vD CLS.J.NQ!J':'S .'IUS'!' 9E A.CCrSEI3i..r. .J.~cJ'i..'S7:~~.~'':' ':'0 3E :.~1CE .'!:' ....0 :-:S7 TI) CI':'! I ?='i3 ! of 2 I JOB No,j:L(OIDrtJ SOLARtCESS REQ<~~Qr;,) t\ \ ~ .&~o,,".~C"c-J >~<"",' 'Y'- \ "'\ ~ . .. l:ct Sq. F>;. ~~n !c: ,!?:: I !o. ?eee3 - . " c ., 'q D I 3€~1;':2.::ks I ~ j~ ....:: ~<<rc.~. L fQ.... !r:.~Jricr I ,'. '.-. I 1.=:O'..:s,g .i# of ~t:Jr'i.eB COl"'lB:O 1;'IO~~1t I :o:aL ~.r;Gi:: \(., P~.c.rtdl~ lEes:, I TODOG"l"C::'n-J ? ~ CUL-d.z-sac Sq...~ft . . . .. - ~ IWest l=~<!: I 1::::,'1 l.'l:~n I i'..~C I IS?'i{ I I 1\("\ I ~.-~'" I I S.'2~ I I I ~Co,'2D I L\? rro I (~,&)-I' %- \.'44 I ~~.l..\~l' 1 I I I x ~'aLue :'.:r:-c:"': 1..~C.:'r.;lI.1..,-.J ~~ \~E- ~:m VA!"'!: I 1t.''::'''~CJ O.O.C. 1.5 = B",i1.d~"4 Pemt: Se.:.:a Sur:::n.noqe Tot.:L CI-.a..-g1Z3 I!:!."! I!'L-:"'.a'es I r.s"id.:ntiaL (1 beth) I Sc:r.it.::r! Sr..Jeft I;.~~F: I",~ \.~l\? T~tat ~e8 I '"0., FFE: I I I I LI\D- \()- 1\ I \()- 1\(") - I 'l~- I .~ II) (', . 9.c"'\ I I I CHAR:'E Pl:.unlr.Jtg Perr.:it Stat. Surc;.~e I IrE-'" '_~es. Sc. f":a. I NiiJJ/E--emd CiJ'"C".n:ts Ir~:5'..:')r;-' SU'J'iCIJ i :'V'I .-- I I, \C"\- I..~J \l'l- :':.:;_~G~ \0- \()- ?()- . Cf{) I ?()_% I I I I I \\\~~l'? E!.:t~caL Per:r:i~ St::.ts SUI":narcll Tot.27. C}.Q",:es I I1'~.~! I f'.J.r'!'"":cP. J'I'TJ'S I E.::bs t Hood. Vent !'=n /'" I "0', I I I I I I I I :,r:, C!!rii?~E i1XJc!sto:Je Pernit I3su.=nca .~e:;...ani.c::7. Perr:i.~ Sta-:e Sur~hc:r?c ...,,~~t r.J.~~P!J - r."lC.='~AC,~'.~!Z.'::' -- I Sec-.a""';e-J D~=03it I Stor:::e 1.~'ftee"l"~~1t tpe..~e Tc~-:7. eJ..t:!"~es I I. I \4.Be I I '1 CO I ! I I I :,~. c.;;u I I I '1 G/~. qz.. I I"..,."",., \ - f _~,\' IS'. .. r --.J :J.-.. I t..::e:.kUo< \"- J ~t( ~-.... I :'''.::e 1E1.11C:l"""~-=! L.-;f:q7. , !.\fal;i.Zd ':(~tI l:JT.u: ,:,.....CU.'l'!" CUE:" . L-COG~ '"e/c''','': \\ -\ \ :.d.-oo",.: - n _:'...~r~".J SC'"J.r-::tJs I ri~cess. i l - ~;~:.. u~,...~.. I I f---',,,nc,, -. II II II T:.J:a 1 ';~c.;;:e I i .;-~:"eD~c.ce ;.tooa:; :Ot:e Fee.'" . Building Value & Permit This Plll'm";t t:J grcnted on the ezprtJss condition ~ha.t ths s:lid, .:'o'ftst1"Uae~on shatl, ~n ~l7. ~es?ccts, co'ltJcnm to the Ordinar~e =dope'~ cy the C~~~ of Spr..ng.;J:"iekf, .:.nc!ud.:.ng :r.e :or.ing Crd~nar.ce, reguL:::;.:.r.g :r.e ccr.s'C~.lc;..::.cn =r~ use of ~uiZdings, ar~ m::y ~c 8u~perAed or revok.c at CT.Y ti~e ~~cr. ~ic- Za~ion of' -=ny pl':)~i3ior.s of said Ordiro.ances. IPlan Chook Fee: Uk), ~-o 'Car. Pa!d: Z - / () - f>Gf IR~08~P. N: 15 "'2-1.(00 S'4"ed: ! C/ Plumbing Permit No person Qha~l construet, insta~~. a!ter or change any r~ cr e--istir.g p~umOing or drainage syst~ in ~no~e or in part, ur.l~s8 such ~erson is tr~ 14gaL possessor oj a valid p7.wnber's tictmSB, acept ;J..c~ a person n:a.:J do plur.:bing WCl'k to proper1:'~ which is owmed, teased or operated ~y the a;p1.i- cant. ,. I I . f I Electrical Permit Where State LaLJ requires tr.at ths etsc'tl"~caL wrk bs acns by an Eu:!mca7. Contractor, tha elecerical portion of ~hia permit shaLL roOt be valid until the labeL has been aigned by the etecmcaL ~ontl'actor. I . I I I I I I I I I I. Mechanical Permit ., ~~~\D:SH)~\\ PLan E:cr.n.ner . ? - \ (r)-R'-\ ;':c.;;a r HAVE" CAREFULLY SXA!aNED t,'ul comptllted appL~cati.o", for pBrmi:, c:nd de hereby certi.fy that aLl i..,,:fo~.a:i.on hel'BOn is truB an.:f CCl'""!"cc:, ::md I !,.l.Z'tf:er cllrei{y croat any ar.a atz. w;ork FBrjo~ed shalt be do:-:s VI; ace~l'- aancs :.lieh the Ordin::mces of tr.g City oj Springfi.d.d, and :~ !,c;.;s of tf:G Stata of Oreg.:m p.zr':.:ining to the wor,ic described herein, end :;..a: .\'0 OCC~'- FL'/C:! :JiZZ be .7'Cl:.!e of any at!"Uct'...u'B witho:..t p3rmiS3io:1 ~f the 3ui.Zdi1'lg Di- uision. I f".J.1"ehi!r ~ertif"j tr.at cr.17.y ~on:ra:.:':ol'S c:.d ~l.:yeea r..;;'.D are ir. ~7.i.a'ltce ~::h CRS 701.05! c.riLL be used 011 this ;roj3ct ~h$~ tar.