HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-8 .. RESI~NTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Opegon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 S~ ry::) 'M\\ I nJ'..,;--k\ f\<L IR ()~ Q~~ _. Tcx Lot H Subdivision: GofM 1\ lQ rrn fDZ_ Job Location: ASl>esGol"':: Map # 04000 t1 r;t 44 eiL I L\- J lA.mer: (l\l~\"\ -t- u')~ t\\ .\:\~ Address: Q")fj.;4 \\\() L~ City: ~\~ ~ ~J f")~lo_-&\ II \ qf\4()~ Phone: Zip: Desa~~bc Work: , ~ UiclL ffi()~ n n n Additicn Remodel. ,'fobi le 110m:! d,-QJo-RCi Date of Applicaticn Contracto~ General U q Jf\C\ e~ Plumbing (~Y\ C\ (2.-/ .1' Hechanic.:d Eleetric.a( I Supervi-~.ing Elee t 1) eLl n vazuec91 rnLD.OcJ Receipt # k"'S' JhO 'V- 13~( p ~ Date: mLLU, B JqCJf (\ J . Bides Board R,g. 41,.,';'\\') 4ln4f1 ? ~ Your City DeDigr~tcd Job Number 10: o INSUr.ATION!VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulatian a~A required vapor cCU'l'iers are in place but beforc any lath, gypsum board 01' lXlU covol"ing is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. Add ref>S L"ise. II Expires . \\ IRq \\~q ~)honp It is the reoponoibility of the permit holder to aee that all inDpections are ~de at the proper tim€~ that each ~e83 is readab:~ from the street, and that the PCI'mit (Jard is located at the flxmt of the property.' >4Bui!ding Dividor'. ap;n.oved plan Sfu:.ZZ l~emain on th.~ BuiZding sit;;: at all times. PROCEDURE FOn INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (racord~r) state you.r city designated job nzm:ber, job address, type of inspec=icli requested a!':d when you will be peady for inspection, Contractors 01' OWners name and phone number. Requests received befcre '1: 00 .:r:: :..>iZZ be made the same day. requests made after 7:00 am wiZZ be nnde the next :.JOrking day. .J?~"1,i"':t"r1 Tnm:"'>~t.1:(';n"~ O SITE INSPEC'J'ION: To be made after excavation, but priol> tQ set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC1! ,~ j\1ECHf!,lJICAL: To be made belol'e any work is covered. [I] FOOTING S FOUND,1TION: To be m:zde after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDERGROUND P:'UMBINC. SE/{EH. rv.1TER> ORAINAGE~ To be ~de prioJ' to fU- "Lir.g trenche:;. l2J o o UNDERFWOR PLU,'.fBlNr. t. MECHANfCAL: To be made priolO t.o in:;talZation of /1001' inDulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be" made prior to inBtal.lLltio~1 of floor insl~lation or decki"fi. ROUGH PLU,'!BInG. ELECTRICA!.. 11 MECH- ANICAL:' No work is to be eOL'ered until these inspectior:s have beer. made,and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to plccir.g facing mcterials and before framing inspec- tior:. FRA!1INC: Must be requested after approval of rough pl~bing, alcetri- cal & mechanical. AU l'Ooj'ing bracing & chimn~Y8, etc. nr~st be completed. No lJOrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspection has 'been made and approved. o o o O DnYWAl~L INSPECTION: Tc be made aftel' all drytJall is in place, but prior to any taping. o location, bomI or ver-ticals in V.B.C. Section 81031'/4 I DEMOLITION OR NOVE!) BUILDIiJGS' :J Sani tary 8e'.Jer capped at p~opc::rt~ lir:.e ~ Septic tank 1T~ed and filled uith gr-Q~2Z :J Final - flhen above ite.'7Is are ccmpleted and when demolition is complete 01' st~:- tUr8 moved and pr2mises cleaned u.p. I NobiZe Nemes ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections 8~er alcl wa;er ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, sst-u:; ~ and plwnbing connections rrr..st be approvec before request~ng eZec;ricaZ inBpec;io~ :4l Accessol"';j Building -:1l Pinal - Aftnr porc1;es, CJ etc. are complet;:d. skirting, decks, o MASONRY: Steel beam3, grouting acc:oPdanc:e with 241{;. WOOOSTOVF.: After installation is ccmplcteJ. o AU pr>o;irwt c:onditiona. :.ll4ch aa the '!"~lstallation of street trees, c:o.-:rpletion of t;le l>aquir>ad landscr.pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING PINAL can be requeBt:Jd. W FINAL PLUMBllJG D FINAL ME'::IlANICIlf, [2D FINAL ELECTRICt.f, ID o CURB & APPROACH AP80N: After> fOl'mB are o:Jre::ted but ploior- to pouring concrate. SIDEfrALK & DRIl'~'fvAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-ocy, to be made after all exca- vating complete & foPom work & sub- base material. in pla~e. (8 FINAL DUlLDlNC: The Pinal Building Inspection ~8t be requeated aftep" the Pinal Plumbing , Eleotri~al. and. Mechanical Inspections hava been made and approved. . o o !'ENCE: Wher: complete Provide gates or movable sectiona through P.U.E. *A[,L MI1NlICLES AND CLF.ANOUTS MUST BP. ACCESSIBLF:, AD.TUST!fENT TO BE ~J.1DE AT NO COST TO 'CITY I Page of:: J o SOLAR ACtrS REQ.- OCcuoonc" Grouo: M0>??/Cl-': #-~T"ve/Cor.8t: LOT TYPE . . . I iorFa;;es- - . I Setback" I P. L. I HOUGe I r.m'aqe Illccc3G. !North I~ast ISouth IWest I Cw'bcut I Sidewalk I Pe:n:::e I Electrical Label I Mobile Home P""'-'~G" Wr~ <35:- ~ l r-~/'D_ /-7~ ~: ~ ------ ~. {'\ 01(., '4-oQ-;- . Co{. fl..5.... ~ ,/~. / ~ - I --.. Sig ~d TOTAL AMOUNT OUE: .I~ @ ('Y' . .. j-' ./ I JOB NO~~~~/ I Zone: L.P,z? J>>#"5 / Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ "f lot CV1Jerag~ ill of Stories'" Total H~ight .' I Topogrop.hy I lITEM I Main I Gla'aae I CarVOl't bi;;;~ I / Is.D.c. I SQ.FTG TOTAL VALUE (vat.uc) 1. 5 '" '7'7. c:;-oe> Building Permit State Surcharge Total Charges I ITEM NO. FE:E I ,...1_ ." #~CP / I Hesidential 11 bath) I Sanita.ry Sewer / l~te / 1572>Y?h7Z7A''';__J'-;~ Plwnbing Permi t. State Swoc1-.arge Total CharoaeB ITEM NO. I FEE I Res. Sa. fta. IN~/Extend Circuits I 'F8"'tf'''--~' Service ( I EC~7. J'v.-. ., <-1""1 r Ele:::trical Permit State Surcharae Total Cha.:J'ges I ITSM I Fia'l'U1ce PTU' S I E:::haus t Hood I Vent Fan , Woodsto:J€ NO. FEE Permit IS8uanca Mechanical Permit Statc SurchartOE; Total. C1r:zraoo -- ENCROACHMENT -- JSe~Mrity D2P03it I Storage I !-fain tena7U1e I Permit . Total ChaNC8 /- /b / ,bO I CHARGE h'):-=-- r Plumbing Permit __No- percon_Dha.z.z./~onDtrllct, install" alter or change Gny 1".e/J cr e:dsting --____ plwnbing or drainage Gyste:n in whole or in part, unless su.ch pel'3on is tho ~...~ legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do pl-wnbing work to property which is ou,-ned, leased or operated by the appli- /'5:.-eo- cant. 7?'. ='B> '70. =-- '?-Sc> /3.50 . I Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-dc-sac x Value ~.<=> I 9'/?SC::> . , /r-' c:s<:> tLJ .. .:0 /52 75"" . - CHAHGE /7::>---:: ~ ~S."""'" 9a""""'" ('-s= -;5/-!?c? . CHARCE /7.7'"cP /'7. ...- . L-COG~ Bedrooms: , , Enernll SO:ircos Heat f"atcr Hl?at('1' Rangc Firovlace Wood:;tot:tJ T.,/'(IC . II Fees Building Value & Permit. This perrrrU in granted on the express condition that the sflid. construction shall~ in all respcctD, confom to tIle 01'(iina1:(~e adopted by the City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning Ordinance, regulati/tg the ccn3tl"'.lcticn and Ul::e of buildings, and may be Guapcnded or revoked at C1:Y time upon vio- lation of any proviGions of said Ordir.ances. IPlan Check loatc Paid.. IReodpt H: ISig,.d: 9.75 Fee: Electrical Permi t Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical /Jork be done by an Eleatrical Contractor" the electrical portion of this permit shall root be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. , ,. / / Mechanical Permit . a.- ~ -l7tY~ ~ /' 5-:5'-B7. vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that aU i~fOr'mation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all IJOrk perfor:ned shaU be do:1e in ac~ol'- dance :vith the Ordinancea of the City of springfidd, and th;: La-...:s of tho ~ State of Oreg~n p~rtaining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rode of any struCtur2 witho:J.t parmis3ion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:1ly contractors ar~ e~pl~yeG8 who are in compliance with ORS 701.05E will be used on this proj$ct @ucf: //rft)~ Da~ /