HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-11-3 (2) . .. RE~ENTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building. Division 726-3753 . .rob Location: .6 CI '7 ~ -::f;)~ -da-nP ./ A......rs Map N ) go "d-. 0 ?,!-Z ~6 -::J.S.~/i.J. SubdilJision: ('~ r~ . elm.,.: ~ce~ Add,....: 112- 4-tJ :::,'-01<;f- 2~ /}r Phon.: 9 3 7 ~ 410 1 tB~ Crr- Zip: Cj' 7 '+ ~ I n(),"~n~"o~ ~ ~~. . .. Q . . 0 '~l)OO I 'Xl !lobi.l. Hom. .. . _.. Dot< of AppZioaticn_. \0 l~l &7 Value '-to St9 ~ 0 Contractors .-- .' Address 7'J::::-r:f _ L~~c~ 11 een.,.al ."~V),ur~J~~. Plumbing . S..oJ1J.-.. . c:::.. :2 /JJ~ ./ -. -U .--.... ..- '. ..... City: ~""J n Addition n Remodel Electrical Mschar.ic31 ConatJ'Llction .. "~I.' . H.O.i.Dt ~ II] ~. 17'/ .1.;:f/l~ 9 ~...{. ,1/ Sigr.ed: Date: CC /1-3-17 Expu'es Phone nL-::>'l!Ll ^ TAnd6l' . ~ / -"",-,.0 . -.;..------ /"- It ill the rfl8pon.si.bilitll of ths permit hcZdftt" to's.. that all. inopilCtions arB r:Jade at tM prape" time, tr.at IlCCh cddr88S is readab: f'ronr CM Sfi108Bt, and that the permit aard ill located at the [ron.t of the Ft:p8J"ty. -Bui!ding Dtvidor. approved plan shall. remain on tha Building Sits at all times. PllOCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R,::aUEST.:CALl726-3769 (recorder) state your City designn.ted job number, job add.re88~' type of in3pec~icn requested ar.d w.l:en you r.ri..LZ. be ready fo'l' in8pcction~ Contractors or CMners ncme and phone number. RequBsts received befere 'I:~O at 1..'il.1. be made the same dcy~ requests made after '1:00 am wil.1. ba made the ncrt .:.Jqrki~ day. -:.. . . y;"',. City De.igr.ated .rob Numb<r Ia: ..8 70&~ Rnouirp.d rnRor.~tianu 0.. . SITE INSPECTION: To be made afte,. e.xcavation~ but prior to Bet up of . forms. O . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & : MECHANICAL: To bB made before any . ~rk is covered. ,.. ~ r.7i ~G {FOUNDATION: To be mad. L6J after trenches are 6Xcavated and forms are srected~ but prior to pouring concrete. r;r . UNDERGROUND PLU~_ ~ DRAINAGE: To be made .7.ir.g trenches. :)(.0 SSWER. w'1TE.9" prior to fit- O . UNDEHFTIJOH PWNBING & MECHANICAL.: , To be mads prior to in3ta~Zation of :. floor insulation or decking. o POST AND BEAM: To. be made prior to instaLlation of floor insulation or . dsaki".. ~ ~ i LfJ I 31 ROtJGH PLlP.!BIlIG, ELECTRICAf. & MECH- 'Ai/ICAL: No work is to be covered - .ur.tiL these inspections have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to plc.cir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. . ~ o ~. FRAMINC: Must be requeoted after IB approval of T'OUgh plwr.bing~ electri_ .cat & mechanical. All roOfing bracing c5 chimn.cys~ et~. ITJ".lBt be :'corrrpLetcd. 110 lJOrk" is to be con- ..........ceaLsd until thio inspection has . ~ b6en made and approved. , ,-..;....... . o o [gJ 10 FIliAL PLUMBING PINAL MECHANICAL \"1 <2> FINAL ELECTHICAL '-:-1'1 .ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS !lUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/1011T TO BE !lADE AT NO COST TO CITY . I. Page ! of '2 . ,:.":::;,. ,~.: ; ! '0 INSULATION/VAPOH BAHBIEH IIISPECTION: To be mad9 after all insulatum trod . . . roequired vapor barriers are in place . .' but 1;e[ors any lath~ gypswn board or wll covering i.s appUsd~ and bsfors '~y inouZation is concealed. . DE/./OLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS =:=J Sani.tary stlUer :1apped at rn:.oper~:i Zir.s :=J Septi~ tank p-.<mped and fUied ..nth .Jro-Jei O DRYTlAU. INSPECTION.: To be mads after all drYLJall is in place~ but prior to any taping. --, Pinal - Tihen abovs ite:1'lB are completed --.l ar:.d when demolitic1n is compLete or Btru~- ~ure moved and premises cLeaned up. O MASONRY: StesL location~ bona beam3~ grouting or verticals in accordance with U. B. C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE.: After installation is ccmpleted. Mobile Hcmes o sc ZJ Blooking and S.t-~p S d ~ Plumbing connections -- s.cwer and water CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte::- .Ioms 2 71 ElectricaZ Connection _ BLocking~ set-up are oreeted but prior to pOUM-ng ~.:J ~ and plumbing connections nr.lst es approved concrete. before requesting elec~rical inspection . O' SIDE:WALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- .of-wc.y, to be made after aU exca_ vating cO'7tl?let~ & form work & sub- Xl FinaL _ After p:Jrchss~ . base mateM-al l.n pla::!e. . 5S- ~ ete. are ccmplet~d. ~ AcaesS'ol",i Building skirting~ decks~ O FENCE: When complete -- Provide. gates or movable sections through ~~~ . . o o .'1'. All project condition8~ ouch as the installation of strsst trees~ c~laticn of the required landscapir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before ths BUIWING FINAL can be requestad. FINAL BUILDING: The FinaL Building Inspection must be requ.eotsd after ths FiPial P~umbil1J ELeatricaL~ and Meohar.icaL InspectionD ~va been made and approved. I JOB NO.g7~~,J-S~ACCESSREQ.~a" ... zona:?~/7?#<: OcCUpa~l'OUP;~_?-i"/CE"'" /.?>-; T: a/cor.~ Lot Sq. Ftg. .. 5?~:?R LOT TYPE _. Lot Faoes - ~"" ~.4 . .;,. :.6-, L' Ifetbaoks I of Zot CJVerag< ..., I" - ~~. Intenol' P L 'H . I ~ . ".~ .. CUBs uaragB N of Stol'iee / Camel' INOl'th I /~ ' TotaZ Height Panhandle If.:osf I. I /;:?" [South. I /J:)' I 3.0 I" Topography CuZ-de-sao Illest I ~I .1 lITEM I sq.FTG I X VaZue j-- Fees -- 'B oldo - V' & P 0 ~in~~/~I I -9'o,..,,,,,,,,,,,,J ... . UI. mg- a.ue ermlt "=",,. I 7'20 ~~ _0 II '7.:7~<!?~ , I 1/ I I I i I ~~AY'" <; ,~~rE /,I?>V,./i;.Y4 /I / ,4a-! . . 'Z> . i ~ ~ . ~ S,Z)S~;:<o,,:>:...... /~/( dO/VI"7=; r9f'A? /;7 . VI"7~_~ob-:-)~ . , . I 74':50 I .15_7.?1 _) I ~.?,~, CarDOl't I AccessorII /s.o.C. TOTAL VALUE (value7 1.5 It: Building Permit State Surcha:rge TotaZ Cha~ges 1. I ITEM NO. 1.&.O..,~'es ~O'.PI I ReaidentiaZ (1 bath) I . I Bani tol'y Seuel' I I I - Iw';tel' 1/ I :{\I Q~ /?/7A"""'~ Plumbing Penr.i t State Surc}-.arge Total Chal'asS _.....,:.. I ITEM ~ Res. Sa. fto. I' . . I N...,/E:ctsnd Cil'CUi ts I I ..~. f J-A.,"~CJrarg>-SeruiCB I , " . :"'. '.V"~:KL.P I I Ele~trica! Permit State Suraharae Total CharC;S8 lITEM. /-!!Q:../ Furnace ETU' S I I , I E:chaust Nood I I Vent Fan , I Jlr.wdstOVB , I I Permit" ISSLUD1Ca Mechanic::z Z Perrrri t State Surcharae Total Cho:r-aeo I . -- ENCROACHMENT -- SeC"oI.ntll D2DOSit J Storage INaint~e J Parmit I Total Chargas I I , Pe"fC!e j I EZeot~i.cal Lob.Z #:. f:? 15 "" bj !Mobile Home 5~ P~15~ I , . . I I i Claobaut I ~ -;Z~ ' /26;>' SideuaZk I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' CHARGE FEE /5 <>'t> I I I I ~.<>=' I /S::-l I ~t:P. -I I ?O'--'_?'I I ~_ ~ol % 1'73""-.~, r j , I I. /_<:-1 I /.<Y:-I I .-?o.--=I I /. <;=) - S).- I 3'.,/- <;"0 I ' I J I I I J I I I CHARGE FSE CHARGE I 1 I I I I I ' j ~ l-COG~ Bedrooms: EnBrqy Sources Heat TuDe I Access. I I I J Water Np.ate~ I Rangs I I FireDlace /=1-30003 tove This permit io granted on the express condition that the sa'id constru! . shall~ in all respects, confom to the Ordinance adopted by the City ( Springfield~ incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the Ccnstru.=ti. and UDe of buildings~ and m:2Y be sucpended or revoked at cr.y time upo, lation of any pravi8~ons of said Ordinances. ) IPlan Cheok Fee: I Cat. Paid: Rec&ipt #: . Si~ed: L/,&. $1'3' .. - Plumbing Permit , ' No person ahaZl aonstruct~ instalZ~ aZter or change any ne~ cr e=istinG plumbing or drainage system in whole or in'part, unZess such person is regal possessor of a valid plumber's license, 8Zcept that a pe:'son may plW:Jbing work to property uhich is owned, leased or operated by the app cant. - Electrical Permit Where State La1J requires that the electncal lJOrk be done by an Electric Contractor, the electrical portion of this psnmit shall r~t be valid unt the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit /7~--!_,~4_-'? ~~neP - '-... //- :< -8? va!. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths oompleted applicati.cn fol' penrn:t, and do hereby certify that all ~nfo'rmation hereon is tl"UB and correct, and I further certify that any ar:d all IJOrk perforn/ed shall bs dons in accol'- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springficld~ and thl: Ur.J8 of tho A State of Oregan psrtaining to the work described herein, and that NO accu- I PANel will be nude of any structura without p3rmission of the Building Oi- , I'). viiJion. I fu.rther certify tkzt only contraator>s ar.d .trT1pz"yees uJ:o arB in J carnpliancs uith ORS 701.0~5 will be used on this pl'oj~ct o . I:::?~ "'7= '"2:B. -=- I ~<!:> 1->:,'1 ?s-:'=j I- 71) r'l if I~'I(.O( , tht;.g~ lip &7 IJ>f... / Signr~d '.;,-<