HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-10-11 T5CA~. ~.. \~lo .! .. RESIO..E.NTlAL" APPLICA,~/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ~ . I 598L/ L/L/tL LA-IJ~ &-oJ. t/ Lvi t!O IfJ.JOQ()33~ Job Location: , .' Ta:r: Lot # ASG68001'~ Map II ~~ Subdivision: GoLda.A.J tLA./LAcE Lfl ~\C\ \\0/ {;-/. \'<()'{\ c;~J. .;JANUS gr-,!i..;JJt;,hEU I f CUnel': 7'11 - II 70 q7~77 Phone: Address: , nl2f]:::!,oJ.J / Zip: i! City: Deecribe f,ork: 1Je,v:l . Pf;tLf:MiNf Or/l M<J6JLL MM-J; C>>J Lot tlo -b~~100.()C) . '4- ~tgel~/-.1lQ\Qd.~.CJO /()-'-/-89 ~db,OOO ~" n Additicn n Remode! I ~I .'Iobile Homo Dat'e of App t icaticn Sigr.ed:~U~()) ~ Date: -,n.- ((-MY Bldrs Board Reg. ~\~<2.., Exoires \150/CfO Pl,onp Lise. II Address cont.raet~ General \\ \\Q\\)I'\\.~ i Plumbing ~. \. 1 ~O V,> I Heehanieal f\ ICLJ IEJ,e<:trieal \.). L'")N,V I Superv:L~ing Eleetr~ei"n It is the r68ponoibiL~ty of ths pormit,~holdel' to 8ee that aU inopections are made at the propel' tim€.~ that ~ach ~e88 i8 readabZe from tho stroeot, and that the permit oard is Located at the front of the property. ~BuiZding Divicion approL'ed p'Lan shall j'emain on th2 Building Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (reoorder) state your City designated job n.wr;ber, job address, type of in.3pec~icn l"oqucstcd and wh.en. you ",in be ready for inspeotion., Contractors or OWners name and phone nwnbcr. Requests received befere 7:00 C':'i r..'il'L be made the same day, requests made a~ter 7~'OO am will be made the next :.JOrking day. c52l . Your City Deaigr.atcd Job Number Is: uq \ ()lol..o RnmJ1:""fltJ. r"tR.r;?'l'1HnJ'!.<t D. SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior te set up of forms. O . UNpERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To bs made before any . work is aovcred. = O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insu l.ation m't,d '. required vapor barriers are in place but before any la th, gypsum board 01' wU covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. I DEMOLITION OR !.JaVED BUILDIilGS :=J Sanitary s€'.Jer ~apped c:.t ?:..opl:rty tir:e =:J Septi:) tank p:./.r:-;pcd and fille~ with gra"Jel ---, Final - rl'hen above items aJ'e oc..rrpletcd .--J ar-d ",hen derxlition is co'nplete 01' stru-'- ture moved and premises cleaned up. ~OTING & FOUNDATION: To b. "",de ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncrete. rIl".u.I'DSRGROUND PLUMBING, SEWER. W.1TEI1 ~ DRAINAGE: To be nnie prior to fi l- lir.g trenches. 0: UNDERFWOR PLUf.fBING & MECHANICAL: . To be made prior to inatal.'Lation of 11001' insulation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or deoki"!; . O RorlGY PLl1UBIlJG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No l.JOrk is to be cOL'ered ,until those inspeotions have beer. mads and approve.:!. D FIREPLACE: Prior to ptacir.g facing ~"":~~~ialS and before framing inspec- FRAMING: Must be requested after approvaL of rough plwr.bing, electl"i- cat "meohanical.. ALL roofing . bracing 8 chimncY8~ eta. must be : completod. No wrk is to be can- , cealed untU this i7l8pection has . bse,n made and approved. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc b. "",de after aU drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bo1uI beama, grouting 01' verticals in . accordance with U. B. C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. I Nobile Hemes ~Blocking and Sat-~p ~Plumbing connections -- s~er and Water -r;rElcctrical Connection - 8~ocking, set-up ~ and plumbing connections ~r~st be approved before requesting elec~rical inspection r:l_ClJRB & APPROACH APRON: After forms L..!:1 are erected but prior to pouring aonarete. . ~SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all. con- ~ crete paving within street right- of-wc.y, to be made after aU exca- vating c01lplete & form 1J01'k & sub- , base material. in pla:Je. :=J AcaesGory Building -:-J.Final. - Aftar p:Jrcr.cs, sk....rting. decks. ~ etc. are complet~d. O FENCE: When cOo"npl<;te -- Provide gates or movable sections through ci3ifurT~ o AU project conditions, ouch ao the -i.nstallation of street troGes. co.':1f'letiol: of the required ZandSOc'pir.g, ctc~, must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be request.2d. .~;NAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must bo l'equeated 'after the Pinal Plumbina V e"leatrical, and Mechar.ical Inspeationo 1lava been made and approoved. D FIliAL PLUMBIIIG o FINAL MECHANICAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL o ...~f'J1 ~ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJUST!!ENT TO BE r.t.1DE. AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 I JOB NO~ 9Al{)(o)PSOLAR ACCESS REQ.- OCcupancv Gr4P ~ LOT TYPE Iz~c: Lot Sq. pt;;. S of lot C~ercg~ !I of Stones Total Height Topography Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac: I IITEN lM2in I Cc.raae I Carror t I~ Is.Rc. 1.5", I SQ.PTG I I I I x Value .~ 1~.fP dl!l.fl;) 00 I (VC,u~,pnOOL?f[r).CU! . 3K.SOI l.q?, <10-43, . I I I TOTAL VAWE Build!o.ng Permit State Su.:rchaPge Tota l Cha:-gea IITEN I ~e ffikJ I Reeidentia I 11 bath) I Sanitaroy SetJCl' I WqIJr IND. I I I I I I W(). ()U I {:-).OCJ ~n . C)cJ I I r"fn 00 I I .~ SOl j f)?-, ~) I. CHARGr: \~QCJ PEE CHARGE f5.VV Plumb-::.ng Pero:i t State Surcharge Total Charoos ,lITEM 'Ro;. "- eta. ffi. \'l I Haw/Extend Circuits I Tempol'a:ry Sertn:ce I NO'1 I I I I i I I \':) 00 I ,,(\.00 I I r. 'SC) 1'3\ s() . I I I I I I I I I FI-'r: Ele~t!'ical Permit State SU1'aharqe Total Charqes lInN ro. FEE F'ta"n.::zce !!TV'S ~hau8 t Hood I Vent Fan I I WOodstove I I CI/ARCE I I I I I \\~.J. Peromit- Issuance He::har.ic:z.l Pernrit State Surcharoae '1'n1:n l CnaT'nnn -- ENCROACHNENT -- . Securitl/ DepOsit Storag6 Mainte1tmU!e I I \f\\(\/ j.<1Q r..~ -= \ 'i!\~ ~.D.~ I Eleatpical Label -> - I . ~m Mobile Home IBC\ ,~51 ~.Q~\X4\tD..L\ S.' S I ~P)f) 4 f\~~~ I Pcrmit Total ChaPC7C8 CUrbcut SidfMa II\.. 'rO'l',1[, 'AMOUNT DiE: ~ . ...~'" ~ 'L-COG~ ~~ T-~pe/Cor:st: '. Bedrooms: ~ Ener'l)l Souraul'/' _ I I ,.. .<ieat -r L.-- Acccss., I I "C./;:J::;I' ,f/eatpl' I ~. e I I -' Fi1'eplacc I I Wood:; tot:e II I Lot Faaes - I Setbacks I P.L. I House CaI'age INorth lEast iSouth I IWest I TIlDe Fees Building Value & Permit This peI'mit in gronted on the eX'proeDs condition that the sdid constI"Uction shall, in all roespects, confol"m to the Ol'dinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ol'dinance, roogulating the constI'f.,otion and UDe of buildings, and may be Buoponded or 1'ovoked at c.ny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. ., . IPlan Check Fee: dl5.( )'"", I Date Paid: IReceipt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, install, alter or change any new or existing plumbing 01' drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plwnber 's license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is OLJned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. '..... ~ ., ""--- -' Electrical Permit Where State Law requires th~t the electrical wo1'k be dOne by an Eleat1'ical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r.ot be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contraator. Mechanical Permit \J~' ~wV JD-Jo-1U I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.A1INED the completed appliaation for permit, and do hereby cerotify that all info~tion hereon is tI"Ue and,corrcct# and I further certify that any ar.d all tJQrk performed shall be dOne in aaaor- dance :Jith the ()Pdinances of the City of Springfield, and tho: Ltr..JS of tho .4 State of ()Peg.:m p8rtaining to the hX:)rk described hcpein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will. be made of any struaturoa without parntisBion of the Building Di- vision. I furthe1' certify that ~ly contI'actor8 and e~l~yee8 who are in ccmpliance LJith ORS 701.055 witl be used on this project M.X~ /o~ //- f) Date