HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-11-13 .. RESI&'T1AL" APPLICaiPERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building. Division 726-3753 .f 2> ;:3~t ) Job Location: 1h.h:J 1703.1. S ,;J.,2. ~t>..)<; /lC'.~ I Rcce:pt' Ii I ~,"'II2.-J>Cl'" f 4", ~L'7l,4", O.e 97'o? Taz Lot # 0 I,f'OQ.. ~c\ 0J\ A8GeDGOl'~ Map II Subdivision: Ol.mero: ~~ k; jE-J If,'1AAo~ AddrOBS: /b,2o ~1~I..e:n~{. 1Iu" ProOTIC: 72.C, -31:r'o7 City: ~ ' f!<-/ OZ. zip: q) ~77 ~ .LJ fl. A.J; ., '- ;-...,. UN"'''' IKl Addi ticn n Remodel n Uobilfl Homa Data of Applicaticn If-/3-YT ContractorR General J).j."", e,.~.~/.". I i Plumbing i Hechanical I E.\...ctri.cal I SUl>er'V1~ing Electr;ician ADD,; /'ON Describe f,'ol'k: c) f "00o.u ~r:xs!oJ6. tt I to '-. Valu.e ~.soo Sigr.ed: Date: ~IDr;J __ d 1-, I~-?)J Address ~isc.' Bldrs Board R!c. ,/1.9.270 EXDires /1- 90 Phnnp 9~-/n. '/ It is tho responsibility of the permit holder to 8ee that aLl, inspections are made at thB propel' timc~ that each ~e88 is readabLe from ths stroBOt, and that th8 pe1'1JTit card is 'Located at the [pont of the properoty. ;tBuUdi!1fJ Divi:;ior: approl:ed plan s.hall remain on the Building sito; at all times. PtWCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City designated job number, job address, type of in3pea~ Len 1'equcstcd ar.d when you !Jill. be ready for inspection, COl1troactors OT' Owners nr..me and phon.e numbeT'. Requests receiL'ed befcre 7:00 .=:7 ;,.,'ill be made the same day, l"6qtJ.ests made a~tSI' 7:'00 am LJill be made the next :.>orking day. Q \ 4 . You,. City Deaigr.ated Job Numb.,. Ia: 0 q I, ~ Rp'('MI1:~~..l r'1''',?~~~1:r:",1. O SITE: INSPE:CTION: To be mde afte,. excavation, but prior to set up of forms. O UNDE:RSLAB PLUMBING. E:LE:CTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any lJOrk is a01Jcred. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be md. after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring concrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SF:WER, w'1TE.'!.,. DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fi l- l ir.g trenches. o o UNDE:RFWOR PLUMBING & ME:CHANICAL: To be made prior to inotal.l.ation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAU: To be made prior to instaUation of floor inBl4lation or deakill{; . ROUGfI PLUHBlllG. ELECTRICAl. & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be aovered ~ ur.til. these inspections have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: PM.or to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. FRA}~ING: Mu3t be requeoted after approval of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechanical. All. roOfing bracing ~ chimneys, tlto. l1r..tst be ,complo.tod. No lJOrk is to be con- cealed until thio inspection nas 'be~n made and appl'Oved. o o o o D FIliAL PLUMBING D FINAL ME:CHANICAL D FrNAL E:LE:CTRICAL D o O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIE:R I11SPE:CTION: To be made after all insul.::.twn a."'.d '. required vapor bmol'ier8 moe in place . " but before any la th, gypsum beard 01' . wall covering is applied~ and before any inoulation io concealed. . DEMOLITION OR NOVED BUILDINCS ~ Sani~ary selJer capped at p~opl:rty lir:.e ~ Septic tank p~ed and fille~ with gra~e~ o :J Final - r{hen above items are completed ar.d when demolitior. is complete 01' stru~- ture moved and pr;:miaes cleaned up. DRYWALL INSPCCTION: Tc be made after all drywa.l.l is in place, but prior to any taping. .0 MASONRY: Steel location, bond beam3, grouting 01' verticals in I accordance IJith U. B. C. Section '. Nobile Homes 2415. ~ . ~DSTOVE: After i tallation is ~~ Blocking and Sot-up ~ cem lete . ~~ lumb"-~ () p ~ng connect~ons -- SDWer ~ water O CURB & A PRO CH APRON: Afte; forms :::J Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up are cree ut Pl'ior to pouring and plumbing connections r7T'.Ast 1;e approved ao~rete. beforc requesting electrical in.si'ec:io~: o SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all. con- crete paving within street right- of-bJC.y~ to be made after all exca- vating ccmplete & form work & :;ub- , base material in plaae. :::J Acaesso1",i Building ,.'. ---, Final - After porches, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are completed. o ( FENCE: When compl.;te -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E:. . o o All pro.ject aonditions, such as the t',nstallation of street trees, co.'":1plet.ion of tM required la.ndscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be raqusstad. FINAL BUILDING: Tho Final Buiiding Inspoation must bo rtJqueoted a.res,. the Final PLumbing ELectrical, and Mechar.ical InspecticnD hauo been made and approvad. . 'AU MANHODE:S AND CLF.ANOUTS IIUST HF. ACCE:S[;mDF., A/J.IIJST!/E:IIT TO HE: It.1DE: AT NO COST TO CITY I Page af 2 Zone: T-dpe/CoY!st: ~: L-COG~ I JOB NO. SOLAR ACCESS Occuoonc~ cA LOT TY~" REQ.- Lot Sq. Ft.. S :Jf lot C:TI)erag~ .II of Stories Total Height Topography Interior Cornel' Panhandle Cul-de-saa I Lot Faces - I I P.~. Nortl1 East South IWest Setbacks House Carage Access. I I II II II II Bedrooms: Enel''1.~ Soul'e'mJ... Heat Watel' Yp.nt~.,. Range Firevlace WOOd3 tOL'e TIlDe Faes lITEM SQ.FTG x Value Building Value & Permit Main Cc.rQae This pemrit in gronted on the erpl'ess condition that the sdid constmction shall~ in all l'espects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Spl'ingfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccnstruction and une of building8~ and m~y be suspended 01' revoked at any time upon vio- lation of any pl'ovisions of said Ordinances. Cal"vol"t Accessorll TOTA& VAWE Is.D.c. (Vct.uC) 1.5 :r: Total Charges Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Receipt II: Signed, Building permit State Surcharge I ITEM I FixtW'es I Residentia l (J bath) I Sani tary SetJel' NO. FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit No percon Dhall constMlat, instalZ, alter 01' chango any new 01' existing plumbing 01' drainage sY8te~ in whole 01' in part~ unless such pel'DOn is the legal possessor of a valid plumbel"s license~ except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned~ leased Ol' operated by the appli- cant. Watel' Plumbing Penr.i t State Surc1-.arge Total Chal'aes ITEM NO. fEE CHARGE Electrical Permi t Res. So. fto. New/Extend Cipcuits Where State LmJ requipes tJ..at the electrical wol'k be done by an Eleatrical ContPQctol', the electrical popticn of this permit shall r~t be valid until the label has been signed by the Elecmcal Contl'aotoP. Tempopa:ry Se'Pl)ice Ele~tpical Permit State Suraharae Total Cluuoges , ITSM I ~nace ETU'S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fcm FEE CIIARGE I I I I;'., .cD Mechanical Permit Woodstove NO., 1 \1 Pe'l'11l'it Issuance I I;:::::./Y)I ',Jl~ 1 I' '5. ~"'I ' Me~hanical Permit State Surchal"GC Tota l Cnaraes I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SecruM.tl! Deposit I Storage I Main tenance Plan Examiner> uar..e. Total Charoaes I H.1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application fop peromit~ and do hereby certify that all i~formation hereon is tpue and cOl'ract~ and I r~rther certify that any and all wol'k perfonned shall be do~e in acaor- dance with the Ordinances of the city of Springfia~~ and th~ Ur~s of tho .. State of Oroeg:Jn pCl'taining to the work described hel'ein~ and that NO OCC'J- PANCY will be rode of any str>ucture without parmission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that ~ly contra~toPs and e~loyees who are in ca~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project Panni t Cu1'bcu~ I Sid_lk I Fen::a I E1..ec trica 1.. Labe l I Mobile Hane I I I 'fOT.if. At'fOUNT DUE:" . . '. \.l!/:;/;;k_ c::!.. . (\ c::::; . l ~gffd ?-J1".~ <.,,),. k~ LL:., (' -Y"L_ Date