HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2006-8-18 ... ~ . 225 FIFTII STREET. SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 ELECTRlCALPERMIT APPLICATION City Job Number CfJ'rn ;:)(\11 (" - 010 Q() LEGAL DESCRIPTION: / I.,;,:J. I L J ...J D.l> >.J 4-VE JOB DESCRIPTION: c; (\11\.1 , b,~ \Cwcld 1000 sq. ft. or less I 0 VJ\V , Each additional 500 sq. ft. or . .f '1 'j' . th f M:,E"""-"" .; l J L.t...L.Q' , I (r- II \ _ portion ereo Permits are non-transferable and expi~e if work is Each Manufact'd Home or not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is Modular Dwelling Service or $50.00 Suspended for 180 days. FN11~r'CE: 2 ~'CONTRAcrORIivsTAUSt'hoNONIX~ B. ~~.f~:miP8~.M\J~}!-'~m~~~~l11t~~t~~~~r~~cIr~~~{'ij . l~b'{J';'':.'''::-~';.\.~'tt.::..l;.-.-;~~~.>>..:...u'{~d.:~f.:!;l'.t~S:.\1'>''ci'.wl\ ~\J~Of\f1ED:\jNHER~t.\~d':t,t:P,t"kJ~~Hd;!...lI".Io!.:':~''';;;.:.L~'~~Ji",",-~;!s; Electrical Contractor ---rl/:Ifj.) TZJ Ai E( t?7J::t: 2Q.0:wnPS~"nm OR IS ABANDONED FOf\ 63.00 . . '201~AinPslto!4bo AW1~JO[l.. $ 75.00 ('0(.)4 h(j-' r#. Cf74,pS"01 A~~:t0600A,!,J'S ~125.0() . . . 601 Amps to 1000 Amps $163.00 Phone 9 $S ":Q)~ 7 Over 1000 AmpsNolts $375.00 Reconnect Only $ 50.00 '.r."~ ,.'...........\f". '!',~... '--: '.....[....."',~~~'-.r.'.."-'"""'~,...'t"">'-..r:r.:f".'".)j. 1. ~tJ]J.?A.z!,<j!'""-o,nf!~'[~"41:19.N.:.~';.(;;irf,~ \/0:; ~I 3::;).0 '/00 Address e() fx;w City fV.r;- Supervisor License Number ;<, 0 I 7 .s; Expiration Date f t) ~ I - 0 It. e Constr. Contr. Number I J 10 "3:::l q Expiration Date 1 (') ,.... } _ r') {, ~l_ OwnersName"",.~( fu"""'llIA/ Address \(~2- \ L\ nden City ~ n.j-H"}.,J. Phone 52.1 ~ -;)..S9) OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owner~ Signature: Inspection Request: 726-3769 lJ,-;Tm..;....-... ',. -,f ..,-~~...,,-~ 1 ".;l...""'-~'....".:v"""-........,..-.,....,,..I'"':~"7""" .' "" "':".~.'"J'"?i"'. 3. ~.m}!I:~!E.!!!}t;!ii;I!#l}J!HPA!B.~;;'10:J{;1;lS;~:1Jj Service Included A~:....::;:'~::;.'":'."'}.. " ~~,~";>.;!;.,,;-j'!'f!;\rE . ~., ~.~-"'-"..,..."'.~~;r:i'f.'i.;-\:-;~'~.'tti'i.J~"'!:~r;:i:...:}.':' A. ~~,'N cy;':.Re~id~l) ~i.al ~ :Si!lgl~.~o!,Nlulti- F n, ill !15:, P!~' dj~emrig .unit"' ............~_ _ ......._.-'.._.:.t.:.c~.I:;:;..~."'...<..+.l..""."'.1_.''--'-....""''''''''.-..........I.:~1i,~,''-.. f. "i1i' -~- $106.00 $ 19.00 C E'-:r-'~;#. "". --;.;.\.-t:"'.'\'~~'''''S--:J:::;:''''''.'.;'\'''i''''''F..~ 'd"'----""'"". .,r:r.:,:r.:::~~~.:it ' ..fr"'rY:;f;:~r::...).:,,, ,,,,, i~':J.'Pt' . ;....~~~pQ.J:.a}J'."' ~~~!f~~P~... .e~. .~..r.~'~~ l"~ J:',;~::::': ?~ ";";:';': ~~-:t:.\1~;';'{1 " -- ,'. .:.0--' .,..... .'. . Installation, Alteration or Relocation $ 50.00 $ 69.00 $100.00 200 Amps or less . 20 I A~ps to 400 Amps 40 I Amps to 600 Amps Over 600 Amps or 1000 Volts see "B" above. rr.. '!~_'l"'7:;.;~~:-::.' ;"(;7:~~'::;:.,..-,"1rr<: -~?"'~'~'I:\ <'FT.~"~~r ---:--':;:,,",<?'''"g':;'I':''-:T'l:'':;;'-~-''-,''7:t:f( D. 1"Branch1ClrcUlts\""~:,'~.:' .J~~r: .;~:'..J;:-:::;{. '~f1~" ',i:',~ ~~'..: 't"':e1t':..-)."'",..~ '" ~.;~>~,. :::~-.\ . ''""'''""7.~;'':nn~;:''6r~(10flraVtrElqtiiresyO\.l O,i~"~-"-",", New A1teration or ExtensiontJ'yerIPll'nebgon Utility ("l\n'N rules aaopl"U "~'''. 'h . One 9rc.~lt. r r.ter Those rI ilr/s are $r43\00' 4 3 E li~'A~d'd' :~"tlr.Ir.C'Je. . 'th 52 001 ac Illona IrCUlt/Or.WI lroug"''-{OAR 9 " - '_Q,,,a"'/'lIJ1-.IUIU" " $300 ('" Servlce or.Feeaer Permit. . ~ ..1_<:1 U,":"'" oy. .,.- 090 You may ootaln cO[J''''J ~, ... -' P~~9~1;,<~~~:~~~r:';.'Cm:~1:;J'~'f:~:0-SJ~~,~,!,~g~q~{~-(<f5'f:~\!.<~"141~!f E. tJllt~~~~,~~si~~~rr~s~t!~~~[~eak2~:!~~~~~J~~!~!~~~t~~,~;; nUfllUl.;1 lv' cr.--v~-_, . " t S 1 tluO-:.l32-2344). Pump or irrigatiori,n er I - $ 50.00 Sign/Outline Lighting $ 50.00 Limited Energy/Residential $ 25.00 Limited Energy/Commercial $ 45.00 Minimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is $45.00 + Surcharges f~':~:--' ,\.;J>r"'>;;:, :w~'-!X,'~,',r,::.,~",:.~;.<:-:...'.:'l;!ii~'1'.~'~~'-'"';-;:ji?;f:"' :;<",:.-; 4. [cSUBTOTALOFABOVE'f':I}: '.'t"ln",,~,,~"n {!:ll"'::'~,"'!U..;;';"l:#....'':~r-,:.'...:,~-~,..J ..~,~ :~,.".i!':f' ':~.<' ,'.,.1"t:'::.-':'~~ 8% State Surcharge 10% Administrative Fee 5%.Technology Fee .5!J-, em '-f <-10 ,L;. '0) 2.'1.5:" TOTAL ~7 (o!=,- Shared Dnve(T:)lBuilding Fonns/EIl..'ctncal Pcnnit Application 8-06.doc 225 Filth Street , Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone - ........~..1lLD . ;'--~-..."-~ . ~-' ..... , , ~w ..~. . Ciail.of Springfield Official Receipt .Iopment Serviees Department Public Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2006-0 I 020 COM2006-0 I 020 COM2006-0 I 020 COM2006-0 I 020 COM2006-0 I 020 Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard cReceintl RECEIPT #: 3200600000000000439 Date: 08/18/2006 Description Add, Alter, Extend Circ Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add + 5% Technology Fee + 8% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By ROCKLIN R. THORNTON Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received ddk 218162 In Person Payment Total: Page I of I 10:27:22AM Amount Due 43.00 12.00 2.75 4.40 5.50 $67.65 Amount Paid $67.65 $67.65 8/18/2006