HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-11-16 9?4?? .Job A6Da6.aol'~ Map Subdivision: :, C>.me~:\\. '1s;tlf YJifl ' Addreo": 2\-1 (j]). ~ City: " ~J\ C O(~ nNm'l n Additic1l .n RemodeL r---l 1wbilp. Noma SPRINGFIELD a)~=<aJ Dat~ of Application Contractors , General o FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: Ta be roode after trenches are excavated and forms are!el'ected~ but pl'ioro to pouring ccncrep~. UNDERGROU!W PLUMBING~ SEWER. W,1TE.'b DRAINAGE: To be rrr:ule prior to fit- lir.g trenches. 0, UIIDERFWOR rW/.IBING & ~IECHANICAL: , To be made prior to inataUat'ton of fico!' insulation 01' decking. D O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instal1.ation O~flO . 'lation 01' decki,,". '/ "- ~orlGlI PLU,~BINrJ.... ET,ECTRICAr..' & . ECH- TeAL: No wOl'k-rn ~ n~ ~~el'ed .ur.ti~ these inspections have beer. made and approved. O FIl?EPLACE: Prior to pZa.cir.g facing matel'iaZs1and beforB framing inspec- tion. o FRAMING: Must be l'equeoted after appl'ovaZ of rough plwr.bing~ alectl'i- cal & mechanical. All roofing . bracing & chimnCY8~ etc. nrdst be . completed. No work is to be con": . cealed until this inspection has ~bG~n made and appro~ed. l:'r.cr,:pt .;: r~, 4 T -n~LIl) Il{J I ~ ~' Siqr:ed: ~ . Data: "-/ 1/- IO-'xLf gXDires Addrf'SS Li~c. III BId rs Iloarrl !le". Phnnp i Plumbing I t'lechanical --::J',. Q I _ ' qectrical r'i\\~ F 0-0:( {'_./ .'-'J'-.!){) ID.U"tr\ '"(.1)0/ 01/351 Sup~n"'in,g_Jolectrid~n~ p~~ --'-- . I is It i8 the ~e8pan8>bi!~ty af tho~!dn~ ta 8ee that alL'i~rection8 are ~adr, at ;he prope~ timr" that <cch ~es8 is ~ecdcb:e from ths 8t"('e(Jt~ and that tho pcrnnt card is located at the~t of the propel'ty. "Building Divipion. .appl'ot:ed plan shalt remain on tho; Bu-:.Ld-iH{f sit;; at aU times. PROCSDUHE FOR ilNSPECTION R~QUEST~CALL 726-3769 (l'~co~der) state !Iou I' City .iesign..'lted jo~ nu.r.:bel'~ job adi..rcss~ type of in:;pec;icll l'cqucstcd ar~ when you will be ready for inGpcqtion~ Contractors or Owners ~~c ~nd p1wne'numbcr. Requests received cefere 7:00 ~ :..'ill be made th6; same dcy~ requests made a~teP 7:00: am wilL b:; made the 'text :.JOrking dah'rY]' II\~ I ' Yourl City De8igr~ted Job Number In: ~--I I~~ 1- 1?t>!1Y/!'''1. r..-"""b:,,'!"!. t, . . O SITE INSPECTION: To be nr:zde after 10 INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECrfON: excavation~ but pr>ior to set up of. To be made after all insulation a:ut forms. .'. required vapor barriers are in place but, before any Lath~ gypsum board 01" D. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & wall covering is appLied, and before . MECHANICA~: To be made before any . lJOrk is covered. any' innuZation i8 concealed. , Describe [1'01''': Value 1\/11 J DENO~ITION OR ;~:OVED BUILDIilCS :=J Sani-;Cll'Y se'..Jer :.:apped c:t p~op<::rty lir:e ~ Septi:.: tank p~~cd and fiLl2~ with gra~el :J FinaL - fl'hen above ite.71s are cc.~letcd ar~ when der.roLitior. is compLete or 8t~~- ture moved and pr~~i3e8 cLeaned up. - Mobile Hemes :::J BLocking and S2t-~p ~ PL~bing connections .- 8~er and water :::J ElectricaL Conr.ection - BLocki,~~ set-up and pLumbing com:ections rrr..:st ce approved before requesti'lg elec;rical. inspec;io:: ~ Ac:,:os30rh' Building :J FinaL - Aft~r p~rcr.es~ skirting~ deeks~ etc. are co~pleted. o All pJ'oject conditions~ au!:!: as the i.nstallation of 8~I'eet trees~ cC::7pletiJn of tne required Land8capir.g~ ctc.~ nn~st be satisfied before the BUILDINC fI~AL can be requested. FINAL BUILDINC: The Final BuiLding Il1flpr:ction must be requeDted a./tel' the Fina.L Plumbing ELectrical.; and Mecha.r.icaL bwpectionn hava been made and approved. ~ I I, . /tAU, MANl/OLES AND CLF.IlNOUTS UIJ8T RF: IlCCF..'),'::TBT.F:, IlD.1IJ.'lT!fF:N'!' TO. BE N,4TJF. AT NO C:~ST TO Cf'J'Y I Pa~~i? of 2 D FIliAL PLUMBING D PINAL MECHANICAL ~ ELECTRICAL o D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after, aLL drywaLL ia in place~ butlpr~or to any taping. O ~SONRY: SteeL location~ bond beama~ grouting or verticaLs i'l acc~rdanc8 lJJith U. B. C. Section , 2415. O WOODSTOV{i;: After i,W ta LLa tion is ccmpZ-eted. ,0 o CURB & APPROACH AP,rroN.o Jtfter forms are erected but prim' to pouring concrete. SIDEr.IADK & DRn'EWIlY.o Fo}' aLL con- crete paving within atrect right- of-LXZY~ to be made after aU exca- vating ccmpLete & for;.! lJOrk & sub- base material in plaae. , o o I I PENCE: When compL;;te -- Provide gates or movabLe sections through P.U,E. '. o 8Q/Df'ffSOLAR AC;CESS OactWWlay C~ LOT TYPE' I JOB. NO. 2lmc: Lot Sq. Fti1. :; ,,' lot CJVel'ag~ .'/ of Stones Total Height Topoi1raphy I lITEM IMain I Cm"aae I Carport IAccessorll I I Is.D.c. SQ. FTC TOTAL VALUE (Vct.uC) 1.5 ;r Bui lding Permi t State SurchW"ge Total Cha:oge3 [ ITEM I NO. I Fixtures '. I I I Residential (1 bath) I I Sanitaroy Sewer' I Watel' I Plumbing Perr.:i t State Surcr.aIYlB Total Chal"aes 1l1'~M I NO., F~~ I Res. Sa. fta. I Naw/Extend Cil'cuits I I I Temporary Service 1 .1 I I I Ele::trical Permi t State SUI':Jha.rqe Total Charc;es I IT!:M I NO'1 PSt' I Furnace !!TU' S I Exhaust Hood I I I Vent Fan I I W~d8tove 1 I Pel'mit Issuanc2 Mechanical Pct'nrit State Surchal"ae T(')-tn 1 Cha-rnan -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Scc.!uroity Deposit I Storage Main tenanae I Permi t Total Char>qas I Ourbout I Sid_lk I Pence I Electl'ical Label I Mobile Home I I I T(J'l',l[, ;1,',!OUNT lJl1F.: t [ntedoY' Cqrner I Panhmldle riLL-de-sac x Value FEE CHARGE I I: I I G'HARG~ I I I ~,~)I It. (",\1 1-Q,~.La~ ' CIIAIIC~ I I I c{:{1,6st ~ rqlc {; \ I 1\ I I I I I I REQ,- l-COG'" , , Type/Cor.at: '~ 1 I E~lef'q.u Sources 1,1 Heat Access, Water YP'QtP.f' I[ I Range Fireplace I I Woodotove II Bedrooms: I Lot Faces - I I P./'. NOl'th Time [.,'ast SOldh ,Ircst Setbacks; I!lOliae em'age ! , [ I I FaDS II I I Building: Value & Permit Th' 't . 'd h nd" ha LJ 'idl, . ~~ pel'1'/11.. 1.3 gNntc 'on t e expl'eDS co l.t'l.on t t t,us. sa constructtOn i;}UlU, in aU respect3, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpI'l:ng[-icld, inc!udi,1g. the Zoning Cl'dinance, l'eguZating ;the construction an.d !we of buadingsJ ana may be Buc;pended 01' revoked at any time upon. vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I , I I j, , I I , ' ! : ., I ., , I I! , I Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: I Reodpt' #: I Signed: , Plumbing Permit , No percon shall construct, inotal!, alter or change any new or e:isting plwnbing or drainage 8YBte~ in whole or in part~ unlcBB'Buch1peroon is the legaZ pO!1ocssor of a valid plumber 's ZicenBc~ except toot a peraon may do pZumbing work to property whi~h is owned~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. I , I I " I, EI~ctrical Permit ff1Wl'e State [.aw requir'es tr.at the electroical work be done by an Electrical Contractol'~ the electrical p~rtion of. this permit shaU 'not be valid until the label has been [J~d,n~d by the Elec~ical Contractor. I I I I 1 I I I I I I, I I I Mechanical Permit '\ Plan Exanl1,nel' ua-ce I ~1VE CAREFULLY EXA~INED the completed application for permit~ and do hereby certify that all ir:f01'mO.tion hereon is tl"UC and corl'cct~ and I [w'ther> certify that any "ar.d alllJOrk perf OM/cd shall be"done in; accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Sprin!1ficld~ and.th:: Ld..;s of tha " State of 01'eg:m p~rtaining to the work ccsc1'ibed he1'ci.n~ and that NO OCCU- PJ.NCY will be mae of any structure lJit1ur.J.t pamssion of the Building Di- vision. I fupthc1' certify that only contractors and ~lDyees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this pl'oject ,. S1~~"I:?d Date