HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Mechanical 1985-9-13 .. RESID.T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 ~uiZding Division 726-.~75J Job !.oa.:J.tion: /f);;)? ~Ik~ /70 J .;) 7 ~ d- T= Lot # ()1'f51tJ As.aesGor.::: Map /I Subdivision: OI.me:r: ~cJ!a~ /lIl c. (: JjJ {H} /; 10 .+9' 0 !..j)-c.-~ Phone: Address: City: Rl n n n Mm,) Addi ticn Remade Z .'!obi 1.e Rome q-I~-g'5 Date of Application ~.:ontractol'S Ceneral .t').{,( },'/OA ) Plumbing EZeetrical. Me~har.ic::l Construction Lender (Iah -05lJ5 Zip: Describe fl'ork: i~ . . lcU4 Value );JJ1M /J/~ Address -7 h5 c2C? ( l V ~A iJ ~ 1Y'tJ/L Signed: Date: ...* ~... 4. /3,-!?S' Lise. # EXDil'es Phone It is the responDibility of' tho permit holder> to see that aZt. irwpections are made at the proper tUn€# tr.at ecch ~e8s is rea:ia1::e froom the 8t:reet, and that the permit card is Located at the front of the proper'ty. "'Bui!ding Df.vi=ior: approved PlaJ:1: shell remain on tiw BuiZding Sit:;. at aU times. ?ROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REpUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated JOG nw;;ber~ job aC.iI>css~ type of in3pec-;icn requested a'!':d w!:en you wiH be ready for ir.spaction.~ Contractors or OI.mer-s nc:rne end phone nu..wcr. Requests received cefere 7:00 ::; :..'iU bB made the same d.ay~ requests made after 7:00 am fJiH be made the nczt :JOrking day. Qru,[U1:-ro..rYi. T'1~rz."ptipn.!1 :J SITE IIISP:;C';'ION: To be mde after c:r:calJation~ but prior to set up of forms. :J UIIDERSLAB PWNBIIIG, ELECTRICAL & ltECHA;JICAL: To be made before any work is .:!ovcred. :J FOOTING !1 FOUND,iTION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forma are erected~ but prior to pouring ccncret,;. UNDSRGF!OUND PUIMEING, SEWER., W.iTE.'1 DRAIlJAGE: To be m:J.de prior to fiL- .1.ir.g trenches. :J :J 'I --.J UNDERFLOOR PWI,$IIIG & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instalLation of 1100'1' insuLation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be T1'.adc prsior to instaLLation of f100r insulation or deaki"!i, ROUGH PLlP.!BIllG. E~ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No wol"k -is to be cOllel'ed- ,until these inspections have beer. made and app1"oved. FI.~E:PLACE: Pr>ior to pZacir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior:. FRA"~INC: Must be requeoted after appl"olJal of rough plwr.bing~ 2lectri- cat & mechanical. All roofing bracing a chimncys~ etc. nr~Bt be . completed. lIo work is to be con- .:. cec.led until thic inspection has . bc,":n made and approved. :J :J ] Your City Designated Job Numb€r Ic: o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER D1St't,'CT1UN: To be made after all insul.::ti::m w.d required lJapor barriers are in place Cut before any lath~ gypswn board or w'll. coversing is applied~ and before 'any insulation is concealed. o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all cr.ywa U is in p lace ~ but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location~ bona beam3~ grouting or verticals in accordance fJith V.B.C. Section 2415, fgJ WOODSTOVE: After installation is completed. (SO 193 I DE/.JOLITIO!! OR gDVE:; BUILDIilGS =:J Sanitary se:Jer =apped =t ~op~rrd lir:e =:=J Septi= tank Jr~ed and fille~ with gra~Bl :J Final - mten abcve ite:!lS a:re completed and when demolition is complete or strw~- ture moved and pr:.:miaes c leaned up. Mobile Hemes ::J Blocking and Sat-~p ::J Pl~ing connections s~er and ~ter ::J Electrical Connection - Blocking~ set-up and plumbing connections nr~st be apprQ~ec before request~ng electrical inspectio~ .=J Accessol"d 8uitd~ng :J Final - Aft<.!r p:1rcr.es~ sk~rting, decks~ etc. are complet~d. D All project conditions~ such as the installation of stl"eet tr2es, cc~letion. of the requil"ed Zan.dsccpir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requestad. :J FINAL PLU/.!BIllG ] FIliAL I1E~HA!lICAL ] FINAL ELECTRICAL ] o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be l"equeGted alter the Final Plwnbina Electrsical~ and Mechar.ical InspectionD have been made and approved. o CURB & APPROACH APRON: AftcT' forms a:t'e erected bu t prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIl'EWAY: For a'll con- crete paving within street right- of-tx.y~ to be made after azt e:cca- vating ccmplete & form wrk & ~ub. base material in pZa:!e. -ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE,ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fE,'J'I' TO BE f.:'1iJE 1:7' '.'0 C:JST TO CITY I P~Fe 1 ;{ 2 1 o D PENCE: When compZ;;te -- Provide' gates or movable sections through P,U.E. . o I JOB No,)'(~~f1~ Izcmc: Lot Sq. Ft;;. : ~f lot Cauerag~ # of Stories Total Height Topogrophy II'!'EM I Main I Gc::race I Carport I Accessoru I I S~, FTC TOTAL VALUE: Is.D.c. ,uc.l.U.C) 1.5 :r Building Permit State Surchcrrgo Tota~ Cha"ges IITE:,'.! 1 Fi:rtw'es I Residential (l bath) Sanitary Sewel' Water PZ.wnbing Perd. t State Surcr.a:rge Tota! Cha:l'oes IITE/.1 j Res. So. fta. I N~/Extend Cirot:Uits I Temporary Service I Ele::tr-ica l Permi t State SUI'charqe Total C'ha:rces lITEM I Furnace PTU r S I E=haust Hood I Vent Fan Waodsto:Je Pemt Issuance Mechanic:ll Pemt State Surcharae TntaZ ChaT'op.!1 J -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~~ritu DZD03it I Storage I Main tenan::!e I Permit I Total Cho:1'o08 ICUr!>cut I SidelJa ~k I Fence I EZec tl'ica l i Mobi to Home Label I TDTAL AP.OU.'!T DUE::' 'NO. ' I HO'j I i I I NG, I I I i I I SOLAR A.SS Occur;ancu G1'O".l':'. LOT TYPE Ir.tel'icl' Corner Panhand~e Cu l-de-sQc Value FOE CHARGE F~ ,...,::>--. ....nl't..v.:. FEE I CHARCE I I I I I I 1/5.00 I I . &0 I / /S.(nZll. I I I I I I. I I /5'bV I. REQ,- L~COG-{r . Budroor.:s: "-::"rJe/Cor.st: I Lot Faces - Setbacks I P. L. House Cal'aac IllOl'th: lEast ISouth IWest Access. I En2Y'f1:J Sources Heat Water' Hl?otpl'" Ra1tf:c Fircplace I Wood.:; tove II 1"'.J~e F28S Building Value & Permit This psrrrr<;t in granted on the e.rpres8 contiition that the s.a"id. construction shaU, in all. respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning CJrdinance, regul.ating the construction and USe of buildings, and m::y be suspended 01' l'BUOked at cr:y time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. j . r I I ,. I I I PZan Check Fee: r I Gate Paid: I IRecdpt #: I I Signed: I Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, install, aZter or change any new or e:isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is trA legal possessor of a valid plwnber'8 license, except tr.at a pe:-son may do plw::bing lJOrk to property which is Ot...-ned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. I I I '\. Electrica I Perm it Where State LaLJ requires tr.at the electPical !Jork be done by an Ele~trical Contractor, the elec~rical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the label. has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. . Mechanical Permit PLan E~ner uate I SA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and de hereby certify that aU ir:fo:"mCI.tion hereon is true and correct, and I f'.aother certify that any ar.d an wrk perfor:ned shan be do:1e in ac:::ol'- dance with the Ordinances of the city of SpringfieLd, and thl: La:.Js of tho State of Oreg~n p~rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY !JJill be rrr:zde of any structur.z L1ithout parmission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify tha.t cml.y contra::tol'S ar.d e:'11pl"yees who are in eampl.iance ~;th ORS 701.055 will be used on this project :flk"1f(t/~ Signid r'. (f 9/;;1. /t?5 Date / I