HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-12-9 .. RESINTlAL': APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 c),qp J/ &t1 ;.;:e "o7~ ~ , 3&d ~11JJ&) ~ B4f1>. Job Loc~tian: 956 k~j.A\J".) ABaeseON Nap # / 7~ 0"3 ..::2 7:J ..) Subdivision: K:.."J-1fJf4-y R".+ Qo_"'er:~+ A:J . ~-40...;;-fl. Add:oes:;: City: n n M n '/"''.J Add-=' ticn Remodel .'100-:' to'! !Jam:) /~/n'/f? ::L Date of Applicaticn ,,'ont"l'acrors nIJj~J~ Iff;) SPRINGFIELD T= [,at # -:<nn M ~ 81#eK ~ Pr..ane: to/),(o- (l) SZ7/ I Zi?: -tD Va,ue J;~.:?~ Addres3 General : Plumbing J(;,~r" /I), 5';-~,;rlt> i Electrical 0 ,C4!./ - hft:/.:,<!!. '" 14//1">1 I N6char.ic=1 . I Const1"'..lcti011 l.::naer , ~- ~/". +,.IL. __ .'?ccei,t' L ~ (n() Jt:;;1./ ~~ , "4id/ Sicr:ed: _ ./ bA/a./ Date: J. (.iac. # E~ir~s Phon~ ;;r-;A'l''''+; p,J ~Hj]. Your City" OeGigr~tcd Job Number I3: D IN5ULAT!ON/VltPO.9. 2.4FiRIER INSpr;;C'!'IClI: To be made after all insu.Z,:;;tum WA raauired vapOr' carriers are in oZace but l;ejore any lath, gypswn bcm.c or wZZ covering is C?pZied, ar.d before any in.suu:.tion is concealed., l~ is ~hB respono'ibitityof ths permit holder :0 aee ~hat al.z. incpec:t1.on.s are :;-:ade at :he propel' :Un':, that ~ch ::ddress is rea.::a.;Ze from the street, and that the pcrr.tit axrd is 't.xated at th6 l:rcn.t of the ;;ropert;y. 43ui!di1"..g J:.lJi=:.or: appl'ot:ed pl.cn shc.l.Z remain on the &..:.Zdin.g S~t$ at aZZ times. 'p"'!OC~DURE .:oaR J!!E~7I'I(?'" .i?E~Uf.5:::CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr.ated job n:.o;:ber, JOO cu:.c.rcss, type of ir.:>?ecticn r~questcd a:o-.4 when you ~z.z. be :oeady lor> inspection, Contractors or (Jt.:ner-s r.cme cr..d f;...one numhcr. Reques~s received cefcr~ 7:00 c::z :..'ilt be made tru; same dt:.y~ requests mc.de aft;;:t> 7:00 a-n /Jill. be made the rn::xt :.JOI'kinq.day. ~pq;Ji~p~ r~~~p~t{r.~~ O SITEI:1S?=r::':ON: To be trade excavation, bu: prior to set forms. ' o after up of UNDERsr;..;a ?Ll.1:.rEI,VG. E'U:C7'.~ICAL ~ ,~.'ECr.'A"JrC-1.~: To oe ",.ade oef'o1'+3 work is ':O"wlcred. o FCOTT?IG ~ FOl./NDAT.-C:l:: To be rrruie after ~renches are e=c~;)ated and forms are erected, but proior eo pouring cencre t~. D UND~G.o/)lj"!D ?~[jU!3!:\'G." Sr'.I2R. ;J.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be rr:a.::.e, pr-;OI' ~o fiL- Ur..g crer.cr..ez. o WlDE.f?FWOR ['UJ....'BI,'lG ~ _...,~CHA.VICAL.. To ce ma.tie oriel' ~o in3taLiacion of noel' insu~::ion or decking. POST A,'JD 3EAU: To be I "'.aCe pr-ior to ins::alk:cicn at [loor il".8tola-:icn or decki,,". o [RJ RO'-'GH ?Llp,iBI.'JG. ?!.EC'TF!!CA!.. ~ So ~OI'k :3 :;j be co~erea unci 1. ;~cs~ :n.J=ec:~ior.s hav~ .;eer. mttde c:r.d '=Ppr:1:Je.:. I Fr::~S?!.ACE..~ Prior to ;:l.c.c:il".g .~4ac-";ng mc:t:eria Ls and before trar.riI".I} inspec- tior.. o ~ F.t?A.'~I.'IC: ,'.fu:Jt,:,e req-..woted alter approv~L of rough pZ~~ing, eZectri- cal. & mec;..ani.:a.Z. ALZ: roof-:.r..g braC"~7'.g ~ c:himneys, at.:. ,r.~St be . compZeted. .'10 'Wrk is', to b~ con- . csai-ed ur.:il ;his ir:soec:icn r.as . boen mad.e end approt.'sdi any o D.r?Y''';ALL INSP~CTIC,V: Tc be r.'.ade after aLL dry~aLZ is in place, but prior to any :aping. 'X'2-2~W DEMOLITION OR ;~:Ov::: 3UILDTi/GS ~ Sani tal'"'j S8"';eI' ::::r;:ped :::t p~::lpcrt-:i tine :==J Septi~ tank ~~~cc ~~ f~ZZa~ ~~th ET:::~e: I PinaZ - r{hen 6':1.16 ~::e.~s a:!'e cc.~Zetec ---1 and ~hen i~Litior. is c~Z€te or s~~~~- ~-e ~oved ar~ pr~;sas ::Ze~ed up. Mobile ::cmes o ,~SOYRY: St~e! Zocation, cond oeams, grou~inq or uertic~l8 in accordance ~;th U.E.C. Section 2415. :::J BLocking and Sat-~p :::J PZ~T~ir.g connecci~r.s s~er cr~ WC=2P :::J ELectrical Ccnr.ec:ion - BLocki7'~, 8et-u~ and p~umoing connections ~~st t~ ap?~~~€c before requesting e!ec:~cal inspec:io~ ., 'c-e"''''''' .. 3,,~'~':~''':a --l.... ~ """"';:1 ........_~"... I Fina. 1. - k~tcr :-:1rci:es, ~ etc. are ;~plat~d. s/c..!'t-:.Ylf, d.ec~:.s. o ;"'OODS'!'07E: Aftar installation is cc,-:rp Ze t~d'. D ALL projec: condi;ions, ~uc:~ as the ins:alZa:icn ::If street =r~es. ~~~le:~~n of the required 7...andscc:;r;r.g, etc., .7!Ust be sa::'Ef~ad be/ore the aUI!.DI::C :[.:',4L :::'an ::e rat.jU:as:.zd. '" -:' ~. fINAL PLU;,.f8I.'JG D. FIilAL HEcHA:1ICAL Qg. FI:IAr; E!.EC':RIC/.:" ,0 ([) PI~AL aUILDIYG: The Final BuiLding Ir:s?6ction ,~t be requested ~fter the :~7'~l ?l~bir~ Electrical., and .'.!ec;.,a;':icc:i Inspectiono ;..avc been mace ar.c :::ppr~l)2d.. D CUPB & APPROACH AP.r::ON: Alte:- f'orms ere 2recr;~d. Ol.J.t pt....:or to pc-..lring .zoncrete. SID!WALK & DRr'.'Efv'A?: For aZZ CC71- crete paving wir;hin street right- of-way, to be made atter aZ?.. e:::cc'- lJatina ccxrrviete & for':;'! !.X>rk & :;ub- base ,:;'.a.teM:aZ -in ?Lace. ~AU MANHCE2S AND CLEANOUTS .'lUST BE AC~ESEla:"E. A.DtnlS::-':!E.y TO 32 :.:'.-lDE :!T !:O ::-5': T'J cr:'"! I :l....~e or".2 o o :!NCE: Wher. COmplot2 -- Provide gates or movabZe 3ections through P.U.E. o II!>. ..... ~- ,- /.~I I~.~I. 1"0. . -- i C.'iAflGE i ~flR~ 15:-1 ~ . I I I IS-I .~C I /S"7'~1 . I i JOB I ! :C"":l?: NO'6Z.UW I Lot Sq. Ft;;. I ~ :;{ ~: ~JlJe1'c:.q.:: : f! of .:....Or'~e8 I. ,.... l ~ota... .:J1.cn:: I - Topography r:'E.'-1 I SQ .FTC ,1"",;" l~~c,;! i ! C..Ir:'~l':: I. I :tc:::eS3~r'J i I 1~~t.1 I 7'OT,tG :'AI-!J! Is.D.c. 1.5 :: \:)(:.:":"';;J e::i!ding ?~;t State Surcn:::!'ge To~Z Cr.a.-ge3 11':::.'1 1:~~...u"e8 !aesidentiaL (1 bath) 1,'10. I / i Sc:nitar-'j Se:.Jer I ;';a~e!' IbPI7..o.wL ~I 1 Plwnb-ing Pem:"; t Stata Surcr.a:roge Tata! cr.c:t'ces II:Dt i .qes. Sa. f'ta. 1.v~/E:1:tend Circu.i ts I Tempcrc:ry SaMes Ele:::trica! Pe~t St.::.te Surcharce Total C'rl1I!'ces ,--_., :.aae :!TU'S I E::haus t Hood I Vent Pan 1 . I ;;~dsto-.;e ;:C,I I I Pe!"mit I38Uan.Ca Me::;..anic::l P~t \ Stat,,- Surehc:rae Tt?=c.l crcr~t!3 -- ~:IC:~CACE:.~:!T -- Is '~D " I eC".tI""~ ~lJ e=:103t... I Storaae I ,'~interter~e I D " . a1'r.t"..... I I CurbC".t:: !S;d=Z;' I. t ..e~e 1 EZ.?c::r:.caZ , ! .\fabiLe H~e TotaL C"flC1''7CS !ebe! 1'0'7" r "!OU'~ DU'" . .n.. ",'. ,;J. ..... SOLAR tlIESS CCC".l::anc".J Grou=,: LeT '1"!?E Ir:tericr Corner' Pcnhandle C"..Il-de-sac x Value I I I I I Z::l,..c j "'" I :Z~:l~ I I I. /tfJ,,!- - I 'I./~ I /1.18./6 I. CP.ARGS :2 57 cae:> :'':'':> CHARCS - lb(/}' ~ P::.qe 2 ~ L-COG~ REQ.- T:roe/Cor.st: 3edr.,oms: I I 2nerau Sour~es I I Heat I I '-'ate'!' _:Jt.?c~:n' I i Ranqe I I FireD lace I I Waoci:J:o:;e II T;;~e I r.ot Faces . I I 0' t1or1;h lEast Sm:.th [West Setbacks I ,~'OU8e I Caraoe I Aacess, Pus Building Value & Permit This permit is gl'a7lted on the e--press aoruiitio71 that the s~iid. COrtstruc::-::071 shall, in all respects, aonfo~ to the Ordinar.ce adopted by tho :i.t~ ~f Sprir.g.f-:.eLd, ";rtc~uri~rtg the Zoning Crd:nanc8, req'.lZc.til~g tita con3<:":":I.::-::.;n arA use of buildir~s, and ~::.v C~ ~u$Der~ed or revokec at cr.~ time ~;or. ViCM lation o/-:rr.y ?r~Vi3ior.s of ;aiC Ord.~r'.ances. ~ I I Pla" Check Fe", -if.3 l. d.O Da," Pa-:.d: I Z-Q-'6"L IRec<';pt H: ISig:-:ed: Plumbing C'J-....,J Permit No person shall construct, instan, aZter or chango (;TlY l".8lJ cr e=istir.g plumbing 01' drainage syste:n in :.Jhole or in part, ur.less such Ferson is tr.o legal possessor of a valid plumaer's ticense~ ccop' tr.at a pe:-sol't ma~ do plumbing :.;ork to propert"d which is owned, laased or operated by tho appti- oant. Electrical Permi t Where State l.cJ.J l'equires tr.at the electrical 1J01'k be done. by an Electrical Contractol', .the electrical pOl'tior. of this permit shall not be valid untU the label ha.s been signed by the ElectricaZ ~ontractor. I I I I I I I I I I. I Mechanical Permit ~~net--~ 1<'~C-B'2.. /..'at6 I I I. I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED t,t...e complatad cpp~icatiol't ,for permit, end do hereby certify that atz i~fo~at~on hereon is true ar~ correa:, ar~ I f.a'~her cer~ily that any ar.d all :.:ork per!"omred ahall oe do:16 in accor- dance :.rith the O-rdin::mces of the City of Springfidd, and th~ La-..;a of tho State or~ Orecon Dzzot.::inwc to the /JOl'.i<: descri.bcd here.:,n, .:::r.c the: NO OCC:J- PJ./lCY wizz b~ rrr:zd.e of cnyVatruct:aoa witho...t ?errmiS3io~ of tho 3u.i!dir:g fJi. vision. I further ~el'tif~ tr~t O:1ZY ccntractors ar~ ~loyees lJr~ are in ca~pLiance with QRS ?Ol.0St wiLZ be used en this projzct 'L~f~ 5igr.ad /<<hl Jr. ~ . aa:4-'