HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-11-16 ,',.' , .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spring fie Zd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 .lob Location: q;;;~ L CJcHI9U FlU .)1 StJJdiviJicn: 17 03 ;')'7 KEPJ~RJJ9 PIIR1< AS.:iesGorz .\!ap .f "'."'er' /(f}/1J[)r,J ,J, :L~R~A,"<;EUR Add:-es3C 9ad LoeJlnoPfl) City: SP/(/IlJd, FieLD n fX1 n n SPRINGFlEl.O Tcz Lot # 0<;;:;00 Pr.one: 7'ifo -0778 Zip' 97W7 DesC!r-;be il'ork: Ac!d-:. ticn ,. ( It, )l I~ BEDRoom /Jf)f)I"'~ HnU- THRu EX.I.5T/I.J(; 8eDi1Cc./l-f' 'J",.,) R2mo.:e l .'~obi Z2 ,":lama ra=e 0]' AppLicaticn L:ont"rccr;ora il-C?- e;:) GeneraL PLumbing !l.ectricaL Nll:::h.ar.ic::L Oo1)OFJ(' j Co~strAct-:.~ L~n~der VaZue q, 03G ' COe:, 'F ,-'" Addres3 It is ths responoi'bili:y of' ehs perm-it hoZdsr ta 8se that aLZ irwpections are .-c:ade :rom thG street, and that' the pcrr:rit: card i.s t.xa:ed at the [l'011t of the property. .Bui!.di~4 i>i:Ji::io~ ap~rot;ed p!.an sr..=Zl I'Em'.ain on the Su:~Uiir!fl Sit~ at all timS8. '. RCC!2-:.pt ,iI. .5~4 ". Siqr.ed: Da1:e: ~LDV II-{ (""1/I\~ [,i$c.# Er:.ires Phon~ I j I at :he proper tim~~ that ~~ch ~es3 is re~:e ?70C~DURS .:'OR nlSP~[;1'IOH R!,QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) stat:e your City desigr.::z.ted J'ob nUMbel'~ job acc.rcss~ type of ir.3::lecticn _f'~~'~.~tcd :::.....::{ !Jhf.!!'l YOt~ :.:ilZ. be :,ccdy for ir...;pc.::ior." C,:mtoactors 0.' Oi...'ne~~s ,:c;ne czr.dpho/1e number'. .::equ~$ts receit:ed c~fcre' 1:00 c::'l :.'iLl be,made thE: same dc.y, l'e~est:s mede afte:r 7:00 ern tJiLl be made the /'tat :.;orkin; day. '?eaui.,....d l"1'tS'r'pctic"'!' O SITE I,'1S?=c:'!ON: 'i'Oloe lOO:ae excavation, bu: prier to set fOmls. o after up of UtlDERSLA3 ?!';::.fBI.'1G. 2!.EC7.=?IC,I! { "'.'ECHA,"!IC;'L: To be mGdti! bilfore work is .::otJcred. ~ roOTI:t'G ~ FOr.H1DAT:C:l: ':0 ee ,~e after trencnes ~rQ ezc~Jated ar~ fQZ"ms are erected, buz prior to pouring c::nc:'et~. U.VD~G:~Cfj.'!' P:'u,'.f2r::c. SE"FR, :.r.1TE'R, D.V.I:.',J,GF: :0 ae ~e p1"":"Q!" =0 fi~- Zir.g :re'r.cr.2z. ~, o UNDE.t!FWOR !'!iJ....'9I:IC 4' X::CHA,V!C:'L: To be m---....d8 prier :0 in3:aLZar;ion of j7.oor insuk:ion or decking. paST AND 3EAN: To:'?e rr:adc pr-:"Ol" -;c insral.l..2r;icn of floor, ir.3I.O.:.a:-icr. 01' deekin<; , ~ 00 o :~C~IC.;" ?!'[r.~ET_'lG. _:'!.E~.'f?!CA!. ,~ 'EC.q- AHICA!.,. :;0 :Jor;': i,3 ::0 :;c COL.'erea ur.:il. ;~cs~ ~r~Dec;ior.s ~U~ ~eer. made ard=?pr~~~=. PI:~::?L;'C2: mor:.o pl.acir.g !~c-:.r:.g mc:ar-:"aZs and betore frcr.rir.g inspec- tior.. 00 PRA.'~T:lr;: ,~3t: ~e :oerf.i..e:Jted af";ar approlJ.:;l of !'ou.gh plw:-.birtg, .L.ectr":"- cal $ mecr.ani..::aZ. AU roof-:.r.g bracing ~ cfl'i,'1trt{;ys, et.=. .~~3r be ,comvle:cd. Yo '~rk is to b~ con- . cea"Zf3d :.o::;il :;hio ir:.d6ec:icn r4S . b6~ mad. O'ld aP?1'OL.'ed. Your City'Deoigr~ted Job lVumber 10: [!J INSULATION/VI\POR BARRIER INSP::CTION: To be made after all inS"~ lati.?n o:'.d rocr.4.ired vapOI' bCU'1'iers ae in place but before any lath, flYpsum beard or z.xzt.z covering is c:pp'lied, ar.d before any insulation is concealed. '8'2. z.. 44-0 I DEUOLITIOH OR :.:OVE'; 3UILDIiiGS ~ Sani~d Se"..Je!' ~ap?ed ::t ~::lP~I't":1' Line ~ Septi.:! tank P""'7ed 2:-ui. ~,;':,lZ.d 1.Jith ~a::;ez. :J Final - [fher. r;:bcve ite~s are ac..~r)ie;ed and ~hen d~l:,:ior. is c~ia~e 01' s~~~.:!- ture moved ar.c pr~3es cle,:zned up. I .'.Jobi la F.c.".':es :::J 3Z.ockir~ and Se:-~p :::J Plwr.bin:; a071nec:;:,Q7:s BaJar c:r.d water :::J Electrical Ccnnect"':on - Blockil'.a, set-u~ and p'i.umbing c:mr.ections r.r..:.st =~ a?.??"o::ei before requesting ~!ec=~:"cal ins?ec";io~ ~ Accesso. u' Buitd:!.ng :J Final - A~t~r ~o~cr.e8, etc. are ~~pl2=~d. Slc:.r::.nq, decb, eny [(l o DH~HAL[' INSP::CTION: Tc be r.:ade af';er aU ar:;llJaZl is in place, but pl:-iot' to c::;!y taping. iotASO.'fRY: Steel , -' 02am.3;, grou. _ tng accordance !Ji th 241~. location, bond or verticaZs in U.B.C. Section o All c~oject conditions, auc~ as the ins:a~lation of 5t~eet :rees, ~~~Zat~on of :~ required landsccpir.g, etc., must be sarisr"i.ad belore tr.2 3UI!.Dr::C :-r::;:.L ~an ;;e r~qu.S!s:;.:1d. O. FINAl. PI.U:.fBI:IO D. FI:IA!. ;'.!E~P.:':IIC..1L iKl FI.'1AL E!.ZC:RIC;':' 1,=::1 @ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection ,~st be requeatec. ~fter the :ir~l Pl~binq Electrical, and Necha~~ccl ir.specrions have been made ar~ apprcv€d. o 'iiOODS'!'O'fF.: Aftel' installation ~8 cc.-:rpl.eto;d. .ALC NA~'/HCr.GS AND CLEANOUTS NUS':' BE .4CCESSIBLc, ADJUS':.'!2::T TO BZ ,'.!.1Dc i!T !fO :.~:S'i" TO CI'::I I ?'=?2 of 2 D CURB & .4PPROACH .4P.'~ON: Alta:o forms are 8re:::ted but pr":"or to PCU1""';ng .;::oncrete. SIV:YALi{ & DRn'EWAY: For all con- crere paving wirhin street right- Ol~~Fj, to ~c made ..alter' a?! e:::c9- ~at~na ~omv'e:e & ;o~ ~rK & =uo- base ,;'.ater;al in pl.a:::e. D D ?ENCE: ~er:. ca~l~te -- Provide gates or .~vable' a8ctions through P.U.S. D I JOB NO. 8'~.4.4{) SOLAR .CESS REQ~=qe 2 ! Zcna: R. - L CC~J.=a11C".J Gro-..t=:: I<. -3 ILot Sq. reg. q IfltJ LOT TY?, I ;",t ,aces - I~ '~ ::t ~""mg" n% -X.. Ir.terior : P.;,. ",!- oJ .:...or:.es I Corne:" ]1I01'';i1 I Tota Z Heigh: Panhandle 'lEas;; I . ~ i4 SO'...:h I Topogra?I'lY ~V&L. C'.Jl-ae-saa l;';est :2e5 IIT~~ SQ.FTG I X ;;.S(, 13S.],D I I Main l'J.=!tx~ I I C:zr=-cr't I. f ...Ic.::essor'j TOTAL ~'AL["S IS.D.C. I rlJc/.uo;) 1.5 = Zuilding ?tmr.";: State SurahJI"f!e TO:at (;}-.a..-ge3 I [':'=''4 FL-t"'..u'es 'NO. I Re~identiat (1 bath) I Scr.it.::zr"":1 SetJet' I :Jc:~2.." I Pl.:J1TIbing Pem t Stata SW"cr.arge TctaZ C'tlC.raes II!EN 'R~s. Sa. rta. I N~/Ertend Ciroc:ui ts I Temporary Servic~ 1",0. i ,;l. :::;-1:' Ele~trical Pe~t S~te Surcharoe Total. C'fUl.!'c:es I;Z.V ,....c. I I I I I ;::;'1:' .:':Lrr..::ce ETU' 5 E=r.a:.:.8t Hood I Vent Fan. I . I iI:;oasto:;e Pam; I3su:::nca Mec;..artic:zl Perr.ri. t State. Surc1u::rae "'t'"J~c1.. C"f"C'J"-:r~!t I IS . D . I Be-oJ!"'!. t"J 20031. t I Stor-:zqe 1/1aintenc:r.ae I" '. . a1'm't... I -- ~:;CRCACH}[;:.'':' Total C"nar"u!s I Cur,,,,,,: I Side.Ja l.< ! ,en.::e I EZ.ac=t'uaZ , ! ,\fobi La Heme !c.1;el I TOTAL ANOU,'lT aUf:: " q.v~z~e".J I I I I q~g~.~d #A. j, ~~A. .00 I ~,{)g SJ.f.IJ' CHARGZ C,l.A.=fCi I I J.~,. I /5.08 I ,(,01 /S"." e./ ' CHARGE ;VA. .20 r to 1. <'tr . L-COG~ T":;oe/Cor.st:~- .N 3eaz."or.:s: N/JI!:rH Setbacks I H::; r I CarG~e 'Aocess. q.A" I 7i1' I S"~" I I 2nerau Sou.l'~es I I .'ieat j J :.tater' 1!p.17~:?"f' I I Range 1 I ::.!'eolc.ce 1 I 'Nooa:; to:;03 II Iu::e ;e::' ~ EiY'. Building Value )(" & Perm i t This perr.tit itJ granted on the e:=pres8 condition that the sfiid. constl""...tc:::.on sha~Z, in aZl respects, confc~ to the Ordinar.ce ~dopted by the Cit~ of S:Jrir.cf':.eZd. iY'.c!:.<d:.ng ;;.:e Zon-:.r.G Crdir.anc8, l"ea-..tl.c.tir.g the ccn.n:>:l':::'cr. ~d ~;~ of buiZdi.,.~s. and m~y b~~ Ju:;pended or revoked at cr.~ t::~e u;~r. vie. Zation of any ?l"~Vi3ions of said Ordir~ces. , Plumbing I, ..J1> J~ .1..00 ii~9-i'Z, ~95S- ~.L ./ Permit I Plan Check Fee: Cate Paid: IRec,':?" #: IS::g,:ed: lIo person shell C07!struct. instaL!.. a!ter or char.ge any r.elJ Ol" e=:.s::ir.a plumDing Or' drainage system in ~hole Ol" in part. unless such ~erson is the Legal ?ossessol" of a vaLid pLumcer's license. e:ce?c tr~t a pe~son ma~ do plumbing ~ork to pr'opert-d lJhich is OlJmed.. l~as~d Or' opcrc:ted by en6 appli- cant. I I, . Electrical Permit ;l -,lhere State U:LJl"equi2'es ir.ac "the 6Z.~ctl~~c:a.L"lJOrk '06 done by an !Zeaeriea~ Contractor'. t1uJ electrical pOl"tion of this permit shall not bt3 valid ur.tiL ths label has b~en. signed by the Electrical ~ontractol", Mechanical Permit 42. p ~an Z=.........7rz.ner \ / /-/S' - 8":z.. t..'a;a , ' I 1 I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.~INED t.lul aomplatsd ::pplicacion for pel'm";c. c;nd do her'eby certify chat all i:-:fo:omatO::on her'eon is trua ar.d cOr'':''cct. ar..:i I f..a'-:her cezotiiy that any ar.d all t.:ork ;erfo~ed shaU be do:-:e i:-: ac~or- dance ~th ~e Ordin:::nces of ~h€ City of Springficl.d. and tit~ Lc"":$ of th3 State of Ol"ea~n ozr~inina to the WOl"k described herein. cr~ :ha~ NO OCCU- ?/;!JCY ~ll oa IIt:1de of c:ny~ structUI'a 1Jithou:: pamissio.'t of the Building D:.- vision. I further' ~ertif~ tr~t o:'1ly ccntroaatOl"G and ~~yees ~ho erg in ~pZiance IJith ORS 701.05E will be used on this projzct /I-)~-B~ Da:e