HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-3-2 rl .. RESIQ.ENTlAL" -: APPLI.ON/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 :yJ,vA- h''7XJ!1/L , 3' g (;, LcchK/u(/V1 A(/~ viI+- \ () tr2>m~4 Tax l<>t H i od1Av-e-t St..<hj,,j,-,~ Job Location: ASGesGol'S ~p N Subdivision: 1-01' J//40&w ;;).... \3Wc... 1 CWner: U-rJU.)i/-eN! I/qc; JJ P>>,A.# -aL5=. 7e.iUl..>1 'i1f",~ " Phone: &'1'15- 'i1}-3 97,/0 )- . Describe rY\ l> b . l-c: - lcbv,e -S<-+ Uf" Addition QOtJCI"e-:.Le S'h-~s, - RemodB! ~.L:-~d?-' ~ ~Q;I fee"" OJ Value $- I ctOt&."~ , Contractors Address -~iRC.' . General ER-I-'iof' Ii ~j <..1.'790 /VlON!-l7L... "'lj. i Plumbing c!Av-w';"" Pk"'~"",""?/-..-h /.:'...~ I Hechanical S L-,., hU/tA5hJ I E~"ctrical aKJ-.L&11 ~ J;;),6 CP,.pi R<f'Y I S(lPelivi""a.pg Electr~cian /( ,,~~ 1::~A-,,1.I~ CflJ<"'-,_S It is the responsibility of the permit\noLdel' to 8e8 that all inspections are made at from the 8tre8t~ and that, the permit oard is ~ated at the front of the property. .Bui~ding Divi~io~ approved pLan, shaLt remain on the Building Sit$ at atl times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (~ecorder) state your city designated job num:ber~ job addre88~ type of in3pecticn requested and when you wi~~ be ready for inspection~ Contractors or OWners name and phone number. Requests ~eceived before 7:00 ~ will bB made the same daY,! requestB made,_ a(ta' 7:00 _am will be made the next workirt;j daY/1 _ _ LI {4 _ ' your City Decigr.ated Job Number Is: '1 ()()U Addre8s: City: t:U4 t'1Ve... I (] r. V · In o o n Nm,) ,'.lobi le Homa Bldrs Board 4/l./q-; Date of Application RIUlvfr:&?n T'.:~n&?f!t.1:r,n.q 0: BTTE INSPECTION: To, be made after exoavation, but prior to set up of forms. O : UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & - MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. ~OTING & FOUNOATION: To be made ~ ~fter trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to pouring concrete. I . rY1/.VDSRGROUND PLUMl3ING,~ SSWER. W.1TE,~ ~. DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- }ir.g trenches. o UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation' of 11001' insulation or decking. . POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaL~ation of floo~ insulation or decking. ROUGH PLUMBING. ETBCTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered .until these inspectiOns have been made and appl'ovei!. . FIREPLACE: Pl'ior to placir.g facing materials and bsfore,fl'aming inspec- tion. D FRAJ1ING~ Must be requeated aftel' appl'oval of l'ough plUmbing, electl'i- cal & mechanical. AU roofing . bl'acing 8 chimneys, et.::. l11'.l.st be 'completed. No work is to be con- .: cealed until thin inspection haB ~ be~n made and approv,ed. o D D Zip: fl'ork: , ;20- ri./;4 '-$ ~ ~o 5'25 00. I Rcce:pt ,~ /((7/ UJ I -0 INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be rmde after aU insulation ar.d ~ I. raquired vapor barriers a:re in place . . but before any lath~, gypsum board 01' liXlU covering is appUed3 and befol'e pny insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. O. MASONRY:' Steel location~ bona I beam3~ grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. . 0 WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmplet~d. o o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Aftezo forms are erected but prior to pouring COMl'ete. ...~ ~~ Siqr:ed: Date: Hrn. )~:l- - O~!-J( . ~iDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- L--J crete paving within stl'eet right- . .of-/iXZ.Y~ to be made aftel' aU exca- vating complete & form work & sub- , base material in place. o o , PENCE: fI'hen compl,;te -- Pl'ovide. gates or movable se?tions through P.U.E. Rc.sz. Exp'iX'es .J..-2-9/ I I I I - .,.- Pnnnp .J. 393.Jf t'.:xC. x-gc,<.I 7t.t7_Z$bO. the proper tim~~ that each addrsss is readabte , DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sanitary setJel' capped at p:,opert'::j Zir:.e :J Septia tank pumped and fille~ with gra~el ] Final - frhen above ite,'7Is are completed ar~ when demolition is complete or 8tru~- ture moved and premiaes cleaned up. 'Nobile Homes wlOCking and Set-up ~Zumbing co~nections -- sewer and water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~nd plumbing connections m".l.st 1;e approved . before l'equesting elec~rical in8pectio~ ~ Acaessol'':i, Buil.di~ "--,.Lz' - Aft~r p:Jl'ches~ ~~t~~-are complet~d. .- skirting, decks, D All project conditions~ such as the installation of stl'eet trees, co~lotion of the , required land8capir.g~ ~tc., must be satisfied befol'e the BUILDING FINAL can be l'equestad. ~FINAL. BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeoted after the Final PZumbing o .Electl'ical, and Mechar.ical Inspectim18 have been made and approved. r o FIliAL PLUMBING D FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTlIENT TO BE }.fADE AT NO COST TO CITY : i.) \ I Page 1 of 2 J I JOB No.YP1JJ.)\4 SOLAR ACCESS I Zona: OccuvanC1! Group: . Lot Sq. Ftg. roT TYPE ~ of lot C:Jvel'ag~ Interior> N of Stories Cornel' Total Height Panhandle Topography CUI-de-saa I lITEM lM::zin I CaPaae I CarVOl't x Value fQfY)L() I SQ.FTG ACCeS801't{ ,Q YJV) TOTAL VAWE Is.D.c. 1.5 x (va:::-'''''J!J'6(j(() I I ,'2j+!J .011. , L\L\ .m I 6).~~1 4\D.L~ ,. I CHARGE \ "S .CD I 1c:1nnO I 110.()Q J t&n Dc) 1 i(\() ro I 1~.S61 ~ 3, so ,. CHARGE I l ~,CO Building Permit State Sla'charge Total Char-gss lITEM f,-:,,'''W m~. IRssidential r; bath) l Sani taPy Sewer I,:t~m NO. FEE I I _I Plwnbing Permi t State Surcr.apge Total Chal'Q8S lITEM I L 3-. ,"""- \ ,\ 1-\ /NJW/Extend Circuits NO., I I I 1100~ I 1,"~n.UU I I [.":)0 [3j . 30 FEE TJ~PJD~f) -D Ele~tl'iaal Permit State Sur:::harqe Total CharQ8S lITEM I Furnace BTU' S I ExMuS t Hood I Vent Fan I WaodStOV8 I NO. FEE CHARGE Permit Issuance Me~haniaal Per>mit I I q,J I. State Surcharae Total Charae8 -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SecuHty Deposit I Stor~6 I Maint~e I Pennit I I Curb",," I Sid_ lk I Fenas I E1.eotroioa 1. Labe 1. I I I:M. !\.... . IACf.fl=\ .... 0, ~\~l.t~3~O/ 11'5. rJ~ .',., . . 00!Q II B.ll:=-' I I'FOTAL AMOUNT DUF.:' (P/~.81 . ~', :-> \\1 ",;. Tota1. ChaNcs \1}'/ I \\lO-J \ \ YlJ Page 2 , REQ.- L-COG-l',; .. Bed1'ooms: I ~eroqF Souroes II Heat l I Watero Hp-atero I I Range j I FireD laoe I I Woods to"e II TIlDe Type/Canst: I Lot Faaes - I Setbaaks I P.L. I House Caroage I Access. INopth lEast ISouth IWest Fees Building Value & Permit This pernrit iD granted on the 6%pl'S8S oondition that tJui said constrruotion shalZ~ in all respeots3 oonform to the ordinanoe adopted by ths City of SpPingfield3 including the Zoning ~inance~ regulating the oonstruction and use of buildings3 and m~y be sUDpended Or' revoked at cny time upon vie- lation of any provisions of said Orodinances. IPlan Cheak Fee: .\ . IDate Paid: . IR~adpt D: \\ Q(j IS<gned: Plumbing Permit No person Dhall oonstT'Uot3 inetalt3 alter 01' change any new Cr' existing plumbing Or' drainage 8yste~ in whole Or' in part3 unless such psroBon is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license~ except that a person may do plumbing tJOrk to property which is O1Jned3 leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Perm it Where State Law requires tr~t the eleotrical worok be done by an Electr'ical Contractor3 the electrioal portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label hae been signed by the Eleot1'ical Contractor'. . Mechanical Permit \~i~nlp ) : ~.S. Lq) va.e 1 I. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the oompleted application for' pernrit3 and do hereby certify that atl information hereon is true and corroect3 and I further certify that an.y ar.d aU work perfom/ed shall be done in accor- dance :.nth the Ordinances of the City of SpI'ingficld3 and thz Ur.J8 of tho State of Oreg"n per'taining to the work described herein3 and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rode of any stT'Uctura without pe1'mission of the Building Di- vision. I fUr'ther certifY that ~ly contractor'8 and enployees who are in aampliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this pr'ojeot '.!l o '2.. nV OO""l\.d -,~_~-9D Date ~,~QJ\O Signad