HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-7-19 (2) " I ..~ 'I?: .,. RESID~TIAl'. - APPLICATI~PERM1T 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregan <J71J7? ~uilding Division 726-,~753 N"",' fY\o\E).lst \;lv.~ ErG ' ~escribe .'ork: , ' ,~, .2t~'-I'f Addition ~ ,<;;,.,J-...VVJV:J, ,", RemodeZ ~,<;;' ~ plt;r P Ifw.. f) ~:1lj).,q 0 VaZus 'Dats of Application Contractors Addres~ ,GeneralPaM'''t"4-~''>. 4 'i''io i Plumbing(ir*""t9:.v l..........blM.( 3(,..77 I Hechanical , S u,-t' '!:In ~ -t- !El,ectri.!:alRaJl.iJI1,AYaWVl 1.2?o w. -J&JY I Supe,",,~1g Electrician-X:::::<<rl'_""A ~~/L;A <7 r,le~ <: It is ths responsibility of'ths perrrl.t ho~ to see t~t aU inspeetwns are" made at the proper timE:J t1-.at each :;dd:r888 is readabLe 11'OIn ths street, and that the permit card is 'Located at the f:t'Ont of the property. -Bui!.di!1g [}t;vi::ior: approved, Fz.an~ B,haU remain on thE Building sit:; at aU times. _ II PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nwnbel', job addIocss, type 0/ i7l.3pec~icn 1"oqucstcd ar.d when you J.JiL"L be ready f01" inspection, Contractors or O/Jners name and phone number. Requests received befere 7:00 am ,'ilZ ~e, made the same day, ,requests mad~ after 7:00 am lJiZZ be made ths next working day,. 00 n '! , " , Your City Desir;r.ated Job Nwnber Is: q()() D D / ~J1:":.P.1 T'.1RQ"''1H.~Jt 0, SITT:: INSPT::CTION: To be "",de after e:r:cavation, but prior ,to Bet up of , forms. O :'UNDT::RSLAB PLUMBING, T::LECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be mad.e before any . LJOl'k is aovcred. Job Location: ASGeBaorS' Map # Subdivision: {).mer: J-.".M()~.v PR'rf,J/~/).,S Address: IJqq AJ,"ti./J.l-f City: FU4 f"tV.IL- J:. .i' ( · 'i n n n n Mobile Hom3 ,.,' Phons: /b <&'& ~ '1/.2.3 Zip: q "]'to ~ tJ~ 'l,146~(J tIIl,--, SF/6 l~;~% '- eRCcdPt ,~ \'1 ) ,<.....,( ) " ~ / &L --', \~;oJ, ~ Date! n - \0{ -C{() EXO:!..Y'es Pl,o.np t. g b-'-1J'l56 f' 7f,J?".'ls/)O Bldrs Board Re~, '.,Li~c. II h1a>'tr' &.- t:.A- ...~ IF A"y'1'7 , ,;(.:<q~-, p '-MI ,;2.""'~,,1 (3c.:/9'fSS O INSULATION/VAP08 BARRIT::R INSPT::CTION: To be made after all. insu'k:twn ar.d ' '. ; . requi.red vapor ciI!'1'iers are in place 1 {.. : ~ but before any lath, gypsum boa:rd 01' " :' , ' wU covering is applied, and befol'6' '". _~ / ': ' -'.~Y i~ulat~ is concealed. j"'" rc;::l' FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made ' '0 DRYWALL INSPT::CTION: Tc be mads L..=J after trenches are excavated 'and after aU drywall is in place, , forms are erected, but prior to :, but prior to c:ny taping. . . pouring ccneret~. '. .,.,.' ~DERGROUND PLUMBING; SEWER. 'W.4TE& lk)' D~'?AIflAGE: To be nnie prior to fiZ- ,7.ir.g trenehss. 0,' UNDT::RFWOR PLUMB TNn ~ MT::CHANICAL: , To be ma.d6 prior-- to inataU.ation of [1.001' insul.ation 01' de,eking. O POST AND BEAM: To be mad. prior to instaHation of [loOl" insulation Ol" , ,u,ckil'l{;, O ROUCH PLUHBIllG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to' be covered . ~ur.tiZ these inspections have beer. made and approved. - FIRT::PLACT::: Prior to P 7.acir-fl far:ri.ng materiaZs and before framing inspec- tior.. D o FRARING: Must be requeoted after approv,:zZ of rough pZwr.bing~ electri- caZ & mecMnwal. AZZ.~, roofing bracing & chimncys~ etc:. , nT'..lst be :' completed. flo work is to be con- .......,cealed until thio inspection has :" be,,:n made and approved. O MASONRY: Steel location~ bo1u1 beam:J~ grouting 01' verticaLB in aacord.ancs r.n.th U.B.C. Section Z415, O WOODSTOVE: After installation is compZeted. . [:l...-cURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms -'E!] are erec:ted but prior to pouring " ,C07lCrets. , r:j..-SiDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all ~on- . L:.J crete paving within street right- " of-ux:.y~ to be made after an exca- vating complete & form work & sub- 'base'11rlterial in pZaae. ,34""_~ . DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDIilGS =:J Sani-:.a:ry sewer c:apped at v:..opcrt'~ l.ir:e :=J Septi:1 tank p'.$!p~d cmd fil'Le~ lJith ara~e7. :J Pinal - rlhen abovs items aI'e ce:rrpleted ar.d when demolitior. is ccmplete or 8tT'U~- I ture moved and premises c:leaned up. Mobi le Hemes ~BlOcking and Sat-~p 3Plumbing connections -- SaJer and lJater -:I.Electrical Connection - Blocking~ set-up .J:::::f and plumbing connections rTl'.,;st ce approved . before requesting eLectrical in8pectio~ ~ Acc:essory Sui ~~ng ..'..' ~inaZ. - Aft:!'!' ~p:rc1:eR~ skirting~ decks~ ~ etc. are camp~e~~d. O PENCE: When co.-rrplete -- Provide. gates 01' movable sections through 0 P,U,F;, 8~ 1N-eAY(3) All project conditio71B~ such as the instalLation of st~eet trees~ c~~lction of tns required la.ndscapi,...g~ etc. ~ must be satiSfied before the BUILDING FINAL aan be requested. o FIlIAL PLUMBIIIG o FINAL MECHANICAL o FlNAL T::LECTRICAL o o FINAL BUILDING: The FinaZ Building Inspection must be requeoted after the Final PZumbin; Electl'ical~ and Mechar.ic~l Inspectiona have been made and approved. ::' "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE~ ADJUST/tENT TO BE MA.DE ~T N~ COST ~O CITY I Page 1 of 2 r:::.ga G I JOB NO. C/I)()ggl} SOLAR ACC~SS REQ,- I Zona: \ \JV ~ Oaaupana" G~ ~ ~ Lot Sq, Ft;;. WT TYPE S of lot C:J1}erag& ,/ Interior fI of Stories:\ Corner Total Height PanhandLe Topography CUt-de-sac I ITEM SQ, FTG X 1_ {'(\ \4 GaraaB Carport I Acces80ru ~ I I \~ TOTAL VALUE IS,D,C. (1)Cl,UC) 1.5 = Building Permit State Sla'charge Tota~ Cha.~gaa lITEM I Fi.rturBa 1 Raaidentia~ (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer NO. FEE Wcte1' .1%1211\ , P~UJl!bing Permi t State Surcr.moge Total CharQes ITEM /10'1 ~u~_ N""'/E,rt~ ~ittts~' 1 I Temporary Service ~I -1~.~~a:::~ pe~t I U State Suraharae Tota~ ChaPr;ee lITEM I Purnace !!TU' S I Ezhaust Hood I Vent Fan j WOodsttrJ6 I NO. FEE Permit Issuance Mechanical. pmm t Stato Surchar-oc Total Chart"''?" I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I See-olritu DzPOsit I Storage IMaint~e I Permit Total, CharacB I cUrbau; I Sidewa~k I Fen::e \~/ d,~"" Electl'ica l Label 1~i"Q '\ I - I TOTAL AMOU/lT DUE:' ~ ~w., L-COG~ .. Bedrooms: .~ ~ I EnerGu Sources F ~ ) I I ,~eat I j f"./ Watel' 9rwtp.1' i I i> Range I I '" Fi"Bp~aee :' I ,,. ,lIoodotove TtlDC . - "', 'TYPI:1/C:...r~Bt: Lot Fac~~ - P.L. f'lol'th E:ast South IWest Setbacks Houae Cara,!e I Ace"so. ,! .' I . . I -- Fees I ;;~5DD I ': 1 ' I /1L1. t.o I J ',' IXcSl410l I :D'73 j,,1. I c71,ft)1 (4){1 180Q<;{I: \;'~Co "I'" , , , , \ / - B':J_ilding Value & Per'mit .This pemt "is' granted on the ezpress condition'that the sdid constroction shall; in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, reguZating the construction and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said..ordir.iu:cel!'.' , ','. '<\~ , , \' ,'\ " '... :' \) \' ~' \ " "' I I IpZan Cheek Fee: ~:\ ------- ,'; Date Paid: ": . (\ , IReoeipt #: ~ ISign~ '\',' Pluri,bi~g'.~ermit" ' No pereon shaH constPUct, install, aZter\or change any new ar e-.-tsting plumbing or drainage system in whole or inlpart, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plwnber'8 license, e:rcept that a person may do plwnbing work to property which is cn.med, leased or operated by the appti- '..'cant. ~,"" ,<.... :." _,.;.ll~_"'~,'\' \., .', ~ '." y' \' i,' , ~ ~ I, i\.'~' d{),G9 l :5.00, IV"\'OU. lVJ, 17 (). Q(,.J ,'<) DO I '73.~ . I CHARGE \ 'S .00 \"iSpu , , , , . I , , - . " FEE Electrical Permi t Where State LabJ requires tr.at the eLecmca'L tJOrk be done by an ELe~tl'ieal. Cont1'Cletol'~ the eLectricaL portion of this permit shaU roOt be val.id until. the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. \"G qu ~~,O()I Q),9lSI ~. I I 1 I 1 I "" I J. CHARGE Mechanical Permit i :-'\1 I "loJl \~ .'1n .(}r6{:.{<::' lJ IalL ~~-f) J,~lY,.lj() I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the eomp~Btad app~ieation for pemt. and do hereby catify that all. i"lforomation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any am al1. work pel'foP.7led sha'Ll be done in aceor- dance :vith the Ordinances of the City of Spl'ingficl.d, and th;: Ur..Js of tho A State of Oreg~n p~rtaining to the lJOl'k described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will. be nnde of any structure UJithout parmissWn of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only cont1'actors ar.d ~l;)yee8 who al'B in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. ~.~ "31_~,..(1 -\~ .I~ I-"'f\, /"] " 5,as .\U:~ F.:J~ '-"1-/7-?v t) ')g.~ " . ~n2d I - Date '- ' , ... . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBUC WORKS METROPOUTAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 As required by the City .of Springfield Development Code, I understand tha t wi th the approval of the attached ~.elrmit~: O.f the following manufactured homes will be placed at M4l 0~'r\D..l 'f....(\ .J Springfield, Oregon, City Job Number ,,;\r:()'." n, and agree Class A Manufactured Home. A manufactured home of not less than 24 feet in width and 16% (not less than 2:12) roof pitch, with exterior dimensions enclosing a space of at least 960 square feet, with roofing and siding materials that are commonly used or compatible with site built homes. Class B Manufactured Home, A manufactured home of not less than 12 feet in width and 16% roof pitch; with exterior dimensions enclosing a space of not less than 500 square feet, with roofing and siding materials that are commonly used or compatible with site built homes. /?~- frg~a::re Ktc-0tv~ ~ . r;-L~-90 Date