HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-8-23 .. RESIO.nAL.' APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ----- - · ~ ~Sjg9 " ~ . --:~ Job Loaation: ~chaven. Sorinefield. OR ABGeBOO"" Map # 'Fiie 73, Slide 311 T= Lot # Block 1, wt 5 Subdivision: l..ochaven Q.mel': Oregon Developnent, Inc, 1010 Airport Rd. SE Phone: 926-1885 Addr-ess: City: Albany, OR UNm,} n Additicm n Remodel f"Xl I"" I Nobile Bama zip: 97321 -, - 1M4l6Fr tp. 8-20-8S" ~~- r- ,; Excavate Site Install stringers, sidewalk Parking pad & driveway 81(4<1" GhP~7"' Install House M~. ;~7SS. '- - ~""'r-rr -7"25':8S Value' c',' ,,', ,'.-' Add:r>ess rar. ~73.~" ,,~"'~* Date: ~,r ~~~7":f-Z..~ ;; Date of AppZication (.'ontl'act01'8 Describe II'ork: Oregon Development, Inc. General. Plumbing Electrical Nechar.ica 1. Construction Lender Lise. # Exvire.s Phone It is the responDibility of the pePmit hoLder to see that alZ inDpections are ~ade at the proper tim€~ that e~ch ~eB8 is l'eadab:e f1"Om ths street, and that the permit card is Zocated at the front of the property. ~BuiZding Dividor:. approved FZa~ shatz l~emain on thE Building Sits at all times. PROCSDURE FOn INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALL 126-3169 (rcaorderJ state YOUI' City designated job nwnber, job address, type of in::pea.;.icn requested ar:.d wh:en you win be I"eady for inspection, ContI"actoI"s or Ol.me1"s nc.me end phone number. Requests received befcre 7:00 a':i z.."ill be made the same day, ,requests made afta' 7:00 am r.Jill ba made the next :JOrking day. Rp.~i~p~ Tn~g~~tir.nR O SITE INSPECTION: To be m:zde after excavation, but pM-or tc set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC.' '- & , MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is ~overed. ~ FOOTING & FOUNDATION: I To be rrade after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but: prior to POUM-ng ccncret.;. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. ,C;gwF"f?_ ~~ DRAINAGE: To be rrade Prior to fi l- .li.r.g trenches. ~ ii, ~ UNDERPLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instalZation" of 11001" insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or deaki"f; , R()lIGH Pr,rlMBIlJG,F.T;ECTRTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to. be cOL'ered- .ur.til these inspection~ have beer. made and approved. ' ' FIRE:PLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. \7l FRAMING: Must be requested after AJ approval of rough plwr.bing, talectri- .cal & mechanical. AlZ.i;I'Oofing bracing d chimneys, etc. must be ;'completed. No work is. to be con- ,,~-cealed until this inspection has 'bG~n made and app1'Oved~ i~ [] :=J Your Ci ty DefJigr.atcd Job Number Is: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insul.::.ti:m w.d " required vapor barriers are in place " . but before any lath, gypswn board or wall covering is app'Zied, and before 'any insulation is concealed. " D ,DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after all drywall is in place, . but prior to any taping. O ~SONRY: s;~el location, bona beams, grou,A.ng or verticals in accordance lJith U. B, C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccrrrpZeted. <i?cs ()~ ( n :\ DEUOLITION OR :~,'OVE!I BUILDIilGS ~ Sani tary 86'.Jer :Japped :::t v:.op&r"t':i lir:e ==:J Septic tank p~~ed and fille~ with gra~el :J Pinal - rlhen above ite..ns are ccrrrpleted and when demolition is complete or struc- ture moved and premises cleaned u.p. "Mobile Hcmes ~ Blocking and Stat-up ~ Plumbing connections scwer and water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~ and plumbing connections nr~st be approved before requesting eZeatrical inB?ectio~ EI Aceesoo,".. Huildf.ng. 544. KE~Ra:. ~ - W$PR:TN>,yJ ~ ~r...c"7' 171 Final - After porcr..es, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are cample:ed. D All project conditions, such: as the installation of street trees, c~~lation of the required landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied bcfore the BUILDING FIl!AL can be raquestad_ "} ~ ... :Xl PIIIAL PLUMlWIG =:J PINAL MECHANICAL =:J PINAL ELECTRICAL =:J ~ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeated efter the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mec~r.ical~In8pection3 have been made and approved. [J U CURB & APPROACH APRON: After foPlTls are erected bu t prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- _of-IVaY~ to be made after all. exaa- vating ccmplete & form liJOrk & sub- base materia l in p Zaae. "'ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBl.E, ADJUST!fEll'!' TO BE f.f,.1DE IlT NO CaST TO CITY Page 1 of 2 D PENCE: When complete -- Provide" gates 01' movable sections through P,U,E, - D . " -' -,I , ~ / I JO B NO, <?S"Q'5to 3 Zona: Lot Sq, Ft(;. S of lot CJl)eI'ag~ g of Stories Total Height Topography SOLAR '~ESS Occupancl/ G. LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac I lITEM SQ. FTG X If.bin ~ :..... I Gc:raae Caroort fi;"'- ~ ACCe880l'1I /4,au. ~ .II..v~~ E' TOTAL VALUE IS.D.c. (vat.ucJ 1.5 :r Bui l.ding Permi t State Surcharge Total Cha.""ges lITEM I Fixtures I Residential (1 bath) I Sani ta:ry Sewer Water Plumbing Pe=i t State Su:rcr.arge Total. Charaes ITEM I Res. Sa. fta. I NeLJ/Extend Cil'cui ts Temporary Service Ete:::trical Permit State SurCharQB Total Charaes lITEM Furnace PTU' S Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I WOodstO"JB I Per>mit Issuance Mechanical Permi t State Su:l'chc:rae '['n'tal Chn'!"nem ~- ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC""l.1~.tll DSfJ03it I Storage I Maintenance I Permit I Total Cha.'PQBS I Curbou; I Sidewalk Fen::e Electrical Label ~1e7":l H Mobi1.e Home TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' -- Pees I I I Z S"~2el Value Page ;:; REQ,- Type/Ccr.st: ... L~COG~ Bedrooms: Ener'Gu Sources Heat Water Yp.atp.'l' Range Firevlace Wood:;tove I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P.L, House Caraqe Access. North East South IWest T;;:;e ., \ Building Value & Pe r m i t This permit in granted on the express condition that the sa'id construction shalt, in azz. respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Spl'ingfield, including the Zoning Crdin.ance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at cny time upon vie.. Zation of any provisions of said Ordinances. It. / ~~.,.~ :$ ,;) 311SS, DO /YV)f;Jp ~ vafl.-<.(... I~S{,.n'( ItL (~'V1~~'~~i-?~~) I flf1MXJV1/~rur'(J..c;,( ....... G?V' -.!---I",.A""" -, ~a.(jL IPlan Ch~ 8' J. SO J .1'61 IVate Paid: ~< .- .AI! I ' IReceipt u:______ ~ ~~.70 IS~ ",. \. ....... f '. _ rl ,,() ~ I NO, 1 FEE I . '. . ,. I~ I I 1 CHARGE' . ISex::> /O.OD /o.~1 ':;:?-<: -I. -/..~I 3'h~ %'l ' 110. FEE CHARGE I NO. I It? ~I> I 1 /0. t>C> I I 2~GbI I ,.8'01 I 2.0 }fOl' FEE I CHARGE I I I l' 1 I I I tOI ITh-~1 I.'. I ..$ t.f73,ItFtI ' '., ,~lu.rJIbing Permit No person ahaZl cons'tru.ct; i~8tal!,~a.l,ter or change any new or existing plumbing or drainage 8YBt~ in whole'or"in part, unless Buch person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe~son may do pZwnbing wOl'k to property which is.01Jned~ leased or operated by the appli- cant, . '. , . Electrical Permit Whsre State LaLJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor~ the electrical portion of this permit shall roOt be val.id until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit , ~~~-... '~~ner. w d:25~as- I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application foY' pel'mit~ and do hereby certify that aU info::mati011 hereon is true and corrcct~ and I further certify that any ar.d all lJOrk perfol":1led shall be done in accor- dance :vith the Ordinances of the City of SpringficZd~ and th~ La'...:s of tha State of Oregon pgr'taining to the work described herein~ and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be 1TU.de of any structura without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further' certify that ~ly contl'a~tors ar~ ~loyees who are in ~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this pY'oject I . gt4--rQ, %k~)fj- Date