HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-12-6 .. RESIDWTIAL'. " APPLICA~/PERMlT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 . Building. Division 726-3753 ' (qjl e~ LoLh/4U-e.t.I ~e .vtA III mrY"A4 Taz wt H l.47,hi<JtN'v LLJr Ln hi4NLJ PrrV-t" J.J.IS<S Ilqq ,u. qr;ruLJ t!f:f..(&j'.eMe, O~, J 'Dats of Application Contractors 4rlrlress General I.lU1'" 0; hn..._ I Plumbing . lJ-t..l-"'t4<. 111echanical ')u/U.Jv/~+- i E~ectrical rla.//Jh M~ ,SuoervO:'sing Elec~'r;lcian /f'd{l-' &M/V1 / It is tits r.8pont:Jj.bil~ty 'of tM permit hold.:' to 868 that an inopBctions aJ'S mads at ths proP4%" timE~ tr.at BaCh ~.88 is readable from ths strsst. and that ths psrnrit 0<U'd is, Zooatsd at ths front of ths propS1'ty, ' ABuilding Divi::um approved 'plan, s.hazz. remain on tha Building Sit$ at all times. PROCEDUREI.FOR INSPElCTION REi.QUElST:CALL 726-3769 IrccordS1'J stats yoU!' City designated job number, job address, typs of inapscticn requested ar.d w!:en you IJin be ready for inepcotionl Contractors or Owners name and phone number. Requssts received before 7:00 a':l fJil.1. bs mad6 the Bamfl day# requssts made aftc:.r 7:00 am rJiU be m:u1e the nat wrki"B day. , lOUl' City Dssigr.ated .rob /lumber Is: ~ I ,() ~ f{ ~ I 'DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINCS Job Location: 114 ASG880,ors Map # Subdivision: CUneI': Address: City: ~J n Addition n Remodsl n Mobile Homo a.c.~~ ...E1't"T'!/,~~4 T'l'1"!Jf'I":':"""! 0: SITE INSPElCTION: To bs "",ds after excavation.. but prior to set up of , . forms. ' O :'UNDElRSLAB PLUMBING. ElLElCTRICAL & , MECHANICAL: To be made before any . work is aovored. . r::-/ ~ING & FOUNDATION; i T~ b. mads ~, ~fter trenches arB excavated and forms are erected.. but prior to ". 'pOuring ccncrBt2., ". r-:-i: UNDlmGROUND PLUMBING. SF:Wf:R, W,1TEI,,!- l1J.DRAINAGE: To be "2:!f~0~ fH- 'lir.g trsnchsso, ~U I\.' . 0,. UNDER/WOR PLU~mING & MECRA~ICAL: ' . .' To be mads prior to inota1.Zat1.on. of :, ftoor i~s~lation or decking. O PosT AND BElAM: To bs mad.' pr-ior to installation of f'Loor insutation or ,decki..., O ROUCH PLllMBING. ELECTRTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No lJOrk is to bo aovered ~ur.til thoBe inspections have beer. made and approved. . D. FIHKPLACE: Prior to plaair.g faoing materials and before framing inspec- tion. O FRANING: Must be requeoted after approval. of rough pllilr.bing.. electri- ,cat & mechanicaZ. Atz. roofing bracing & ahimncys,t eta. must be J',completcd. No tUOl'k is to be cott- ....,...,ceaZed until this inspeotion has ',:bss? made and approved, ,.',-'- Bldrs Board Re~. U/4 ~1fY) 1 is/Cd:.. :L Rcce-:pt fl ; /54c(4 l'Iuine: t,gg-1 /~ 4 7 1../.0 ;)- ~ ~JU Signed: Date: ~- I \ ' ~.xq Zip: . Describe rrol'k: , ~ S'/32 ~ plo\- PVtW c!J7 xL/O rCV J~ .:d y~s ~,,~ \'1> , Exoires P~nJlP 'R9..;. t. 7~ - , .{pI; Ii r?l 9Z Va'LuQ (0 J av .'. ,LiRc- II l/Cf j/; <. J,VJVl<d,.... t../ ~ 1'1 2, JT 5"':2l.f /'7 O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIElR IIlSPElCTION: To be rrruie after all inBuZatiDn and ',":" '.< .required vapor barriers are in place '.. ',r.. '~ but befol'B any lath, gypsum board or '. wll covering is applied, and bsfore :'.~Y inaulation is concealed. \ " ,~ - 0 DRlWAL. L INSPECTION: Tc bs mads , after a~Z. drywaU is in place, '. but prior to any taping. . . , O MASONRY: Steel. location, boiul beamD, grouting 01' verticaZs in accoztdance Lrith V.B.C. Section 2410. , 0 WOODSTOVEI: Aftsr installation is complstcd, . . O CURB & APPROACR AP!/ON: Afts:- fo,,",s are ereoted bu t prior to pouring ,:: ,concrete. '~DEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For azz. ~on- ~ c~ete paving within street right- ,'. pf-ux:.y, to be made after aU e:cca- , vating ccmp1.ete & form Wl'k & cub- , base material. in plaae. O PENCE: When compl~te -- Provide. gates or movable 86ctions through ,P.U.EI, . -. 0' ~lJl 00 0 t' 3 t/t/ -.I. '\llr) ,/ ~ Sani:ary seuel' :::apped a.t p:...opc;rt'~ 'Lir:e :J Septia tank pumped and Ii lle~ Lri th 31'a~e Z :J Final - rVhen above items are ccmpleted ar~ when demolition is complete or Btru~- ture mOlJed and pP::nrtS6S ~leaned up. Mobile Hcmes ~oaking and Sat-up QYlwnhing co~nections -- saJer and lJater --, ElectPical Connection - B1.ocking~ set-up ~ plumbing connections ,",..at ce approved before pequBsting elec~rical inspec~io~ ~ Acaessol'"',i aui '[,ding -:I ~. Aftar p:Jpches~ Bkirting~ decks~ ~tc. are completed. o All ppoject conditions~ ouch as the instalLation of stpeet trees, c~~lotion of the pequil'Bd landsccpi,..g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied befors tJ-,Q BUILDING FINAL ean be requested. ,----...,./;INA~ BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeoted after the Pinal PLwnbi"3 o ~lectrical~ and Mechanical Inspectiorw havo been made and appl"oved. o FI/IAL PLUMBING o FINAL MElCHANICAL o FINAL ELFlCTRICAL o 'ALL MANROLElS AND CLFlANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLEI, ADJUST/fEINT TO BEl MADEl AT /10 COST TO CITl I Page 1 of 2 L-COG~ JOB NO q t I Zona: >=t ~~ '--' ' Lot Sq, Ft(;, ~ of lot Coverag' fI of Stories Total Height Topogrophy ~OLAR ACCESS ~EQ.- Oa(!Upancy Gl'OUA" , '") LOT TYPE '. I Lot Faces I I P.L, INorth lEast ISouth IWest ~ Bedrooms: ,-"':" F:nsrq)/ SOUl'ces ,-/ r 0' T"08 Heat "L.-/ Access. 10" wate1'" Iltmtp.1' -? JIi1.nge I 1- Fil'eolace I Wood:; tove II Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac I lITEM IMain x Va lUB SQ,FTG Cernae Carool"t ACCeS801'U /74\')C'<'" , I lVe,uel/tiYfl,f)( ) IOI"1{0.151' !lei,S) 1.4'1< ~() R.5l .' 11~~w I 1.lJ1 ) 00 is,QO ,.:1)0,00 11 () /-A..d. 1~.~U I'Jd,SQ . CHARGE I l~aJ TOTAL VALUE IS,D.C, 1.5 x Building Permit State Surcharge Total Cha.....ges lITEM 1 Fio:turoe rn N IResidential (1 beth) I Sani tary Sewer' , NO.' FEE Watsl' ~~JII Plumbing Pem t State Su:rcr..a1'tJ8 Total C1ra.l'OeB I ITEM I NO, I kes ,...Bo._ f.to..- \<l-t-\ I Nat.J/Extend Circuits I I I I I I FEE Temporary ~ervice r: 0 Q..d to -L) Ele~t1'ical permit State Su:r~ha.rae Total Cr.lU'qes rs qu ':),( ) ,CD (,SO I ~(Si) I. lITEM . . NO. FEE CHARGE Pla"nace ETU'S Exhaust Hood. I Vent Fan I JlOodstove Permi t Issuance Me~hanical Per>rni t State Surchazoae n/oJ Total C1Y:rraes -- ENCROACHMENT -- SSCUM.ttl D8r>Osit Storage I Maint~e Permit " 1lf\/rt.J (\!(U 1 \~ .s:.~ I --I Total CharoQcs eurbcu.~ ISidelMlk h'1' I Fence I Electrical Label I Mobi le, Home, I ~ f)~1o "- \JM I - ~""CR) 'TOTAL A/.fOUNT DUE:" '()L/. /;1,') 'I ~ ,iJ<) S.r'l ~ -611 .'53 Type/Cor-st: Setbacks House. Caraqe Fees Building Value, & 'Permit This permit in granted on the e%prsss condition that tha sdid construction shall, in all respects, conform to the O'rdinance adopted by the City of Spr1.71f/field, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the constru.ction and use of buildings, and m:zy be suapended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any pl'ovisions of sa~d Ordinances. Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Receipt #: I Signed: nliJ I ..--- Plumbing ../ /" Permit No pel'con ahall construct, install, alter 01' change any neu 01' existing plwnbing 01' drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plwnbing wol'k to property which is owned, leased 01' operated by the appli- cant, Electrical Permi t Where State LaJ.J requires that the electrical woJ"k be done by an Electrical Controctor, the electrical pOJ"tion of this peI'ttfit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical ContractoJ". Mechanical Permit . j~l@ c~~~v ,Q,~,~q l.ilE:e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for pennit, and da heJ"eby certify that aU infoI'mation hereon is true and cOJ"J"cct, and I further certify that any ar.d azz. work perfor:ned shall be done in accor- dance ,nth ths Ol'dinanaes of the City of Springfield, and th, L<r~s of the .. State of OJ"egon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO occu- PANCY will be nr:zde of any structura tJithout permission of the Building Di- vision. I further CB1'tify that cmty controctOl'S and e:rrployses who are in canpliance with ORS 701.055 win be used on this project , y s:1~l\O t2d ffit~ j b2. -10 -R9 Date