HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-12-6 .. RESIDilWTlAl.. " APPLICATB/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 ,.Jew,,,. Building Division 726-3753 - " ',. " .-'-~ S....,.,,/J f?-fr; ~ Rcce~pt fI Job Loca.tion: "7'1.:1.., Lot.. h'lv<,v Dl"1 /I~ ,)lfA"I7-D3-1..1-Z 4- Ta:r Lot # >> 0'7'760 Lot I' ASD6S001'S Map /I Subdivision: Lochaven OmSI': Lochaven Partners Acft:boess: 1199 N. Terry Street City: l4'l1opnp OR Block :L.' Phone: 688-6699 )\?:J (1')0 Zip: 97402 , ' Describe rl'ork: ,Lj (l/ U"'CII., n Addition Concrete Stringers r--l Remodel Accessory: See Plot Plan, n Habite Homo ~obile Home, Set up , i~-I-U Date of Applicaticn ::':ontl'actors General Ernie & Sons' PlwnbingCorwins Plumbing i. Electzoical Ralph Brown I M.c~ic~l Emerald EXcavating, Conatrut2ti07l LcMtt'l' ' _ ....,a,'. ' J?rlo " ' 'D " Value:-" '/;;'9o'~' G0 12--/0 -ff' HOME Value Siqr.ed: Date: \<::>,q5l.qt9 Addres3 Lise. II E.1:I2irCB Phone 4990 Morely Lp. Eugene, 41497 2-2-89 688-8864 3677 Garden 2393JP 747-2500 ' 1230 "'. 28th 20-213C/945S 344-1:>UU Inc. 4250 "'. 5th Ave 345-1505 It ia t1uJ respon.Di-bility of ths permit holde-r to 8e8 that all inopectiona CU'8 r.;ads at the proper time.. that each .:ddres8 is readaDZE from tluJ etreet, and that the pCl'll!it card ie located at the front of the property, -!Jui!ding l>i.vi:ior. approved plan shatz remain on tha Buildin.g Sit;; at all times. PROCEDUP.E FOR INSPECTION k~"UEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desig'lUlted job nur::ber~ job ad.CxSB~ type of in3pec;icn raqucstcd a!'".d when you wiZ.Z. be ready for inspection, Contractors 01' Ot.me:'s name end ;;hor.e numbcr. Requests l'ece~ved before 7:00 a':'f :.."iZZ be rmde thE; same day, requests made afte.r 7:00 CC1l r.ril.Z be mde the nczt ':.XJrking day. 881070 _ P~.'''::-.=~-t T".f':''''('~''~-:':''': o o SITE IllSPEC':'ION: To be made after e.::cavation~ but proior to se; up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHA,'lICAL: To be made before any work is aovcrBd. fVl 'F'OOTI;?? FOUNDAT~ To be made ~ after trenches are e.::eavated and forms arB 8reated~ but prior to pouring ccncret., ?O '/ ')v 71 UND<:RG!/OU.'!D PLUMBING. SF:WER. W.4TER, l!::...J DRAINAGE: To b8 made' prior to fil- Ur.g trencMs. o UNDE,9FLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To b8 made prior to instalLation of floor inBuZation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prier to instal.l.atton of fZcor insulation or deoki,,", ROUGH PLlJJ!8I1JG. E~ECTR!CAL & MECH- ANICAL: No lJOrk is to bc cot.-ered ,ur.til thcs8 inspeetions have beer. made and approved. FI.~F:PLACE: Prior to placir,g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. .' . o o o O FRAHINC: Must be requested after approl)at of rough ptwr.bing~ electri- cal , mechaniaal. All. roofing bracing t chimncys~ eta. ,",,,,st be : compteted. /10 wrk is to be CGn- ,'" cealed until this inspection has . bB'~n made and approved. , - "?" . [Xl FIlIAL PLUMBIIIG 0' PINAL MECHANICAL [lJ PINAL ELECTRICAL ,0 ,-,[V) o Your City Deoigr.atcd Job Nwnb€r 18: D INSULATr" ON/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be mae after al1. insulati:Jnw.d .. required vapor barriers ar'e in p l.aae but before any lath, gypsum board o!, LXI'LZ covering is applied, and before any inDu.lation is concealed. . I DE,':OLITIO!! OR ;~:OVE; BUILDljlCS =:J Sanitary Sfl'..}Br ::apped at ~opcrt:t' Ii-r.s ~ Septic tank p'.qe~ and filla~ LJith ara:Jel I Final - When abovs items are cc:rrplsted ---1 and when d~lition is complete 01' Btru~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all dryLJall is in place~ but prior to any taping. . O MASONRY: Steel location~ boTuI beams~ grouting or verticals in accol'dance fJith .V. B. C. Section 2415, D WOODSTOVE: After iMta/lation is/-1J :xl Blocking and Set-up completed, ~T" "? ~ KJ Plwnb,ng connect.one, -- eower and IJCZ;er O CURB & APPROACH APRON: Alte;- 10mB L"J ~ Electrical Ccnn,otion - Blocking, Bet-up. are orected but prior to pouring J -6..J and plumbing connections ,",...at 1;B approT.'sd C011arete. QO ~ I befol'c requesting electrical inspec=io~ I ,/~DEWALK & DRIl'EWAY: For all con- \;'l , , crete paving within street right- ~ \ .L:.'lJ Accessol"',:1' Bud,d-:.ng of-lJC.y, to be made afteI' an ezca- , vating c~let~ & [om! wrk & sub~ (" ~ Final _ Aftcr pOl'c1:e8~ 8kirting~ decks~ 'base mateM-al, '" p~,e. , 6) LSJ etc. are completed. w/r#-0'':;'" ~~ , . 6>r- ~.::::.c,<-'.P~4C'~ Nobile HcmeB O PENCE: When compl~te -- Provide gates 01' movable sections thpougr. P.U,E, ' Q1h-ed 4r-ee-. ,ll~ , 'I r'\S\- 0-. \ \0-.. t if'. o All project conditions~ ouch as the instaLtation of street trees~ c~~Lotion of the required landsacpir.u. ,cta., "",at be aaeisf.ad befare the BUIWING FINAL aan be rsquesc.d. FINAl; BUILDING: The Final Buildin.g Inspection must ba 'f'8queoted alte'f' the Pinal Plwnbing Electrical, and Mechar.ical InspectiontJ hal.la been made and approl)2d. -ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS /lUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT TO BE J.~"DE AT 110 COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 ,-...., ,'"-j,- :;,'.... ~ ~OB NO. ~ )0'70 I Zona: L1:rl.- Lot Sq, Ft;;, ~o S ,f lot Coverag. '?~ 0 .,f of Stories / Total Hsight Topogrophy I JIToN I Main I Cc:raae I Caroort I ACCC8801'U I /ii Y7n=.- " I Is.o,o, ..:..;~c .. ,l i i I I i i I L-COG-o:. SOLAR ~CESS REQ,- . Occuoanctl G.:/Y?~7'1//~ r~~""""-~ T=jDe/Cor.st: LUT TYPE I Lot 'Facee - C:::;,;,.,-". T;<';l ,I Setha;;ks P.L. House Caraoe Access. North </9; i East Sou th ,West Bedroor.:s: I En31'mJ Sources I Heat I I Water Hp.atpr I I Range I I Fi rep lace I I Wood:; tove II Tll'Oe o--:<~ SQ, FTG ~p ?7' Sui l.ding Perrrri. t I I I I I' I TOTAL VAWE I/:<>q,??"""'I-u 1,5 r f""/~"7:ff1'7_ -I ::?3'''7',S~ j~"")."?- I :::?::?- ~ I /./01 '2'3'./0 " I I 7"::::>,'-' I /5: c>-, I 1 -::2 6>. c-,> I I 7~. """"-I-<;r I ,?sol",\ I 79>s-d, FEE I State SUrahaJ'ge Total Cho..-gea I ITEN I NO. I I "-;"'n,... .I/,.-4,,//,> ~I I ReeidentidZ: (1 bath) 1 I Sanital'!/ S"",er I I I I Wete" II I ;:)7PP~ ;zhA..,0.6:4 Plwnbing Pe=i t State SW"cr.arge Total. Charaes lITEM 1 Res. Sa. fta. I N;;uIE::r:tend Cireui ts ~s-~. Service ".!;C_/f'vP rO'J I I 1/1 Iii EZe:!tl"ica l Permit State SUrcharoe Total ChazoC6S IITSM I FW"n:zce ETU' S I F.:rhaust Hood. I Vent Fan I WOOdStOV8 i 110,/ 1 I I I 1 I I I FEE Perrrrit Issuance Mechanica l Pem t StatlJ Surcha:rae tpf'Jtt'1l ChtrroalUl -- ENCROACHMENT -- SlJCO..ln."t1J Deoosit Storage I Main tenan.:!6 I Permit Total.. Cha:rqCB I Ourbcu; I Sidewalk I FCn:!e 661' I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' q) L Interior Corner Panhandle '5""' /~ Cul-de-sac /'.:5 1/5/ I I S' Fees x Value Building Value &. Permit This pernr~t i3 granted on the express condition that ths said construction 'shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZud~ng the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be sUlJperuied or revoked at c.r.y timo' upon vie. lation of any provisions of said Ordir~es. (- Iplan Check Fee: /~,. ao Date Paid: /C2. - ;;LJ IRecdpt #: /OL8c./-S. ISig>:ed: d. ,g:<,~_ Permit FEE I CHARGE' i---LC'-'" I No pereon ohall construct, instalZ, alter or change any new or e::isting plumbing or drainage system in ~hole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e:r:cept that a pe:"son may do plW':fbing work to property which is owned, lBased or opB'rated by th. appli- cant. ' Plumbing i I ,.1 I I I 6""'Z'>1 ~5:=1 , I "5'C:' ......._~ /St? -1)).- -?/.so, CHARGE Electrical . Permit Where State LalJ'requires tr.at the electrical oork be done by an Ete~t'!'icat Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shalt not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. , \ Cl/ARCE: I I Permit Mechanical {0~ , . ,-{,vI \ S:;J!V'I ,j () . '} VI. t1 I .? '/ \I'J . ~~ Btq;J< E::anrz..ner I' ./' /7- ,<,-ES'Ei: """e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAJ.fINED the completed application for pemt, and do ,hereby certify that all info~tion hereon is true and cOl'rcct, and I f'..lrther certify that any ar.d aU IJOrk perfor.ned shall be. do:1.8 in ac~or- dance :.lith tha Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th;: La-..;s of tho ~ State of Oreg~n pertaining to the ~rk described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rode of any structure without parmission. of the Building Oi- l vision. I furthcr certify that only contractors ar~ empLoyees who are in 1\1) c~pliance with CRS 701.055 will be used on this project I I . ;;;:5: -=1-/1 ,(. ./~ ~'Lm~ I), -0-~ Sign2d Date