HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-3-8 ~V' .. RESlbENTlAL ,. COMBINATION .APPLICATION/PEP.MIT 225 North 5th Street Spri11{Jfie7.d, Oregpn 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 '~ _-'ob we.ticn: lQ~O \ rwlQut~.___~ _ ~SDSSDON Hap * I!l^ -=s /:J. ') ~ 4.: . ~_ T"'; wt' I~ SkbdiviDion:~JnI;f/l "dil If} i1f-3 . .,' J' I ,. J ' . OJno,,&r(1 f]IJ I Jf 11 -I \ Jh 11 h1 p j) .)' . Addr...: IIC/ q n T_Q \rrl J ~ t- ,Phons: In Kf\ 4/ f '?I City: FJ Jc1 {J n Q (U/I. j 0 Zip: q tJ1{)/l G MNhW n Additicn. eL' ... . .... n Ramo;!,t ,'., J . . '. . n ."fobild "om~,,: ',". '.' Oats of APPticationrY: ,1.A,Cfj' )/1 JI U c.;ontractol"s,r) C,nel'al A 'J J Plumbing Electrical ,',I{1char.ic::.1 SUDervisino~E~ectrician Descl'ib. M'ork: Vatuo 'tPt-:.jj"J...,. Add:r1l83 .-, Rcce~pt II ~ lQ440ct (q410 . Si.qr.ed: Date: ~IDJ .'..1." ~..vj I Li,sc.N Expil"es Phone It is ~hs r8oponoibit.ity of ths permit holdflZ" to Uti that aU inoptlctions are mad, at tlUJ freper tir.Jf~. that l:C.ch .::ddrBSD is rll'ada!:l~" from ths str,.c, and that ,thIJ p01"mit card is l.?cated at th. frent of the property. .suit.di."1fI Di.lJicior: api'l'OVed Flan shqU .remain on tM Building SitlZ at aU timu. . PR=DU.~e FOR INSpeCTION R!:.oueST: Cat! n6c:t7~9 c...ccor<1sr! stats your city assignatsd job _.bor. jab 04drcss, typo of i""pocticn raqucstBd ar.d ",,Io.sn you u.:u bs readv for inspcrction, Contractol"s "I" a.m..rs nQI'Ie and phoJUI numba. .f?e<l'"sts recei;,,'fld bs/cre 7:00 a':'l &,.'..:z.L btl mads the same dJ:YI ....qu:.st~ ~ ~ftQ' 7:00 ~ ~ll b. nnds ths nat' :Jerkin.; day. a () . ".1ourCitv, Dosignatsd Job Numb... Is: f I / Cf) R~auir~d T"~~~~ti1~~ . 0: SIT~ INSI'EC':'ION: To b. tmt.U aftBl" BZCalJolti.:ln, but pric;r tc ..: up of . forms. '0 ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING., eLECTRICAl. & . MECHMIICAG: To bB mad. beford any work i8 '::ol1or.d. .~ FOOTING I FOUNDATICII, . To b, rmd. after trenches arB ucatJatsd and forms artl erected, but prior to pouring ccncrB~.. o U.\'DERCROU!!D PLUM!1ING. SEWER. W.1TE,Q,' DRAIflACE:: To btl nr:J.::1. pricr to fiL- l. i.r.g tI"Bnch.s. o ur1DF:.~FWOR PWmJING ~ f.lF.CHANICAG~ To bo mad. prior .to i.nataLLati.on of {loor in8ulatio~ or detJ_king. O POST AND BeAU: To bs nouU: prior to in.::l'taLl..:tion of fleor insu14tion or dooking . O liQPQIf PLu.'~Bl.'lG, ELECTll!CA!. .t MECY- ANICAG,' No Wl'k. ~s to otJ COl.'erea ur.tiL thtJss inspections haUd besn mads and approve.:'. . . O FIRep~ACe: . Prior .to pT.=ir.g facing , ~teria1.s,~ b~f~l'd,framing inspec- ~t.Cr., :. ' f':7( PRAf~INC: Mu3t bs rdqueotfUi aftel" ~ approllal of rough plwr.bi.ng, dectM.- cat & mechani..:aL. At! roofing braaing ~ ohimncys, st". must bs . complsted. 110 wrk is to b. con-. ceaLed 'until. thiD inspsction has b,sn mads and appl'Oudd. o FI/lAG PGUKBING' D. FINAG Me~HANICAG o FIIIAG' EI.ECTRICAL o ~ O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To btl mads after aLL insutati.m <.rid raqui.l'8d uapor barri.rs Gr. in p14cs but 1:sfors any lath, gypsum board or wtL colJering is appl.isd, and btlforlJ' ally. inou14tion i.s concealed. f':7( DRIWALL II/SpeCTION: To bs rmds ~ afts:I' at! drywt! is in plac., but prior to any ta.ping. O MASONny: Stdel location, bo1cd , bflQ11lO. groutittg 01" lJ.srti.cals i~ acCOJ"dancd with U.B.C. Sdction 2415. D - WOODSTO'lE:. After installation is ccmpLet€d., . O CURB & APPROACH AP.~N: Afte~ .forms . are oraated but pM..-Cr to pout"'l.ttg ~n.:l'Bt.. D SIDewALK & DHIVewAY: For aLt eon- crots pavi.ng L1i.thin 8 tl'ef'lt right- of-wey. to be mads aftdr alL e:rea.. vating cc:mptsts"l fom-work & cub- , . base material. 1:n i'.ta::tI. o :'ENCE:' ~'hsr: compl.te -- ProVidd gatB8 or moVablB sBctions through p.u.e. DrJ.Vi.ITIO:J OR ,v.ot7' 3UIr.::.1CS l o :J' Sani.~ 8aJll!' ~crpBi ::t P:.OP~:ot-i Zir:4 =:J Septi.:J tank p:..,rqu:d ar..;. fiLi..ad :.ri~h ;ra;uL :J Final - .t'hBn cixve it:.~ are c:;r.rpl8ted . ar~ when demc~itior: i4 CDm?ltlti or struc- turs molJfld ar.d i'1'cm.3.S :;"eanll~ up. I HobiLs Nemes I \ =:J Btocking and S.t-,p =:J Plwrrbing conn.cti:ms .- scusr C31d lJater --, EI(:ctricc:.l. Ccnnf1ction - 81ockir-3, set-up ~ and pLumbing conr..ctions ~":'3t ;. tI??l"OJ:fld btlforc rdqu4sting eLtI.::riaat. :.r.syscti.o:t =:J AaCBBGOl"'.1' Bui:di.~ :J F~t - I.ft.r .?Ol'Cf:fla, sk-f.rt-f."{!. decks, Il'tc. are ccmp:.~t~a. o AU proj6ct conditions. Buch as .tluJ installation of 8~.,t trSf1a, cC.':'7pl.:Jtwn of :it# rsquiJ"fld Land~ct:pi.r.g, Gta., muDt b. satisfiod bofore ths BI!IWI::C FI,"!AL .Jan ;8 J"3qufl8~.:ld. lINA!. BUILDINe: The Final. Buil.ding Inspsotion must bD I"equeottld aft.r tite Final nwr.bi~ Etllctricat, and IIdchanicat Inopeoti.ono ltaVO bBen mad. and appl'OlJad. . 'ALL IUlNHCI.ES AND CI.EANCIITS "UST Be AccesSIBLe. AD.lUSTIIENT TO Bf H/lDE AT NO COS;: TO CIT1 I F;is ! of : 'll .1 IJOb Nwnbcr: Gf 10/30 Izonc: . U )JL.. ILot Sq. Ftg. I' ~ of lot Covero.g. N of Storiee .Total Height , !Topography I IITDI Inri" Occuoancy Craun: . 1\..\ \ 1 L-COC #: Refcrer.C6 Numbers: Panhandle Cut-de-sac F:ast South IWeet Twne/Cor.et: V ~ Bedroome: II Enernu Sources I Heat ACCBss. I I Watsr .flp.ntp.r I I Range I I Fire. lace 1 I Wood3tove ~ I T1!1'JO lDI' TYPE Intez-ior Corns,. I Lot Facee - Setbaeks P.L. House Garage North I 8::)lo '1j..IO 4131.lti I se.FTG GaIooatl CaJ'"DOr't I ACCBS80MJ I I Is.D.C. TOTAL VALUE (oo'ue) I.S z ' . Building pBJOmi,t Statll Sul'charge Total Charge. lITEM IFutures I Reaidantial (1 bath! I Sani ta.~ Sew,. Watel' plwnbing pem t Stats Surc1-.arge Total Char-aos ..- Fees -." Va tUB Building Value & Permit x This permit io granted on the "prsss condition that tM said constl"Uotion' 8hal.l.~ in aU' respeots, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield~ including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the oonstl'"Ucticn and uoe of buildings, and m:lY be Buspendsd 01' revoked at any tUns upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. 1:] dl.ltQ I 17 I. al, ,,~<.rJ.!:'f) i cY,5:'1.1 ,03.031- I Plan Check Fee: IVat. Paid: IReoeipt #: I Signed: <~.K.-~ I I II , , NO. FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit No perBon ohaU construct" inatan" alter or changs any n~ a1" existing plumbing or drainage system in'whoZe or in part" unlsss such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's HOBnoB, ezeept that a person may do plumbing work to property f1Jhich is cn.med, ZB0.8ed or operatBd by the appti- '.~t. \ - Electrical Permi t , , " L 'lQ.~gnn _. I - ". -- ENcRCi'Aciiii'E.YT -- I SSa'.J.M. tll Dzoosi t ISto1"C1Qs I M1.intena~e I pcmnt CUJ'tbcut I sideLUlk 1.~en:Js I ElBctM.Ca l Labs Z. I'HoAi,le Home ~ ,0\1\1\ ~~ I'.. \) I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' --({Pip I ITDI I Res. So. ftn, I NIZlJ/E:ctend Circui te I Tempol'ax-y SSJ"1JiOB I Ele::t"cal Permit State SW'a~B Total Chal'(;BB lITEM I ."UMt':lCl! ETU' 5 I E%~8 ~ Hood I Vent Fan IlIoodstovB plJl'mit I3suanca He::hanic:: Z. Pe1'rt'li t Stato Surcha1'OS Total Charace NO. FEE CHARGE' Where State LarJ requires that the electrical fJOZ'k be done by an ElBctncal Contractor', tM electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has bS6n signed by the Electrical Contractor. . I I. - NO. FEE CHARCE Mech:anical Permit I I I- I. I I I I I - .I 4~/YV- Ix/f/ ~/.,. / I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED tho oompleted applioation for pomt, and do hfJreby certify that all infort1rJtion hereon is tzoue and oorreot, and I further certify that any and aU work perfo1":nsd shaU be done in OCOOl'- dan<:e r.Jith the Ordinanoee of tho City of Springfi./d, and tha LmJe of tha State of Dreg"n p~rtaining to the wrk described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY 1I1il1. be ttrJde of any struotura L1ithout pannission of the Building Di- vision. I further oertify that only contractors and e:npt"yees who are in oanplianoe L1ith ORS 701.055 L1ilt be used on this projeot '. t-'J:-J .~5 ,/J ,"/)Jr~)~ +- €35 Ei.h - I~igned .2Ihf/9 I Vate